(2011/06) June 2011


Luckily i'm not working. i don't know whether can use any support to hold the stomach. for now most of my time is on the bed.. cannot walk or stand for too long if not can feel the pressure at my stomach.

Moon ~~ the list of PD from FBI of TMC is very short and limited choice.. After goggle check on the list, I think I ll take doc heng ;)

Angs in terms of location is good but their review not too good.


now i at home , i request to go back. if stay hospital they just monitor only can't do anything. for now i no longer have bleeding. i had to monitor myself. that day in hospital they put me on drip and give me 2 bag of blood cause i lost a lot of blood.hopefully the placenta will went up.

Altáriël > but some of us has already placed orders with her... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I like the wetbag ITEM CODE: SWB#3 but no discount and wonder if I should get it for myself (since the other 3 I bought are for baby)...

hello everyone, feeling really tired and have no log into forum for some time...

I use the disposable ziplock bags for everything, because it's see-through, can see your balance diapers, milk powder...etc and can just throw after 1 or 2 days use, no need to wash... haha...

Daiso also sell similar bags like the wet bags, err but not sure whether leak proof or not la...

life is beautiful: cos i am too free at work. Lucky hub nowadays drop me at the block first before he parks the car at the multi storey. This way i can open the letterbox and smuggle my goods home. hee


I cannot hide from mine.. cos he checks my bills. The other day I asked him if I could buy some clothes from oshkosh, he said no at first.. then I told him #1's clothes all have stains, and I gave away the nice ones to another friend some time ago.. after a while, he said ok can buy. I already spent a fair bit recently on nursing cover, sleeping bags, blankets and swaddles, plus clothes and girly accessories. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i have yet to buy a nursing cover. still thinking if its necessary. Wonder if can DIY, it looks just like a piece of big cloth...hmmm

Hi Christy, thanks for the advice. Will check with my dentist. Just wondering if I can tahan lying on the dentist chair while he repairs my tooth. Starting to develop backaches. Ouch.

Fudgecake: it's advisable to visit the dentist to clean/polish/scale, whatever maintainence u need, at least once during pregnancy. Just tell them beforehand that u r preggy.


Actually if you are keen to DIY the cover, you can do it. It's quite simple if you don't need the rigid neckline. I'm not sure what they put inside to make it rigid. But I know there are internet tutorials around.

JJ, ya lor 25 Jun seemz popular [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi qiuen,

My info as below

Nick: cupcake10

Name: yi linn

Edd: 3 June

Gynae: Dr Kee WH

Hospital : TMC

Baby: #1

Gender: girl

Silent reader. Thanks for updating

Junaine wow 2 bag blood must be qt a fright that u bled so much! Glad u better nw tk plenty rest hope it shift up soon

Christy I 38to 40 wk wn dr douglas on leave I think I higher chance will pop than u. Hee I didnt know he going Japan but still 3 mth to go don't think will affect by then leh... Hope his wife scare change pl change date lor :p

Talk abt crash date u all dun need to worry lah unless v close timing at diff hosp cos gynae usually cm only wn u r abt to push less than an hr time w u. Unless doc clinic is station in that hosp than he may cm see u few time or else is only the nurse ...

quien, just for update.. my edd is now 6 June 2011, delivery mtA, bb boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thank you!

moon, thanks for the links! will go take a look..

mummies.. wanna ask about bottles.. how many nb bottles and do you get an assortment? do you get the bigger bottles as well?

aiyo.... headache.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now my edd push earlier.. i feel even more tied up with time! :p

Altariel n Christy,haha..same here..my ah lao confirm ask me to use any kind of ziplock bag or plastic bag..coz waste $..lol..eco-friendly not in his dictionary.haiz...

Qiuen,I dont think I will get a nursing cover leh,might try out to bring bb out 1st n see how.coz' its not a cheap item n got a feeling use only a few times only..unless we bring our bb out everyday..

Junebunny,I got 2 small,4 big bottles.

Evvie> Hahaha I can understand cause u not in town mah so ur mom receving stuff on you behalf [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But frankly speaking I like the organiser stuff very catchy fabric she have... If I have not lost my iphone months ago I sure will buy the hp pouch from her.

Altariel> Hahah I also thought about that but on second though I think better to buy from her directly cause I think her stock goes off very fast... by the time we sent her our list I think some mummies might not get what they want.

life is beautiful> Wah I think you going to spent a bomb on the wet bags :p PS: I email to the organiser that we supporting her... and show her our link... she never mention giving us discount le... Hahah But I hate sewing so I know its quite difficult to make bags or other stuff.

ann01jan> You are right in some way ziplock is see-through... I thought of this too when I buy the wet bag so I got 2 totally different prints so I know what is for what so not mix up :p *excuse again* hahaha

qiuen> U funnie le.. have to smuggle back ur item... I just buy lor.. I want I compare and sometimes I do PM other buyer and ask their review of the item.. if good than I will buy. I hardly buy stuff until BP come into my life LOL. I will pre-inform my hub what I am buying then in the end I will still buy even he say yes or no cause my own $$ and I working mah... If I am not working and taking $$ from him than different story lor.

createjoy> Same same le I think those in this forum and have Dr Ong as their gyne is risky lor... cause to me from any where WK 35 onwards we can deliver anytime already. My hub's friend got 3 kids, #1 deliver early by 3wks / #2 deliver early by 5wks / #3 deliver early by 2wks. Ya really hope Dr Ong change of travel plans or who know he already have done so... I will be seeing him tomorrow and will ask him "HOW & IF" but I will still stick to Mt A for delivery cause really the price at Mt E are ex plus I think its a bit far. I dun want to waste my Mt A Ladies card cause apply liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and paper work also done.

Clare> Heehee maybe u want smuggle ur item back home Kekekek.

Aiyo JJ ~~ I hope I can be in labour in jul.. Fingers crossed though my fren says impossible since my EDD nvr change throughout the scans

Mummies ~ does your EDD change frequently? I'm curious..

fen, y u want to be in jul *just curious* tot ur edd is 26 jun, not possible for edd to be in jul right? The edd seldom change. My edd only shifted to 1 or 2 days early in my preg#2, my #1 and current preg edd no change. Do u know that you maybe due early or later, edd is just an estimation date that you will deliver, it wont be ur exact date of delivery wor, some pple can deliver early or late, then some will deliver on edd. u're very funny leh....


EDD is just EDD... you can pop any time 2-3 weeks before or after EDD. Anyway mine doesn't change much. Sometimes scan machine will put a few days earlier/later but doesn't make a big diff.

christy > that's right. indeed spent a bomb on the wetbags. last minute decided to get one for my cousin as a gift cos she always make gifts for me for my wedding and upon learning my pregnancy.

Now just deciding if I should buy the one without discount de...

actually i got a question... the wetbag will still leak if we put it upside down right (such that the zippers are not on top)?

p/s: reaching home quite late these few days, not really have time to watch the discussion on FB... seems like it's moving quite fast... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

life is beautiful> Hahahah u ah.. really spent a big bomb.

Hmmm I guess so that it will leak if u put it upside down.. Hmmm why whould anyone put upside down :p plus we are not going to fill the wet bag of water into the wet bags...

The organiser told me that her wet bag will not leak [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

christy > decided I shld just get the one without discount too. yupz, spent $80+ on the wetbags. i don't dare to tell my hubby how much i spent. just say very cheap nia... not forgetting my gmarket purchases... the parcels are sending in non-stop these days. opps.

hmm.. won't put upside down, just wondering if the bag is empty, the wetbag becomes in the "lying" position... then will it leak or not... ;p


My edd always change but it's always earlier and not later. It went from 8 Jun > 4 Jun > 1 Jun > 30 May > 25 May > 2 Jun.

It's just an estimate based on the baby's abdominal size and thigh length so it varies. I learnt not to bother bt it cos when baby wants to come out it will come out and doesn't care bt the edd (quote from gynae).

Uhhh Uziela so yours change.. my fren's EDD also always change and it can varies to a month that crazy.. she suppose to due in Jan then she give birth in Feb and lucky she give birth later cos the baby not that big when its due.. about 2.6kg only...

My EDD never shift at all except once to 28 Jun... then go back to 26 Jun.... I hope I dun need to have induce birth cos that will be painful..ok maybe abit senseless cos either way.. it hurts during labour..

I m wondering if I should go for the antenatal classes cos i m v scared to see the videos..

mummies.. is it wise to skip?

agreed with uziela and tsukushi, just don't bother so much on edd too much, like that you put unnecessary stress on urself and bb la. Relax relax. We can't control when our bb want to be out, it's our bbs' call, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] unless u opt for csect that will be diff, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJ .. I hope for Jul cos I am a Jul baby hee hee.. so just personal preference.. my fren also laugh at me.. and tell me dream on cos her gynae is Doc Sim and she told me the date seldom change.. at most a few days different and depends on the BB size.. the longer you drag, the bigger it becomes..

I keep psycho my BB every day for Jul..

Fen, I was hoping for a july baby too... cos july is cancer. lucky my edd is 30jun, so it makes my baby a cancerian too.

Too many geminis at home. I don't like June cos it spells a month of "hole in pocket".

just looking through about the wet bag.. nowadays BB are so fortunate.. everything also have.. my hubby is so particular with the BB clothes..even towel also must be baby soft.. and that whereas last time my niece dun even have a sterilizer and my fren new born BB is wearing all the hand me down.. her hubby dun even let her buy toys for her bb.. so poor thing..

this 1st BB of mine is really prince.. and my frens already start buying pretty branded clothes for him.. haiz.. how different...

BTW JJ and mummies of TMC ~~ You staying in 4 bedded or 2 bedded of TMC? I m not sure how much cash shall I prepare.. though it depends on the actual day if everything swee swee..

Life is beautiful>>> Hmmm not too bad.. mine will be cancer baby too cos its after 22 Jun... you lucky gal to have JULY BB.. hahaha..

BTW mummies.. This sat Metro sale..20%.. storewide.. Metro sale is always good time to stock up skincare products [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fen, i shld be booking 4bedded, since the chances of upgrading to 2bedded is higher, :p anyway for me, it's just hosp stay, and plus hb is nt able to stay over as have 2 kids to take care at nite. If ur hb want to stay over, then u consider taking 1 bedded.

Hmmm thanks JJ .. I also read about the chances of upgrade is high but there is fee if they upgrade u from 2 bedded to 1 bedded..

The diff with 2 n 4 bedded is about $100plus right? My fren told me save on bb better since only stay for a while which is v true

Scarli we are room mates!!!

Fen > hm, EDD is 30 June.. still not July yet. ;p If he's born a day later also good, cos my Bday on the 1st too.. though not same month.. whatever it is, just let nature take its course.. i'm not overly concerned about it.

I'm going to TMC also. Spoke to a few experienced daddies in my office (their wives just gave birth). Some advocate for 4-bed upgrade to 2-bed, some advise 1-bedder.

I'm still deciding between the 2.

1-bedder - got privacy plus daddy&baby can stay over.

2-bedder - staying 2 days only + you paid for nursery space + good to have baby stay in nursery so you can rest more.

christy > seems like we have a common habit of browsing the BP threads... i saw this but hor, i am skeptical about the hygiene. not comfy with magnet inside the milk powder. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: childbirth education course

for mommies who are attending the course under TMC, do you all choose to attend Mrs Wong's class?

I also opted for her class but when I attended last friday, it turns out to be another instructor. I wonder if I should change or not, to be under Mrs Wong.

The difference between Mrs Wong and the instructor is, one is lactating consultant and the other is midwife.

Any suggestions?

wow christy.. the magic scoop ring looks good.. online shopping is very addictive.. i dare not browse the pages now.. i have to wait until next month hee hee..

life is beautiful > o.. you also cancer Baby like me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. our babies also cancerians..

4 bedded is not near to the 2 bedded? I think I should go to the hospital tour next time with my hubby so I can choose wisely.. but 1 bedded I guess no.. cos $$$$ ~~ fly.. esp I still need to cater the $2k confinement lady... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Mummies, i find the BP so confusing. How did you manage to browse through it and see what you like? So far i have not order anything from BP before other than the shower gel.

fen, if 4bedded upgraded to 2bedded, there is no charge, except just to pay the bill when checking out based on ur 4bedded charges. if 2bedded upgrade to 1bedded, yes, there is a minimal charge.

fen, i also don mind to have u as room mates, ehhee!! at least we know from smh right!

life is beautiful > Is the class good? I havent decide should I go... my fren says she forgot everything after giving birth so she says pointless... cos theory and practical is so different..

life is beautiful> Hmmm cause I not sure if the scoop is universal kind... meaning different brand of milk powder.

My cousin when he is a bb thats very long long time ago.. the milk scoop can be attach to the inside of the milk tin so no need for the magic ring de (its a japanese brand milk powder)

fen > nono, you got confused... i'm a capricorn. my little one will be cancer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm not sure whether 4beds are near to 2beds or not but like JJ say, we will be billed 4bedder for this free upgrade. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I only attended one class.. so can't comment yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

find it useful for the daddies to attend cos my hub doesn't know how to massage me when i get cramps. now he knows after the first class. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJ... I read that from 2 bedded to 1 bedded is $75 dunno per day.. or what.. I think my next visit to TMC, I ll go for the hospital tour.. I m not keen to spend extra on rooms.. cos with or without hubby, I be okay cos TMC is very cosy.. no hospital feeling..

great.. shall post here when we give birth so we ll know..

life is beautiful> IC.. Capricorn and cancer good frenz...

o is it.. you have sore back? so far (touch wood), I dun experience any severe bad ache etc only the headaches which is last few months..

My hubby ask me to massage for him instead of massage for me lor..

water swelling also not yet... Hope I wun kena these...


christy > you mean you are worried about the size of scoop? on the BP, it states that "The rings are about 2.3cm in diameter and is stretchable. As long as the scoop in not smaller that 2.3cm. It should fit well".

but I think I have seen one brand (during TVC) with milk scoop that can be attached to within the tin.

For me, I won't be getting that cos very skeptical leh, when you scoop, the magnet will definitely come into contact with the milk powder. ;p

