(2011/05) May 2011

Hi mummies, there is a Pregnancy Workshop that is taking place this Saturday (25th Sept) at Traders Hotel Singapore from 10am-5pm! It includes Cord Blood Banking Consultation too for those interested in learning more about cord blood banking But the seminar also includes highlights such has handling emergencies and breastfeeding the right way Best of all? There is free entry with gynae appointment card! Hee. This is organized by CordLife, one of the private cord blood banks in sg. Hope this helps!


Nicole, you dun worry k? We have a lot of experience mummies here in May 2011. Maybe they haven log in yet. But since you are visiting the gynae this sat, maybe can let him know and seek his advice!

Hi all...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Please add me to the list:



10 May 2011

Dr Brenda Low



I was from the same thread (Mar 2008) as jerejoy and we delivered our boys on the same date some more!! And now both of us are preggie again with our #2 and will deliver during the same month again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats Shaz! Who knows, maybe both deliver #2 on the same date too!

Auroa: Thanks! Will try it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Oh cant do Neck massage? is it possible to apply some muscle rub?

2ww: Thanks alot! really appreciate it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Am having bit of brown and slightly pink discharge with some yellowish discharge since sat will that be ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] its kind of on off thing. sigh am so clueless.cant tell anyone and ask for their advice as i havent even go for my first appt to confirm everything is ok.

shaz17, my girl also born in Mar 2008.. .[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nicole, i heard fr my colleagues that can't pat the shoulders or massage, scare "hit" the "points" and will leads to misscarriage.... i'm not sure how true but some pp believe it...


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many new items.

(u'll find bumbo seat, FP swing, strollers etc)

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge.

items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs, items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls PM or SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do not leave postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them.

calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!

Hi babyheng, welcome back! glad to see u in this thread! So thrilled! Can't believe we r pregnant at the same time again. How r u feeling? My ms not that bad this time but v tiring as I hv to take care of my boy who is nt napping in the afternoon anymore.

moo mum, tks for the info. so far so good, no ms, no bleeding, no cramps .. eating welll ... just feel very tired...

u take great care too...

hi blurlemon, pls add me.



2 May 2011

Dr Tan WK



saw my gynae this afternoon and bb is good. can see the little heartbeat. felt very touched and amazed seeing the little one growing in me. the size is @ 1.59cm and is 8 weeks. my gynae said my gastric problem could be the cause of my regular vomitting, so she prescribe some medication to minimise the vomitting. will be seeing her in a month's time for OSCAR.

susan - have asked my gynae about the pain. she says it's due to the ligament thinning (something like that). for my case, she asked me to make a conscious effort of not putting my weight at my right hand side. it works!

sherry - same here! i even have sharp pains once in a while. apparently the pain is because the bb is attaching to sth. as long as it's bearable and not very often, guess it's ok?

min21 - guess it's better to see a GP. but remember to let the GP that you are preggie..are you feeling better?

joycep! hey! we share the same gynae! i saw her yesterday also (afternoon). super long wait..

same as joycep, me also gg for OSCAR next month..hehe..quite excited to see bb again next mth. can't believe that bb grew by 4 times! me at 8 weeks 1day, measuring at 1.65cm. so happy!! ladies, am wondering if you are going through the same me - will be super worried that if i go through 1 day w/o MS, sth might happened to bb. told my hubby about it and he only said that i've to think positively..haiz...

Nicole, why dont you bring forward your gynae visit? Since you have brown spotting, it is good that you take some an tai yao from the gynae..

hi mummies morning.....this is another fast moving thread.....hope everyone is fine....

i'm now having 1 wk mc.....yesterday suddenly hv red strains of blood after urine.....immed rush to gynae......gynae found polyps and did a minor op to remove it....he says im lucky to go to him early. as the polyps might even grow bigger......

after seen and hear the bb heartbeat, its more assuring....


according to wat my gynae said yesterday, as long as we see blood got to b very careful......its juz abnormal and got to go to them to check......its always fresh red stains and if too long in the body it becomes brown and means more serious......so do seek medical asst early.

my md had start to kick in with nauseaous feeling after every meal but not vomitting.....so xin ku....

n my no.1 is super sticky to me.....he always is .......makes me more tiring.

evie, you were at the clinic too? i was there from 2pm, and only managed to see dr tan close to 5pm, cuz she had a last min delivery. we might have seen each other at the clinic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so far i have gone through ms with vomitting almost every other meal. i will feel very happy if i don't have ms for half a day.

joycep, yea, i was there since 4. think u saw her earlier than me. saw her at 6. hahahaha!! i was wearing a blue shawl..sitting in between M Tan and WK Tan.

Thanks evie! Feeling better, so did not go see doc yet.. Read in some website that as baby is developing the critical body functions, best to avoid medication. :p so i'm trying to take more vitamin c to help!

Seems like everyone is on their 2nd visit already, i'm visiting my gynae next Tues..hope bb will b bigger then!

hi girls,

this week very xin ku. ms is bad... cannot tahan smells. smell food want to vomit. only like clean smells.. so kept spraying my room with the "natural air" smell.. or else feel like puking too. haha.. my collegues ask me if i did something wrong why always spray. ahaha..

funny, i like smells that are clean.. but if go to my office toilet i will puke. cannot stand that perfume they are using in the toilet. Gosh.. sounds so spoilt now. Everywhere i go i cover my nose. if i smell it, i will puke. I covered my nose from time i left the mrt this morning till I walked out in the open. too bad the open did not smell too nice this morning, so had to bend over to puke. Felt so paisay. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Is there a med around that can stop me from this silliness??

I called them up yesterday but they said as long as its not red its ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Just monitor dont have to bring forward the date cos cant see anything. Am only about 6 weeks plus. No MS also. sigh very worried ;(

evie, i'm not sure if i was sitting opposite you? :p do you wear glasses, and was reading a book while waiting? trying to make a guess.

Nicole, how many days in your cycle actually determine how long you are pregnant. When i was 5 weeks plus, I also worried coz dun have MS. But who knows when it reaches 6 weeks, I felt mild nauseous but no vomitting yet. But I guess worst is yet to come...

Hi Emily, yes i think there is a med that cant stop puking so you might want to check with your gynae on it.

Got to think on the bright side. MS = lots of hormones = healty babies...

No MS = very heng = very happy = healthy babies too!

No MS good mah.. me just back from lunch with my food hardly touched..

i cannot stand smell also.. especially sweaty smell.. actually i also dunno how many wks i'm in liao.. but my LMP is 5th August and i been pukinng 2 weeks ago lor.. have slim down 2 kg liao..

how to stop puking.. i also dunno. gynae got giv emy MS pill.. but i dun feel like taking med leh.. by the wan do duphaston got side effect..

as i got cramp doc ask me take 3times a day

I read somewhere that MS is actually the body's defence mechanism to toxins which may be harmful the baby (but not to the mother)...

When i had my #1, i suddenly hated cigarette smoke and cannot stand being in the presence of my smoker friends...and that was before i even tested +ve! So you see, for all the "lucky" mummies who are experiencing MS, that is Nature's way of protecting babies....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm also suffering from MS this time round but not as bad as #1. I find that eating smaller meals and more frequently (therefore blood sugar doesn't go down too low and cause nausea) and not drinking too much fluids during meals help. I also try not to move about after meals to aid digestion. :D

blurlemon, then how long is your cycle? wow so good lor, still can slim down 2kg! How I wish I dun put on weight can liao..

Shaz17, but i tend to get thirsty.. so will drink a lot of water.. you mean drink less water will reduce MS?

jerejoy - hello again!! so "qiao" our EDDs so close...maybe we'll deliver #2 on the same day again!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my ms not so horrible this time also (*touch wood*)...do u have a helper or can your parents/in-laws take care of your boy sometimes during the day to offload him from you for awhile so u can rest?

take good care!!

2ww - I think staying hydrated is good...and we need that extra fluid because of the increased blood supply to the uterus, amniotic fluid etc....but i try to avoid drinking too much water when i eat (or sometimes i don't even drink water when i eat). I read that drinking about 45 mins after eating is optimum and will prevent you from being too bloated and feeling nauseous or puking! So far i have been following that and my MS has become less severe. You may want to try it out! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello everyone, hope everyone is feeling good!

Was at thai express just now and happily ordered pineapple rice.. when e food came, i ate 1 mouth n remembered my MIL told me cannot take pineapple.. But what about pineapple rice?? Haa

Hi, how's everyone??

Woah, we got alot of new mummies *Wave***

blurlemon - you lost 2kg ar?? alamak appetite still not yet recover?? i think i put on weight le, my face getting rounder and rounder... faint...

2ww - you also feel thirsty?? I also leh... keep drinking and drinking still thirsty... hai...

min21 - you throw away the pineapple rice??

Susan, I packed it, gotta ask my hb to finish it for me tonite.. haha

I also feel thirsty.. But I tot its bcoz I drink lesser water now coz of the nausea feeling.. Haa

evie, then i was the one sitting opposite you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haha so we met briefly, while waiting for our gynae.

2ww, i don't really feel thirsty. but if i drink too much i will vomit. gynae told me to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day, but since i vomit so often, i can cut down a bit for the time being.

Hi Susan, yah me too, drink liao still feel thirsty. The first time i went gynae, he was doing the scan and he say wow, your bladder so full... but the thing is i just went to the toilet before i do the scanning.

but these few days I also feel nauseous when i drink the water. But i tell myself i still have to drink coz its good for both me and my baby.

Everyone is different in sizes and hence the amount of water required is different as well. I just know that I have sufficient water when I see my urine is very light yellow or pale in colour.. so mummies, jia you, drink more water!

Hi blurlemon, if you are 31 days cycle, then you are just into your 6 weeks this week.

If your cycle is accurate and based on the info you have given, your menses should come on 5th Sept but you missed it. You should O on around 23rd Aug (Mon). I think babycentre.com requires your cycle days to determine which week you are in.

Guess those application that does not require cycle day will take standard 28 days for the calculation.

So have you been to the gynae to hear your baby's heartbeat? I need to wait till 6th Oct then my appt.. waiting anxiously for it!

Susan, I also scare to wait up in the middle of the night to go toilet, so normally after dinner, I tried not to drink too much. Will drink alot when im in the office..

Babyheng, my parents r taking care of my sis's kids so can't help to take care mine. No choice, lesser coaching now. Seeing him roam ard n playing on his own make me feel so bad n guilty. Hopefully, will hv more energy during the 2nd trimester so that I can coach n play with him.

Drinking less fluid now. Feel like liking whenever I drink water. Any gd substitute?

Hi mummies, I went to d gynea juz now. Baby is now at week 7. Heard it's heartbeat. Will b back again in 1 month's time. I lost 1 kg since 2 weeks. I m so happy. Doc say I " siao" coz I so happy abt d weight loss. I only gained 9kg for my #1 n I regained my weight or even slimer in 2 mth's time. I m big in size n hence can't put on much weight.

Doc was telling me tat MS will worsen. So I requested to get d anti vomit medicine.

Penny, must be very excited to hear the heartbeat. did u bring recorder to record it down? Previously when i was preg with my no1, i recorded my girl's heartbeat.. recently i played it for my girl to listen... she asked me what's that and found it amazing... i also showed her the pics that i took of my tummy during my preg... she is amazed that my tummy got bigger and bigger...

I seeing my doc on 7 Oct to scan my bb... so excited abt it but got to wait 2 more weeks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Penny, I can understand too. I also hope to lose weight during my 1st trimester rather than gaining weight. But my weight still stagnant. No gain no lose. I lost 3kg during the 1st trimester for my boy. But this time, ms not very bad, so not losing any weight at all.

Anyone done Oscar test before? Do we get the results on the same day? Did mine in US for my boy and the results r immediate. Wonder if it's the same in Spore.


u girls are losing weight...****envy**** shd i?

i gain ! 4kg le! terrible rite....but my no1 by this time i already gain 8kg! so i shd b contented at least? sigh.....

if i rmbr correctly, oscar test is immed results.....but anyone can rmbr if oscar test is the one that cfms the bb gender on the spot? i can rmbr tat much le, only can rmbr is done at hosipital.....n muz drink tons of wtr to b able to scan........


Mommies, just one question. Will you terminate the pregnancy if the oscar test comes out positive? I heard there are many cases of false positives and at the end, baby is normal when born.

If the decision is not to terminate even if result shows positive, then why worry yourself for the next XX months till baby is born?

I know for many of us, we just want to know... it's this thing in us that we need to know. But if things don't turn out too well in the results, what's next?

