(2011/05) May 2011

Auora hows the check?rest well ya..

been busy lately we so much things at work and so many meetings..tonight still got 1 night meeting and tomorrow morning another one..i feel that im so being squeeze dry by my bosses..ever since i break the news to my boss and client they seem to have become more demanding on unreason deadlines..feel like im stuck cant go anywhere, like the meat getting grill on low flame slowly killing me..


hey ling,

hw's everything gg? btw, i checked w Rachel liao..her class w mrs wong is in march wor...so cannot attend tog with u liao...hehe

u got msn? can pm me? LOL


relax..hehe..not gd to get so stressed up..LOL...relax more during wkend of find something to do tat makes u happy during d wkend..i think alot of preg face such situations...jia you..

me too..although my boss makes plans for PT staff to come in early to help with my load..but then..everyday he's oso bugging me over same issue..where dealing day to day oredi cannot finish & stil hv to add on other loads & prepare when u r on ML..hai..

lets jia you tog ya.. hugs =)

mudppie, send u PM liao ..

ya, thinking of wat to eat is super sian ... i hate lunch time ... keke

mummies, relax .. jus relax ... dont stress... jus do wat u can .. then tell boss tat's all u can do .. no other help to reduce ur loads...

Hi mummies,

This is my first log in since the new year starts. It hasn't been smooth 'cos i have been experiencing "bad luck" from 1st day of the year:

1) The childcare centre that i intend to enrol my child told me it is full and cannot take in my son. I already registered him way before the centre opens, at that time, we were told we would be informed once it starts accepting enrolment! Now give me this kind of news?!?!

2) The maid i've chosen ran away in indonesia, and i've got to choose again...now the maid agency told me increase in salary of maid to $500/mth (ex-Sing)

3) My office system crash and suddenly a lot of new requirements at work.

4) Check-up yesterday revealed that i've low-lying placenta and baby is blocked from moving her head now...got to monitor for bleeding and stuff... likely need to go for C-section...

All these news are making me very sad and i think i am breaking down! :~(

mudppie and ling,

thanks will try to stay carefree and stressless..hopefully..


wow 500/mth was so ex compare to the new maid at 350..anyway i find that ex sing or not all the same..ex-sing maybe worst got once i hired an ex-sing at 400/mth..very yaya and bad tempered..

dont worry so much my gynae said my placenta was low too but he told me not to worry since my bb sure will be by c-sect since is my 3rd pregnancy and first 2 both c-sect..rest well

A low-lying placenta is not an uncommon finding on second trimester ultrasound scan. As many as 15% to 20% (one in five to six) of pregnancies have a low lying placenta. Fortunately, only 5% (one in 20) of these remain low lying at 32 weeks and only one third of those are low lying at term (37 weeks). After 28 weeks, a low lying placenta is known as placenta praevia.

The vast majority of pregnant women will have their placenta issues resolved by the time labour starts and will not have any problems.

I found this online, hope will make u feel better

mudpie : hey.. today i'm slightly busy... well, went to golden shoe to have fried fish bee hoon... while waiting for a vacant table with my colleagues.. a table of 3 were chatting away, they let me have the table the moment they saw me waiting at their table.. so nice...

heaven ... the chinese new year is coming soon.. u r jus having some bad issue for tiger year ... all will end well soon with rabbit hopping to us ...

as split mention, low placenta will slowly move up lah .. dont need to worry too much ...

remember to relax ... relax ...

Ling: Thanks! =) How's your case with your ex-workplace?

Heaven: So what happens with your boy? Managed to find a childcare for him? Don't wporry abt the low-lying placenta. I had it for my last pregnancy but it moved up in the last trimester. Just relax and don't carry heavy stuff for now. No sexual intercourse too.

Heaven - 500/mth is ex.. think positively !!

Mudpie - How u arrange for tour @ Mt A? Is it through the clinic? My gynae is either @ Mt A or Gleneagles.. Thinking of going to tour both.. 1st time mum..kinda lost.. hehe

Btw, anyone have a list of items to prepare? Better start planning..hehe

hannah, hehe, the MOM officer angry wz wat the HR manager presented .. told HR off tat tis is not normal case... pregnant women had extra law to protect us... i like tat sentence ...

the officer say since HR manager cannot give any decision, she wanted to see the MD next week to see wat compensation the coy will give ... she asked for the compensation directly liao ...

look like chances r high now.. unless coy want to drag till the top minister decision ... which i'm scare as minister give either zero or 16weeks compensation ...


oh dear. have u seen a gynae already? hope everything is well and fine for u. bleeding in 2nd trimester cant be taken likely...pls keep us updated ya.


*hug* its v sian when things happen and all come at the same thing...esp bad things. just hang on and do wat u can =)

as for the low lying placenta, i think most cases will move up as preg progress, just hope urs will move up gradually too. just be careful and if any bleeding or even if there isnt any but u just dun feel well, just go to ur gynae for checkup n ease of mind.


hehehe. finally for once u must be feeling there are kind souls ard to offer u the seat ya? hehehe.


gd news tat the MOM officer is pissed with the HR. hahaha! anyway, hope to hear more gd news frm u soon =)

hannah, MOM giving the MD 2 dates to see her, next mon n tue .. so by wed i shd hear from MOM as i dont need to attend the meeting wz MD ..

jus crossing fingers that coy will give in n pay quickly.. dont wan to drag ..


yes. super busy day...2 back to back mgtings and things to clear and ah hoc urgent stuffs frm my boss etc etc...things just didnt go well today since the early morning.

dolly, so nice of them..hahaha..

morning i take mrt..oso alot of ppl saw me & pretend to sleep or so...but cannot b bothered w them..hahaha..

i drank coke tdy..whahaha

ling, glad to hear tat...haha..but i dun tink minister wil give zero compensation...at worse..stil shld b able to get back 16wks..hehe...hope d MOM officer wil help u more in d compensation.. =)


maid runaway not ur fault ma...then they cannot provide u another maid..& u hv to fork out more cash to pay d maid? simi logic..hahah..i tink mus argue ur way w d agency leh..if not they might think u r despo & raise d fees u r paying..

heloooo Val, u oso v bz in ofc ah..hehe...

nwadays everybody seem quite bz w work...LOL

elbarc, mt a tour..u can find out from their website..they hv a number to call...cos i went for d tmc de..so i tot is d same timing so i jus pop by..LOL..i was 1 hr earlier..so went cafe eat 1st while waiting..hahaha gleneagles i not sure..mayb they will hv too..LOL


today abit unusual for me la...if nt most of the time morning i report in here unless i am on leave or weekends. hehehehe.

think mayb start of new yr so starting to get more bz and i think some of us may be already doing some simple handover le ba. for me, nt i do handover to others, is other handover to me! hahaha.

muddpie, MOM only help to get back the loss of benefits ... like ML...

like bonus, hv not annouced yet, so cannot ..

loss of income also cannot help as they r not court n judge ... hv to engage lawyer to fight ...

so now me looking for lawyer to seek advice ... yesterday went to HELP center at court .. make appt to the volunteer lawyer session .. wow, long wait .. earliest appt is end feb ..

so now asking around to see any frenz hv lawyer to get free advice on claiming for loss of income ..

elbarc, u need the baby list? PM me ur email ...

anyone need the list also can PM me ...

dolly, yes.. at least MOM step in .. hv a brighter side now .. jus hoping tat it will not drag too long ..

mummies, thank you for yr concern... my bleeding stopped last nite after 2 gush of blood came out... hubby drove me to the clinic this morning and gynae hve examined me and no sign of water bag burst, cervix not diluated (which i thought might be), water level in placenta is normal and placenta is ok... bb is in breech position now... he did a swap to check (results not out yet) and conculsion tat he came to is that i hving a cough and might hve break a vein inside while i cough (and also caused my urine to leak too) and caused the bleeding... he also prescibed me a med to insert into the virginal in case if bleeding starts again and i need to continue to take the ultranstan meds again (i stopped after 4mths taking it)... he also asked me what i was doing for the past few days.. told him i busy sorting out my bb's clothings (busy shifting the 2 boxes of bb's clothings/toys) and doing some spring cleaning... ganna lecture by him not to do spring cleaning, no heavy lifting (which includes carrying my girl) and to hve bed rest for now...he will see me 3 weeks ++ for now and my GD test is scheduled in March.... now got to stop doing spring cleaning (halfway done).. wanted to go get a dresser to put my children's clothings... all hve to put on hold for the time being... looking at my bb's listing, still got 6 more items to buy... now hve to put on hold...

pravina, try to hve bedrest as much as possible and monitor closely [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

heaven, sorry to hear the sad news... hve u found another childcare for yr child? previously i also have low placenta and major low somemore but it somehow hve shifted up now and it's normal.. hope yrs will eventually move up.. understand tat it's stressful to handle so many changes.. hope it will be over for u... take care and stay happy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ling, glad tat yr case is well-taken care of... hope it will be settle soon before u pop.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

auroa, glad to hear tat u dont hv bleeding liao .. so b good n stay on bed lah .. rest more .. u must had overdo for the past few days .. remember to relax .. n rest ..

mummies, tks .. i will jiayou ..

Auroa, glad to hear that you are alright, just don't over exert yourself anymore, take great care as you're breeding a new life inside you, other things can wait :)

auroa : glad to hear that you are alrite.. but don't do any strenous movement for the time being le...

Ling : that's good... but somethings it's beyond our control when comes to take on the case at court...

Auroa: You take care ya? No more heavy stuff... Can you get help with your girl? And maybe the spring cleaning can get those part-time helpers to come in to help you? Rest well...


hehehe. thanks for asking, yes. things are better nw *touch wood*. hope it remains as such if nt better. hehehehe.


gd to know u are fine. just be gd and listen to your gynae - no more spring cleaning, no more heavy stuffs. try to get ur hb to help out as much as possible la. as for the dresser, can still get la, u ask ur hb to help lo. then u just eyes/lip power. hehehe.

mummies, thank you... ya, can get hubby to help but he might not know my requirements lor... sometimes ownself do better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... will see whether can get weekend cleaner to clean up the house esp the windows... lately my girl dun want my hubby and not even letting him to touch her... not sure what's up w her...

Va|: Yeah! *crosses fingers*

Auroa: Aiya... This is "fei chang shi qi"! Just close one eye for now... *wink*

Hmmm... Sometimes it's a phase kids go through. Don't worry too much. As long as your husband persists to show an interest in her and takes time to play with her, she'll be close to him again. =)


if u wanna get weekend cleaner to do spring cleaning better source fast as now left 2 weekends to cny. the cleaners are in high demand! hahaha. certain things tat we cant do ourselves and we have to ask others to help then have to close 1 eye liao.

hmm..sometimes the kids act "funnily"...any changes in the household lately?


nw i am looking fwd to cny (coz PH) then apr for the gd fri and may for labour day! hahaha. wanna take things easy now, if nt i think i will grow alot of white hair le...

val, lately hubby been smacking her (very lightly on her hands lah) as she dun want to go brush teeth at nite and wants to hear bedtime stories or dun want to eat dinner as still wants to watch TV... she told me tat dun like daddy to smack her.. explained to her and she nodded her head... daddy not ard, she will look for him but when he's back, she dun want him ard.. sigh..

Va|: Ah.... that sounds like a good plan. =)

Auroa: Is there another way you and hb can think abt to get her to do what you need her to do instead of smacking her? She seems rather upset abt the smacking part. Maybe can consider some logical consequences such as switching off the tv if she doesn't want to eat dinner or not reading bedtime stories if she doesn't brush her teeth. Get him to praise or hug her whenever she does what he asks her to. It's almost like she wants to have daddy but don't like what he does to discipline her. For your consideration. =)

Hannah, ya, she doesn't likes the smacking part... hve tried reasoning w her... sometimes it works but sometimes no... sometimes she fuss w no reason and we tried to put up w it but not too often... priase or hugging has always been in place but i guess sometimes she knows when to take advantage of it lor... trying to find a balance too...

dolly, ya, now closing one eye and leaving it to him...

Auroa: Ya, can understand that patience is really necessary here... I guess children, like us, are subject to our moods. However, children also need to be taught how to do the right things. I've found that being firm and consistent has been helpful to me in terms of disciplining my girl. I let her throw her tantrums but i also let her know what i expect her to do.

Like yesterday, she took my EZ-link card. When i asked her to return, she refused and i had to take it away from her. She was crying and flopping on the floor. While i comforted her, i also did not give her back the card coz i know that it will not help things if i were to do so. She stopped after a little while and was fine, continuing her other play.

Hope that this will help. Since your child is old enough to understand reason, then she will also be better able to understand logical consequences. Can try and see how. Hope it helps!

Auroa, glad to hear its a false alarm. anyway just becareful. i have stopped carrying my ger since i was 3 mths preggy. and now my placenta a bit low, i am more careful too.

Its tough to be a parent these days. we need to be creative in handling our kids. no wonder they call it creative parenting!! hehehe

Dear Mummies,

Any remedy to treat nausea?

I accidentally ordered a cup of mint choc drink from TCC.... not knowing that it contains coffee (which I am allergy to)...kept feeling like throwing up but nothing except air.... hope bb is not affected

Hi Mummies,

Firstly I like to wish you all the best while waiting for your precious parcels to arrive.

I'm a SAHM trying to earn some extras for my family.

Please feel free to visit my blog for clothes for ur precious prince/princess. I'm also selling Diaper bag organizers which are very handy and convenient for all mummies.

Visit http://theflyingmummy.blogspot.com

(Like us on Facebook too!)

I'm having a CHINESE NEW YEAR Sale now with 15% off ALL ITEMS till 20Jan2011.

Wishing everyone a Prosperous New Year!

hannah, thank you for sharing... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starfruit, it's not easy being a parent... everyday learning something new.. i guess my girl also learning new everyday on how to deal w her frustrations and moods swings and how to respond to us too...sometimes i feel tat i need to outwit my girl ... call it the survial skills [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies, (sorry to interrupt)

I just gave birth in early Jan in KKH and have been seeing my gynae at KKH/The Private Suite (TPS).

I've 2 bottles BNIB Ganilia Calcium Soft Gel Multi-Vitamins for sale. These were the multi-vits she prescibed and recommended to me and her other patients.

For 10months of my pregnancy, I was taking 2 pills daily.

My baby boy was 4.08kg when he was born.

Letting go each bottle at $30.

It's a very good price, esp for those mummies who are currently buying from KKH/TPS.

Hurry. Pls PM/email me at [[email protected]] me. Self collect at AMK.

I can email the photos if you need. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning~...i feel that my legs and back are breaking apart..hubby need to go reservist from 14 to 29 and no one ferry me to and frm work..walk from home to mrt is really killing me..plus most of the time the mrt so pack..wanna be visible for people to give seat also hard...


Hello everyone! Im back to SMH after 2 tiring days of working non stop in office, w/o SMH... So sian.


Must rest le, no housework yeah and also, bedrest. Really rest on the bed de. Okie. I was shocked after reading your post eh. The house work, ask yr hubby help out bit by bit everyday or over the weekends. Then the bb items, buy after the 3 weeks review. Or, maybe u can ask hubby help u get some of them. Remember, dun walk so much le, ok..

**Pat Pat** you with HUGS!


Take care also yeah.


Hope u are well too.. Your child changed childcare? I cant find your post. What happened?


Hows yr gastric? Ok le?


Oh... I can understand. Me also very sian to work, so most of the time, I take cab home de... cos too tired liao. Is there any bus for u to take to work instead of mrt?


I PM u le leh, did u receive?

