(2011/06) June 2011

Hi ash. The scan measurement is estimated. Not really 100% accurate. My frenz scan gynae always say 'wah yr bb ang mo size' then come out slightly over 3kg only. So no worries if yr scan say bb small or big. Healthy can liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I am also going to be in my 13 week and I am also going to cruise today. Wonder which cruise u are taking and I am also suffering from ms. Hope we can enjoy our holiday


yah can see already. Baby's legs open wide. But I'm already at 16 weeks, slightly ahead than the mommies here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])


Yeah my tummy isn't growing v much too! As long as baby is well, that's most impt. ^^

Ash, oh... 16 weeks no wonder can tell heehee. i thot 12 weeks can tell.

createjoy> OIC you can look for Dr Douglas Ong he have a clinic at MT E and Bukit Timah. His charges is a bit ex but he deliver at MT E & MT A. Dr Ong very friendly but he will encourage you to go for normal delivery if possible.

Christine> Hehehe yes yes I am at SG Brides too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you are the 2nd one to spot me here whahaha.. are from the same BS as me I am from My Bridal Room. As for the Pulin FC tablet, yes it contains metroclopramide which stated on the package. I take it only if I cannot tahah... if I can I just tahan. Last time, I dun know just take as what the gyne say 3 times a day the nurse is the one tell me take only needed can already.

I took the duphaston pill too... which I personallt think its too much cause the gyne say take 3 times a day... and I have been taking it for 5 weeks already. I only heard most MTB take 2 times a day le...

Chil> I am wearing maternity legging for abt a mth lor... mom got it in china... it a bit thick type cause china weather a bit cold mah.. but good for me cause my office very cold. Water retention I think its part of the preggy package de mah.. hahahah

Morning ladies!

Can I ask mummies here if still need to continue to take folic acid?my doc told me to take fish oil n multi vits Liao.but I forget to ask him need to stop folic acid a not or to cont.

Yah Ashley,Chil say is right lor.size doesn't matter.I think as long as the bb is healthy that's the most imp thing liao. I only worry abt taking my tests so late as the bb so big Liao.

Congrates on knowing the gender of ur bb,Ash!can buy stuff for bb Liao?(^_^)

Thanks for the info.I will uniglo to look for pants..

Matahari,enjoy ur cruise!

The 4d scan is almost like the 3d scan we see in baby centre website fetal development.

Hope u mummies can get to see it during ur next visit to gyne.so real life...

morning mumies, TGIF! what a long week..

hi christy, cos my water retention is really serious till my feet is really like a pair of pig trotters [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Something to share as I downloaded the mom n baby magazine.

It is total weight gain according to ur bmi:

For bmi 19.7> ,weight gain =28-40pounds

For bmi 19.8-26,wt gain =25-35pounds

For bmi 26-29,wt gain =15-25pounds

For bmi 29.1 n above,wt gain at least 15pounds.

good morning ladies !

Clare, can stop folic once u start multi-vit cos the folic acid is also included in the multi-vit for preggy...

i also need to buy preggy clothes liao

Clare> Folic Acid still have to take till birth de... so just carry on taking.

Chil> Wah... My aunt last time also like that but no choice... after birth all go back to back to normal liao.

mummies, for baby gender, usually boy can see earlier than girl, so if gynae say can't see, most likely is girl and will usually only confirm during detailed scan at 20 weeks...

morning mummies...

i need a dose of shopping medicine ASAP. most of my clothings is getting tighter... anyone going to the parenthood fair later this evening?

yup, agreed w ann, so far that is correct. my #1 gender is confirm during that time too. cos most of the time she only show her big butt to us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi christy, yes. it gone right away i delivered, like magic! how i wish the fats i gained during preg also be the same!

matahari, I am going for the royal caribbean cruise today in the noon. wonder if we are boarding the same ship?

As for the change in EDD date, I read up the the EDD for the first scan is usually taken to be more accurate and subsequently into the pregnancy it will devidate more and more. The subsequent EDD are good for us to monitor if our baby are growing enough as expected with the pregnancy progression.


My clothes are getting tight too but still somehow I cant keep wondering when the tummy is going to get big cos it's frustrating to wear lose clothes on the train and everyone keep starring trying to figure out if I am pregnant for real. Plus once the tummy is out I can feel more assure the baby is more or less there. sigh the sense of insecurity creeps onto me from time to time.

Chil> Hahahah if everything unwanted goes away after birth very good hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clare> my doc started putting me on fish oil and also calcium tablets but also told me to continue taking my multi-vits which already contain folic acid in it. u were taking separate folic acid previously?

rata> doc already can tell me mine is 70-80% confirm girl when i was at 11w6d..

I think it depends on how co-operative the bb is. My #1 is gal & we detected her gender at 16weeks too. But I got frenz who expect boy & they detected it at 12 weeks.

i wish i can wear a shirt that says im preg so that ppl will start giving up seats to me.. or that my tummy will start getting bigger and showing already.. ytd when i took the train from chinese garden to orchard, i had to get off at bouna vista and juz sit at the mrt benches and rest for a while cos i was standing and feeling so dizzy and nauseous.. bleh. super tempted to juz sit on the floor in the mrt lor!

i think the most exciting time is to know boy or girl....My doctor say most likely boy when i am in week 12 but he say dont go buy clothes first....haha...

Tgif people!

Regarding folic acid, my nurse stopped giving it to me and said that after first tri no need to take already. But she didnt give me any fish oil. I only eat this pink multi vitamin pill once a day.

Uziela .

u can go to the Unity Care n buy the folic acid .

very cheap n get some fish oil too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eat more fish ..

Hi ladies!

Haven't posted for a while. Hope everyone is doing well.

Hi to all new mummies to be!

I thought my MS is under control too. Then yesterday night I had my worse ever puking session. Till now I feel that my throat is a little sore. Anyone experienced this from excessive puking? Totally no appetite n hunger this morning too. Sigh... I'm 11weeks now. Hopefully it's just another week of MS to go.

Christy, can you pls PM me the contact. n how much he charge per consultation? mine now $80 nia cos i "old cust" scan $80 also. every visit $100+ but buy duphaston, prolutionm, full blood test etc last 2 visits cost me $1.5k already. glad last jab is 2 dec... ahh by then my bums can finally rest..

I bought the neurogain fish oil from "want to sell" 2 weeks ago. she selling $30 per btl $8 cheaper than pharmacy so i bought 2 & pay to send by reg post if anyone keen can email her [email protected] (not advertising, i don't know her, just sharing) my nurse say start fish oil after 15wk unless i no ms if not vomit the smell will mk me faint haha qt true..

Syrah, i'm also counting down to 12 week hope ms stop. i really love to eat! :p all these ms days mk me so lifeless.

Do you all vomit "gas"? i always nausea then i try to vomit most of the time is very loud wind come out.. my 1st preg not like that.. I rem my 1st boy's gender was known at 12wk! so next tue going 4d scan hope can see gender n ... really hope it's a girl haha..

ann01-today i also no boss in office very happy...no govt can FB, forum!! hurray!!

createjoy, where do u stay? My gynae is located at Clementi He deliver in all Pte Hospital of ur choice.

Uziela> im taking a pink multi-vit too.. it might be the same as urs.. that one has folic acid and i was told to still take it although i've moved into 2nd tri.. think its called Pramilets

as for the fish oil, buy the type for preg wan, not juz any fish oil

my gynac recommend me NeuroGain PB+ Vegicaps. I got it for $45 from unity care and guardian also same price

read from forum there is another brand of fish oil for preg called EPAX that isnt safe as the EPA levels are a bit high and can cause blood dilution and can result in large blood loss, so is not recommend esp after second trimester, think giving birth time will lose blood, high EPA concentration may result in unnecessary blood loss.. that's wat i read la.. dunno true or not though. both seems around the same price anyway so better safe than sorry?

createjoy> think urs is NeuroGain PB.. mine got a + haha so +$ also... i saw NeuroGain PB is $34 at guardian/watson etc

in case anyone is curious, NeuroGain PB has 250mg of DHA while NeuroGain PB+ has 320mg. DHA is essential for fetal mental development. If there is insufficient DHA for the baby, fetal development may be impaired resulting in lower IQ and poor visual acuity. So as u can tell, I'm juz really kiasu haha

and yes i have lots of gas! i burp all the time.. so 'da-glam'. bleh. earlier on the gas makes me nauseous but nv really puke.. now no issue juz normal burping all the time..


The brand NeuroGain got 2 type 1 is blue & the other is blue. If I not worng outside pharmacy onli sell those in Blue. My gynae use the one in Pink is higher dosage. But once in awhile will see people seller on BP the price is not abit cheaper as compared to gynae price,and the seller rebate in NTUC voucher if u purchase over certain amt.

A pic of the fish oil i took last time


createjoy> PM you the details la.. I will email u more on the cost if I not wrong mine is S$60+ for scan and consultation abt that price too.

nausea?? I everyday have it lor.. sometimes I just dun feel like doing anything and want to go home... at sometime I every want to cry out loud... I have this up and down feeling in me very jialat de lor... haiz.

Hmm interesting Fish Oil... must take ah??

For those taking fish oil> I learnt from a friend she say put in fish oil in the frezzer and take it out and eat when burb no fishy smell... dun know work or not hor.. I never taken fish oil.

rata> oh im taking this pink one too. this is the PB+ one with higher DHA that i was talking about. this one can get at outside pharmacy la. i saw at guardian and unity care both selling $45. juz bought last sat only. how much does ur gynae sell it for?

Altariel, i dunno how much he selling now, coz i not yet reach the stage to take fish oil. I remember i went to check some time back dun ve this in unity lei, u mention PB+ is 320mg but the one in the pic show 325mg i think diff lei

ratatouille, i stay bukit batok. share ur dr contact with me pls. good? ex or not? dunno my fish is is blue or pink nvr notice cos haven eat.. i better check. alamak only selling $34 meh the blue one? she say selling $38 i also nvr check.

Christy, my nurse say tk 15th wk onward esp if u ms vomit waste it & smell... thks, i'll check for ur mail

last time i bought a brand from vitakids at paragon is has a very nice smell dunno strawberry or rose flavor fish oil. but very ex... but burp really no smell not disgusting..

cretejoy> u stay near me le me at bt panjang [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh oki... will ask my gyne on fish oil and multi-vitamins next visit.

amazing no burp smell... wonder if i start burbing i will start throwing out or not...

Want to check is Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil the same as fish oil??

Hehehe if same I think I prefer to take Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil (Orange)

wau lau christy if it's the same those fish oil wont be so ex haha. 1 btl scotts so big only $7+ right.. that is better for kids. i feed my boy original from 1 yr old.

wah ladies, the multivit u gals taking sounds ex leh, mine is Obimin, $8.24 for 30 tablets n $24 for 90 tablets... i just realise now got New obimin - the folic acid is only 1 mg

ann01-obimin is mainly for iron only mah.. that's y cheap. like folic & calcium buy over counter packet ones very cheap only.

maybe we should compare the ingredients and quantity... i only seeing gynae early Jan... have to get my own multi-vit...

think obimin is multi-vit... i took that throughout my first pregnancy... wahahaha...

Createjoy> Thanks for digging out the information [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think buy the end of the day I will be taking loads of pills :p cause I cannot take milk product so taking calcium pill... not a veg eater so taking folic acid pill...

I dun eat much now.. cause normal home cook food really turn me off... I take bread, biscuit, milo, soy bean, oatmeal, pototo, apple... On the other hand worried bb lor..

