(2011/04) Apr 2011

Any mummies use XXL Huggies Ultra old packing? My mom wants to clear cos she bought for Kait some time back and she's still able to fit M size so decided to clear instead of keeping cos duno when Kait can use.. LOL.. Anyone keen mah? 1 unopened pack and 1 opened de but used prolly less than 5pcs.. No stamps.. For $10? Consider cheap mah?


oh lynn, at least u guys hv the Mondays, so enj them... mine was like mad house everyday! yeeek really yucksy whenever I think back... A couple yrs back, my director asked if I'd consider gg back to an office hour job. Of cos I dun wan lah, if i were to retrn to work, I'd rather resume my freelance work of interest...

Ya piggy, tt's why now we try our best not to go out ourselves. Unless it's really really boh bian like gg to do offical stuffs(like gg to lawyer's office, etc).

My #1 is K2 now...

Vivi, for a start(based on my #1), I gave cereal but found very heaty, then slowly slowly progressed to pureed porridge with vege. I gave her fish(threadfin) ard 9mths old but allergy reaction and I was told to put off after 1 yr old. She's allergic to eggs... now still I believe.

Today my good friend visited me and we brought #1 with us to dinner after I've bf #2.

Then, as dinner was abit slow and I went to grab some groceries, we came back >2hrs later and was told that bb cried sooooo badly... though our helper finally managed to feed her the ebm(hubby cldn't handle), but she had already cried til out of breath already, aiyoh sooo heartache leh...

Young Parent Fiesta:

Actually nothing at the fair, i dun think worth it for mummy to go down! I've been there past 2 years, no improvement at all!!!!

I go down just to subscibe the mag to get the freebies (Tensallation playmat!) as I need a mat soo! Since I read the mag n they dun offer thru online subscription!!! Thus the trip... Dun waste time ya!!! Unless u wanna stock up on Heinz stuff? But I think the promo price is not that fantastic that worth a special trip down... Sometimes NTUC give better offer!


*hugs* me too have been throwing 50ml each for past 3 straight night but suddenly today she up her intake while I prepare less, sometimes just dunno y baby act up like that... Wanted to smack her buttock so much!

Help!! Lisa once again is driving me up the wall.. For the past week, she has not been sleeping well.. Our routine with her has not changed.. We will put her to sleep at 8.30pm and will sit outside the room till she falls asleep.. But nowadays, from 1am onwards, she will wake up almost hour demanding i sit outside her room till she falls asleep!! It's ok if it was once a night, but she does it at least 3-4 times!!

My hb thinks we shouldn't put her back in our room after all our hard work and now she is just crying in her room for the past 40 min.. My hb told me to just let her cry it out.. As he thinks she is just behaving badly.. I am really at wit ends with this girl..

She is ok in the daytime though.. She will play as usual.. But when we go out especially when without hb, she would demand I carry her even though I am carrying eva.. If my mom accompanies me, she would ask my mom but if it is my MIL, she would just insist i carry her and will start throwing a hissy fit if I don't!! It looks like it has finally sunken into her that Eva is not going anywhere and I think she is getting jealous.. But I am so tired..


Oh no.. Sounds really exhausting.. As a consolation, my girl is also waking up at wee hrs now! Somemore all of us sleep in 1 room.. Like just now, she drank 200ml at 8.30 & 180ml at 9.30.. I never expected her to wake up at 4am to drink again! All 180ml of it.. And she's the one who should be sleeping through! Argh...

Kait doesn't wanna walk now too.. Hippo says must train! So i'm abt dragging her to & fro cc nowadays loh.. Jealousy can show up so much later de ah? I tot it's either love or hate at first sight..

Lucky u got hb to help u out & support u at night! Being mother of 2 really not easy, somemore u doing bf.. We will overcome this period together!

Gerry/Pearly not easy being mother of 2. But is a joyful thing when they grow up. Hang in there!! My #1 also dun wan to walk... Hai.. When went out last weekend I carried him all the way... Heavy sia!!

I'm so sleepy...

Hi Hippopolai,

For the Tensallation playmat, is the the same playmat Mrs Chua/Voon brought to our gathering? or is a diff kind of playmat which serve diff purposes? Cos I intending to buy a playmat too...

Anyone going to bring BB to baby-sitter/IFC? Kindly check how do you sterilise the bottles (sterilise the bottles at hme first?) Also, is baby-sitter suppose to wash bb clothes for us?

gerry: think lisa is still trying to get use to eva. i suggest spending time alone with her. e.g you and your hubby bring her out without eva and use that time to tell her that you love her and that mei mei loves her too etc. show her that shes still the centre of attention after mei mei is born, make them feel threatened with a new addition. if u can, use books to also tell her e.g i;m a big sister

sorry i meant dont make her feel threatened. good luck! till now i still have issues with my 3 1/2 year old. just tell myself to be patient but firm.


Ha ha Vianne did fuss a but when we were about to

Go home lol


Sy's gal also had cradle cap and use mustela shampoo for cradle cap if not wrong and she shaved her baby's hair too

morning mummies


I have give up to give #1 ebm, rather freeze the excess. always threw sometime even threw 150ml


hug.. so long alrdy liza still has jealous so much?? u got let her involve in Eva activities? eg ask her help to get her diaper, pacifier or play with her


for IFC

I ll sterilize 4btl for the day use. they won't do sterilize. after drink they only ll rinse it.


wats tat playmat? good? seem like queit a good deal, too bad I kiasu alrdy bought it

pearly, andrea

my #1 ll wanna sit on pram if we brg both out. so I ll sling Kay but nw really can't stand her weight on sling. just put on pram then on & off hb carry #1


Mine too dun wan to walk when we were out n only wan me carry summore damn tirin..


Hugs tt really tirin hang in there I believe it jus a phase..

Hugs Gerry

Although I can't help much in the advice, but still hugs to

You. I guess your little Lisa from day 1 is a smart gal

Know how to outwit you in a way


agree with Sookie, spend some time with Lisa and tell her by how much you love her although meimei is new addition to the family...

I always get Terry involve to Jovie activities like help to bring me diaper, wipes and cream when I need to change her... It's within reach but I just told him that he should help cause she is his meimei... He as a big bro should help and protect meimei...

Terry also demand I must carry him when we are out even I was carry Jovie. I will hug him instead of carry him. Make him understand that i can carry 2! If he insist, I will carry but I will set a deadline like from here to that shop door, then he has come down... So far works for me. (once in blue moon not work lar... =P)

You aldy try so much hard work and yes, your hubby is right, if you give in now, you will have tougher time next time, I think you understand this, right?


No, it's different mats. I would said the mat that Mrs. Chua and Vonn get is much better cause those are 1 piece mat... Some info on the Tensellation playmat:


I get this because I aldy have 2 playmats at home, one those normal 1 selling at minitoon & 1 is those ABC mat. I dont wanna spend another hundred dollar to buy a mat that my kid seldom use. Since I'm their reader and they give as premium gift, I just get this 1... Save $ yet I can get the better play mat for my kid. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


If you don't have any, I would suggest you to get Mrs. Chua and Vonn's type, that type actually is better to handle esp when u need to take up and clean the underneath... less hassle!

You can search in BP, there's is a BP ingoing or you can get from Rach the March mummy.


i have ordered extra for the below tea bags. email to [email protected] if you are interested.

Organic Mother's Milk® promotes healthy lactation* and is traditionally used to increase breast milk production.* This traditional combination of anise, fennel and coriander has been used for centuries by European women, often recommended by lactation counselors and medical herbalists. Organic Mother's Milk® is a pleasantly aromatic balance of sweet, spicy and slightly bitter tastes.

Brew Well to be Well®

For maximum benefit, herbal tea must be properly prepared. Pour 8 oz. freshly boiled water over a tea bag in a cup. Cover cup and steep 10 minutes.. These steps directly influence the amount of beneficial components that will end up in your teacup! Gently squeeze the tea bag to release any remaining extract.

Drink three to five cups daily. Sweeten with honey if desired.

Anyone interested in the above? Per box is at $7.50 and postage will be as follows:

1 box - $1.30

2-3 boxes - $1.50

4-7 boxes - $2

8 boxes - $3

Please add $2.24 for registered post.

Alternatively, you may collect the tea bags from Tampines Central.

Thank you all ladies for the advice and support..

Last night, Lisa cried for 2 whole hours before she went to bed by herself. She can even put a blanket over her.. So that shows she can put herself to bed.. My hb had to keep reminding me to not go into the room.. Was almost in tears to hear her like that..But I know this has to be done.. Haiz..


Ya carrying a toddler for a long period can make your hand super suan.. Got 1 time, I had to carry her from forum all the way to ion.. Then I can take it, had to sit down for a while..


Thanks!! You too are going strong.. Hyperactive babies can really exhaust you..

Sookie, hippo,

Ya I do try to let her help me with mei mei stuff like take the diapers for me.. And my hb and I will always put her to bed to bed together after we put Eva to bed. I am sure there is no lack of hugs and kisses..

But ya maybe I should take Lisa out some days without Eva..


Your Kait still drink milk in the middle of the night?? Sleep same room also like that.. I was almost on the verge of bringing Lisa to the room but my hb kept reminding that co-sleeping beyond 1+ is not what we want..


Maybe it is delayed reaction.. But she doesn't express the jealousy.. She is not angry at Eva.. In fact, she still knows how to sayang her and tell me when she poops.. I guess at night when Eva sleeps in the same room as us, she feels it more..


Hope it is a phase, if not I will die of sleep deprivation.. Sometimes lisa's behavior makes me not want to work for a while and spend more time with them..

Yes having 2 or more young children really no joke.. Can test your patience.. Some more with so little sleep, will get more cranky in the daytime..


Lisa is really a smart gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When is the young parents fair I want the mat!!! But is that a guaranteed gift if not then I don't want to subscribe

wan to have a lunch gathering this fri??

Vivi I think is a guaranteed gift ba.. Just tht I dont know need to subscribe for how long..

Hippo, need to subscribe for how long? And also got wht other discounts at the fair??

Good morning mummies,

didn't log in to forum for the past few days coz computer at my parent's place is damaged and busy taking care of Z thus didn't have time to come in...


can you send me a picture of the stroller that you want to sell. need to let my HB see


We also saw one from Maclaren, but dunno whether is that XT coz it can recline and think HB likes that coz of the seat cover, looks very comfortable...

As for the 15% discount, thanks in advance but i think right now they are also have 15% discount store wide.. heehee


is it true that bb will be more attached to the one who feeds them at night? Oh no... most of the night feed was given to Z by my MIL...


why cannot color hair when bfing?


u change maid again? how come? i may have missed out earlier thread

as for the iherb, ya, you can passed to me next monday during hi-tea time

how much is it?


go for the hi-tea lah.. is late afternoon not very early, you can settle your children first before you join us...


understand how you feel... *hugs* hang in there and i believe this difficult phase will go off soon. As what Sookie and Hippo said, try to make lisa know that Mummy and Daddy still love her even though got meimei (is their passing phase when they have younger siblings)

One thing lucky is that your HB is supportive and ask you not to bother her when she cries...

If it were my case, if staying with parents or in-laws, it will definitely not work.

I scare first come first served basis. Then must early go and subscribe Liao . I guess max 2 years of subscription.

The fair is on Friday ?

Vivi, yup.. this friday.. I thinking wan to subscribe or not.. tht time I subscribe motherhood I only browse through.. hehe.. My home got mats already. Good for you.. Feel like going there to c got any other offer.. hehe

YP fair

Is this comin fri at marina square heard is best to go early cos premium gift normally out of stock very fast.

When we r out I will normally sling my boy so when my hb offer to help me carry my boy my monster gal will insist that I sling her if I don she will sit on the floor start cryin screamin away kickin Haix now she even know how to help clean the shoppin mall floor by Rollin ard.

Really donno how to teach her outside if she behave like tis ppl will stare some more scold her can attract more ppl attention so got to always gif in


If u r not getting the mat like us, not worth to go down as my past 2 years experience...

Only Heinz, Bloglan, Cordlife, OCBC, Scott's, Citispa, Mindhamps, J H Kim Taekwondo, Delphin, Four Seasons Organic market... Quite boring booth leh... What for going down? Unless u getting something fRom most of booth? Else really waste time waste $ lor...

As for subscription... If to get the mat I think shld b at least 2 years commitment... Coz normally 1 year the gift value is ard $60-80 while the mate itself selling $199 in market....


ok pass u nex mon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no la thhe 1st time i change cos maid kena TB this time round this maid cmi.. after 1 mth ask for MP3 den recently ask me for can buy HP? today she ask me for moisturiser... bth.. i myself dun use lo not goin to entertain her ....


ya hope things will jus improve for us.. sigh~

Hi Piggy/Gerry/Mom05

Thanks for your advice. I guess all maids come with their own set of pblms. Will definitely have a good talk with my maid before I go back to work to let her know that her main role is keeping the house clean and there is nothing personal in my decision not to let her handle my baby.

Piggy, is yours a filipino maid? Compared to Indonesian maids, I think Filipino maids are more street smart. Really have to manage them carefully otherwise they will keep asking for more. Mine not only has handphone. She even asked to use our computer so she can access email and Facebook. When I made her carry groceries for me, she asked me to get her a trolley bag so it would not be so taxing on her. She even rejected the stamps I bought for her to write letters home, commenting that it took too long.

Re: Young parents fair

Browsed through a stale copy of the motherhood mag before and find it quite interesting! With the freebie thrown in, seems like a good deal. I think I will go down on Fri to subscribe. Thanks for the headsup.

gerry, i agree with sookie that yr #1 is on the period of settling into the reality of the bb's arrival. Even my #1, a super sensible girl(whom even took care of me during my bad morning sickness period) was dragged into that phrase 1mth upon meimei's arrival. That was also why we left the bb at home and brought her out. However, we're not gg to do that much now, so will see how things go but the idea of going back to a school makes her happy, at least for now(luckily we're able to find one near our new home, *phew*)...

U're so lucky, so blessed to hv 2 kids whom hv no problem with bf/bottle feeding and now, a hubby whom supports you in the 'sleeping on their own' training. Mine, haiz, each time I train my girl(#1) to go to bed alone when she was younger, my hubby would sure go spoil it all on those occasions where she had those 'dun want to sleep alone' moments... Then there again, I hv to re-train, arrrrrgggghhh, really felt like kicking his butt now that I'm reminded of those times, hahaha.

pongzai, actually filipino or indonesian maids, they're all about the same. Indonesian ones, some are merely 'pretending' to be 'bodoh', while some really that errm 's-----'. However, if we want one that's less 's-----', then we'd hv to bear with some of their 'act smart' or even 'overboard' requests/actions. Worse thing about hiring a maid in S'pore is that our law doesn't really protect us, the employers, the Singaporeans... ridiculous I find...

mummies, is frozen milk after thawing supposed to taste different from milk freshly pumped? i try tasting it like got abit diff le..trying to find the reason y my boy is rejecting btls..


yes frozen milk is different from those freshly pumped one and those put in fridge one

i also didn't know until hippopolai told me about it and then i go and try mine. indeed it smell and taste different.

my frozen milk got fishy smell and luckily Z didn't reject it.

as advise from Hippopolai, try to mix freshly one with frozen one and let your boy try since he reject totally frozen one and see whether he takes that or not

charmaine, even if the milk is chilled, it will also taste different - stronger...hvn't tried frozen ones though - since my bb starts to rej bottle feeding, I've stopped storing at the chiller even, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh fungfung, really got fishy smell ar?

i wun say it fishy smell,but its abit unbearable for me..let me try freshly pumped milk n c how..

but my boy siao siao one,sometimes he drink sometimes he refuse..jus nw my mum feed him before he start crying for milk (been 4 hrs since his last feed) n he did not fuss and finish the whole bottle! jus have to keep on experimenting,sigh..

Hi.. Anyone knows if Robinson or taka still got sale on baby items? Need to get extra bottles and teats to prepare for infant care.. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Not fishy then is like rusty metal smell? As long as freeze then taste change... Haa haa...

Which kiddy palace u wanna wait for me??? Cityhall have kiddy palace arh? Or marina sq have????


Go kiddy palace bah... Member 15% + 5% discount now... Till end of this month...

Charmaine, sure different one.. I lucky.. I give my #1 drink to clear stock.. lol...

Hippo, member is 20% off right? I'm thinking whether friday to take leave or not..

fresh one on the breast is sweet, once pumped in the bottle in the fridge become tasteless. once frozen and thawed is "rusty" smelling. I learnt my lesson, have to add 30ml formula, the Vanilla taste from Similac will cover the smell else #1 wont finish all.

BTw, anyone needs a contact less thermometer? i bought an extra one from Gleneagles, BNIB at $152, now figure i just need one, willling to let go at half price $80. It's Rycom brand model rc001


I would like to join!! Can check with mummies bringing Bb without strollers, how do u eat?? Just sling them??

Any more mummies?

Mummies pls confirm ur attendance again by 23 June cos i need to make reservation their buffet v popular 1 so mus make reservation in advance

Re: Hi Tea Buffet @ Carousel (change to Carousel cos more accessible n heard the buffet is nice can see the menu here:http://dining.royalplaza.com.sg/

Price: $38.61net (got 2 promo 15% of total bill or 1 free for 3 diner best is we have group in multiple of 4)

Date: 27 June

Time : 3.30pm

1) Piggytoh

2) fungfung (not bringing Zaccheus)

3) Hippopolai (not bringing stroller)

4) Andrea (if can take leave)

5) tweety (not bringing stroller)

6) mrs Chua (if can take leave - has plan to bring bb for his 6-in-1 that day but duno if he will b cranky or nt)

7) Gerry ( not bringing stroller)

8) sookie

9) Totoro

10) Pink

11) hippomummy


I want to buy a cheap small vacuum flask for got water any one know where to get ?

I got one but too big liao so want to get a smaller one

Kiddy palace got sell?

