(2011/05) May 2011

michelle, you rest well and take care.

been feeling rather lousy lately. been vomitting quite frequently. if there's no food, i will be vomitting acid. i have gastric reflux, so i'm not sure if that's the reason why i'm vomitting more seriously. quite envious of most mtbs only have ms but nothing much really comes out.

hardly eat much. so far managed to get yoshinoya beef rice into my stomach for dinner, but the portion is getting smaller by the day.

Hi michelle,

though i'm new here but don't give up & pray for miracle..

Hi joyce,

i'm feeling lousy too... i've been trying hard not to puke... cos it's a very bad feeling after the puking...

now i don't even know what i can take for breakfast... it's all a turn-off after the 2nd glance...

i'm losing weight...nowadays when halfway thru my meals, i already feel full, thus keeping small meals... i lost 1 kg in just 3 days.... luckily no ms, otherwise i think i will lose more weight..

After reading Michelle's story, me very worry... me no MS, can eat well ... not sure if bb growing well ...

everyday, me take multi-vit for pregnant mother, DHA Omega-3, milk, cheese.

due to some personal matters, me delaying to see GP till next week .. hoping that this will not put bb at risk ...

any advice?

hi, I m new here.

Can someone add me to the list? Thanks!



08 may 2011

Dr. Douglas Ong

Mt A


My first child is turning 2 tis sunday. I am still breast feeding her. Gynea encourage me to continue though I m afraid of it might trigger contractions but Gynea says its good for my no.2 as the milk supply will continue and will increase when #2 comes along.

Hi michelle, pls take care of urself n dun give up.

Haiz.. I think I'm the only one that have ms(throwing out alot) n still gain weight fast.... Y ar?? Zzzzzz

I'm having spotting almost everyday n it'll be more if I didn't have enough rest. Anyone the same as me??

Hope everyone doing fine.. Cheers


it is advisable to see a Gynea after confirming ur pregnancy. Gynea will b able to perform test and scanning to ensure our buds r growing well. And also early scanning can determine our bud's EDD.

I knew someone who tried to delay her visit to Gynea and tis cost her a big price for tat. But tis is -ve story which i do not want to share here.

I would advice you to see a Gynea asap. And also to take Folic acid as well.

Hi MTB, did anyone tested negative for the test but is in fact pregnant? My last ms is 14Aug and cycle is always 26-28 days. Till now ms not here but test result show neg. Hv not see the gynae yet. Really hope I can join you guys on the May thread. Haiz.

lehcar, i tested negative using the test kit.. my last period was on 19 aug.. very close to yours...have spoting 2 days later and thought period came (which is early as my cycle is 26-28 days)... the "flow" din come and i was worried and my girl told me that bb stuck inside my tummy... thus i called up my gynae clinic.. at first the nurses told me to wait till my period comes and i told them to check w my gynae directly and i did a hcg test and it came back postive... that time i was in day 23 and period not due yet.. have spoting for abt 4 days and now stopped... now put on injection which i need to go back every 3 days... maybe u might want to take a hcg blood test or consult your gynae what is the best option... good luck to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Penny, can still breastfeed during preg? i thought normally doc will advice to stop asap...


Tis will depends on the folic acid content in ur multi-vit. We r suppose to take 5 mg of Folic everyday. And Calcium as well. I m still bfing my #1 n hence I need to have more calcium intake ( Gynea says I m feeding 3 person - myself, #1 and #2) for u, u will need to ask ur Gynea.

Hi Penny,

So you will be breastfeeding throughout your pregnancy? I heard it's best to stop by 5 months or so?

I'm also breastfeeding and having difficulty weaning.


Tat's wat i tot too but my Gynea explained to me and I can understand his point. He told me if I were to stop now, my supply will go to zero and when #2 is here, I will have to start to build my supply. Since i m still bfing, he told me dun stop coz my #1 is already on solid and I bf her only twice a day. no need to pump also. I did check with Breastfeeding mother support and they also encourage me to continue bfing.

moo mum,

Yes, i will be bfing throughout my whole pregnancy unless my #1 wants to stop. For tis, u may wan to check with ur gynea as he/she will noe best. Coz tis will depend on how old is ur #1.

I tried talking to my #1 abt weaning her off mummy's milk milk. She will cry and cry and cry. Haiz... I asked her whether baby (#2) can drink mummy's milk milk? she said'" don't want", I asked her why? She told me its Claudia's milk milk. Haiz... Really scare that she will get jealous when #2 comes along.....

Thanks Auroa. When I had my #1, I tested out on the 2nd day when I missed my ms and it's a fast +ve. But this time rd, late for 7 days liao. Last tested on tues but neg. Called my gynae, he said might be due to stress. Asked me to test again next wk. Haiz, wanted so much to get another kit to test but my hb ask me to wait.Feeling so bloated now.

Hi Im back!! wow, never log in for 2 days then the thread run so fast!!

To all the wonderful ladies out there, thank you so much for your kind words; I am holding up well. tomorrow going for 2nd blood test, will see what the results are. To top up to my agony, I am not young anymore (sigh)... going 40 next March...

Blurlemon, you're so sweet to still keep my name there, I will update you.

In the meantime to those ladies who have bad morning sickness and if you have already done your scan and can see baby and see heartbeat, you should be doing well. The morning sickness is a good sign to show that your HCG levels are increasing and that your hormones are moving (this is what my gynae said).

So bear with the MS for now... it should go away after 1st trimester...

Stay well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im 2ww..gotten myself a new account hee hee..

anyway, I am supposed to visit my gynae on my 8th weeks. Then who knows, on wed, I start to have spotting.. It is like when you wipe, there is nothing but you see the stain on your undies. So i went to the gynae and he did a scan. He told me that mine is in the early stage and the sac is at the right spot.. phew!

He prescribe me some an tai yao(i think so) and ask me to go back in 2 weeks time. But i ask them whether i can go in 3 weeks time.. Hopefully will be able to hear some heartbeat.

Oh yah, did anyone here experience cramping? today when i woke up (position like doing a sit up) i felt like my stomach muscle so tired.. like i have done many many sit ups like that.. do you all have this feeling?

Penny, your daughter is so cute!

Lin, i same as you, have spotting on and off, and when i tired, will get more, donno is it good anot. anyway, i going to see my gynae tmr, hopefully everything is well.

2ww, i do have cramps too

wow, nice to see this thread so active now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lin, i started having spotting yesterday and today. a bit worried and wondering if i should go see doc. my appt with my gynae is on monday, so monitoring the situation.

Joyce, u may wan to call the clinic first to tell them and see wat d doc says. 1st trimester is v unstable n hence we have to b on our toes.

Call now Pls.


I dun hav appetite to eat. I can only eat porridge kosong. With meat or ingredient inside, i will feel like puking

Hi Joyce,

I think it is important to see a doc. I also plan to go and see my gynae on the 8th weeks but who knows i have spotting and I went on the 5th weeks. Though doc say it is normal, but better see le, at least not so worry.

Keep us updated k?


You mean u start to have an increased appetite? Im very scared of fat so sometimes at night when Im hungry, I just go to sleep and try not to have too much supper..

I eat watever can goes down my stomach. If I feel like puking, i have to stop. And same as susan. I need to eat before sleep. My #1 doesnt give me such prob. haiz!

susan, gd for u to have good appietate.. any way u so slim.. eat more better.. keke..

me eating small meal and closer interval.. if not hungry or full will feel like puking...

Wow Susan and Penny, you all not scare put on a lot of weight ah?? But it is good that you all still can eat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Susan,

I've the same problem as you... don't know what to eat too... bought too much ginger cookies from M&S, eat till want to puke le... then after dinner, will get hungry after 1 or 2 hours later... my maid tried to cook maggie mee for me, and tried to puke after the smell travels to my nose... what a terrible feeling...

Blurlemon - haha... Later I become big fat pig...

2ww - I also scare i grow fat ar.. But if I don eat feel so hungry.

Dolly- my first n last meal is cheese with bread, eat until I so sian

re: breastfeeding during pregnancy

to clear all doubts, it is okay to continue breastfeeding during pregnancy. I myself have breastfed my #1 till I delivered #2. In fact, I fed both of them till only trying to wean them off night feed now. Coz I feel that will be short changing #3. It's good to keep the flow of milk in your breasts so that baby can get milk sooner. Don't worry about the colostrum.. your body will know when baby is delivered and make it then.. in fact, my #1 benefited from the colostrum produced during my pregnancy and gained weight! hahaa.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so, unless there is a risk to the pregnancy like causing you to have contractions etc, don't stop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I too have not gone to visit the doc for confirming the pregnancy.. so a little worried too. But let's all have faith in ourselves and carry on taking care of ourselves. I have booked my 1st appointment for 30th Sept! Till then, fingers crossed.


i think my edd about the same time as you. Have you started MS? (touchwood)

I'm envy with you all ... at least you are normal with all the symptons ... me dont have such ... only if i walk too fast, then i feel like vomite ...

i have swollen breasts, felt very tired and frequent urination ...

is it normal?

hi susan,

i dare not eat cheese.... i'm scare of the taste... jialat... having spotting now... but my gyae has given me "An Tai Yao" if i've spotting... so should i go back to her or just observe 1st by taking the pills?

For those who want to continue breastfeeding and thinking of feeding both kids together next time, maybe it's time u read "Tandem Nursing" - that's the term used. See how comfortable you are and then decide for yourself if you wish to continue. There are books and pictures available in the library and online. It will also be good to show your #1 the pictures in preparation for the baby.. not now, maybe later.

I have experienced much joy feeding both right from 1st day in the hospital during the birth of my #2. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] They feed each from one breast while holding hands.. sometimes, the elder will gently stroke the little brother's face while nuring. It's an enduring moment. They also learn to share mommy at the same time. It's great for comforting them and I know I can get more sleep at night without waking up to feed.

However, to each his/her own decision, its how comfortable you are with the idea, how accepting and supportive your husband will be to your decision. Don't put others in the picture; this should be your family decision. Take one step at a time, one day at a time... just like when you 1st started breastfeeding.

Hi Dollyqueencess,

I also have spotting for the past 2 days and my gynae gave me the an tai yao. I think it is good that you start taking them and at the same time, let your gynae knows.

The worst is i have not started my MS so I am really worried. Hopefully this is going to be a healthy pregnancy!

Hi Emily, wow, so glad tat I shared my experience and in turn u shared your most valuable experience. Thanks dear. After reading the part where u mentioned they learnt to share mummy at the same time, it really touches me. Thanks Emily. I got more confirmation that my decision is right one. Thanks again.


of coz i scare fat lor. But hungry icant sleep lei.

hi emily & 2ww,

it's not so much & slight of cramp... I tried to reach my gynae but seems to be off duty le..

In fact, just seen her last tues... did update her that no spotting at the moment... she has given me the an tai yao for just in case... Have the situation in my first pregnancy, she also give me an tai yao plus 7 days of bedrest.. sigh... what should i do now?

Ladies, I'm going to see my gynae tmr morning. Abit nervous and at the same time anxious..haha

Susan - it is good if you can eat, don worry about weight gain at this stage. Am sure if you b/feed after delivery, you will regain your figure fast.


Hi everyone.. Can I ask a few questions? My last menses is on 27th jul. Today I tested myself positive. Is it accurate using. A pregnancy kit? If it is, how many wks preg am I? Am also I m vvv scared. Last wk I fell real sick n have been taking like 6panadols for 3days, flu n cough medicine... Will it cause birth defects?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

