(2011/07) July 2011

rosegal, our EDD is ard the same time. Mine is 06 Jul 10.

When to TMC today as yesterday n this morning there is some bleeding. Scan shows that bb not very stable. Asked to go back to rest. As LC Chang isn't free, Dr Benjamine Tham attended to me. Very patient Dr. Was given some medicines and an injection. Quite a painful one, it's at the hip. Was told by the nurse to take deep breathes every time she injects some fuild in. Had asked abt the cost btn the doctors think Dr Ben is cheaper, will discuss with my hubby this weekend. Lost almost 2kg. Must b due to the poor appetite.

Feimei, will update u when I choose the gyna


Haven't come in for a while and this thread is galloping superbly fast.

I just went for my first gynae appt today. Saw baby's heart beating and it was an amazingly touching moment to see a new life growing inside. My gynae said it's an exceptional case where heartbeat can be seen at 6 weeks.

I'm with SGH cos my corporate medical entitlement restricts us to restructured hospitals.

care bear, congrats! huh i thought it is a norm to see heartbeat at 6 weeks? which means this tue i may not be able to see wor... wonder whether shld i postpone...

jgwee & daph: Mine also starting to show, so bloated that food seems to be up to my throat level. Is that a sign that MS is coming?

Are you gals on maternity wear already? My pants and skirts are getting tight and I wonder how long more I can tahan. Sob sob I miss my heels *vain lah* But sometimes inside office I still put them on to go for meetings :p

pillow: Dunno leh, I was surprised too cos I read that 5-6 weeks should be able to see baby's heartbeat liao, that's why I scheduled my appt at 6 weeks cos dun want to re-scan and incur more expenses. My gynae says it's becos I dun hv much tummy fat that's why he can already see baby's heart beat. Before I went onto the couch he said at 6 weeks we should only be able to see the sac and the yolk (?)

Audrey: Where is your gynae located? I tot 9 weeks a bit too late liao cos gotta do a viability scan before that stage.


*sayang* do really hv a gd rest!!! DON'T + NEVER carry heavy things ya...and walk slowly, dun run...u take care and i will sure add u into our clan!!!


depend on indivdual case, not every lil one heartbeat can be seen at wk 6...some will be on wk 7 or 8....really depend...dun worry too much, u will see it eventually!!! :D then u will hv that *touching* moment like Care bear!!!


no worries la, by then, u superb sure can c ur lil one greeting u with his/her heartbeat, isn't that beeter off??? :D

brainy smurfs, yay! then we have the same gynae n around the same ETD. Actually i'm not sure if my 10th July is accurate or not, some websites say 8th July but my cycle is 30 day, so i'm not v sure as well. I guess will find out when i go for first scan.

eLcH, thanks for the correction - i never knew.. haha, i thought that was the labour ward haha..

anyway that was one sad experience for me but I trust God's going to redeem the situation in this one!!

Phew! that gives me some relief that the delivery suite is a big room, with space for my hubby... etc.. at least not so unpleasant like in the observation room.

brainy smurfs, take care and stay well rested ya! Try to relax as much as possible, and keep having a relaxed mental and emotional state.. i think that will help too.. :D

hey lynn, i'm sorry but i don't think i'll be moving from tmc, esp since my doc is there and he only delivers from there.. maybe there are other pple here going for the seminar?

Daph - thanks but i'm v v v lazy on facebook.. so i think i'll focus my energy with you gals on this thread, haha. :D

i haben assign my gynea yet.. thinking to seee doc at KK for my 1st trimester, mean time see look see look around.. =)

dink 9th week should be okie lah..

confirm can see twinkle twinkle little star liao..

feimei - thnx for the recommendation for apps.. =D

Check out GenderPredict and Qinggong (also a gender predictor) =p


Yes, must be discipline to apply daily leh....cannot be lazy de....no bargaining!!! Kekekeke~~~

wow - i'm the super boh chap about appearances kinda person... i've never seen stretch marks before though.. you gals make it sound v scareee.. yikes


Err, I got tummy leh... ESP after giving birth to my #1 abit hard to keep coz I'm quite prone to bloatedness even when I'm not preg. That's why I faster have #2, then can close factory + jian fei!

haha, anyone thought of any names yet? i was looking at the bbc july site n they were talking about names hahah

Didnt think about names.. Guess till I know if I am carrying a boy or a girl first bah =)

my hubby's name starts with "A" too.. so i guess baby will have a name beginning with "A"

oooh that's so cool.

ah well, guess u're right, still a long way to go right.

if my baby is a boy, chinese name will be a bit tough... haiz, hubby is hainanese who wants to follow the 'clan' middle name cos FIL would want.. but the middle name is really OBIANG in both our opinions. when we talk about it we can't help but laugh lor.. shall not disclose here, but anyway... haiz, shall not think about it now.. haha

wow.. this thread is really moving fast! anyone seeing Dr Adrian Woodworth?


Welcome. We're here to share! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dr. Woody's my gynae for my #1. Will see him for #2 as well.

anyone knows where to get really cheap maternity clothes? my tummy is so bloated haha, i need new jeans now! i dun mind even if second hand cos i'm v chin chai about clothes..


Why don't you try getting tights instead? Like those from cotton on? I got big sizes like L size the other time so that it's more comfy ard the tummy. But if you insist on getting jeans, then maybe spring maternity has some with elastic band ard tummy. But I find them abit costly.

rosegal: i saw some pretty good maternity clothes in a dept store in Beauty World Shopping centre.. Very ulu place, I chanced upon it when I was shopping for my wedding items.. prices around 30 bucks per piece only... U might wanna go there and try

hi there..

I am also due in July, edd 04 July 2011. having my 2nd bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's been such an intense week since I found out I was preggers this Mon and suddenly have all kinds of symptoms kick in! Have to say that visiting this forum to read about your experiences has been a "therapy" for me as I go through all these new experiences. Thank you lovely ladies and have a restful weekend ahead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I bought 2 slacks from kiddy palace.

3/4 at $26

Full length at$30plus

All adjustable waist line..

Top I just wear normal t shirts and blouse lor ..

px22, Daph, thanks for the tips! will go venture.

Yar, i find spring maternity a bit too ex for my budget..

Audrey, really?? I just went to kiddy palace .. or is it cerisi today, at parkway, and the full length are like 50+, and i didn't even see 3/4 which is what i'm looking for actually..

yar, i'm just looking for bottoms..

Feimei, info update pls, mine is #1 (no big deal, just add when a lot of additions ya?)

Hi Feimei, mine no. 2. Thanks.

Going to suntec - Perfect Mum today to buy bottoms. Love their maternity selection. My tummy swell too much that even my hb said it look like 3 months! OMG!

Feimei: mine is #1 ;-)

Havent been in past 2 days! I had some cramps n went to KK. Did blood tests n thank god, everything is fine. Most importantly, Baby is fine!

Dr saw a yolk in a sac ;-) awww soo cute, next appt for me will be 30th nov. Guess will b week 7 plus or 8 liao

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for all the concerns.

Feeling better today. Sleep the whole yesterday afternoon. My hubby and in-laws are worried. But I guess everything should be alright if I guai guai rest.

rosegal, I'm thinking of switching to Dr Benjamine Tham. His charges is cheaper and most importantly I'm pretty comfortable with him. Then can save $$$ to buy other things.

feimei, pls help me to update the list. Thanks.

My EDD: 06 Jul 2011

Hospital : TMC

Gynae : Dr Benjamine Tham

i see! all the best brainysmurfs! most importantly you feel and get better and eat well too. Sleep is great. take care ya! :D

morning mummies....

hope everyone enjoying ur wkend breakfast!!!

i m back to work...there's some testing gg on, soo need to be back...Sian~~~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ok-ok, will update the info soon!!!

i bot a pant from gmarket....rubber waist, soft-rubber...soo still ok...material not bad, smooth type....with shipment, only $10+....if good, i will buy one more...kekekeke....very lazy to go shopping, so most of the time, will shop fr gmarket....


u must treat urself as a Queen now....ur main job is to rest, eat and Relax....!!! :D

feimei.. haiz, talk about g-market - i bought a 'maternity' dress online for only $12 inclu. delivery, end up the dress is so short! (and i'm short to begin with) dunno how they make it look 'normal' on the model.. so haiz.. still not so comfortable buying clothes online lor... but, gd for you!


ohhh...i hv not try buying the maternity wear...just the pants as it's rubber...i guess can still wear it when tummy grow big...Hmmm~~~if the dress too short, dan wear wif legging, shld look ok bahh...

Hi rosegal, me also!! If it is a boy, we need to follow the Chinese middle name from the clan!! Argg.. It is really awful as well and it sounds like a girl. But have to follow the traditions, anyway, i guess christian name helps and we can choose the name we like.. haha..!

Hi Guys, i already wearing maternity pants and shorts as my stomach is too bloated and my tummy looks like 3 mths pregnant! Haha.. So no choice. I brought it at Spring Maternity, Perfect Mum from Suntec. There are several shops beside Toys R' Us which sells maternity wear! =)

feeling soo boring at office...still waiting...

had mac breakfast n keep feeling nausea since the journey to work...lucky did not puke cos did not bring plastic bag with me...kekeke....

jus went to toilet...keep coughing, wan to puke...nearly puke but went back again....errghhh....the feeling was horrible!! ;(


Aww, that feeling is very disgusting!

I also don't wear maternity clothes. Coz I find them abit err auntie. Expensive also. So I normally buy those loose loose Korean style top and wear with tights. I recently bought a pair of tights from gmarket too! But I find the elastic band abit tight.

Hi mummies.. Went for 1st Appt... M 6 weeks nw the sac is 3.11cm... Total I paid 192 for folic acid, scan n consultation. Hv to c him again in 2 weeks time 

feimei, my Edd 5th July ... Thks



try to pull pull the band...it may loose abit...dun wear too tight ya~~~


Wowww....ur sac size looks good....did u c ur lil one with a dot???

