(2011/04) Apr 2011

Piggy, icic.. I taking tht together with 6in1.

elmo, I got one.. Now Kiddy Palace got less 20%. Less 20% shld be around $50. Can put in Avent Manual Pump and 1 260ml Avent bottle and 1 125ml Avent Bottle. U tried to pump at lunch time if not 4hrs before going home.. For me, I just bring tht inside put one ATM, EzLink card and cash. Cos if shoulder a handbag look weird.. hehe...

bbgoh, Kay go IFC earlier than J ah. J's going next Fri. U bring 4 bottles just nice for her day feed ah? Wat if got accidents happen.. spill or vomit? Hb ks ask me to bring 1 tin of fm also.. but i scared cant finish leh. Wanted to just pack 2 servings of fm in milk container. How u bringing the milk to IFC? In normal thermal bag?

andrea, that is the big one har? I dun intend to pump in office.. cos new company lah.. dunno what ppl will say.. not convenient also.. not to mention i dunno where i can pump. Only need the cooler bag to transport ebm to ifc. Plus after working.. scarly no milk liao. So dun wanna invest too much.

Piggy: yes I agree with hippo! Kleavan face round round legs meaty and hes super cute n full of expressions ! Lighter doesn't mean anything .... Heavy doesn't mean better ! Healthy can liao .. We are not big sized to begin with ! All of us love Kleavan hes going to be handsome like ur hubby !! Hahaha

andrea, i saw u all mentioning earlier. I tot got smaller one cheaper mah.. keke

piggy, thks for replying on the injections! Poor didi will have to kena poke 2x.. heng i not there to see!


Metro having 20% sale for some of the items as well. They have thermos pet as well. Just bought one food jar at 20% discount as well.


So fast she going IFC? Looks like most of us are starting work soon liao.

Phew.. Finally I can post using my iPad again!

Lunch on Monday we forgot to take pictures! Too busy with eating and feeding bb.

Cowgal, thanks for letting me use the food jar to warm the milk! Forgot to pack the cup into my bags!! I bought one today so will be using the same method. Easier and more convenient especially if I need to warm up the milk in the car!

How much is the injection package? Bringing mine next week for the 1st injection and was told to get the package 1.5k for up to two years!! Anyone else did the same ?


no la i am not bother by the weight jus find it amuse 100g diff lol his gor gor 6wk alr 5kg+ wahaha.. ya he is growin well i not worried.. wah if my HB know u say he handsome he will fly ah.... my kleavan thigh not v bah leh norm Kyler bb time lagi big hahah u see Mrs Chua 1 tt 1 den consider bah bah wahahha..


ya healthy can le every bb diff no end comparin...


Monday hi-tea I will not bring bb as want to enjoy the food :)

I think I cannot stay at home with bb, driving me crazy as I can't do anything and can't nap as well! Hiaz

I forgot to thank all the mummies who gave me advice in Whatsapp the other day! We've been bathing Kae with shi liu leaves last week & he's been sleeping with ang pao of shi liu leaves in his yaolan also.. Duno if it's superstition or what la, but it seemed to work! Past few days & nights have been quite peaceful! Monday night, slept from 8pm to 6.30am.. Last night slept from 8pm to 8am!!

Daytime, he's been sleeping even better also! Yesterday went MS walk walk with parents, he slept all the way from 11am to 4pm.. Then continue zz again until evening.. Today, he's been sleeping whole day liao! xD So happy!

Thanks all for your encouragement, advices and support! Without u all, I think I most prolly would have done something I'll regret de loh.. xD *HugZ*

Piggy: yeah... So long they're healthy.. No problem at all... =)

Pearly: Hugz... Sometimes just cannot dun believe.. =) sat I'm going punggol.. U want me to meet u??

Hi Elmo-thank you for yr reply on yr bottles-so gd yr IFC can help do sterilisation...I can understand how u feel-I am feeling emo & depressed this week also as next week going to start work and leaving my bb with someone..though these few months are tough,thinking back it's all worthwhile..now do not bear to leave bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] while packing her stuffs,feel so sad and emo...

Pink-yes you are right! Heavy light do not mean anything! Most impt is bb healthy![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

guess most of them going back work soon! Times really passed fast.....

Yoti, ya loh. Sianz hor. These few days I've been feeling so depressed. Time just zoom by so quickly! Worse still.. I go new company. Everything alien. Dunno boss or cols good or bad also. Damn sianz.

pearly.. I also gian e friso promo. But sat i not free.


yah ll start next week, I m bk to work on the following week

hmmm. from my exp lah last time seline I also just brg the day needs nvr brg extra. I thk if vomit they won't feed again bah or at least ll drag another 1-2hr then feed

I just use normal thermal bag with icepad since just abt 30min on the road

Wow.. Saw my name being mentioned.. Ya, Gervaise is quite bah bah.. Tmr I will know how much he weighs.. Bringing him for his 6-in-1 jab plus rotavirus...

Daiso sells those ice blocks also, $2 only have different sizes to choose from. So looking forward to Saturday, gona leave 2 kids w My mum and go watch movie w hubby hehee first time in 1 year!, hope I don't engorge too fast!


ya daiso got but it those dry ice pack $2 for 4pack... they also have thermal bag in diff size but dunno if the quality is gd anot..

Mrs Chua,

hahah ya la my bb beside ur 1 machiam xiao mao 1 zhi... lol~


that time i used the thermal bag and ice pack all from daiso. so far so good but must go home straight after work leh cos if go walk walk cant last long de..

if u want lasting then will be fridge to go but its bulky and heavy for me. took it a few times to work then cant tahan change to the thermal bag

Any more mummies?

Mummies pls confirm ur attendance again by 23 June cos i need to make reservation their buffet v popular 1 so mus make reservation in advance

Re: Hi Tea Buffet @ Carousel (change to Carousel cos more accessible n heard the buffet is nice can see the menu here:http://dining.royalplaza.com.sg/

Price: $38.61net (got 2 promo 15% of total bill or 1 free for 3 diner best is we have group in multiple of 4)

Date: 27 June

Time : 3.30pm

1) Piggytoh

2) fungfung (not bringing Zaccheus)

3) Hippopolai (not bringing stroller)

4) Andrea (if can take leave)

5) tweety (not bringing stroller)

6) Gerry ( not bringing stroller)

7) sookie

8) Totoro (not bringing bb)

9) Pink (not bringing bb)

10) hippomummy

11) cowgal (not bringing B)

Pearly u coming??if u come jus nice 12 pax[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] come la so many of us not bringin bb keke dun forget we got PINK!!!

Mrs Chua hope Gervaise grows big big then can protect my C! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy u must see hor our size n mrs Chua also a bit different hor... If we have to carry 8+kg ard.. Really no joke leh!! 我们小的有小的可爱嘛 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


of cos i know la my #1 is not small leh... i not complainin my #2 small la i am ok jus hope he will be tall nex time dun be like me wahahah...

Piggy, diaso got ah. Good good.. Looks like i have to make a trip to diaso then! Shun bian buy cubes to freeze puree!

St, it's ok. Cos i only transporting ebm from home to ifc.

btw.. Did you all notice tt bm gets thinner or more foremilk if you drag e time to pump? I drag super long.. End up i get more than 100ml of dilute looking milk and v little hindmilk! Like tt got enough nutrients boh. No nutrients i might as well stop pumping. But such a waste..

How come i see you all babies can sleep like from 8pm - 8am?

mine always bedtime war then sleep from 11pm - 5am. T.T

halo, brought my bb for her 3rd mth jab today(hvnt reached 3 mths exactly yet though) and PD gave her 1st of 5-in-1 + Pneumococca + Rotarix and the amt came up to S$480+. So I asked if they've got pkg and was told that the 1st yr's pkg cost S$1,009(if holding CDA account) Excl. GST and Doc's consultation fees.

We've taken 5-in-1 which they'd normally charge slightly cheaper but they can't reverse/convert the charges, so we just simply took up the pkg lor...

Is it ex or cheap? It includes the usual compulsory immunisation(for the 1st yr only) + 2 doses of Rotarix and 3 Pneumococca jabs.

Also, since bb's gone for the 5-in-1 already today, how does it work for the nxt few jabs since the pkg is based on 6-in-1?

These days it's like sooo confusing and alot more ex man


5 in 1 n 6 in 1 diff by 1 jab la.. I go GP so I save on the consultation .. Prevenar $420, 6 in 1 $300, rotarix $190 so I tink abt there .. Btw prevenar can deduct $300 from medisave leh..

ya ya piggy, I know they're of 1 jab difference and I think it's the hep B jab rite? But I'm wondering how the sequence of jab work, in our case now...

ei, I din know can deduct frm medisave, they din tell me even before I asked about the pkg leh but anyway, if it's a pkg, i doubt they wld allow.

Hmmm yr gp charges quite ok ar? cos I know Pneumococca's is ard S$170-S$180(at least that was what the GP charged us dur our #1's time - she only took when she reached 2 yo, her PD charges abit higher then).

This clinic charges S$250 for 1st 6-in-1 jab + Rotarix, and they told me that the 6-in-1 jab cost S$120, so the rotarix is S$130 lor...

so ex, and what's worser was that I've never used a CDA account so silly me, brought the card along without realising that we need the pin no., aiyoh! so there, paid cash [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Duno top up the account for what, hahaha.

oh ya, anyone here heard abt Cosway products? I wana hear feedbacks if any pls(before I start trying the other prdts)...

Out of some of the prdts my hubby has bought to try(he's been looking for health supplements), he's bought this protein enhancement for me and I'm not sure if it's due to it, but my breasts seem to feel more 'painful' today... If it means a 'good sign', then I guess I better not take too much(only took a scoop this morning!), else badly engorged duno how...

Lynn, my bb is not sleeping thru, not even 11-4am she is still waking every 3 to 4 hourly for a feed :/

Split thanks for the link, so scary the RWS scam, my hair stand while reading through the threads... Then I realize it's even in the news... Looks like we have to be careful joining sprees n bps....

hello mummies! congrats on your little joys! I'm a Sept 2010 mummy.

sorry to interrupt, but I have a 400g tin of Karihome infant milk (0-6mo) to let go @ $19. Expires late 2012. Got it for standby for my son last Oct but didn't use it.

Pls PM me if u are interested. Tampines collection. Thanks!

My Kay seem like on milk strike, last night skip her dinner (last feed at 6pm suppose to drink at 9 for last feed)

nw after her diaper, she also dun wanna drink

she just push out her teat & slp

re : prevenar deduction from medisave

not all clinic can let u deduct from medisave. the other GP I check (prohealth) they not do tat. only can pay by cda.

the one I sign package can deduct $441 from it. hb & I share of it.

Hi mum05, the only cosway product I tried is the ginger cream for rducbg stomach flabs which i find quite good and not too oily. My massage lady used it each time before binding, think it's $11 a tube, u can try it too. The ginger 'heat ' from the cream is slow release, u w still feel it 'hot' on the stomach flabs 5-6 hours later.

been waking up every 2 hrs to feed for the past two nites..my son jus fall asleep during thr feeds and dun wan to latch on again..arrgh!

wre r the mights here he can slp for 4-5 hrs...sob sob

Nice weather to sleep in though but disturbed by Z's cry for milk.. Then after latching him, thinking might as well pump.. After pumping, when go out, then realize that MIL feed Z again (1hr+ to 2 hour after my last feed).. sigh!

I Asked did he cry? MIL said he make some noise and she thought that i only gave him a bit just now... I told her is coz he didn't sleep well. Then as expected, Z cannot finish lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

(When i know about it, i was like don't know whether to be angry or what)

don't want to think about it.. want to go and catch some nap...

*suddenly craving for nasi padang at IMM* keke

Hi, I am new member here, can I join you all mummies?

Elmo : Yup, I feel my BM is more dilute, according to my babysitter, it is not good for baby's stomach, if the BM is more dilute, that's mean nutrients not so good, so i am starting to drag longer time to pump. Yup, agreed with you, it is such a waste [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. So now, I start to feed baby half formula and half BM.

Is it necessary to give baby drink water? I am very confused, my mum and babysitter keep on saying must give baby drink water for digestion, but my PD said just drink milk is enough for baby, otherwise water will dilute the nutrients, so that baby will not absorb well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Elmo and Aemiko

I have asked the same question before on my watery bm. Yesterday, I read up in Kelly mom website and realized that the fats in the milk is not determined by the things that we eat but rather by the duration that we pump. If we drag the pumping longer, the ebm will have less fats content as they will reside in the further end or something like that. You may want to go to the site and google abt it.

Bm is full of antibodies that are good for the baby as these can't be reproduced by any FM. Hence, I'm trying to give as much as possible to bb and yes, I'm supplementing it with FM due to maybe laziness as I didn't pump on the timing as required and seldom latch bb as well. :-(

Hope the above info helps. Watery or not, the essential goodness is still there except that its less fatty!!!

