(2011/06) June 2011

Evvie: mine's a boy & a girl. I don't think my tummy looks big. Well we can all see & compare for ourselves next week at the gathering. LOL!

As for milk I don't drink mummies milk. I take normal fresh milk. Low fat, high cal. Can't imagine if drinking mummies milk what the babies' wt will be now.

Btw I realized in these 5 weeks, I put on 3kg. Dunno abt babies' weight gain since it's the first time I get to know their wt. So is my personal wt gain too much too? my doc didn't say anything leh.


Evvie, thanks for link on the watery discharge.. i tink i wait till my next gynae check then ask my gynae abt it..

and me too. initially i have the same thot as u, outting the baby on our bed but scared or rather shld say my dh will confirm turn over and crush baby lor! so have to let baby sleep separately! haha..

JJ, is it necessary to use the confinement shower gal/shampoo??

Mel, Evvie, if u r going to buy the confinement shower gel, if u dun mind, can i tag along with ur orders? thanks!

Did u all get any wraps for confinement?? something to wrap around the waist for slimming? any of u have any recomendations?

again, i need to tag along the order if any of u getting, cos i oso dunnoe whats good and where to buy! thanks lots lots!!

junez, i find the confinement shower gal/shampoo less messy than the herbs, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] been using for my 2 confinements le.

Ok.. Thanks JJ. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i tink i can get the belly wrap there as well ;p

Oh ya, r u all getting any storage bags for BM? is it better to use storage bags or storage bottles? any recommended brands of bottles/ bags? thanks!

i will be using the herbs with the shower gel ah..

dont think i can escape nt using the herbs..MIL already getting ready all the pots to cook the herbs for my bath..

hw to persuade her there's this new generation of shower gel?? haha

Aiyoh. All ur babies seem so small compared to mine. Went for scan yesterday. 1.2kg at 27w! But gynae say baby is healthy and isnt say anything bt it being overweight. I don think he looks at my original edd and takes it as it comes. Hope everything will be ok come birthing time.

Ting, JJ, thanks for the link! will order a few items from this newmummy! hehe.. the idea of showering with lemongrass gel sure sounds better than boiling herbs... someone told me after bathing with the traditional herbs, the body feels sticky?

Syrah, so cool to have a boy and a girl! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Too bad I can't join you gals at the gathering lar. I am stuck working in boring Vietnam.

Drinking those mummies milk formula, yes I heard mummies will put on lotsa weight from constantly drinking such milk too. I am drinking Anmum, but I am not drinking daily for fear of being too fat as I am not petite to begin with.

Yesterday went for Mount A's prenatal class, the dietician said the pregnancy milk contains alot more calories than the normal fresh milk. that's y ppl tend to put on more weight if taking those milk. so its optional to take or not to take as long as we drink 2-3 glasses of fresh milk each day!

huh..Im drinking EnfaMama milk now eh..everyday w/o fail..up to 3-4cups..

coz doc bo give me fish oil..

then just nice this milk got DHA..folic acid etc etc..then just drink for bb..

anyway think i also put up 10kgs..haha..

ting, i scare if buy durian from geylang will kena koto haha.. somemore dunno how to choose so even more may get ripped off

evvie, yes i drink HL fresh milk everyday. i also take cheese almost everyday and gynae also gave me some calcium tablets so im getting oddles of calcium! i juz started drink anmum on tuesday after gynae said bb small.. taking 1 glass every night.. hopefully wont grow into a fat cow!

St3ph / clare > thanks for sharing the info on the harbourfront's mothercare baby fair. Yes, am thinking of getting the discounted baby seat from the daily deals... looks like need to go really early liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Evvie > my PIL's domestic helper told me that Anmum is more fattening cos she drank Anmum when she was preggie last time. She made this comparison after helping me to prepare my formula milk everyday. I started with Friso mom and I finished the tin and is starting with the free tin from TMC FBI's freebie *can't rem the brand*. Maybe you wanna try other brands. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ting > you drink 3-4cups of FM everyday... wow~ i always thought the recommended serving is one to two cups...

me also not eating fish oil or any prenatal vits. To begin with, I was prescribed the fish oil & vits but I stopped taking after the first week due to the itchy rashes and never continue thereafter due to all sorts of health problems like cough, cold... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Altariel..anyway u are going with ya hubby..they wont anyhw koto..think they koto those youngsters ba..keke..ard lorong 9..

if nt they got 3 for $10 or those in pkts already..

Life is beautiful..my 3-4 cup is break into 12 spoons of it..so each cup 3 spoons nia..if nt they recommend each cup is 6 spoons..i will died..coz super sweet..cant tahan..

Ting, yes it's true durian very high in sugar, that's why bb will grow bigger if u eat durian. I've to avoid it at all costs due to GD - I miss the durian pastries from goodwood park, sob!

And wow, it's a long list of things to buy. I've not even started shopping yet.

JJ, ya agree with u. Bb too big very hard to come out later. I rem my gynae kept reminding me to cut back on sugars for #1 else she will grow too big for me to deliver naturally.

Syrah, it's great that ur twins are growing so well! Ya better not drink mummies milk coz sugar content very high, fresh milk is better.

Mel & JJ> I went shopping saw California Baby & GAIA both smell ok. Could not find Burt Bee so du know how it smell like.

I saw amazon pple review on product one comment this:

Comment 1) I received this as a gift at my baby shower and looked it up on the Cosmetic Safety Database to see if it was safe for my baby. It scored a 5 hazard score (with 0 being the lowest and 10 being the most hazardous) because of the fragrance, limonene, and sodium borate that it contains. This suprised me, as I'd always thought of Burt's Bees products as being safe and natural. I'm definintely not going to put this lotion on my baby-- I threw it out. I'll be sticking with products that have a low hazard rating.

Comment 2) I normally like Burt's Bees products but my daughter (now 7) had a horrible allergic reaction to the Baby Bee Buttermilk Lotion. She broke out in a raging red rash and hives everywhere the lotion was applied. There are alot of ingredients so I'm not certain on what the culprit was. It smells great and I'll use it for me but use caution on young kids.


Now wondering if the content of Burt Bee in US the same as the one we use here.

christy, for shampoo, i don really like the california baby one, smell like dead cockroach or something, i ok with gaia and burt bees.

Maybe go taka fair see if got GAIA.... got sale or not.... burt bee also can see at taka first... if I still want burt bee than will buy online lor... stil got planty of time la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh the almond smell la... dead cockroach.. LOL

christy, think u will like gaia's pleasant smell hehe! haha, i just don like cb shampoo smell, eeeeeeeeekkkkkkssss!

need to go mustela's shampoo for cradle caps at taka if they have offer.

JJ> hahaha I like almond.. and smelly tofu.. not many pple like thou LOL.

Btw I buy romper at Mothercare and the sale person ask if got card so I gave ur card no. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Are the effects of using the herbal shower gel the same as boiling herbs? Wonder whether it's useful to get this as I'm not getting a cl.

Talking about the herbal shower... I think better to keep some old towels... cause the herbal shower is`yellowish so our towel will be stain la...

JJ, for the confinement shower gel, is it similar to the normal ones? Coz the herbal bath is so icky, I'm not even sure I'm cleaner before or after bathing. Any after effects after you shower?

Hi ladies! Been a while since I logged...just finished with marking of exam papers! Shag!

Anyway, I went to the Mothercare Fair yesterday night..Wanted to get my Peg Perego Si stroller and Britax Car seat but both sold out! The person said, by the end of the first day, the popular ones all sold out!Oh no! Anyway, I think I confirm gonna get from Kaki Bukit, but will check out Taka baby fair next Wed...

In the end, I bought many of their famous cotton rompers (long sleeves and short sleeves ones), basic ones..Their discount quite good..

Other stuff that I bought:

1) Mothercare Electric Steam Steriliser (after discount, only $95!) - intended to buy Pigeon brand but this one also seems quite ok.

2) Mothercare bottle and food warmer

3) Basic cotton rompers - each set of 7 cos me average of $$35

4) Jersey and Cotton Fitted sheets for the mattress for the cot - they have cot size and travel cot size

5) A box of 6 re-usable nursing pads - comes with the laundry bag to wash them in, gonna try this out first, if ok, then will continue..about $14 i think after discount

6) Lansinah nipple cream - $33 after discount , trying this out first, if it is ok, will continue.

All in all, I had about almost $80 worth of discounts in total!

Now, only to buy stroller and car seat, and those minor stuff like cotton wool, nappy cloth, pail, diaper rash cream, wet wipes..

Which wet wipes are good? Least prone to give rashes to babies?

I also went to mamypoko club and signed up as as a member..hopefully the samples for the newborn will arrive..

Syrah, you are going to have cute, chubby twins! Hehe..

I am hungry most of the time, but I am so afraid that I'm not eating healthily enough..I mean, gynae told me to munch on nuts and fruits, but I will only feel full after a good meal of rice, meat, vege and stuff! I tell you, my cheeks are exploding off of my face!

And the terrible thing is, I have dark spots on my face appearing on my cheeks! I read about pregnancy mask and I think it came out on my face! I can't live without concealer now..

JJ,I like almond leh..the smell n the test..everything about almond leh..haha..that's y I the cb smell nice leh..lol

Hanis,yeapz,the strollers etc were out on the 1st day,coz i went there.the mummies were smart ah,got their husbands to queue n grab!I really mean grab lor!!its sold out in mins....

I think for wet wipes,it's a trial n error thing,gotta get a few brands to try on bb.I would think every bb is different.

Oh dear,that's what I m so afraid of!dark spots n pigmentation!we are very prone to this especially when the sun is so strong here.ever since I came back,I use clarins sunblock n SPF powder.but I heard the dark spots might go away after pregnancy,so just a few more months yah...

Hanis, wow u got some good deals! For wipes, I used pigeon for #1. In general, go for unscented ones. Try a few brands to see what u prefer.

Where can I get nightgown ah.... Cause need to buy abt 3 nightgown.

Also I am looking for romper extenders.. last time BP got sell but now dun have already.

Hanis, I dunno if we bought the same steriliser. I also bought mothercare intelligent feeding steam steriliser but is onli $39!

Ratatouille dear, no that's the one that was also sold out!!! Ya, only $39, but I saw people reserved, cos I saw this lady queuing up behind me, and her steriliser had her name on it!!!

Mine is this one.. http://www.baby99.co.uk/view-prod/5/99751750677/baby-Cancer-Research-Mothercare-Electric-Steam-Steriliser-Pod-Pink.html

Hmmm, thanks Shymz and Clare68. I also think the same way, go for unscented, hypoallergenic and non-alcohol based ones. Should be ok.

Aiyoh, these dark spots are horrible..They simply appeared overnight! I am so sad, some more my cheeks sooo chubby, they magnify my dark spots..haha...

I decided not to go for mothercare ones cuz hubby is down wif cough and i dun feel like Q-ing alone lol

Baby wipes, i normally use Pureen for my puppy and most likely gonna use the same for baby :p it's cheap and not so thin, some brand very thin liao...

Duno wat to do.. My Sis had 3 girls nw preg 4th. 5min ago i chat w mum she told me sis just scan today girl again she told mum she v sad wana abort. I duno if I shd call her or keep quiet dun rub salt into her wound after all I got a boy she wanted n I nw having girl that I wanted..she Once said I won't understd her feeling..

Today I just packed my son stuff hoping to pass her n went ikea bought new cot. Msg her to pic up her cot soon now I felt bad.. I thinking whether u might as well act blur sent her cot back to her tomolo giv her pressure nt to abort or will I be adding to her pain.. She's 18 wk already no matter wat now I hope my niece get to see the world. Any advise ?

Ok I saw the nightgown I want liao.. hahaha those silk one hahah I think I buy dark colour if not stain very ugly... will buy later.

Romper extension got one mum help me find... I email the shop already see if they respond me....

JJ> the shower gel & shampoo u talking abt u use before?? haha cause my mum last time say want to boil the herb to shower... if this can also work than I can consider us it.

tingting > ic... i never take the recommended spoons for one cup cos i didn't measure the water level plus it's too sweet also. ;p

hanis > i also went Mothercare fair today and saw the steamer but don't know if it's the same as the one you bought cos it's selling at $39 (UP:$79); there's a lot of stocks for the $39 steamer. I didn't buy cos I'm not sure if my mom wants to use the steriliser or use traditional boiling method. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Went to the Mothercare Baby Fair today and we spent a whopping $200+ on baby clothes only. I didn't imagine the bill to chalk up to this amount. Wanted to get the britax car seat but in the end hubby say no need so early buy. So for this coming taka fair, i think mainly need to buy the milk bottles. I can't imagine the credit card bills for this month. :x

createjoy > i guess it's better to let her sort it out on her own & perhaps her hubby... and when she's ready to share the news/her decision with you, she will. If not, by you going to ask her about it, she might feel more upset. again, that's my take on the situation. others might have better advise for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

christy, shymz and tsukshi, i used during my last confinement and currently using the shampoo and shower gel as well since they can be used during pregnancy and confinement. after showering, can feel refreshed and slight warmth effect, as least it wont feel sticky. The first confinement i also used the confinement shampoo and shower gel, but the ones i got were from little dreamers and they are much ex than this. So since this shampoo and shower gel which i tried not too bad, i'm sticking to them. oh ya, forgot to mention, the ginger cream which newmummy is selling, very good! eased my backpain during preg, and it can help in easing sprain pain as well, my dh love the ginger cream hehee!


The thing is I don't even look like I've put on weight. My face, arms and legs are the same as b4 pregnancy. Only the tummy growing! So it def caught hubby and I by surprise that the babies were so big!

Don't fret abt the dark spots. They'll disappear after delivery. There's nothing much u can do about it now but use concealer I guess.


Thanks for the recommendation on the shower/shampoo. I'll most likely get the New Mummy bundled deal. We'll need the wrap anyway. Have u tried their binder before?

syrah, no i din tried their binder as i have my own. ya, good to get her bundle deal, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

There is sale going on in Robinson. 20% on baby stuffs. Pigeon Steriliser bundle deal at $149 & Avent steriliser bundle deal at $135. Above that members get additional 5 - 10% rebates.

Seems like quite a good deal. Any idea Taka BB fair's deal better or abt the same?

Hi ladies, I think I went quite late at night, then no more..i also never ask, very tired that night, worked from 6.30 am to 6.30 pm...so, just grabbed whatever i saw. Didn't bother to check whether have or not..

hahaha...>lifeisbeautiful, same here..i scared to see my credit card bills..but i did put aside $$ to buy all these stuff..still, feel the pinch each time i swipe my card..haha..

Syrah, for me, my cheeks are the ones that are exploding! Haha...the rest of body seems ok, cept my butt expanded a bit..hehe..

Yalah, the dark spots, panicked a bit when i saw them on my cheeks..hopefully they can lighten up after delivery..

winniepooh > any idea when the 20% at metro is until? cos the last time I went, the lady told me is till last weekend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: milk bottles.

First time buying milk bottles. Besides BPA free & possibly anti-colic, what else is there to look out for. Plus, is Advent a popular brand for newborns? And are those without adaptor rings better (according to what the saleslady told me the other time)?

