(2011/08) Aug 2011

BDQ, yup, ur tummy looks small compared to mine... my friends commented that i look like i will deliver anytime (not 3 months later) *haha*

for this #2, i also like to eat more junk food :p fish n chip, burgers etc...

pipi, wish u speedy recovery! my #1 was down with fever, cough, running nose over the weekend -- m so tired taking care of her!


GSS starts already..

time to chong!!!

hv to check the list now..

chong arh.. time to save more $ during GSS [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also fell sick last week, thought i can enjoy my work while my boss is on leave but too bad.. i couldnt take it anymore..

diarrhea was killing me, went to GP.. say loose stool many times is quite unusual for preggie.. prescribed me some safe medication to stop the diarrhea and suggest me to count bb kicking.. if the medication cant stop the bad diarrhea.. i will hv to go KKH..

i was thinking KKH also may not help coz last visit gynae didnt say anything but adv me unless got fever then hv to admit to hospital immediately..

i still hv loose stool on and off but not as bad as last week.. i m quite scare to go out now.. scare hv to rush to toilet

cutie: We are opp. I have constipation since Fri...finally something came out today. I didn't eat much these few days so output also v little.

But I read (babycentre) I need to eat more cos starting now, bb will absorb all the nutrients for brain development, bone development. If I dun eat, bb will take mine....SO I gotto force myself to eat/drink more milk.

I can't cheong for GSS nw cos I am still sick. But will try to cheong for it when I recover.

Pipi, so sorry to hear you are ill. Actually I'm not too good either. Till nite time, I will have blocked nose. Don't know why. Just feel very tired all the time. If no air con, i will sweat till my whole tops wet. If i in air con room, I will have to use mouth to breath.

I don't know where my energy goes to. I used to be very active and can't sit "diam diam" de. Now, whenever got chance, I will sit or lie down. Morning time, I will have running nose. So, i don't know if I flu or just sensitive nose. Hope the flu bug is not attacking me again as I have just recovered on 1 April. I was precribed by my gynae a kind of cough syrup which does not affect bb. It was so effective that I drink 3 times, and my cough stopped. I cough till urine came out, and feel baby head is coming out. You can imagine the force when I cough, and sometime food also come out. So, if you want the cough syrup name, I can copy for you later when go back. If you don't mind, I can pass you mine also, coz i bought at 20++ from Mt E pharmacy, only drink 3 times, but i use the spoon, so no direct contact with the bottle. So, you can feel free to try for the effectiveness since we stay so near!

Bb also starts to kick every morning at 3am and 6am. Don't know if by purpose or coincidence. I'm too tired to entertain her, so i just twist and sleep, though sometime i will wake up and to drink bird nest. My friend said may be low sugar. Or she is training me to wake up for nite feed. Was thinking if she yield and cry after she is out, I can't ignore her anymore. Then with sleep deprive, I sure bad tempered... how how how??? **Worried**

Nowadays, after standing (esp iron clothes) or walk in and out from kitchen to room or sweep floor, the bottom of my feet are soooooooo sore! Then nite time, always cramps till i shout for help. Sigh! I'm just in wk 27. EDD 25 Aug. 3 more months to go. *grin grin*

Adv_Sports, ya, I didn't expect you to be Aug mummy ler when I saw you, thought you are Jun mummy instead. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But may be you can get seat in MRT. I still can't get a seat in MRT or ppl just ignoring me! ~_~ I'm 69 kgs now, increased 5.5 kgs from my pre-preg weight. Bb last scan was 500 gm. Not sure this Fri... awaiting to see my little bunny agani. @_@

Another prob... when I go out, i always feel i want to pee. When go toilet, sometime a little of urine only. Sometime a lot. So, I don't know when is real when is fake signal. So headache! So, now go out, i will pee first. Then, reach a place, sure look for toilet. May be less than 1 hr, I have to go once. If at home, can go like 3 times in an hour. I don't know how to sustain like this if continue to be like this till later stage! **scratch head**

Anyone like me? Or only me?

hi BDQ: I am taking cough syrup with this name - METOPHAN. I am coughing less now but still coughing. My mum was saying why my medication not taking effect yet...but I felt it has lessen the usual cough.

I am also v tired, but then it could be b/c I was falling sick and now I am really sick. But overall I do feel more sleepy, even before I fell ill.

BDQ: My mum says that if bb is kicking and active all the time, it's good cos it means bb is healthy. The indon maid, who just arrived a few weeks ago, also said the same thing. Even slight movement is good.

I have been having weak bladder as early as 25 weeks. I will go to the toilet before I depart to a destination, then go to the toilet when I reached the destination, and go to the toilet before I depart the destination. But I drink lots of water.

Josephine: Can drink longan n red dates tea. I have been drinking when I go Ding Tai Fung...so nice.

Actually I came in here cos I suddenly had this strange thought while trying to catch a nap (which I didn't managed to)

Problem: I have been working from home since last Dec 10. Haven't gone back to office at all from then till now. And my office has now moved to MBFC.

Feeling: I suddenly felt that I couldn't detached myself from the bb and cannot cope with going back to work. There is a feeling of 'fear' like that.

I was wondering how experienced mummies cope with going back to work after maternity. Is it an instinct that you need to go back to work, or will you be struggling to go back to work?

Pipi, the cough syrup my gynae prescribed is Dhasedyl - 10ml x 3 times a day. Hope you will recover fully soonest.

I don't mind bb kicks, but as i have to at least wake up at least 3 times at nite to pee, I have lack of sleep. Plus her kicking, my sleep is really not very good. My weak bladder also started from week 25 on wards. This week is week 27 for me. So, I can't imagine if bb press some more on the bladder, then I think i have to wear adult diaper liaw. ~_~

Wah pipi... your job so good ah... can work from home from Dec till now 100%??? wah seh... I can work from home, but only 3 times a week the most. My office in West Coast. So, very far for me. If i take MRT, i will mostly stand all the way to clementi as people just ignoring me. How nice if I can also work from home 100%. Coz I can't work from home 100%, thus have to enrol my gal for infant care. It's a waste of money if i send her on Mon and Wed only. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I also have the same feelings like you. I fear she will have seperation anxiety with me and worry she is not close to the daddy, or daddy can't handle her alone. If not, I can save the infant care cost, leave her to my hb for half a day, i go office report work then come back. At least can save a few more months, rather than start her in infant care from Jan '11 onwards. I also worried I can't leave her out just for even 1 hr for example, coz I just can't hand her to anyone else... Coz i see how my niece / nephew sticks to my sis, ended she has to resign from her work. For me, I can't live without my job coz I need the income to help in family financial, and also to pay for the investment I commited earlier. Plus also, the medical benefits for baby, coz my hubby's company, does not cover much for dependent. How? How? How? Dilemma *sigh*

Hi mommies, I've a almost brand new copy of Gina Ford, The Contented Little Baby, bought from Kino. I've wrapped it nicely in transparent book wrap too. Selling for S$22 with normal postage. Can also meet up at Raffles Place area. Pls email me weeling.chew[at]gmail.com if interested. Thanks!

thanks BDQ, my cough has subsided. Now no more cough but still has nasal sound. I finally feel much much better today...

I think as first time mum, most of us may feel scared that we won't be able to detach bb and us when we want to return to work force. Yesterday I just told my hubby my 'fear'. He told me to think about all the wonderful and nice stuff I can buy for bb when I return to work...and just remembered I hired a maid at SGD450. I just be motivated to go back to work - no matter what!

I guess as first time mothers, sometimes we got this type of 'weird' or 'fearful' thoughts which come and go...thanks for listening to me though. Thank god today I felt much better.

Yeah my company is v.nice to grant me such long leave. Maybe they pity me cos I am already in my 30s and just going to have #1 after trying so long. I'm sure they wont be that nice when I have #2. My friend thinks that my company still need my experience that's why they are so tolerant towards me. But I dun think so cos I have already downloaded from brain to the newbie. They can technically do w/o me. I only come in handy when they are busy and need an extra pair of hands/eyes.

BDQ: I think as long as one parent got a good dependent plan, it's ok.

I think bb will probably be under my company's medical plan cos my hubby cannot be bothered to used or check what his company plan has.

BDQ, Dhasedyl works for me, too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yes, pp usually give up seats for me in the bus/train due to my huge tummy :p

haiz, i am saddened that nowadays youngsters have no moral values -- i see aunties giving up their seat to me(maybe they went through pregnancy themselves and knows how tough it is) when the young ones pretend they din see my tummy...

pipi, good to hear that u r feeling better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

as for detach from bb, i actually welcome the sanity of returning back to work (i like my job and miss the intellectual simulation)... staying at home for 4mths and life revolves ard a baby makes me a yellow face wife... i was taking care of bb alone as a first time mum then and very stressed with breast feedg as my #1 was asking for milk at shorter and shorter interval... when i m back at work, i can express my milk in peace -- at home, bb will protest when i express!

Hi all mtbs , I haven log in for so long as my best friend is getting married in few months time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh dear quite a lot of mummies not feeling well .

For me recently have bad constipation till like my ass going to tear or bleed already oh my god it's really painful ... Will try to drink more water .

Currently I gAined nearly 10kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sacred can't shed away after baby is out ......

Yufeng: I also had constipation since last fri when I was v ill. I dun even have the feeling of shitting and ate v little. Cos I was ill so I din feel hungry at all...On Mon, my poo finally arrived earth! Hahahahaaaaaa...and ended my constipation. But I had alot of fruits and water. I think I drank like 1 cup of prune juice(200ml) on Sunday. You might want to give it a try.

Yufeng: The 10 kg consists of many things...not just FATS in our body. Dun worry, sure can shed one.

Yeah, weather is v bad and alot of ppl is falling ill. Just to share with you guys that when pregnant women fall sick, it takes longer to recover. So we must really take good care not to fall sick....

Pipi, good to know that your cough has subsided and get much better. I'm 33 this year, #1 too, didn't seem the company be so nice to me ler...my ex-colleague, 40 this year and having #1, also not so nice to her... so, yours is considered very lucky and blessed le. ;)

My hb's company's medical benefits not very good. Like only $500 per year. Easily exhausted. THis include dental. I have to even cover him under my company's medical. So, i must hang on to this job. bo pian de.

Adv_sports, I think i prefer to stay at home entertain my bb. I love staying at home, but coz of financial and better future for bb, I have no choice but have to work. So, I enrolled her to an infant care near my place since it's so full over here. I went for 5th center and only this center allow me to enrol and waitlist. The rest, didn't even let me wait list.

I hope this thread will become more active like last time before we move to FB secret group. Prefer this thread as it's sequential, not like FB which move all upside down or too fast for me to catch after my work at nite.

Yufeng, I also scare i can't shed off my extra weight, coz i'm considered the fat type before i even pregnant. So, I see my butt is so huge now. So demoralizing ler...

Today is my full 6th months, stepping into the 7th month. It's the third trimester for me... looking to hug my bb gal, but also dilemma that my routine will all be upside down.

BDQ: Yep, FB moves very fast daily. If you miss a thread, you miss it.

SMH is good cos it consolidates all the chat history in here, like some sort of archival system.

Mummysg forum is more organised though, by splitting up the various topics so we need not go and browse thru every single thread. Their 'find function' is also pretty useful.

Yah lah, my company is v.nice to me. That's why I just take whatever they give me (bonus/incre), and will stay on with them. Hard to find good companies these days.

Just breastfeed and you will slim down. Lactation nurse told us during antenatal class. So even if bb cannot suck, die die also musty use pump to suck the BM out. By the way, I always suspected my left nipple is not v clean cos I cannot see any nipple hole. So the other day I soak some bb oil on cotton pad and then put it over my nipple + bra) When I went to take my bathe (half hr later), I use another clean piece of cotton pad to wipe my nipple with shower cream...MY GOD! One chunk of yellowish stuff slide out. Eeekksss...If I dun get rid of this, I think I will have blocked duct man!! But must be careful not to stimulate your nipple too much cos your tummy might get this contraction feeling (light one). At least it happened to me. Hee hee.

Clean your nip before bb pops so that your milk wont be blocked. CL and Lactation nurse also said its good to buy cabbage to put in fridge in case you got engorgement. (put over boobs)

hmmm, I like this colour coding by us, cos we can eliminate all the advertisements!!!!

Adv_sports/ Yufeng and rest - you need to choose a diff colour for us to differentiate you. Hee hee

hi hi mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes, FB is moving too fast till i m lost...

BDQ, better to have dual income... hope this infant care that u enrolled will take good care of ur girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

this morning, i juz checked with the principal of my #1's ifc -- juz need to inform them 2 months in advance to make deposit for #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i like the teachers there and the location is ulu hence not so many kids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pipi, yes, i juz remove some clogs from my nipple... gotta do it regularly! btw, how to change color coding?? *paiseh*

re: weight gain

so far, i gained 6kg and baby bunny is 1kg... for my #1, i gained 12kg and baby was born at 2.8kg... i hope to keep my total weight gain to 10kg and baby bunny will not grow too big for natural birth -- he is above average oledi!

re: lose weight

if u look after baby urself and breastfeed, will sure loose weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya, FB is moving really fast..

not only the cursor scrolling but my eye balls also scrolling up & down haha..

i found a bbsitter who stay at our blk too but we didnt talk abt the rate..

she is taking care of her grandchildren, maybe want to pass time and looking for side income so yrs back she mentioned she is keen to bbsit..

a nice lady but i m also worry coz she has to send grandchildren to school etc may not able to pay most attention to my young bb + i hv to rush back to bring bb back..

my side is new estate, no infant care..

Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale, do PM or SMS me if you're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Brand New Pigeon Silent Electric Breast Pump


Brand New Safety 1st Deluxe Bath Cradle


Used Medela PISA Faceplate


Brand New Nissen and Baby Carter Rompers


Sorry to interrupt

Selling BN My First Year Infant to Toddler Bathtub at $35

Retail Price $69

Brand New but label has been cut. Never been used.

Collection at Serangoon Central. Please PM if interested.


Hi mummies 

I hv a combi well carry (silver/red color). 5.5kg


Letting go at $160 as I hv another pram at home. 

Condition: 8.5/10 used lightly from Feb2011 till now. 

Pls pm me if keen. Tnx

Self collection at Bedok area

Hi mummies,anyone due in Aug n going for C section?Any recommendations for geomancer/shi fu for choosing auspicious dates?thanks!

hi tunis, finally u come out of silent mode :p

thanks for the tips on color code!

cutie, maybe you can source for ifc near urs or hubby's work place? then u dun hv to rush back home to pick up baby... mine is near my work place... con is that if i m on leave, still hv to drive to work place to drop of baby...

Cutie, ya lo, the FB move so fast. May be I old liaw, so can't get up to that speed. So, i seldom check FB though i know many interesting topic there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Adv_sports, wah, your #1 infant care so nice oh... let your #2 go in anytime. Then less stress for you. Nanny is it charging at $700 to $800 for market rate? I heard not including washing baby's clothes ler, is it true?

If i have milk flow, i don't mind b/fing. Prob is if no milk flow, how to slim down with b/fing ler. I have inverted nipple. So, when i go kiddy palace yesterday, i bought a nipple puller. Cost abt $7.95 before 15% discount bah. Quite good, can really pull the whole nipple out to wash, but a bit painful. I had twice breast lump removal, so, may be some of the milk flow oredi get cut off. Coz i had once cut at the nipple and once at the bottom. So, i really no confidence in b/fing lo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning all MTBs, seems like all of us got an individual colour code to differentiate ourselves from the irritating advertisements!!! Sorry advertisers...we want to discuss our stuff here. Hee hee..

Wen: A few mummies will be going for C-section. If you are in FB, you will know who are going. I think their preferred dates are 1 Aug but dependent on gynae too..

Tunis: Welcome to Aug EDD and happy to see you pop out.

Cutie: Usually new estate hard to find nanny. You can paste those notice at lift lobby to check if there are ppl who are willing to take care of your bb ard your blocks. No choice...new estate got no facilities to help you, you got to help yourself by pasting notice. (but remember to take out once you have enuff choices) I think there will surely be nanny around, just that they dun advertise themselves as nanny.

Adv Sports: Today I read the papers and saw Toy R Us having sale...then there is a section on Baby & Us where they sells all the toys suitable from newborn to 12 mth old. So cute.....and soooo expensive!!! Think this will motivate us to go back to work if we want to buy many many things for bb.

I am suffering from water retention...anyone like me?

Pipi, I also have water retention at my leg and feet. Bottom of feel, sore and cold! At the small calf, they alternate to make me cramp at nite. It's soooo painful! So, everynite, I have to suffer from frequent toilet visit and cramp. 3 more months to endure ler!

Hey mummies, long time didnt cm to forum coz was following the discussion in facebook.

Anyone intend to take AL before edd? Or take ML in advanced? I m thinking of taking 2 wks AL n 1 wk advanced ML. But worry i m too kiasu n wat if bb stay in tummy for more than 40 wks... 1st bb... So really no idea whether bb will b here early or not... Most of the 1st time mummies i know hav their bb delivered earlier. But i heard from

experienced mummies that it depends on individual... Dunno how to plan...

Welcome back Pinkangel!

Hope more will come back to forum to bring more life and interesting topic here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I didn't plan to take early, as I think it's more important to stay longer with baby, so that no need to go back to work so soon! Some of my colleagues actually suggest to take earlier so that can have proper rest before really embark on motherhood journey, which can be really tiring and exhausting. But since I don't know when bb will be out as it's my #1 too, I will only trigger the ML after she is out.

I want to keep as much leave also, so that if I really give birth on 25 Aug, then 16 wks ML should last only till mid Dec. Then I can cover the rest of Dec with AL.

I hope I wouldn't regret for not resting earlier by taking ML earlier. Coz most experience mummy told me, if they were given a choice to choose again, they will at least tkae 1 wk advance to enjoy and relax, like going spa, manicure and padicure, undisturb high tea with friends etc, anf taking nap for eg. So, I think depends on if you have a good support for the baby care after you finish the ML bah. For me, I want to delay the date to send her to infant care. So, I have to save as much leave as possible, delay it as far as possible.

Hi all,

like tunis.. I've been reading this thread since early this year. Have decided to come out of the 'cave' and join all of u.

Am expecting a princess due on 22 Aug and delivering at Mt A.

hi all mtbs and newcomers, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so happy to see the thread moving ... nowadays i cant log into fb account while at work ..

recently i cannot concentrate well at well because my little bunny stretching non stop and i'm feeling sleepy after lunch..

must hang on ... august august quickly come

hello Aug mummies, you might want to use colour code to differentiate yourselves from the advertisers.

I am getting lazier these days...always napping in the afternoon. Recently I started to think that pregnant women do deserve 9 mths of leave cos it's actually v tiring during 3rd trimester. Those of you who are still going to office, working - I take my hats off you. Seriously!!!! Cos I am like a tired cat...aiming at the bed after 2-3pm daily and will wake up at 5pm, take a bathe, laze ard and wait for dinner. Too lazy to move around... I am turning into Garfield soon. Hohoho.

Sometimes I can't catch up with FB if the topics are too exciting. When I am 'lost' I will just come in here to chill. Kekekeke.

Yep my bunny also stretching alot..esp top part of tummy. But today she has been relatively quiet.


My edd is also fall on 25 Aug, me just turn into 33 yest haha..

Hmm.. Personally, I don't agree to take leave early either to sit at home to rest or wait for the time to ripe.. To ppl who hv no backup support, hv to depends our own to take care of kids, can't afford to waste any leave like that.. I m expecting no.2 so can foreseen more leave is required to spare for the kids, I rather spare the leave for raining days... In fact, I plan to take 3mths ML, remaining ML will be utilized as and when is needed... With my no.1 experience, nobody helping us to look aft so I hv to keep many leave as I can...


I found a bbsitter already, just that I want to source for a backup plan in case that bbsitter can't cope coz she never bbsit other bb before except her grandchildren.. This bbsitter is staying at our blk, my no.1 is in Childcare now, in my office so I only hv to rush back to fetch bb next time... DH's work plc is kinda far so i can't really depend on him...

GSS starts Liao, I m going to buy bb items like thermo flask, some stuff in orchard next week.. Must cherish the time wf no.1 now before no.2 comes out haha...

Hi pipi:thks...am due for c section 11-18aug wondering if any mummies got recommendation for fengshui master lor..my placenta is low so bo bian must C sectiom...though i so much wanna hve a go at natural b!Am having post nasal drip now oso coughin at night the moment i lie dwn!just took medicine n gg sleep.my no 1 is sick oso sigh..gd nitey mummies!

Yufeng, I hope Aug don't come ler... U want quick quick come. When bb is inside, easier to manage. Once out, I think nid 3 adult to 1 baby. Saw many such example.

For me, with only myself and hubby who is still under health recovery, will means me alone. PIL only think of full month celeb, rather than worry for my confinement month etc. Sigh!

Pipi, wah, what job you holding ah? Can nap from 2pm to 5pm? Look like your job is really superb!! I didn't nap anymore recently as too busy. Unless I take bus home, then will doze off a while in the bus.

Cutie, I'm 33 this year too, though birthday still few months away. I oso can only depend on myself for the bb care. Mum in Msia and in laws are 66 and 75, oredi said they are old, can't help. So, think worst come to worst is only myself. So worried abt the after birth care! I didn't hire CL, only get my mum over for 1st 3 wks to help while I still in pain. Hope no issue with milk flow and bb cooperate lo!

Wen, get well soon. Wish you speedy recovery!

Wenbao, regarding the fengshui master, I will got o Jing zhi Lonmg @ Kallang. I asked abt the name. It's $88 for baby's chinese name, for good number of storke.

If I were to go for c-sec, I will also get this master to count the date bah. Reasonable charges.

The expensive one will be Yuan Zhong Siew at Chinatown. I went to him few yrs back to calculate my fate before meeting my hubby and when my job is real down. Quite accurate, but tooe expensive. Imagine 7 yrs back, is charging at $388 le. Now dare not ask.

If others got better recommendation, pls share le.

Why your gynae said so soon that you need c-sec? Mine is low, but my gynae still said got chance to move up in months to come. So, I still hope for natural birth.

Which day in Aug u due? I seeing my gynae tomoro morning. Miss my little bunny, been 4 wks since last seen her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will kip u all posted with her weight! ;) gd nite!


where do u stay? Last time me and friends used to visit this fengshui shop at amk hub, ntuc level. They hv another outlet at sembawang shopping ctr. The senior master every yr do the Chinese horoscope talk on tv during cny, u can pm me for contact if keen. They hv standard charges, I dun visit this anymore as i m converting to other religion. The senior master on tv dun cm to shop often as I know, think diff master diff charges too..

Cutie: happy belated birthday[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby dreamy : must think positively [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] aug faster come then we can hug and pamper our bunny . Rather then we feeling them from outside, right?

Pipilili: are you currently working? Envious [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can nap

I'm really very tired and sleepy after lunch... Don't know what to do to perk myself up, are you serious one baby need 3 adults to look after? Then I can't imagine my colleagues who had twins how to manage ? Now I start to worry already ....


My family is in Msia too. Last time I got maid to take care my no.1 and my mom was here to look c. At least, I can hv peace on my mind while at work but now nobody can help. DH's mom rather sit at her home to pass her time, do nothing. I m not gonna beg her anymore.

I hv to ensure I hv amber rest this time during confinement coz 1st time kapo to learn how to take care of bb, made myself tire and now everywhere aching. If getting own parent to help during confinement, must also hv enough rest. ESP if u r taking care ur bb at nite..

Yu feng, actually I oso want to see my bunny gal asap, but in dilema that I can't manage her and my routine. So, just take it when bb is out lo.

Thanks Cutie. Will try to grab as much rest during confinement.

juz chiong taka sales today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bought new beddings n clothes for baby bunny and clothes n toys for #1... hubby was queuing at the cashier and i was still lugging last minute items to him :p

elin, welcome to join us here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BDQ, i dunno the charges for nanny... my IFC is charging $900+/mth(after $600 govt subsidy) -- it does not include diaper, milk powder and washing of clothes... i will pack all the necessity in bag and bring home to wash everyday. initially mths, i will put EBM in the fridge for them to feed baby (top up with FM if needed), then proceed to put homemade food puree for them to feed baby... will only let them feed baby with their food when i think my baby is ready (they will let me know the weekly menu)...

dun be stress abt breastfeeding... u can express out the milk to feed baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pipi, there are so many toys to entertain babies nowadays! yes, need lotsa of $ to buy them *haha*

my water retention is on my upper thigh -- usually by mid day, will feel that my thighs are swollen... for my #1, my feet swell like pig trotter from wk 33+.. to relieve, prop ur feet above ur heart level -- lie down and prop feet on cushion...

yes yes, baby bunny is kicking up a storm in my tummy, too! so distracting to work! but it is a blessing that baby is active [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkangel, like BDQ and cuties, i planned to work till i pop #2 to save on AL and maternity leave... for my #1, i was on hospitalization leave from wk 33-37 (due to early contractions) -- gosh, so bored at home waiting for bb to pop!

cutie, happy belated birthday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] same as you, my hubby's work place is far so i will be doing the fetching of kids to/fro ifc/cc, my work pl and home -- a bit daunting to think of how i can handle two kids at one time... anyway, things will work out later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my #1 is getting unco-operative lately -- think it is combination of T2 stage and sensing arrival of #2... trying to spend more time with her but m getting not so mobile with my huge tummy.. she miss bathing and playing with me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] will try to think of more things to do with her...

have you prepare gifts for #1 and #2 to exchange when they first meet? m still searching for the perfect gift...

Bbdreamy n cutie thks for the reco.erm i am due 24aug but frm last chk gynae says placenta still low iz better for c section.My first was emergency c section ended paying a high cost n hubby cannot go in c.So we decided dun wan take risk just go for planned C lar if not wait laz min emerg C section even pay more!


ya, i heard of the gift exchange thingy. think is quite fun so i m thinking to buy clothes & toys for them to exchange haha..

Thanks for the birthday wishes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya, things will work out. so no point to worry now and i believe we can MAKE IT de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

talk abt the GSS, lately saw taka & OG sales booklet liao. same here, i become so immobile and slow. Easily got backache if standing too long.

may also ask friend to go buying from taka & OG so that i dun hv to rush here and there.


Oh my god, the thread became so alive since last evening....

BDQ: I am working part time from home (3x (0.5)/ week) So in the afternoon I am technically not working and will be so tired that I start to nap. When you say my job is good, I started to think hard if it's really good.

Normal pre-preg days, I am in office by 8.30am, and I leave the office at earliest 8pm. Holidays coverage is rotational basis b/w my colleague and I. Good? This yr all our B/incre(1%) no good. (Last yr, no incre at all cos times were bad) I din complain to my boss about my B/Incre cos I got no negotiation power now. But I did think if I were to work hard after preg, I really want something good next yr else I will resign and work elsewhr. It's really no choice, need to earn as much $$ as possible now to save up during rainy days. (can't imagine if I am being retrenched at 40...what job can I do?) Maybe I think too much..hee hee.

Wow, alot of you are actually going to get feng shui master to find dates/names for bb. Actually for chinese names, we are also going to our usual feng shui master, who doesn't have a shop.

I think if you already have #1, really need to buy 1-2 toys for them when bb arrives so that they know you still love them. I think my friend told her boy that 1 present is from parents, and the other one from #2 mei mei to him. And he very guai, help to take care of mei mei now.

