(2011/07) July 2011

modisch, you got it all planned sui sui! your boy also dun like to shower? Mine have to trick him to shower one ... he used to like it when young then now like fighting battle haha

feimei, ah then maybe i will alternate essence with the soup ... and good control - only 1kg increase!


cary: I really hope terrible 2 can become terrific 3. My boy turning 3 in March!!! :D He's a terror now, very "manja" and knows that my mum will give him anything he wants, so if all of us are at home and he knows he cannot get something from daddy or me, he'll go calling for my mum!

wendy: PM me if you'd like to get the Hong Zhao Jiu and I'll pass you more info from there. Basially it's a personal choice whether you want to use Mi Jiu or Hong Zhao Jiu. The bottle that my mum has is 350ml per bottle, but it's a concentrate so you can use it to cook 2-3 whole chickens. There is also the "za" or paste that you can use for cooking which brings out the flavour of the food. Most mummies ordered 2-5 bottles for their confinement but I had this repeat order from a lady who got like 10 bottles. I think she was cooking for whole family or something :D

w160879, hehe ... he sounds like a guai boy, just active which is normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

blue_skies, I think why they will get better cos they will be more sensible and we can understand better then too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

guess kids nowadays will not sit still! not necessarily boys are more active. some of my frens with bb girl oso having hard time controlling their girl. Haha..

kids active is good.. they learn faster too!

i m super duper sleepy

Anti-stretch mark cream

In my first pregnancy, I used anti-stretch mark cream but I developed an allergy to it during my last trimester. I had to be given anti-histamines to take and my gynae said I was itchy finger to use something without first asking him whether it was ok or not. He gave me QV cream to use and it was just as good - and so much cheaper!!! You should be able to get it from any pharmacy. So now I'm not using any anti-stretchmark cream. I just use normal moisturiser that I have such as Nivea.

hi all mummies! i super long time never log on le...till i nearly forgot my password! very busy with work..wah scanning thru the thread i find all of you very hardworking leh...find cc, find out about milk pump, CL etc ect...makes me feel guilty coz i haven done anything yet...not even read up...oops! last wkend kena fever..so scared...now got sinus so sian!

anyway this sat i also seeing gynae to check gender..currently at 16wks le...

all mtbs who found out about gender...gong xi! hehe hope my bb will open leg big big this sat...

anyone forund difficulty in sleeping? ie sleep on side uncomfy..then lay flat also uncomfy...seems like at 16wks start to be diff to sleep le

modisch: Your boy very guai to pick up his toys when told to do so! My boy will only do it when there is an incentive, e.g. get to play with daddy's computer

cary: Yes I guess they get more sensible but they also get "smarter" at talking back!

Cartoon - Pororo

Btw I am looking for Pororo DVD or VCD - any kind mummies here have a copy of the DVD or VCD? I don't mind buying 2nd hand if it's still watchable, or better still, would be great if I could burn a copy! Been hunting around the shops selling DVDs etc and all of them said they don't carry it or it's out of stock. Promised my boy for the past 1 week that I'll get him a Pororo DVD. Do PM me if you have any! Thks!!

feimei... i oso nt sure lei. by 26 feb. i shld be 19weeks + le cant wait lo. since like my appt is later dan everybody. or maybe i chose sat so it become later??? i cant rem too. haha...

ST, hihi! maybe get those long pillows to help you sleep better?

blue_skies, haha agree! sometimes dunno want to laugh or be angry hehe ... i dun have Pororo VCD/DVD ... think Pororo limited here in Sin.

feimei, haha... ur bb so cute, noes how to qiao pi gu... hope u'll noe gender at nxt scan! ;)

gals, ask u ah... hv u all heard of 'xi' clash with 'xi' ah? i dunno whether to be pantang or not... my doc say my pregnancy not stable, so i get a little pantang over some things at times... i got a wedding dinner to attend in a few mths time... dunno whether shld go or not... but it's pple's once-in-a-lifetime, if dun go, dunno will they think i dun gv face... wat do u think?

blue_skies, i have the Pororo disk, dunno VCD or DVD but in chinese... can choose epi but not lang/subtitles... can see if i can burn for u if u wan...

crayon, better dun go... my mil say will clash... and avoid going to funerals, baby showers or even hospitals... tell them u r preggy... ppl will understand de...

hi feimei, good! It is better to confirm gender than to anyhow guess! =) I am maintaining the same weight for 4 months. haha.. So happy.

Hi blue_skies, i will PM you soon! =) I will check with mummy/CL which one is suitable. =)

XW, wendy, cary: i oso heard cannot attend those dat XW mentioned... It's my close colleague's wedding... I really hope to go, but still hesitating... If preg is stable, i 100% will go... But since it's not, got to think twice... i dun wan to be blamed if anything happens... *touchwood*... Got to RSVP soon le... If ask parents, i'm sure they'll say dun go...

crayon, then maybe dun go ... your colleague will understand [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi cary the long pillow is gd ah? you tried? i saw at one of the maternity shop but contemplating whether to buy or not leh...

seems like in SIN cant find maternity stockings leh...even mothercare dun carry them...maternity exchange out of stock...online got a lot of nice dresses tat cant find in SIN and they aslo have the maternity stockings...

my sis going to korea in march...anything that can buy there? read somewhere abt milk bags...

tks 4 ur views... i'll make my final decision soon... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, is our gathering on 18th feb still on? At United Sq? hehe...

crayon> thanks! I avoided one close frenx wedding last mth too...tat time still not pass 1st tri...sooo my other frenx said if can, dun attend lol...'xi chong xi'...when i hint to the frenx who invited me, she say she understand worrrr...so glad tat she understand too lol!!!! Try hinting ur col, c wat she say lol...


For anti-stretchmark, I am alternating between clarins huile treatment oil and elancyl stretchmark prevention cream.

I find the oil very troublesome to use and only use it after shower at night. My skin gets itchy and dry during the day so I carry the elancyl cream in my bag everyday and apply it at work in the day. It's not oily at all and very easily absorbed..

ST, never tried that long pillow before but I heard it's good especially when our tummy gets bigger ... what maternity stockings you refering to?

crayon, we have a gathering planned liao? cool!!!

i juz ate mandarin orange and now got stomachache [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

nothin i eat seems right to my stomach nowadays

crayon, 18th feb is good for me. Maybe we can start consolidating the list of attendees here.. haha!

Also, i remember i attend wedding in 1st trimester cos it is my hubby's brother wedding so must attend. =) So, it actually depends how close you are with that couples and you feel comfortable.


The maternity pillow is great!! I am sleeping soundly and comfortably with it every night and highly recommend it :D

You won't regret after using it the first time!! Very worth the price and u no need to use all the extra bolsters and pillows after getting it

okie blue skies noted .. i will pm u again let me chk with my mum .. eh .. pororo i dun hav..

n kids these days .. drink DHA milk v smart lah .. :p

ya modisch ur boy v guai leh.. my son we teach him to pick up he happy pick then he will throw all e picked up ones ... *faint*

will i b e last mummy here to give birth? in Jul.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkyrose: elancyl can be bought at guardian pharmacy at 2 for $59.90. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crayon: i went to wedding 2 weeks ago.. close relatives and friends I dont pantang la. I think my bb will want mummy to be there to share the joy too. For not so close ones i jus make excuse say "chiong". haha

I everyday walk past construction site then can reach my office, sometimes I go for massage, they renovating the lobby.. See liao also scared, but I kept stroking my tummy and tell bb "dont worry this is not our house, their banging nothing to do with us, so u r safe and sound in mummy's tummy".. Maybe it works ba haha..

Feimei...ur bb so cute waving at mummy n daddy...n also qiao pi pi

my turn to see gyne later...hv been talking to my bunny fr morning till now to open legs big big let mummy n daddy to see...sometimes feel to knock knock on my tummy n say bb pls respond leh...hahaha

crayon...think is best to be pangtang...i also dun go white(funeral) n red(wedding) matter.

Liz...can try clarin oil...i love it

XW: Thanks for offering to burn the Pororo cartoon for me, I've PMed you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ST, ah, it's those leggings ... I just bought 2 pieces at Maternity House (Vivocity) during lunch ... it's like tights. Very good material ... but not cheap, $49.90 per piece, if get 2 pc, there's a 15% off.

st, blue egg milkbags. buy more n sell to me ok..hehe

suddenly feel so tired! n i hv this crampy feeling at my lower left..must be bad posture

i avoided weddings in my 1st pregnancy so far i went 1 weddin 1 furneral.. my mummy says okie..

but it's up to individual.. i also tink if realli not v close dun go ..

cary...so ex hor..is it comfy? i cant wear leggings...muz be those stockings coz leggings will look like pants which cannot wear on wkdays...very ma fan

modisch bebe...tks....this brand gd ah? ok if i buy i will buy more then see who on forum want to buy lah...i am actually also thinking maybe ask my colleague to buy the brand from Bangkok


Nana-mum: is yours the 150ml tube? How come price is so diff?

Wen: my EDD is later than urs... haha... got a few gals later than us...

Px: hahaha, u're so cute, tell bb 'this is not our hse'... hahaha..... my house area here oso got lots of drilling n knocking... i try not to listen too much n turn on tv loud...

sunshine: I did e same thing too! If I rem correctly, Px had the pop-pop fun w her bb... so i oso knock knock my tummy & ask bb to kick mummy w legs... but no response leh... hahahha...

