(2011/05) May 2011

jen: my head has been spinning since mon cos of constant waking up in the nite. can imagine how you are now. welcome to panda club. how abt i offer you the vice chairman position? heee...

snore: i snore too! my mum so afraid to sleep with me and hb in the same room cos she can't sleep at all with our snoring. wahahahahaha...


Eve: LOL. My mum and dad snores too but my bro and I dun.

I cun imagine if I have to work and take care of bb at nite coz trust me, even if I wake and bb wakes up at nite I'll also be the only one to wake up to settle him.

Cun wait for hb to off work so that I can throw bb to him. I hate my bb today =(

No I m a part time sahm,juz for this wk only.I m still workin

Tot I can happily bring my gal shopping but she havin diarrhea.does oatmeal cereal cause diarrhea?cos tat d only new stuff I intro unless is due to d frozen carrot purée I give ytd. Juz gave me a huge 1 til stroller kena.luckily rch Hm Liao else imagine outside I faint

vicki: So u're working part time? I used to work when I was pregnant but co shifted to kaki bukit so have to give up my job and nobody take care of bb, so nv look for job + I'm too lazy.

I think one of the allergy reactions include diarrhea. But sometimes could be other stuff too. My bb just had diarrhea too but mini one. LOL.

Just now my bb was so funny. I was carrying him and he turned over and asked daddy to carry. Once daddy tried to carry he will turn back and hug my arm very tightly. He did it many times and when daddy succeeded in carrying him over, he will cry and ask me to carry him then continue playing the game.

Gonna slp now, slping on bb's playmat but better than waking up every hour!

vicki: LOL on ur " I need to work to stay sane."

vicki: *wave wave* same here! need to work to stay sane.

jen: yr bb playing with you ah.. so cute hor! =D he knows you are tired, so start to play with daddy bah.. heee...

my bb last nite keep stirring last nite since 3am. alamak.. keep patting till 5am.. my wrist is broken!!

eva, haha the first 2 words is my bb's name, but the last 2 words is my name ar. my name aka mickeyboy ma... hehe, i follow min's mummy format

finally today is my "friday", coz i m taking leave tmr... hopefully today will be a smooth sailing day for me, will hv meeting later...

jen, my hb wont wake up too. but actually, after some time i realised that he hates the process of going out of the room & warm up the milk (bm for my case). and he doesnt know need to wait how long then its hot enough.

so nowadays to compromise, i will be the one who wake up and go warm up the milk, then i will pass the bottle to him ask him to feed.... better than none ar, though sometimes the milk cant finish lar, he will sleep tog w the bb holding the bottle... *faintz*

Eve: Wow u pat him for 2 hours? U nv scold him? So good tempered! If me sure kanna scolded or beaten liao! Now I really appreciate the yao lan more but I might take back my words when I'm trying to wean him off.

Mickeyboy: I'm very confused on min's mummy name. I rem she was called A**** S** in the forum here coz I always chat with her in the forum when we were pregnant then suddenly at FB she got so many names. I dun even know what is her name.

Actually I wun have patience to warm up bm at nite too, I feed fm at nite and warm bm in the morning, why dun u bf ur bb at nite? Oh now I got a very good solution for feeding bb at nite. Just use one of his bolster and put on his chest then put the bottle there and I dun have to hold his bottle! I can go and wash some stuff or go to the toilet, come back abt 5 min later and switch his bottle to pacifier.

Wow so good ur bb can slp while drinking? My bb hardly does that anymore. He will nag and nag like now and refuse to go back to slp.

qin: Just now I went in the room and saw my bb flip over in the yao lan! Then I call him noti boy and he cry until like I beat him again.

Now ur boy 1 yr old liao will still wake up for milk?

Seldom le . Mostly wake up at 5.30-6.30am than I try make him to zzz for a while .

If he b4 zzz play too much with kor kor he will wake up sometime

Jen: scold or beat him also useless wah... He also pek chek can't sleep well, very poor thing Liao. Nowadays he wakes up before 6am n refuse to slp back and no nap yesday.

Qin: aug not school holidays so shld b ok bah. Dun worry too much, ya.

Yesday my bb starts to clench both his fists and use all his might to scream. Did it many times. Dunno where he learn tis from??

Qin: So early. My bb nowadays will start waking up at 9+ but I let him slp till 10+ when I wake up then feed him.

Eve: No use but u dun feel angry that he doesn't go back to slp? I'll be very very angry! Wow totally no nap yest? Yest I drag my bb's napping time coz he will cry and refuse to nap, but will still rub his eyes and yawn. Dunno what's wrong with him.

Haha, so cute. Maybe he learn from tv.

eve: my bb also likes to clench fist and scream like nobody's business. Initially i thought maybe he learned from me, cuz when I'm irritated at him, I will scream my lungs out (I think my neighbours think I'm very very bad mum).

But i guess uts just a phase ba, their new found skill or something.

ANyway bb seems to be on food strike lately, he refuse to eat when we give him his normal food like porridge, brown rice etc.

So I decided to take the plunge and let him try egg yolk, and he eat! Wahlao eating also must be different everyday one!

mummyzen: so is normal? at least relief to hear tat... heee....

i told my mum tat bb likes minced meat and she put it in the porridge.. viola! he ate 3/4 of a bowl.. happy happy... nowadays bb sooo many patterns! dunno was i like tat when i was a bb?

qin: sorry, i dun hv ppl in the govt. i hv nvr even booked a chalet before.. =P and it has been ages (like 15 yrs??) since i stepped into one too!

jen: surprisingly, no, i'm not angry with him. very pity him and wan to sooth him to sleep cos i know he very pek chek also. mayb cos i dun face his nonsense in the day like u and my mum, so can tahan him at nite.

Sunflower: Sunday is cheaper . But check in time is 3pm worry no time prepare everything.

Maybe considering ntuc family suite . But son want to try in bungalow his friend say very nice and big . Haiz...

Some say nsrcc is not bad but changi is far lor.

I suspect my bb is having ear infection instead of teething. Just did some research, bbs with ear infection doesn't want to lie down coz ear will be painful. This is definitely something teething wouldn't have. Going to bring him to a doc later. Hopefully can do something to stop his discomfort.

Eve: He got alot of signs relating to ear infections. Scratching ears, slapping head, fussing and crying more, waking up several times at nite and crying when I put him down for naps. I think the crying when lying down is a more obvious sign coz teething wouldn't have this.

Jenny: don't worry.am sure joben will be fine.bcuz ear infection can be very serious. When my bb was younger,I thought she has ear infection too.cuz I find her signs very similar to what is written on the Internet.ended up I got slammed by the pd. -.- give her money still have to hear her lecture.lol..scratching ear is a habit most babies have.but no reason given. Fussing and cranky,she gave me probiotics and colic wind medicine.but I did not give my girl then becus she was too young. Unless joben has been running a temp n keep on refusing to lie on a particular side,he should be fine.but anyway, update us k. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks mummies, The GP confirmed that there was no infection but she didn't scold us. Of course we are worried so bring for checkup, why scold u, jmummy? Its ridiculous. U shouldn't even pay, just say I dun pay to get scolded and walk away.

Reminds me of my ex colleague he says he go and see doc and request for mc, then the doc says no, he just walk out and say no mc, no money. LOL.

Anyway back to the story, there's no fever but as a GP, she also dunno what's wrong with my bb but I think should be just teething but its definitely irritating him a lot! Tonight I gonna slp in living room again to spare myself from his crying at nite, since my hb says wake up a few times ONLY!

Wanna tell u all just now I asked bb for a kiss, he opened his mouth and kiss me as usual but after that he bite my lips with his 4 teeth so tightly and refuse to release! So painful, think I'm not going to ask him for a kiss anymore.

Jenny: you bb really funny and cool lol.

My bb just now when my mil carry Bb , bb went to bite her shoulder suddenly give her a shock of her life. Haha

My hub still dare to laugh and say to bb: good job cosmo

Jenny: lol...I can imagine how u must have felt when joben refused to let go!because I kanna before also!but mine is not bitten by son but by Yakult bottle!!!!i like to suck instead of dunk properly n ended up the pressure n all,the bottle stuck to my mouth n it was so painful and hb was standing there laughing out loud,I feel like a retard!

Anyway,not the first time I got slammed lor.during #1's time also like that.he kept on coughing,I brought to this gp recommended by fil friends then he say which kids nv sick b4? Whose kids nv cough 1?u all parents little bit thing bring kids to see doctor!!!and I was like u think I want to come ah.u think I want to donate money for your holiday ah.i was angry.but I don't dare to walk out without paying ley...

Glad to know bb is fine.at least u can sleep well tonight. Letting hb slp with joben is gd bonding for them too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dunno why the past few days my hb n son like 贴错門神.each showing own face lor.the hb keep on scolding,shouting and caning son,then the son keep on ignoring the hb.like he is transparent,nv talk,nv call,even touch also cannot. -.- I think I fail as a mum n wife la.haiz..I feel as though I have 2 sons n 1 daughter!the hb is obviously angry because the son don't seem to love him as much.and took his anger out on the poor boy who doesnt understand what is going on.so he continues with his actions.n the misunderstanding carries on....

Jmummy: I also try Kana by yakult bottle b4 my elder think is fun also follow in the end both cry for help and hb standing there laughing until can't stand up.

Just now before elder go school my bb itchy hand go pull kor kor bag handle kor mistake as bag stripe pull over head he tot can sling but it got stuck. He look like Toby the square train in Thomas and friends. My fil laugh until spec fall out bb also keep laughing n clapping call kor stupid in Chinese.

The whole thing is so funny that I laugh until tears come out . His ear is so red n pointed like ET when the handle remove safety out

Qin: Good, serves ur mil rite! Now my bb likes to slap pple I hope he will slap my mil if she ever comes. I'll laugh as loud as I can if he does it.

Wow ur bb can say many words liao hor. How abt other babies? Mine only say ma (seldom liao), pa and his fav word die die die die die.

jmummy: I once got scolded by a doc too. I went there for my eczema then no use so I go second time. Then he say skin prob will nv heal, if heal he chop his head off. Obviously can be healed coz after that I went to nsc and after a few days its completely healed!

Dun worry, ur hb and son will be back to normal soon!

Jen: LOL... See if u still dare to ask for kisses! Hahahahaaa... My bb very dao one. He'll kiss only when he wants, can't request or force him. Lucky he still bo geh!

Jmummy: tell daddy to show his love to yr son and stop caning him. Maybe yr son will change then?

Words; still PAPA PAPA PAPA... Now dun even hear him say bear, cat or car Liao. =(

Qin: I think coz since he's born, I am very negative coz he's forever crying. When he cries, I will say ok lah mummy die then u will be happy rite. Then everyday I will tell him I want to die, so he learn how to say die instead of other words.

Eve: LOL, dun dare liao. He doesn't always kiss me too. When I say kiss mummy, he will beat me up instead. Only when he's in a good mood then he will kiss me.

Jen: Relax yourself and pamper yourself u will feel better.

When I want kiss my baby he will automatic push my face away. My parents, my hb he also the same.

I tell him kiss me he will feel shy n turn away . Suddenly he turn back I tot he want kiss but he use both his hand squeeze my face and use his head and knock my mouth. So pain lo.

Mummies, yest my bb nv wake up and cry! I gave him jin feng shan as adviced by my friend. The first time he started teething he woke up every 15 min then I also bth and ask this friend she also taught me this method and my bb can finally slp. But this time round I forgot until she mentioned it yest and I tried. My hb says bb nv wake up last nite, then I went in to slp at 6.30am he also nv wake up till 10am then started whining. Maybe if ur bbs also wake up at nite u all can try too!

Qin: LOL, ur bb so cute and funny! My bb also like to squeeze my face.

Jenny: ur baby loves his dad! He is so nice to daddy la. maybe I should sleep in the other room too!!

Thanks mummies!hope father n son will be fine soon.its so tiring seeing their faces n a forever cranky baby...

Mummies, pls allow me to rant.

After my bb is born, my hb got 'promoted' and his workload is crazy, he can work OT and come home at 11pm, take a quick shower and dinner then continue to work from home till 2am. My hb promised that its just the beginning, things will get better. But now its already 9 mths since the promotion and workload is getting more and more. For his last position, he is very busy at end of the month only and other than that, he doesn't have to work OT daily but now, he works OT daily and come back to continue his work!

He is totally possessed now! Refused to play with bb, heck care bb, dun help in housework and in his eyes, he can only see work work work work work. He can even get phone calls in the middle of the nite and when he's on leave or mc. On mon, he took leave and stay at work and do work THE WHOLE DAY! And his phone nv stop ringing at all!

I am so very tired of this, I just asked him to ask for his old position back and he says his boss wun allow without even attempting to ask, then I told him to look for a new job. I say dun think the longer u work in this co, the higher the pay they will give u. The real fact is the longer u stay in this co, the more work they will give u.

I know I am a SAHM and my hb works to support the family but shouldn't be work till dun care abt our family rite? One day if I really bth and leave the house with bb I see if he still got mood to work anot. Rem these few days I join the spree for oshkosh? He threaten me and say if he dun work, how to have money to buy oshkosh and to shop at gmarket.

If u all read the story above, I bet u wun believe that his salary is way less than $2500 and his promotion increment is barely $100! The $100 is not even enough to cover our electricity bill to use his stupid co laptop to work from home and he gets $0 OT pay to work from home too.

jmummy: Maybe u can try some jing fen shan and see if ur bb can slp better?

Yah, my bb loves his daddy but daddy dun love him. Daddy loves his work only.

Jen: I understand how u feel. My hub last 2 year also keep working nv take leave no time play with my #1 . he work shift work in psa . Come home bath le zzz le wake up surf net see YouTube see tired le zzz nxt day go work . Now also got abit like that. So sianz and I bit bth want to throw take his computer sell to garang guni .

Qin: At least ur hb come home no need to work. I see my hb play better than see my hb work.

LOL at ur "I bit bth want to throw take his computer sell to garang guni"

I feel very sian, like bb is mine only, none of his biz like that. My hb told me this yr he must clear 10 days leave then I say clear also no use, u will be working from home.

And every year my bday, he nv celebrate for me. He nv intend to take leave to even accompany me at home or wat. This yr my bday falls on a sat, and he says he is going back to office to work OT since it is mth end.

Jen: I think your hb really too much. If I am you I will nag at him non stop. Or just pass bb and son to him on my bday if he nv wk than I go out myself and pamper myself.

Qin: Great idea but he's working so no place to throw my bb to. Unless ask him to bring to work. LOL.

These few days he keep saying he wanna buy car. I just call him and tell him he forever also wun afford a car if he continue to stay in that co. Really mah, salary like shit not even enough to buy a bicycle for bb next time when he needs.

