(2011/07) July 2011

nana.. you are right.. i just checked.. they said shark fin got high mercury too.. haha.. so i guess fins and bone are similar.. not sure leh.. last time i took it during my 1st preg.. seems ok.. haha.. maybe i do more research then decide..


w160879, hee you mean "sing nang"? Yeah, come to think of it, he's more sensible now so at least I dun have to manage both kids together. Like he knows I can't carry him so he will just ask me to "carry" him when I'm sitting down.

how old is yours?

w160879, hee 21 months is the time they want alot of attention [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nana-mum> omg, please rest well and takes lots of fruits.

cary> black chicken wif herbals weekly intake is too heaty.

feimei> yeah same as other mummies, i m super eager to know urs too. is it boy or gal??

realli i m dead tired to give him my attention.. i m goin to go thru a whole round of puttin him into cc come Mar .. not lookin fwd to it .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i tot boys r not so needy ..

janice, really ah? I took that for my #1 from 15 weeks to before I delivered him ... it was taught to me by the Hock Hua person. But I actually dun use a lot of herbs... just red dates, wolfberry seeds, dang shen and one more thing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ... so what's the recommended frequency? once every 2 weeks?

cary> i think its way too heaty. i m not sure. last 2 weeks, i took it weekly. ended up i started having migraines. but i m not sure its due to this herbal soup or not.

like wat other mummies said, everything must be taken in moderation.

berrycarrot, hihi, how are you?

janice, haha I'm one of those who said everything must be taken in moderation hehe ... and i thought once a week is ok. Like that, will do the chicken soup once every 2 weeks and birdnest once a week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for sharing!

XW, yup, mine also knows there's a baby inside and will come sayang my tummy every night or talk to baby hee ... very cute one.

w160879, he's still a small boy that's why will want attention too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nana-mum: Now when I see bak kwa I will think of throat inflammation! Hahaha! Drink lots of water and get well soon!

Wendy: There are several types of confinement rice wine. There's the normal rice wine (Mi Jiu) or the red rice rice (Hong Zhao Jiu). The ingredients for both of them are a bit different (although both will make use of glutinous rice for the fermentation process). They also taste different. You won't find either of these in the supermarkets as most of them are home-made. I know of the Hong Zhao paste sold at NTUC that looks really dark red but never dared try it coz my mum makes her own Hong Zhao Jiu for cooking.

Is anyone here interested in getting confinement rice wine?

I used to advertise it on SMH for $10 a bottle but in the end decided it was too much trouble and stopped it. My mum is making it again for my confinement so if anyone wants to "tompang", do let me know. We can only make about 18 bottles max per batch so PM me if you are interested. It'll be $10 per bottle and each bottle is good for cooking 2-3 whole chickens sliced into parts.

mummies, disappointment!!!! Can't see the gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] bb not cross leg but the machine very blur...gynae dun wan to cfm...hv to wait till detailed scan lol.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] 23rd feb....but bb waving at me jus nw...hahhahahaa...sooo cute!!!

hehe i m forcing my son to grow up i will b close to him after his sibling is popped.. but e attention my DH gives him like not enuff.. mus b i give.. strange ..

blue_skies, think you will get quite a few orders from here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei, hee nice to see baby waving at you right? hee ... you same like me, have to wait till detailed scan (mine's also on 23 Feb!!!) then know gender.

w160879, they always say #1 will be more sticky to mum when mum is expecting ... not sure how true that is [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hehe feimei all e excitement but it's sweet ur bunny waving at u.. ask ur gyn change mach n try? haha c wheth clearer to c.. ?

u will still know earlier than me..

hehe so after i give birth will he still b sticky to me? he is 21 mths leh i dun tink he knows his mummy is expecting .. :p

blue_skies.. how do we order from u? where do we go to collect e wine?

so on 23rd will hav 2 announcement of gender ..

anyone know of anyone who do not wish to know gender until birth even for 1st child... ?

w160879, old folks say they dun need to know one but they will be more sticky or nottier, something like that.

suddenly feel so sleepy!!

Those buying from spree, medela can be serviced at First Few Years outlet..i bought my freestyle from Tan Leng Leng too and used since 2008 till now never ever hv to send for servicing. Juz need to buy converter which can be gotten from Challenger.

Medela electric is dual or single pump? i dunno but i m a strong advocate for breastfeeding and pump do makes a difference. a good pump will help massage our breast to promote let down, able to let us control the power of suction.

Another good brand will be Ameda Lactaline, retailing almost half the price of PISA or freestyle.

janice, once a week chicken soup is ok lar.. will not be too heaty. If the soup contains dang gui or bao shen then will be heaty but red dates etc shuld be ok to be taken weekly. mabbe u need to up ur water intake too..

cary, how is terrible 2? my son turned 2 last Dec but other than him being super active and kept singing Twinkle Twinkle day and night i find it ok leh..haha. Or could it be my tolerance level damn high?? Hahaha

wendy, i din buy cane wor..last week i used a ruler to beat his hand cos he threw something on the floor he saw where i kept the ruler, he took it out n play with it..haha

wow... feimei... baby waving is a blessing... is ok. so long bb healthy will do. mi too gt to wait til 26 feb for detail scan ;)

modisch, hehe your boy sounds more adorable then terrible! For mine, his terrible 2 will be going against your instructions, you tell him dun touch, he will purposedly go touch, very mischevious etc ... I forgot all the details liao heehe ... you taking chicken soup too? I am really curious whether should I alternate chicken soup and chicken essence or how ... headache.


Dun feel well nowadays.. thought my energy resume last week and I dun feel preggy at all... but this week feel so sick again.. duno Y like tat.

My 1st boy really sooo sticky to me during 1st tri.. it happen to most my frenz too.. nowadays ask him where's baby, he'll lift up my top, put his ears on my tummy to listen.. when i feel its so sweet of him, he'll sudden slap my tummy.. duno what's he thinking.. haa..


syrah, so perfect.. u are so blessed.


This time I'll get pigeon glass bottle, can use long term. So far my #1 use it since baby no much issue.. must educate from young cannot throw the bottle.


Haiz.. mine long wait, 15Feb detailed scan then can confirm bah.. but my hunch is a boy coz last few scan i saw something in between the legs, gynae just dun wana confirm.


BIG problem for me.. called up few CC around my area, all full. All i've to be on waiting list and chances are very slim coz the list runs long.. 8 more months to go.. hope there be available CC if not i really head big.

Time flies... so fast we'r in 4-5th month... another few months we'll announce our baby's birthday le..

Hope every mummy here enjoy the upcoming CNY... Myself already had few sinful dinners laid up.. Hope i can enjoy the food!

terrific is gd .. okie i gotta wait another yr but then my terror 2 for #2 argh .. okie another 5 yrs then i will b sing nang .. lol

modisch .. i also strong advocate for bf-ing was a lil sad i din get any parental support .. coz my parents believe my doc more .. r u still bf ing?

feimei > hehe.. my detailed scan also on 23 feb.. if till then still cannot see gender, then will wait till birth lor.. since initially hubby said don't want to know gender.

berrycarrot, oh dear, hope you get your energy back soon! haha maybe your boy is sayang-ing the baby.

w160879, not all kids will have terrible 2 one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so maybe you will be sing nang earlier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cary, so far my #1 is still quite ok. He's been ok n easy-going since young. Now just worried abt #2 cos old folks always say if #1 is very easy, #2 will drive u up the wall..mabbe it's true. I was having fun in my first pregnancy that i kept telling hb getting pregnant n being pregnant is fun but this time round i eat my words! 2nd tri is no diff from 1st tri..darn! haha

cary, i yet to drink any chicken soup. i thought of boiling myself but soo lazy cos no one help me to take care of my #1 and housework. cannot depend on hb one lar for my case.

I onie take chicken essence once a week. Cant wait for next week to go back. My mom will boil my fave pig's stomach soup!! Yummy

modisch ur terror 2 like cutie 2.. my boy v stubborn leh u beat him he will jus get angry wor ..

berrycarrot .. i can't help but laugh when u say sweet of ur #1 to listen to ur tummy then suddenly he slap ur tummy .. but he also nottie huh ..

cc was a big prob for me .. i wanted #1 to go into cc b4 #2 comes .. e near by office or home all full n it was strictly no more spaces n wun b considering e admission at all this yr .. finally gotten 1 near my parents' .. wish u luck for ur search ..

njoy ur CNY too

feimei, hehe.. my detailed scan on 21st Feb and i think i will start shopping after that scan. Your baby wants to surprise you! hehe!

Girls, i had submitted my leave to boss le (she wants it asap to plan for temp). I will be on leave from 1st July to 13th November. =) Hopefully it is enough! Hehe!

xinyue, during detailed scan, will sure see gender one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee ... so you, feimei and me are all having our detailed scan that same day.

modisch, i also heard that before too and friends vouched for it too ... hee .. when you heading back?

wendy, hee that sounds enough! then go back a while, it will be the christmas period already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

blue_skies, can i check normally which one is used huh? The red or normal one? One bottle is how many ml or l? hehe.. Thanks for sharing!!

hi cary, hehe.. yes! But need to work during Christmas (except for Christmas day) cos of quarter ends... I am thinking whether to get unpaid but i think better than, cos it means i need to utilize all my annual leave and it is a risk if i need some leaves later.. =)

feimei, during my scan on monday hor, my baby did a somersault, haha! Turn to a crawling position! haha.. It was indeed cute to see them so active!

*praying* Cary's words will come true ..

but suddenly c modisch sayin.. #1 easy #2 drive me up e wall .. so far e symptoms e MS for both pregnancies r e same .. but my mum says my #1 already considered v guai i m expecting too much ..

looks like my detail scan is e latest 9 March ..

wendy u work fast .. r u in a position tat requires realli needs a temp to handle ?

wendy, ya better keep some leave just in case [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

liz, yup, have started using it since wk 13 ... i'm using Clarins anti stretch mark cream ... alot of the mummies here are using the Clarins Huile Oil [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

w160879, it's not the symptoms during pregnancies, it's the behaviour etc ... so your mum says your #1 already very guai? Mine is famous for being a handful.

xinyue, cos during detailed scan, they will do alot of measurements and the machine super powerful one hehe

Thanks much Cary.. Will get it den... =D

Is Palmer's gd?

Wow.. Everyone talkin bout their BB gender & detailed scan.. 2 more days for me!!!

hi wendy, i am working solo (My team member is in US and UK) and I am taking care of APJ region. My director is not in Singapore. So, when i am away, she needs a temp to take over what i am doing thus she need to plan early. She wanted to start interviewing after CNY and the temp will need to start work in april lor, so i can guide her for 3 months before she is alone when i am away. =)

cary, flying back next Monday..4 more days to go!! Tonight gotta collect bak kwa, tmr must clear out my son's wardrobe, Friday going for my haircut and Saturday finish my pineapple cookies Sunday clean kitchen n fridge..Monday night i will prob be snoring away. hopefully my son wanna sleep wif my parents then i can hv peaceful sleep.

of late he always call me even in his sleep..super duper sticky to me. He will always say Mummy, Mummy, Love you!

I tink my #1 is very guai and listen to me alot! i say keep his toys, he never say no..only dun want is when i wanna shower him nia

Hi Liz, i start applying after my 1st trimester, i am using Clarins stretch mark cream, i also got the Clarin oil but have not started using it. Heard Clarins is not bad, for Palmers Coconut Butter right, heard some mummies will have allergy cos of coconut butter, maybe you can test at those stores to see if you like the feel? =)

Hahahhaa...thanks all mummies!!!! DH with me today n i asked him did he managed to see anything between the legs, he say he engrossed at bb waving at him... -,-" but when gynae try to scan between the leg again...bb butt qiao qi lai....alamak....when go back to normal position...that area too dark, realli difficult to see if theres anything there...haiz...gynae luffing...then gynae told me he make mistake b4 by telling wrong gender so fr there onwards, he dun wan to say anything b4 20thwk....true oso lah....

wowwww....soo many mummies doing detailed scan on 23rd ahh....shld be a good day hooor....!

Suying> how come ur detailed scan later date than us???

Wendycsk> hahahha...i oso hv to wait till after detailed scan dan can shop lol.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bb giving me bd present becos two days ltr after scan will be my bd lol....hahahhaaha...

cary> heard tat pure chicken essence is to strenghten our womb n black chick w herbs is for 'bu' lol but depend on wat herbs use...to play safe, chk w medical mall on wat herbs to use....

DH still engrossed with the scene tat bb waving...keep saying bb now he is there today, tats y wave at him...buay tahan him!!!!

Ohh...gynae show me my oscar result, very good 1: 9885...very very low risk!!! n my blood sugar in gd control, onli increase 1kg for this mth!!!

hehe Cary mayb my mum consoling me.. but i tink tink he also okie lah but i rather think he is nottie .. actualli he is jus active n it's normal for a child to be imagine him sittin there gong gong tiam tiam .. :p

Liz i tried palmer it's a lil oily for me i also tried Clarins quite ex leh .. :p

