(2011/08) Aug 2011


I also hv e aftertaste every time after meals, so normally i pop clorets to clear e taste.


I love mee siam also, normally i take e mee siam goreng cos hb complain mee siam very poisonous as in they cooked using e dried prawn nt good to take too much


hello! i'm in my week 11 now! MS is still the same.. but i'm feeling slightly less cold now... been trying to drink more water by adding ribena.. (a little addicted.. now i put more ribena per glass of water >_<)...

i just ate a sandwich with ham inside.. got alittle worried cos cold ham is supposed to be not recommended for pregnant mothers...

>_< i'll just pray hard that the meat i ate is not contaminated.


thank you for your clorets tips. I will ask my dh to buy some back. I am still praying I need not stay in hospital. But I got a feeling my mum wants me to go hospital so that she can do her CNY preparation. Hee..


Have your company announce bonus/increment yet? I am under MC/Hospitalisation leave now so dunno the world outside in what condition. But I read in some forums that they not going to have bonus. OMG! I wish I have at least 1 mth...else I "pok gai", everytime see gynae need $$$.

Hi gals,

Am on mc today... Vomited 2x last nite and just couldn't stomach anything. Felt weak this morm and hubby says take 1 day and rest. Thank god for my mum otherwise don't know how to survive as still have a 16months to take care. Manage to swallow some porridge earlier.

Thinking of using this mc to tell my boss my preg. Worried if I still can keep my job more than having bonus or not...


I think your boss cannot retrenched you if he knows you are pregnant else u can complain to MOM. I remembered in Y2008/9, many ppl were retrenched but pregnant mums are all spared from what I know in my company and friends' companies.


At least you got bonus, I don't even know if I have. I am already at home since mid Nov 10 till now. If boss give me 1 mth, I also happy.

bosses shld understand. not everybody got MS but for those got ms, is really suffering..

lately cant sleep at nite, make me so tired during the day but luckily i manange to grap a nap aft lunch..

water is making me sick, nowadays i only drink red dates wf dried longan tea which also help to keep me warm..


Don't worry so much since you've already eaten it. I do eat ham sandwich too, so long as it's fresh & from a reputable shop, should be ok. But if you are uncomfortable, refrain from eating it next time.

bbPotato & Pipi

I think I'm the one really pok. Just bought a new house so all our savings wiped out. Just now still went to the bank to change some money for ang pao, really super pok now.

good afternoon mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bellering, are u ok?

babydreamy queen, thanks for the "good appetite" dust! hope my appetite will come back soon!

mtbs having bad MS, do take care! hang on for a while more and 1st tri will be over soon! jia you!

my MS is not improving but i m finding ways to curb it...

yesterday, i packed 2 portions of fruits, 5 steamed buns to work -- ate them in interval of 1-2 hours... din puke but not feeling well with the food in the throat feel.

today, i packed 2 portions of fruits, 3 steamed buns to work.. tabao breakfast and ate them in 2 portion... so far so good -- no puke!

gosh, at the rate i m eating, i will be soon get sick of buns! gotta find alternative food soon...

may, sorry to hear abt ur lost and wish u a speedy recovery! take care!

same here, i m also getting sick of some food like lo mai kai..

hb suggested to buy frozen bun to keep at home so that he doesnt need to rush down everynite to hunt food for me..

everyday, other than ms.. i m also busy think of wat food or drink to consume for that day


You know I cannot eat the same food twice consecutively else I will puke. Example: If I eat nuts yest, then I eat nuts today, I will puke. The baby really know how to eat good food and select what to eat. Even when my mum cook the same thing in the afternoon and nite, my nite appetite will drop and the puking feeling will come back. My mother also "buay tahan" me. But guess what, I also"buay tahan" myself. I want to eat, but the one inside dun wan.


Cheerup..gonna have a new nest soon...Ai yah, this yr I also "pok" to give out ang bao plus stay at home. Double whammy! Somemore, the ang bao I bao cannot be too small. (cos of tradition and standard) Min. $10

Mei > thanks... ya.. i think i just worry too much... >_< will try to relax...

pipi > i'm kinda same! but me is within same day cannot eat same thing too much.. if i do, i tend to puke... that's what i found out afew weeks before.. but yest i had the same food for lunch and dinner.. but was ok.. i did try to eat lesser amount for each time and fill my stomach with other food when i'm hungry...

Now I got craving for nasi lemak, the kind wrapped in leaf, simple with the fabulous sambal. OMG, I am so tam jiak!!!

Thanks all mummies! You all are so heart-warming tks so much for checking on me.. Just back from check up n sorry for late response as u all know walk in without prior appt is equivalent to LONG WAIT.

Well gynae unable to tell what exactly cause that one time bleed though done a infection test result shd be out nx week during supposedly my scheduled oscar test.

Good news: doc also did an u/s scan and saw bb - hubby n i saw the bb today at 11wk we're so amazed at bb's size!! even came to doc's surprise n my gynae keeps saying wow so big now it shd be arnd 5cm n according to ur progress both the position n size so healthy n heartbeat's going strong!! That was like the most assuring words i've got since the spotting i must say i almost tear in my eye n hubby keeps laughing at bb's movement - kickin' nonstop and when doc moves arnd the scan machine we saw the hand waving to us too hahaha!! so touch!! i wanna cry again lol thank god all is well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


had that craving yest. I wasn't thinking of nasi lemak, I was thinking of the sweet sambal with ikan bilis. Hee hee...I also "tam jiak gui". But the difference is that sometimes I will lose my appetite all of a sudden. (like this afternoon)

I just ate 3 mini curry puff made by my aunt. Delicious..and heated up the "fen ge" soup this afternoon and down 1 soup bowl. Now feel satisfied and will be lazing in bed.

Do you guys working in office feel cold. The rain has come and go a few times today since morning.


Glad that you are fine, we were all wondering how you were. Great feeling to see baby in the scan right? It's amazing how fast they grow. & although only 5cm, but fully formed, arms, legs, fingers. It's amazing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I really feel like going out to tabao now but got no idea where they sell this type of traditional nasi lemak. But actually, now we tam jiak, ok lah, got good excuse, lol.

Carole, went for my check up today. Can provide details now but not sure if I should be 'kicked out' of this thread cause my EDD is 1 Sept. Hee. Gynae is Dr Yap Lip Kee at Mount E.

I've also booked my CL. It seems a little pricey. For some of u who wants a gauge, I am paying $2500 for 30 days of service. She's from Malaysia. My aunt and cousin used her and gave good feedback, that's why I asked for her.

Thanks Mei. Yeah so amazing the feeling is so diff frm seeing sac/beanie during 6/8wk - totally living and kicking! Personally I thot my bb is rather bit skinny as we saw the legs they r long, slim but long n active haha! What a joy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh have i mention i've booked my CL thru my sis? My sis commented she's fantastic in confinement cooking so im giving it a shot. The auntie is frm msia too she's charging at S$2100 (28days) with a request of to-n-fro train tickets (unsure of price). She also does massage it is optional n that is on separate angpao charge (ext. Rm500).


This is out of my question since i had to quit the moment i found out my good news. I worked in law firm n my boss is a lawyer his pace is super fast i cannot imagine if i were to work wif him still while gg thru all the MS im having.. I knw him well he's nv gonna ask me to leave but according to e hectic workload we all knw one party will hv to sacrifice. So i quit since DH n i were longing for baby - winwin lah but no more paycheck every mth not to even mention of bonus.. sigh! pok but wad todo - give n take lor

Nasi lemak! Been craving for it esp e kind wrapped in leaf.. but dare not to take as my doc advised best to keep out chili/spicy food it might triggers vomit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Perhaps my stomach rather sensitive (or weak) as i encounter diarrhea quite often - Well i wanna have it once enter 12wk hehe!

Pipi: I still feel cold is it me or the weather lately? Though no more cold feet like wad i had experienced during early weeks of preggie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Lucky my bed quilt is rather thick kind so i can still enjoy slp in aircon rm else my DH will sweat to death at nite haha

bbpotato: now that my MS has subsided thou i knw wad u mean by the sour aftertaste like.. its so disgusting reminds me more of puking than holding meals inside - Tried clorets n felt it has strong taste of toothpaste so switch to sourplums or mentos, only selective candy works so gotta trial n error bo bianz...

Tam jiak me really went to tabao nasi lemak! Really wearn for spicy food everyday. Got quite sick of bland, soupy stuff.


Depends on individual CL, I paid $2K for mine in 2008. Sadly, she has retired so got to find another. I got a recommendation for one for $1.8K, she's an indonesian chinese from tanjung pinang.


Baby is skinny now but he/she's got the next 6 to 7 months to fatten up! When we saw the scan, we joked that baby looks like an alien. Even though this is our #2, the feeling feels so surreal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dandeliom: no one should be kicked out. even if u arent in this mth.. u can always be in here if you feel that our group is worth joining. :p we love ppl. we love babies :p

MS also on/off, Feeling moody...Having food aversions, not much appetite (smell of fried food makes me want to puke) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

PiPi/adv_sports> must stay hydrated, try to take some light meals like porridge with mince meat...

Bellering> my ex company boss also inhuman... i think they also suspect i TTC (also make alot of negative comments) then overload me with lots of work and ask me come back to work on sat/sun - tekan lor... before i left to work for my hubby last year, i make sure i got his 1 extra month of pay before i go.

Bellering, Joy joy,

Are you guys staying home alone like me??? My workpl is very fast paced too and I work with traders...so "lagi gan cheong and xiong." Traders and Lawyers "sama-sama", all very gan-cheong one, everything want fast fast, now now...I am not quitting cos I think super not worth it to quit like that. But my team got to suffer with 1 less person. But so far my boss and team pretty understanding, and some of my colleagues also know I have been trying for very long liaoz. Once baby is out, I will give them a BIG TREAT, to thank them.Dun worry, a no of us here are "pok gai", at least got companionship. hahahaha.


Did you try to take brands chix essence alt mornings? I no longer need to wear socks to bed. Funny thing is when I go to sleep, I will wrap till I am like bak chang, but middle of the night, I will kick away the blanket. At nite, I feel warm. But you may feel cold cos your is still early wk 8-9 right? Soon you will feel the heat.


Wow you guys really book your confinement lady already. I haven't book anything yet. Still in dilemma whether to choose agency one or freelance one leh.

I am working from home, so that I can stay home, earn a bit of money & take care of my son at the same time.


Love what you said! Love pple, love babies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


When my son was born, his hair was like feathers, ngiao ngiao one. So on his 1st month, we shaved botak for him. His hair grew really slowly & only became more lush after he turned one.


Do you have any friends/relatives who can recommend a CL to you? I find that having recommendations better, at least someone has employed the CL before & knows what she's like.

I also want to work from home for 0.5 day. I hope my boss will approve so that I can earn some money to see gynae. (each visit almost $100 gone)

PiPi> working from home now and sometimes back to hubby office to settle some work if necessary... i prefer this kind of arrangement now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am trying to curb my spending now cos last time spend $$$ like water, haha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bellering> Glad to know everything is fine, your bb so cute can wave hands now... i also can't wait to see them in another couple of weeks...hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i understand. before pregnancy, i can buy anything i want...so satisfied. now i dare not even spend a single cent. i only buy food, buy maternity wear, maternity bra/panties...all necessities. i told my hubby no need to buy Vday present cos now only depend on his salary to support the household.

prev we can still go to a nice pl to have dinner, and I will at least get a present from him...hiah...but BABY No. 1 now!!!


Oscar test consists of blood test as well as the NT (nuchal translucency) scan. They'll take your blood for testing & during the scan, will check for the thickness of baby's skin at the neck as well as the presence of nasal bone. They'll also scan for baby's skull, arms & legs. After all these, they'll compute a ratio of your risk based on your maternal age as well as your health background. My blood was taken 2 weeks before my NT scan, so on the say of the scan, I'll know the results immediately.

Gina : mine is 24th Feb. So u doing the scanning too? Dr. Tan not bad hor. 1st visit he said no need to scan la. His room also has 1 machine tat can do the job. Hahaha save $

Pipi: yeah loh like u said very shaq... gan jiong is one thing n we have many appt in a day sometimes mtg clients outside office plus my boss quite particular in our dressing whether presentable or not (as mtg clients often) so high heel is a must.. i ever tried rushing 3places within 2hrs n the walking in heels really no joke manz - when got home can see blister but next day still diedie gotta wear it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So.. are u still currently working? with the same co same lovely team??

Joyjoy: ur ex employer made u go back during weekends? thats too much leh.. btw when's ur nx visit at gynae's? are u the other one who's having twins like another mtb soulvacation?

Thanks Patricia! Are u doing OSCAR test in 2wks time too? All the best yeah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shane: yeah hope u see bb's movement in 3wks time i know its quite a wait but all worth it trust me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw I'm afraid of chic essence smell anything else can substitute with that?? and im not taking any milk too i asked my doc she said its fine to just stick with multi-vits every day w/o extra milk intakes so i give it a pass.. hmm

Hi all. I just took my Oscar test today. Went around 11am and only finish around 2 plus. Cos baby was not in good position for the scanning. Most likely he/she was sleeping. I went in and out for 5 times in all. all the others all only like went in one or at most twice.

One of the doctor say can try eating something sweet then the baby ore active. So prob u all can try.

So nice of you Carole.

happywonderland and ballering, mine $2500 but I wont have to pay for her air-fare and it includes massage too, and i think she mentioned something like wrap, dunno which kind, for slimming purpose. Yah, I do feel that $2500 is expensive but I feel more comfortable since relatives have tried her before.

PiPi> haha same here... last time use to spend alot on shoppings so now seldom already bcos need to save $$$ liao, i love to go holidays too so everything gotta control now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bellering> yes, soulvacation & me are having twins... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my nxt gynae appt is on 17 Feb together with the OSCAR test. My ex employer is v nasty, usually during end of year they will find fault on some employees cut their pay or fire them so they can save on bonuses (i am usually the "bad person" to act on his behalf) i find it no point so intend to leave on my own accord after these 3 years, feel so happy after leaving that company... yeah.

Eunice, how come ur next visit is so far apart? u just went for the check ar? yah.. my next visit will be doing the Oscar test.. my #1 also delivered by dr tan.. my experience so far quite ok just that i felt tat the consultation time usually quite fast..

Gina : Kekeke I played cheat. This one I went to see him at 7 weeks. 1st One I went 3rd mth. 2nd one I go 2nd mth.

I think I will be doing Oscar test on 24th Feb. Kekeke my initial date was 17th Feb but I want to see my bb on my bday so I change to 24th Feb

hi all, its been sometime since i last updated.

all in all, i lost 9kg already due to lousy appetite and excessive vomiting. admitted to hospital twice to be put on drip. in fact, i just got discharged today. 2 nights ago, i vomited so badly that strings of blood came out together with my vomit! i got the shock of my life! called gynae and admitted to tmc. gynae said probably throat blood vessel burst.

i feel so much better today and my appetite is better today also. gushing lots of water down as and when to stay hydrated since i can keep water down now.

my hubby asked me to share my story with all of you so that some of us here may be encouraged. the past one month has been long suffering and torturing. really quite a struggle. i didnt expect such excessive vomiting and loss of appetite for my pregnancy. i developed phobia on vomiting amd i hated alot of food. the mention of food made me nauseous. i tried ginger water, sour plum, etc but nothing really helped.

in addition, my GP pointed out that i have gastric history which will make my vomiting worse. i was asked to avoid dairy products, even plain water. drinking plain water or eating anything plain will make me wanna throw up even more. can you imagine how depressed i was? and because i lost alot of weight and had no appetite, i was so weak to even walk. i lie on my bed most of the time and didnt feel like talking. i cried alot also. it was horrible.

now that i feel better, i feel more human also. my pregnancy is coming to 11 weeks and i really look forward to the good days ahead.

pray that all the mummies here who are still struggling will continue to persevere. cheers!

joyjoy, based on the bb size, doc says 8 weeks plus, approaching 9. So on 17 Feb, I would have just hit 12 weeks. Hmm, not sure if it is too early.

Anyone going for hair services? I'm going for my haircut this sat, doc says no colouring cause chemical gets absorbed. And I'm wondering if the head massage is ok.



If the $2500 includes massage, then it's very cheap. I remember that I paid an additional $500+ for my massage & wrap. Head massage is ok, when I has #1, I even went to Kenko weekly for foot massage in my 3rd trimester. For foot massage, just need to inform the massaue that you're preggers & they'll know what to do.

