(2011/05) May 2011

Hi Poohlyn, sent u email reply, if not too late, will add that one more for the OOS one :p

hee excited about tmr's gathering too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my sweetie should be waking up soon for feed ard 1am :p


Cloud: dun worry, u r not alone, I aso bringing fm to feed my baby as well..

Got to sleep soon else 2molo can't wake up in time to pump milk, feed him n shower him.. Haha.. Tink 2molo morning I b v bz.. Hopefully I won't b late...

Gd nite mummies...

Have fun at split's tomorrow.

Iloveparis, u making me crave for soya bean milk now. Which part of serangoon do u stay. We can go for town gatheting together next time!! Hehe

Iloveparis: that is so nice of u....I love their soya! But it is ok...hard for u to carry so many...cya tml!

Cloud: me too having aches all over! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] did u go for massage?

Tml I will be joining too. Hope my gal will be cooperative tml. Haha. Seldom bring her out alone. Most of the time will drag my maid along to help me take stuffs. So tml is wad time? 10.30am?

Wah u all making me feel like getting a free style. So tempted to buy. How to achieve let now. I seldom have let down during pumping using my manual pump. If no let down after feeding I can pump ard 50 to 100ml only. But when there is letdown. The vol doubled.

Thx yaer for adding me to the fb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My hubby will be fetching me there so no worries. I'm not so gan ho to bring bb and buy stuff for many ppl lor :p

I'm buying cold soya bean milk with pearls for myself. U want the same?


You're welcome. Have u decided where to go for yr dimsum dinner?

I love dimsum but have never tried any place that serves dimsum all day so can't personally recommend u any one place.

Blurlemon: I'm reaching ard 10-10.30am at splits place. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Iloveparis: thank u for the offer! That's very sweet of u! Ur hubby joining us?

See u mummies later on! :D

Evie: oh ya forgot to reply...it is at Fullerton hotel...really superb...I love dim sum too...! But it is not all day...only in the day.

Iloveparis: hee really? In that case can I have a hot soya bean? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Split: forgot to ask u...your house got pets? I have no affinity with animals..

Those mummies going to split's place, have fun!

goofie: i've been using pupsik pouch since my #1 and i feel that it's been a lifesaver! Can be used with newborn and they are nice and snug in it. Also, dun need to worry if bb will fall out once inside. only down side is that because there's a size, not transferable esp if the other caregiver is a diff size from you.

cloudpoem: You can consider checking out where the nursing rooms are when you go to the malls. Most have really nice rooms where you can bf in private. I would bring out my nursing cover if i know the place i'm going does not have a nursing room or if she suddenly wants to drink in the car/cab. hth

Morning mummies, enjoy the gathering at split's house. I'm so near yet I can't join in the fun! Nanny just new & my #1 at home..no choice!

My nanny is helping my maid washing bb clothes & now ironing our clothes..wah seh my maid now shaking legs with "assistant" around...damn

Morning ladies! Have fun at Split's house later!

Apple, good idea! That's what I did also when I had to send back 3 lousy maids within a few months.

Not easy to get a good maid.

Seems like your nanny is a great help so far! Happy for you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Your lousy maid can go fly kite liao!

CloudPoem, 16 weeks straight got pros n cons.

If given a choice, I prefer to take 12 wks then the bal 4 wks take flexibly. But I can't la. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

iloveparis, I miss eating pearls! And so nice of you to buy the soya bean. I wish I can drink too! I need to endure another 5 days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But guess after that I will miss the help from CL.

Annie don't worry my house got no pet. Used to have 2 dogs but give them away to a friend after I deliver my girl cuz my mum keep nagging me

arisz, yea not easy to get good maid! After my good and loyal maid left us 1yr ago after with us for 4.5yrs my nitemare begin!! within 1yr, I changed 3!! That's y now I resulted of getting live in nanny.

Yes, this maid can fly kite liao..I just submitted cancellation of WP and gotten approval..hoo hoo

My nanny so far so good, she has done ironing the clothes & my maid still lay eggs inside toilet dunno do wat!! fed up rite??

@ Spilt - Sorry may not be able to drop by later as my mum is going back home and I need to take care of bb. She is still not well so do not dare to bring her out (wait she will get cranky).

I have a dog at home too and my husband also keep nagging about it. Want me to send him away but he is like 9 years old already. who will want him ??


Split: hee tt is a relief...cya later!

Apple: maybe we can dropby to visit u? Haa....

Sunflower: oh no u must be very shacked....check with pd?

Hannah: I jus got the pupsik but have not used at all....lazy to put in n take out...in e end jus carry....

Angie if u cOme for our gatherings, u will see many of us using pupsik. Me and Val using too. I interswitch between my pupsik, little pod, b bjorn as well beco ( which i need to dig out n wash)

Hannah ur becco is the older version with the pockets to slide bb inside? N i cant remember already but becco can use from NB?

Mummies at Split's house today: Enjoy yourselves! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Deon: Maybe can get a maid who is also a mother if your priority is for her to take care of your bb. Hope you can keep your old dog...coz they are like family too. I had mine until they passed on. Yes please share your part-time cleaning contact too.

Apple: Good riddance of your current maid. She must have known what's in for her with the nanny staying at your place.

Goofie, Hannah: I am also using pupsik. So far so good. I only struggled with putting bb in.

Ariz: Same here taking 16wks. My good boss left the company. Will dread returning work now..

Starfruit: haa I also wish le...but nex is soo far away tt is y I haven been to nex yet. But I find it v hard to take bb out of pupsik le...jus install car seat also like no chance to use yet. In the end jus carry cos mafan to put him in n out...aiyo!

Re: bb clothes

My bb alrdy wearing 6-9 mth clothes le....wonder if the cutting gt prob or bb too chubby....aiyo all the ones I bought so wasted....心痛 le....

@angie: my mum was de one taking care of bb last nite. i am sick, and hb got impt meeting today so he rest early last nite. my mum woke up every hr to feed her.. pd said mayb she cant take too much at one go (else will vomit), so gotta pace her else she gets breathless. so no choice, pd: "as long as she drinks, its ok. its you parents who suffer waking up every hour".

Angie where do u stay?

Little fly the way to put them in is that u need to bend forward. Place bb butt in first then proceed to plc head in. U will get the hang after a few more times. When their neck is strong u can straddle them on your hips with head up.

Hi mummies,

I have some items to let go.

1. Desitin Creamy 4oz (Blue packaging) (Expiry Jun 2012) - $8.50

2. Desitin Creamy 2oz (Blue packaging) (Expiry Jun 2012) - $5.50

Please PM me if you are interested.


Sunflower: wa really super tiring...your parents can take it? For 2 months straight I have been taking care alone daily n I m alrdy like half dead...every hour is really challenging...can treat em to a good massage...

Starfruit: commonwealth le...vivocity best for me..haa...

Starfruit: I did le...no time to hand wash...ever since bb Is here my washing machine has been working daily w/o fail...

Re: split house

I m on my way! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starfruit: Thanks. Usually I get my maid to help me to drop bb inside. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angie: Probably you bb is big? do you know his weight ? My bb still wearing 0-3months clothes.

Sunflower: Hope ur bb will outgrow this phase soon. Very taxing for ur mum and u to feed bb every hour!


I wash bb's clothes in the machine. I use Tollyjoy detergent. Which one are other mommies using? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little fly: ya! I was thinking might be the cutting le...mothercare seem to run small...gg for his 2nd dose of hep b on 7th July...last month he was 5.5kg...I think now abt 7kg le....

Starfruit:wa u hand wash yourself? I take care of bb n do household chores plus cook sth alrdy no time to spare le...btw dr Terence tan is really gd...ytd I got some urgent enquiry reg bb always getting a scare lying on his back...like super fearful kind...he return my call very fast n was very concerned n patient.

Vim an: use pureen! The pink one...very very good! I was using pigeon earlier on n was recommended pureen by one sales in kiddy palace...the smell is mild n so pleasant! I will nv change agn...I wanted to buy tolly too but after smelling pureen I change...was their smelling all the diff brands...haa

Hi - have not posted for a while...wish i could go to split's place too but it is a little too far ;p mummies already there, enjoy your meetup!

Starfruit - i machine wash my bb's clothes...but i will soak 1st and then use the 30min quick cycle for the wash.

Angie - peifu that u take care of bb yourself...i shuttle between my parents' place and my place so that I can take a break from the bb

Re: pupsik pouch

I remember some mummies saying that the pouch was going for $30 during the GSS...but I checked their website, dun have leh?

Just bot an Ergo with the infant insert...but can't use at home if I want to carry him and do stuff cos too warm...so tot of getting the pupsik for home use

Hannah,Angie-- great!! Just ordered my pupsik online. Hope it will be delivered to me soon.

Do u carry bb in pouch and eat meals at same time? Possible?

Sunflower- at least yr bb will wake up and ask for more milk. Mine can sleep for more than 2hrs even tho last feed was only 30ml. Not sure if it's becos he's got small appetite. I see apple, starfruit bb's on fb all so bui bui plump plump, and mine .... Really worried abt his intake

Mummies at splits house-- enjoy yourselves. I very much want to join but bb always on off cranky. Also, when feeding outside, he will take even longer. Feels like I m controlled by him now. Sigh

starfruit: my maid handwash my bb clothes... but if me doing the washing... i will use machine too... heehee... me lazy mum...

viman: me same as angie... but i use the blue colour one for bb n pink colour for no1...

angie: last time i went to the bb fair the salesperson told me pink colour is for kids 1 wor... the blue colour one for bb... tats y i bought 2 different one... pink colour can use for bb oso mah?

mummies enjoy at the gathering!!!

Split. Think I'm going to be latest. Me now at katib mrt.

My gal also on and off cranky. So only can pray hard she be gd every time I bring her out.

Yaer: really? She said both same just tt blue one newer version but I prefer the pink smell le...haa I should have bought a carton to store during their 20% sale.

Pixie: haa during weekends will bring back to my mum so me n my hb got alone time

@angie: guess we gotta 'suffer' the first few months ba. can see my hb reaching his limits liao. seeing us so tired n worn out, my mum offered to help occasionally. she is also working, so very tiring for her too. just hoping for this phase to be over soon.. now, gotta be strong. really not easy to be handling bb alone. everyday i cant wait for the night to come so that my parents/ hb wll be home le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@goofie: by the time she wakes up for feed ah, she will be screaming liao, cos too hungry le.. heh ya i know how it feels. my gal also on the small side. but pd took her weight and say she's ok cos still growing well, so its fine lor. might not be chubby but if bb is putting on weight, den no need to worry. my gal only seem to be putting on weight on her face -.-

deon, can let me know your part time maid contacts? i stay in woodlands, wonder she like to come to my place? by the way, how much is it per hourly?


Deon: dun give away your dog.. you are the world to the dog! i also have 2 dogs at home and my hubby has been nagging me coz my dogs will jump to my bed and sleep with me. Sometimes when i place my bb on the bb, the dogs will come very near to her but the dog will nvr bite her. i believe your dog will be very sad if you give it away!

Starfruit: i also machine washed my bb clothes. No time to hand wash... or shall i say too LAZY to hand wash.. hahah

Split & mummies going to Split's hse: Enjoy yourself and happy exchanging life experiences!

