(2011/05) May 2011

Electric Yao Lan: Thanks all the mummies who recommend me the electric yao lan. Finally a night of free hands, even though I was having insomnia and couldn't really sleep well. But I bought the sunflower brand and its kinda weird. It suddenly go haywire and slow down the speed, or sometimes even increase the speed on its own. Anyone also experience this?

Little Fly: Why need another one? For an extra one? Wonder if this one would be lasting. The staff told my husband got 6 mths warranty. Hopefully wun spoil so easily.

Flu: My husband went to guardian and only found the adult version of sterimer. Asked the staff at pharmacy and was told that baby version can only be gotten from clinic. And my husband is down with flu yet keep kissing baby at the mouth. This morning at 10am, he suddenly cried and I carried him out and he was having running nose! Used the nasal aspirator but cun get it out. After that have to carry him until he slept then put him in the yao lan back to sleep. Poor thing, so small only 2 mths old keep getting flu.


Sylvia: I read from somewhere not to store EBM at the door of the fridge coz its not cold enough. Maybe you express some new ones and smell to see if its the same as the old ones. But I smelled mine before it doesn't have vomit smell.

Oh forgot to mention I think my baby refusing to drink is not due to flu. This morning also same thing and my husband kept talking to him then he drank. At 9am he also cried and refused to drink. Then I pretended to cry (he will stop crying if I pretend to cry) then I say you dun wan to drink the milk mummy made, mummy is upset. Then he stopped crying and after a few sec he started drinking.

Sylvia: ya, don't store at the door there.. Put very very inside of the fridge kind.. I dunno how they smell, but when smell like vomit, than throw ba.. Can't imagine Bb drinking vomit smell milk.. *puke

Dolly: Hurhurr, jus saw ur fb Bb picx, Wah! Must meet him in real person! He's so fleshy leh! Bet can't feel his bone! Ur milk is so powerful, can feed till so 肉肉.

Angie: ya hor! Today Taka fair.. Should I? Should I? Wad u intending to buy leh? But I wanna stay home with my kids leh.. My mil ask me buy stroller Cux my #2 keep asking her to carry whenmil fetch her from sch.. My current stroller too heavy formy mil.. Somemore, she complain her kneecap very painful, abit worry.. Any mummies got remedy to painful kneecaps? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jenny,ur son so cute. D adult sterimar is ok to use.bb version nozzle is thinner n smaller. When u spray juz til sideways instead of upwards

Cloudpoem,kneecap pain won't b solve overtime.my mom has been taking glucosamine for almost 3yrs now n d pain is lesser but of cos still there

Apple: ya keep hearing u say abt twg...must try tt some days...so shiok save on shipping!

Dolly: ya alot of nice ones that weren't on sale prev on sale now!

Cloud: dunno le wanna see his toys...hopefully really got

good deals...If nt go all e way down v sian...

Hi Cloud, you spreeing Rl yourself? Do you need an US address for it? i remember we can get an US address from Vpost right? is it the right way?

Jenny: Got extra one to put at my mum's place. Your bb so endearing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

V: can I also add to your carter's orders if in time?

2ww: actually, I'm not so sure of the 'procedure'. I only on laptop, click click my orders than hubby processed. Haaaha. If I'm not wrong, he use globeshopper and yes, u need a US address.. I should be shopping carters, gap and thinking of RL not.. I think I can shun bian buy my blazer too.. But scared I can't buckle in front again!

Angie: wad kinda toys u looking at? I remember the Mar Taka fair, got DVD shows, a few soft books kinda range... I should be going next week, see if time permits. Hurhurr.

Dolly, my boy dunno how to suck thumb..so he kinda like licking the fist. If he started to suck thumb I'll give him paci..haha

Poor J, weaning off paci never easy..lucky my #1 din take paci.

Sylvia, ya my nanny very gd with my 2 kids. Am lucky to have her. More $$ spent but at least when I need to go back ofc for meeting, or run errands I go out in peace.

Sylvia, ebm has to store inner compartment of the fridge & must away fr the fridge door. If it smells..pls discard! Later bb stomach upset worst..

Cloud: I jus came back from taka fair!!! Chiong there n back...best buy is the toy chest...only for today...! Today is shopping day...later go back spree for RL..before my items went oos agn...din manage to buy many toys...wanna buy leapfrogs one but din hav wat I like. Bought some fisherprice rattles at only $9.90 for 3!

2ww: yeah jus need a vpost acc to order! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cloud: zoom down...toy chest v nice le...wooden kind...by safety first...nt assembling it till he is older can't take pic...u will like it! Got bear bear outside...got one mummy bought 3! Rattle is Winnie the pooh n tigger! Great deals!

Angie, it is at level 2 - same floor with Customer Service. Next to Burberry. They took over Copenhagen Tea lounge. Wah..u cheong Taka bb fair already!! Any good buy??

B2 also have? Saw one at b2..I didn't buy alot of stuff...mentioned to cloud abt the rattle n toy chest...got the nursing cover too! Finally got the kind I like...clothing kind...got 20% off! Abt $47 after tt...nice material!

My boy is so funny. Latching him on and cut his nails. After that nv wear his mittens coz its wet. Then he put his hand at his mouth n suck both at the same time. After that he realised his hand is better and just suck on his hand instead of my breast.

wow, how did u manage to cut his nails while latching? been wantin to do tat cos at least she wont struggle. my gal has been suckin her drumstick & my bbsitter was tellin me wait deformed. but i refuse to give her the pacifier cos i had a tough time quitting my son & he finally quit it only in mar & i scare if i give mei mei, he will want it too

looks like my gal has caught the flu bug. doc didnt give cough syrup. only 1 to open airways & 1 to reduce phelgm. ask me to monitor another few days to see if will get better else to give antibiotics. so young give antibiotics not gd right?

Jenny: haa same here...cut his nails while latching on...more efficient but always end up neckache...

vicki: u got take the pneunonmocal jab(forgot hw to spell)...prevent flu bug...jus took today for my bb.

Bb just turned 3 months today...weighing 6.7kg. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Took 2 jabs tog+rota....I am more scared than bb....

Jenny & Melody,

Thanks for the info on west side pd. Will check them out.


I feel that bb so young not advisable to give antibiotic. Maybe can try sterimar to push the mucus in/ out. Helps bb to breath better.


U can cut nail while latching? Superb! I tried to cut before bathing but it's a struggle as bb always pulling away. Evrytime cut half way stop then next day continue. Bb still wearing mittens so still ok.


Wa.. So tempted to go taka sales. Hmmm wonder if got time....

Jenny - Yr bb so cute.. I pretend to cry together with my girl, she also cry (never stop) ha ha ha. But my girl never refuse her milk, she can finish 120 ml in 15 minutes...

My girl was better on sunday then started fussing again yesterday and today. Brought her for review yesterday, came back started fussing.

My mum said maybe she do not like to go out (super ban dung). My mum notice that she always refuse to sleep and fuss a lot each time we come back home from outside.

For me, I am not a ban dung person but my hubby is and very band dung.. My mum say she takes after her dad.

Be careful about drilling the hook for the yao lan, same thing happened she fussed for nearly a week when I drilled the hole for her yao lan..

Will my period still come when I am doing total breast feeding? Am experiencing PMS crmps, backache & headache now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So sad... Is it ok to take ponstan?

angie, d pneumoccocal jab will on jab on 4th mth. i was still tinkin if can try to postpone so tat take lesser jab. ya in d meantime will use sterimar to help her clear d mucus in d nose

Deon: Huh? drill hook for yao lan got ban dung one?

Maid - good that extra help is coming your way! be firm upfront and then slowly relax the rules. If her priority is baby, tell her so. I am still not used to another person and loss of privacy. Will 'ren' for 2 years or until she quits, whichever earlier.

Where where is my baby's nanny? please please appear soon.... i am losing sleep over it...

Dolly: Not yet. I tot they only have confinement services. Thanks.

Going to 'rescue' not-yet-sleepy bb from yaolan as maid throws him there again.

I alsO just came back from taka baby fair. Didnt see the FP rattlers!! Medela pump users can bring ur old bottles to trade in new ones at $6.90 each. I bought the FP newborn to toddler rocker not tat cheap but i needed it. Best buy was the huggies ultra diapers only $10.90 per pack, damn cheap kinda regret i bought only 3 packets!! Also stocked up my mustela body wash at $22 each.

Dolly my breastfeeding bib/cloth is available there $19 plus only. If u need one more spare can get there.

Nails: Yup, quite easy to cut when latching on. I place him on the nursing pillow so I got two free hands. He also moved about but I just grab his hands. Thanks to my doggie who trained me. Her nails are so hard to cut that my mum have to carry her, muzzle her while I cut her nails. Two days ago I removed my baby's mitten and in the end he scratched his face until bleeding. Till now still not ok, see already very heartpain.

Deon: Did you call ur baby's name and tell her that she has reached home each and every time after you go out?

Nicole: I also got the period feel, sometimes feel like blood flowing out (the type of period flow) but went to toilet and nothing. Also had those cramps.

Little Fly - Ya lor, first time I heard also.. Anyway my mum helping me with bb now so I listen to her lor.

Jenny - I do not call her name when we reach home. U mean have to do that ? For what, can enlighten me.. Thank you.

Angie/Vicki: my dr aso told me to let baby inj pneumoccoal at 3rd n 5th mth..

Deon: we aso always call kids' name whenever we come back Hm no matter wat time we Hm.. We even do so when we in n out of lift, esp if e kid is asleep at tat time.. It is to alert them to let them Noe they r Hm, rather than still outside.. Chinese belief lah

Preciousmom - Ok I will do that.. Now I know being a mummy you will try and do anything for your child.. As long as it is of no harm to her.

starfruit: haa...u did see? Tog with all the fisherprice items le...now buy the rocker can only use for a while more? Went JB last week...huggies ultra much cheaper in there...

Vicki: no le...dr TT say all injection same everywhere so advise me to jus take in polyclinic cos his waiting time is v.long. So nice of him!

Precious: U taking pneumoccoal for bb W too? Nurse said pneumoccoal is painful...wa bb T cry till his whole face red jus now....

Dolly: Thx to u! I just spreed on RL for everyone's CNY clothes..haa kiasu mummy....

precious: really? I din do tt le...till now i still keep calling bb baby...aiyo....must rem from now...

Angie: baby W hasn't reached 3rd mth yet. So by then then will inj pneumoccoal.. Actually I aso didn't really call them by their names either cos my hb v worried tat strangers will take chance to know our family so we will just say 'jie jie, di di, baby.. 回家了'.. Hehhe


Deon: My mum asked me to do that but I always forget. Then last time bring baby to ask god then the god also tell us must call baby name and tell him that we reached home everytime. No harm doing it so just follow. Hopefully after u do that ur baby will be very very guai. =)

