(2011/05) May 2011

Jenny, same as Deon, I go to Doc Chan, e PD for bb jab n assessment, I tot usually they will do it together? His next one is when he is 6 month.

By the way, i let my baby try the organic orchard apple puree and so far ok for him. i'm so happy!! cannot start rice cereal first but apple puree.. i hope this will give him more nutrients too.

Hi mummies – am feeling under weather coz hb is going for extended trip, back on next Sun. His weekends are donated to his company. I think I need a lot of negative IONs.

Mimosa: oh! My office is in town leh. AMK is good location, not too far from SK. My bb see Doc Chan too. His jab due this Fri.

Deon: Agree. Does your maid know you treat her rather well? Coz not every employer is as kind and generous as you. When you start to pamper them, they will have expectations. Mine will bug me to bring her to library on weekends so she can borrow her romance novels to read and will request time-off like run her errands, go buy snacks, call her friends. Maids compare notes when they have the opportunity to chat and we should also compare notes too. LOL.

Jenny: Did you not take up the vaccination package? Its better for PD to examine our child’s progress I think. When they are older, then its ok to switch to GP. For the airfryer – just thinking only. Its quite costly too about $400+. Just like microwave, some people think it does not match up to the conventional ways of cooking.

Mickey: Hope your #1 is recovering.. Check with you for CNY, it is a practice to give Hongbao for our bbsitters? I feel like doing so coz not easy for bbsitter to care for my bb. She sets my mind at peace at work.

Viman: Good to hear your bb fever is gone and back to her usual cheerful self.

Mummies – does your bb start to jump a lot now? Like refuse to sit down and will push his legs against the floor to start bouncing up and down? Also, does your bb start to squeal or shout? I got a very noisy bb. He will squeal very loudly non-stop like talking.

Mimosa: I click in at 11am they will say no more liao, try tmr or someting like that. The double discount is like u apply a noormal discount then u can apply the double discount. Or if u buy someting that says cannot apply with other discounts, u can still use the double discount. Quite confusing rite? When u wan to buy u just anyhow click the coupons and see wich ones u can use.

Baby assessment: My baby is currently having jabs at polyclinic by the nurse. At 3 mths, he had a development assessment by the 'pd' there. We waited for 45 whole min and all other babies who came later have already gone in. Worse of all, the doc nv even assess anyting other than checking ht, wt and head circumference. She nv do anything else at all and nv even update the health booklet. With this kind of standard I rather go to my nearby clinic which also provides development assessment for babies.

Little Fly: I also find air fryer too exp. My husband wans to buy butI've to stop him fr buyinh.

when i informed the principal that my gal kena. only that time, they informed me that she is not the first one already. they said that they had put up notice on the board at the gate when the first batch are found. who will ever take time to read when picking or drop child there?

maid: ya i agree w littlefly, i think cant treat them too well de. if not, one day when u scold her, she will think that u r treating her so badly.. they cant tahan being scolded "like a maid" once, if all along u r treating her like "ur sister"... i dun hv a maid, but this is what i heard fr all my frens lor.

littlefly, i dun usually give ang pow to babysitter. but i will give ang pow to her kids, which i think its the same ba. as she has 2 kids, so i will be the "rugi" one lor. but this year, i will have 2 also le! haha :p

yes twinkle, i agree, we wont go n read when picking or drop child de, where got time, always in a hurry one ma. but i can see their points here too, if they verbally tell every parent, maybe it will end up all ppl dun dare to send their kids to sch le. it will create chaos too. maybe u make it clear to them that, next time if got the first case le, pls tell u verbally, dun just put on the notice... ?

not possible that everyday we go n call 'eh today got HFMD case onot?', it shd be their responsibility to inform parents, rite?

Thanks, mommies, for the concern and advice. Bb has fully recovered now. Singing as I type this. Hehe! :p


30% discount?? That's very good lei... Can philips carnival match or not? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mickeyboy, ya! quite true. but i think next time, i must open my eyes big big to look out for notice when they start to inspect the kids mouth, hand and feet. HAIZ!! terrible month for me and my family.

by the way, is it a must that i need to give the school the letter from doc to certify that my gal is fit to go school? or just based on her spots disappear will do???

sorry ah!!! need advise!

Little Fly: oh, ur bb's PD also Doc Chan? Jenny also visited her b4, so qiao! didnt know that she is so popular, haha...

btw, got vaccination package one meh? Doc Chan nvr told me wor...

Viman: yeah! glad that ur gal fully recover! =)

Jenny: ohh... then tmr morning i will try again, hehe... wanna get the $5 coupon for the happy call pan! hehe...

Mummies, I just let my boy tried Pumpkin puree yday, and he loves it! hehe... and my mil mix it into his cereal today =) nowadays he will try to snatch e bowl when we give him e food too slowly, so 'tam jia'! haha... But i nid some advice, e organic pumpkin i bougth is so big, i only use 1/4 to make e puree, the rest i put in fridge, can i still use the pumpkin to make more puree for baby next week? will it become not so fresh? if not advicable to use the pumpkin after 1 week, i will bring to my mum house to ask her cook for e adults...

Little Fly: my bb also keep wanted to jump!! his legs like so strong, keep kicking, then yday, i was sitting on my sil's bed which is near e wall, and holding him up bcos he wanna jump, then he kick so hard, his back of his head hit e wall, he cried so loud! :p so poor thg, just recently fell down from e bed, now e head ganna again, haix... altho heart pain but at e same time i find it v funny, hahaha... dilemma XD

mimosa, pumpkin can keep at most 1 week only already that u will be able to see mould on it. best to consume within a week. U can get slices instead of the whole pumpkin. anyway veg to try is butternut squash.

Starfruit: oh, ok, then i will give it to my mum to cook, haha... Thanks! i bought e whole pumpkin bcos i can only find whole pumpkin at the organic session in NTUC... =P btw what is e difference between pumpkin and butternut squash??

Mummies, can I with with u how would you all store your veg, fruits etc. if they cannot be fully consumed within the day? I realised that my mil likes to cut carrots/fruits and store the remaining unconsumed portion without wrapping or whatsoever inside the fridge. This is including apples that she gives my #1. I just wonder if she takes the oxidised apple out, cut away the brown portion, and give the remaining to my girl again?

I really don't agree with the way she stores her food cuz I find it very unhygienic. My mum would wrap the food up using food wrap so I am not used to my mil's hygiene standards, but what can I do? I don't cook and my hubby has grown up under such conditions so he doesn't find it an issue.


Good tip to use hb's email to get $3 discount again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can use cling wrap to wrap the half-cut fruits and veg before keeping in fridge. Or put in another clean container with a lid and then keep in fridge. For apples, I don't keep half-cut ones cos they oxidize so fast. Better to finish at one go.

Sylvia, get some lock n lock containers and start practising at home. It takes awhile to change your MIL thinking and practice. Not easy..but no harm trying

Mickey boy

I'm A verygood eg of treating maid well n later on when scold her, she shocked me with her reply that if I'm not happy, can pay her back $ n send her home. I was stunned by her natural reply. Everytime let her do wat she wants n we go out eat gd food, abalone etc bring her along. Then now gd food nv give her, mouth say ok but caught her looking at Thr boxes or packing. Then tell me she knew abt this food n tat b4.

I'm nt sure carnival can beat this price or nt but I'm gg to use the family reward pts to less off n redeem.

Mickey, Bunnymum - Ok I will try and not to be so nice to her. But difficult when you have been giving then to take back is tough unless we replace her.

Though she is new in Singapore but she has worked at Arab and Malaysia before so she should know if we are treating her much better ? I will still tell her if I need something to be done or things not done to the way I want. But I will not like talk down to her, will still talk to her nicely.

My main concern is that she takes care of bb and I do not want her to end up stuffing things into my girl's mouth or put things into our meals.

My thinking is that we treat people well, they will apprecaite. But then, I not sure it works on helper lah.. Just have to see how thing goes and when my luck will run out... (Touch wood)..

Her loan is ending in Jan 12, should see her real pattern now.

But so far so good still.. Keeping fingers and toes crossed.


Trying to clear home space. Have the following preloved booster seat for sale.

Selling at $30. Condition 9/10. Comes with box and instruction manual.

3-position dishwasher safe tray with a removable insert.

* There is a 2-level height adjustment and a high-back seat.

* 2-chair straps secure the booster to a chair

* The seat has rubber grippers on the underside of seat to prevent damage to furniture and to ensure a secure fit onto the chair.

* 3-point adjustable harness

* Suitable from 6 months to 4 years

PM me if you are interested.



we think really alike! i also don't wan her to mishandle bb n our food as mostly is handled and cooked by her - ALL meals.

But sometimes enough is enough esp when she does things wrongly or sterilize baby's stuff and just leave it anyway in the open. Then she will have 1001 unlinked and illogical reasons and when i explain to her nicely why should not be like that instead of scolding her, her face turned black. Now her loan finisehd and i asked her why this thing is like that and why put here.. i'm nt even scolding. she ignores and just carries on her own stuff! She does not even apologize anymore. urgh!

Mimosa: I laughed over your post. Yesterday I carry my Bb n watch my #1 play. Bb moves so much n his head bump into the nearby cupboard next to me. He wailed so loudly. I am a careless mummy! Oh! I said wrongly. I Thot u send ur Bb to the kids clinic dr A tan. Not dr chan. Sorry!

Deon, Mickey, bunnymum: Same here, I treat her nice hoping she will take good care of my Bb. U never know when they will vent their anger on our innocent bbies.

exactly! even treating them nice does not mean they will not vent their anger. I always find baby clothes missing and hankies as well. Things that she thinks i will miss out but somehow i know cos it always come in one set. after sometime, i dun see it and i asked her she will say she duno,dun ask her. gosh, dun ask her i ask who??

by the way, I am intending to get a few bottles of apples, pear, pumpkin and spinach/broccoli purees (those Gerbers one and organix...). But how do i store them? can store outside before opening or all must put in fridge?

also the philips steamer..do i need to prepare a plate to put the vege/fruits when steaming or just put the food/fruit in can steam liao?

Hb is at Bugis BHG. The 30% off on $219 for the Philips steamer-blender was only for yesterday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Today they have a new offer - steamer-blender plus accessories (weaning cup, plate, spoon and bib) for 199.


Am going a bit crazy trying to decide on a baby carrier. I have a weak back so I need something that gives very good support. I have read good things about Ergo and BBjorn but can't decide between the two and there are so many models too! Since it's so ex, dun wan to buy and regret if it's not comfy for bb or me. Any advice?

Any mummies also working late today? I am going into a meeting soon.. kinda of miss the early days of pumping where there would be mummies around doing the same.. hehe

Sylvia, even if fruit/veg doesn't oxidise it's also not a good idea to store in the fridge opening because vitamins will be lost and the fruit/veg may absorb smells/bacteria from other contents of the fridge. If you can't finish the pumpkin on BB's puree, you can always use the remaining portion to boil soup for the family. Just boil with pork ribs and carrots.

Viman, I have a BBjorn Miracle. Great support and BB loves to be in it cuz I position him looking out. Not a single sound from him when I walk him around in it. He even falls asleep in it!

morning mummies,

saw a number of babies had started solids. Sad to say that my #2 had not started yet. cos these few weeks busy with #1 incident. hopefully i can start early next month.

Deon, I'll be bringing #2 for the gathering to meet her fellow may bbs la. Hopefully she wont wailed too much cos she recognise pple already. #1 will leave at hm else i wont be able to chit chat & get to know u ladies if he's around

Bunnymom, i think hold the solids till bb is 6mths old. guess your bb is not ready yet the way keep outbreak in rashes even with rice cereal. check with your pd again which you should start first. & i think you must avoid cerelac rice cereal cos it contain gluten & milk.

twinkle, no hurry to start if your bb is still satisfy with her milk feed. i did start my gal already but she still dosent really swallow very well & she's turning 6mths old on 10th next mth. though i think she prefer to be fed solid, however i am still taking it slow. only rice cereal, no other food yet. wait til she can swallow well b4 i proceed.

Wah today forum so quiet ar. rather busy in the morning, only managed to log in now... So mummies, any plan for the coming weekend?

i hope bb's running nose is ok, and thus we can bring him for jab tomorrow. and hopefully #1 can fully recover soon too, then at least can bring him to go somewhere interesting to make him happier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah today forum very quiet. where is everyone.

my ger still on 100% milk i think i will start her on solid after 6 mths.. cos i lazy to prepare food for her and i also hate that after starting solid, their breath smells and their poo stinks.. hehehe

Took Bb for jab this morning. Just now his fever shot up to 39.3! Came down after taking fever med but I am still v worried coz hes only 5 mths plus n fever went up so high. Angry w myself n maid for letting this happen.

Ash: I also tempted to buy for birds nest but still considering. Sometimes gmarket also have promo but dun think will have $10 off.

Little Fly: Oh no hope ur baby's fever subsides very soon!

Everyone is on leave!!! Ha ha!! By the way I heard pumpkin is v good for bb. I tried spinach for my bb n my mli complain that it smell terrible. I told her what most important is high in vit n bb won't complain coz they haven taste nice nice food yet. Haiz hopefully she won't secretly throw away my spinach. But must really say organic food v exp. Just a box of spinach cost me 7 bucksn worst still can't keep for long. Going to cook the remaining spinach tmr for myself.

But mummies, can I check if organic food really a must? I also nvr eat such exp veg lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh no little fly hope yr bb is ok.. Dun b mad over this. Think bb will recover real soon.. Just feed bb the fever medicine n after sleeping for a while, fever will sure subside

2ww: I dun think organic food is a must. I'm going for normal food. I scare now if give baby organic food in future give him normal food he wun get use to it.

Pumpkin: Asked my husband to look for it at ntuc he say cun find. But I asked my mum she say she saw it at ntuc before. Today din managed to go and find. If tmr's weather is good I might bring baby to sheng siong to find.

Thanks Jenny, 2ww.

Bb fever kept returning after every 3hrs n hovers around 37.7 or 38 after taking paracetamol. I think I have to stay vigilant tonight. I dont recall my no 1 has such high fever for his vaccines n it usually retreats after a few doses of fever medicine.

My boi is also having fever tonight. He's got running nose after I brought him to a friend's house and her daughter's having running nose too. Hubby says I shouldn't have gone since I knew in advance, but I think it's fine... Afterall there will be a first time BB falls sick? Now that I'm alone however, I'm kind of beating myself over it. Cuz my fren's daughter din have fever but now my boi is running 38.2 deg...

Little Fly, WT,

Apart from medicine, do sponge your babies and can put cooling patch on forehead. Hope they get better soon! Heartpain...

A sleepless night for me. BB fever come and go. Still in the range of 38+ after med effect wears off.

Viman: Thanks. I ran out to buy cooling patch (saw your earlier post after your bb had the jab).The pharmacist said very seldom bb develop high fever so i am keeping a close watch.

WT: Probably bring bb to see doc next day morning?


Little Fly/WT: Got on aircond for baby? I think aircond will help but my husband insist baby cannot have the aircond and must wear thick thick without any ventilation. Those old grandma's method.

Hope both ur babies will recover today!

