(2011/04) Apr 2011


Thanks a lot! I've given my contact number to Tweety already so, we'll liaise from there, k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I stay at Compassvale Link, just above Buangkok station. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


fung/hippo/michelle: mine is A4! im very loyal always drink the same thing though i would like to try the wintermelon tea one day.

michelle: hmmm i thought your baby has been noisy all along. if still unsure, yes, better bring to the PD for peace of mind.

mikio: my boy after the jab also a bit haywire. not sleeping and drinking much today and yesterday. plus he woke up every hour since 3am last night... i hope he goes back to normal by tomorrow.

mummies for those who bring their babies for jab.. do you administer paracetomal after each jab or you wait till they develop fever?


then, what about my case? My gal can latch up to 45mins and fall into deep sleep but just after I burp her, her eyes will open wide wide again and then, demand for more milk.... Am I doing something wrong again??

Argh... this whole breastfeeding and motherhood thing is driving me crazy liaoz.... dun know what is right and what is wrong... I keep asking hubby how come babies don't come with instruction manuals??? :p

hi mummies

brg Kay to see PD for her nappy rash. PD said she drink too much 100ml every 2hr, he said this age 80-100ml 3hrly jiu enuf le. I told him but she ll cry like mad want milk ler he cry doesnt mean want milk -_-

she weigh at 5.3kg


give yr boy jfs. I thk he get frighten when inject the jab.


i just tried that method... but cannot. he seemed to have difficulty breathing n looked so uncomfy in that position. and he kept frowning with that 'whats happening' look..


my boy's not really noisy, just a little hyperactive thats all. but since yesterday he's been making lots of noise. i dunno if it's the diapers.... i was using mamy poko and he was fine.. only this week then i started on pampers... wonder if the wetness makes him uncomfy.. sigh.


monday i can't, need to bring my boi for his injection. but now got the 6-in-1 jab. i dunno hubby want which one so still haven't decide yet...

if monday i can join, i'll call one of you whom i have ur number. the lunch is at 1pm right?


how many weeks is your boy? i also give my boi which is about 3wk+ 100ml now every 2-3hours depending on his demand. dunno whether is it enough. he will feel hungry especially after he poo poo.


oic, me is compassvale road, near to SK MRT


did u put him comfortably on his tummy? maybe his hand and leg is not position properly. for my boi i tried it on my chest first and i find that he like that position and can sleep better. (and sometime i'll sleep with him lying on my chest) then slowly i put him down on his tummy but i need to supervise.

juz now MIL told me that CL told her that if i bf, i can't take chilli and cold drink (both which i can't do without) sigh! but i dun care, i still want my bubble tea, drink without her knowing.. heehee


yeah i know. but quite depressing seeing him like drink not enough and keep wanting more.


why can't take cold drinks? My MIL also told me this.

If bb only feed on one side, do you all pump the other side out? or offer the other side at next feeding?


I dunno if it's correct position... I let him 趴 on the bed... Hands n legs flat... And why cannot take cold drinks? Cuz this week I already drank dunno how much cold drinks Liao... Wonder if it has anything to do with his crankiness...


U another die hard fan... Next time I go gong cha I order a4 and c7...

mummyho, I don't think that dang gui reduces milk supply. the CN I had dur my #1 time told me that too, but it's not proven. Tis time round, I found that the herbal tonic(contained dang gui) I took dur my confinement actually kinda helped. Dang Gui 'pu' blood and reading this extract from an article "Prompted by the hormone prolactin, the alveoli take proteins, sugars, and fat from your blood supply and make breast milk", u'd know what I mean...

Full article : http://www.babycenter.com/0_making-breast-milk-how-your-body-produces-natures-perfect-ba_8785.bc

Recently, on Mother's Day, during our gathering at my mom's, I was asked to 'sponsor' durians(we chose pot luck dinner for that day) and my maid told me that actually durain help promotes milk supply. Since I love durian, I see no harm to give it a try and for the 1st time, my right breast which usually doesn't produce as much milk as my left, engorged sooo badly and even leaked before I even got home! That night, I expressed out more milk than usual as well.

Last night, I gave it another try and I also expressed more bm! Then later, I could even express enough bm for my bb's next feed after I bf her the 2nd time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiya, just went for my post natal check up this morning(hee, delayed til now) and I forgot to ask my gynae what food(besides latching the bb) we could take to help yield more bm. But I rem once, he told me that if I want to stop bf, I'd have to avoid taking protein food like fish, milk, chocolates, etc so I've also been taking alot of bf milk & chocolates, heee.

Maybe moms who wanna have more bm supply cld try eating durians, then tell me if it really is true, :D

fungfung, if u're still under confinement, try to avoid cold water. This is the time when our body is at the weakest, thus no matter how heaty the tonic/food we take during such time, we won't get heaty... As for chilli, I can't rem liao but I didn't take dur my 1st kid's conf and for this time round, it's more becos I'm bf...

Lynn and Fung Fung yes if possible try to avoid cooling foods and cold drinks for at least 40 days or if you think you can do it than make it 100 days.

So your body won't be so weak especially so

If you are going to ttc for another one.

michelleS: i've also taken a lot of cold water.. weather too hot lah.. my boy has good days and bad days.. so i cant really pinpoint what causes his crankiness but i know for sure.. curry makes him very uncomfortable. actually i wonder if cold water affects BF?


i also dunno why cant take cold drinks when bfing, i know confinement cant. maybe i'll juz take a bit occasionally bt nt every time.


as for durian, my mum said if bf, cannot take durian. i aso dunno why... hmm... must tell her durian can help to increase supply.


oh so i can bring my boi to take the 6-in-1 jab when he is 6 weeks old? dun need to wait till he is 2mths old...

sookie, me too, I was still able to control and avoided cold stuffs for 100days when I had our #1! But this time round, mayb weather too hot liao, I cldn't tong til then, after 40days, I started taking cold drinks, I just avoid carbonated drinks as much as I could.

Ya hor, I'm also wondering if it'd also affect bm production or cause colic to bb? hmmmm, but my gynae told me this am, that the only drink we shld avoid whilst bf is alcohol leh...

Hw's yr bm supply now? Much much better rite? since u fully latch on bb...

fungfung, why can't take durian? could u help ask yr mom the reason? Actually there're lotsa 'Nots' old folks said but with my character, I always will ask why, 'cos I prefer to know the reason why we can't do certain things lor, :p


No... Lols~ I latch only night when I lazy to wake up warm milk... At first thought of full latch so no washing , pumping etc... Who knows my little xiao jie took 1hr plus to finish 1 meal... Like that I was like stuck on the bed as long I bf... Bth...

Yes, I pump after latch also... Kiasu mom~ haa haa haa...


Bb ask for more milk after burp is quite common!? At least to me it is... My Jovie also burp then ask for milk...


I also give only if fever develop... If Heng no fever then eat liao for what? At least I must know which jabs cause her fever mah...


Jovie had 6 in 1, pnuemococcal & rotavirus today. She waste my S$95 before GST coz she vomit out the 1st rotarix that dr fed her... But, I feed her milk before that... Wahahahah... Mummy partly in fault too....

Old ppl believe cold drink cause wind in stomach while chili cause stomach upset... Must try n error lar... Like cabbage, cauliflower case that Gerry taught u before... Our body still quite weak even though we are after 28days confinement... So try avoid cold drink also.. Too much cold also not good for us mah...


Ya I also wonder... But the milk we give to the baby remains the same... It's not like e temperature of milk drop or what mah. Hmmm... I jus changed my boy's diapers to from pampers back to huggies brand to see if it's less cranky for him... Cuz pampers still feels wet to the touch whereas huggies doesn't.


my girl is 6wks old nw.


Jo took rota? and she took so many in a day ah. Kay only took 6 in 1 then next mth take 1st prevenar

reg durian, heard as too heaty, so worry bb ll get heaty too.


yes u can usu i drag la keke..


so which branch u go??? tt day i also fed bb milk be4 the rotarix heng he din puke out..


my GP say 6 in 1 n prevenar can take together 1... tt time i took together also.. like hippopolai i took 6 in 1 n rotarix together... anyway rotarix is drink 1 mah..

Hi vivi-thank you for yr reply..Yes,it's not easy..but still need to clench teeth to pull thro'...my bb today also veri active-does not wanna sleep too..by the way, how is vianne? Better?


I went to Tuas branch lor... See Dr. Tan... 2 injection + 1 oral dose & assessment took 1 hr... She super duper details lor... Very chatty n helpful also...


Ur baby win liao... Jovie only 4.4kg while ur K aldy 5.3kg... Almost 1kg extra than Jovie lor...

My LC told me cold water can reduce milk supply cos it causes something (I cannot remember) to contract.

Mum05-durian is my favorite fruit but I abstain since pregnant cos was afraid bb too big and GD. So glad u mention tt durian can increase bm! I can feast on it already! Maybe bb can have durian flavor bm!

Hello ladies,

Been busy watching my 2 princesses.. Haiz.. I think my #1 giving me more problems than my #2.. Sometimes I feel torn between the 2.. Now I am even thinking of sending my #1 to some half day play group if not will be super xiong for my mom when I go back to work..


Ya I think the only thing I avoid while bfing is alcohol.. I still drink coffee, tea, coke.. Opps!! I only avoid cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower.. Cos my #1 became quite colicky after I eat them.. I also eat spicy food although I know some babies get the chilli poop.. And their anus will have a red ring.. Like how we have it if I eat way too spicy food..

I know soya milk helps to increase milk supply.. Proven by my friends and I and I think hippo also says it works for her.. Right hippo?

I know confinement cannot eat curry cos of the coconut but I will still eat chilli..

Mummy ho,

Contract blood vessel?? But once supply establish, no problem.. At least I didn't feel the effect for my #1 and now with #2..


huh 1hr + ah... ya she v detailed tt y sumtime i find her better than PD glad u like her... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes! Soya works on me!!!! I dun have time to boil papaya fish soup so I gallop soya milk! All form, packet like nutri soy, vitasoy, fresh from Mr. Bean, jollybean, market or coffee shop!


Can't believe that my menses come back so fast!!!!!! Super sad lor... Thought bf menses won't come back so fast? Sob sob... Sian...


oh so u mean cannt feed them anything before the jab? is this jovie 2nd 6-in-1 jab? how old is she when u bring her for her 1st 6-in-1 jab? how much healthway charge for the 6-in-1?


wow 6 weeks and PD said 100ml is too much. i'm already giving my boi 100ml nw which he is abt 3wks+.. tnk is too much for him already?


the feedin is for rotarix cos rotarix is not a jab it in liquid form for them to drink if u feed milk be4 tt if they burp n merlion the vaccine may come out.. if jab no issue..


my bb drinkin 150ml 3.5-4hrly so i tink 100ml ok leh did u try increasin to 120ml n drag to 3hrly? cos 6wk 100ml may not be sufficient... n u r feedin BM they wll feel hunger easier..

oh gerry, I've also started drinking soymilk since I read yr post, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But I bought those packet ones, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

As for durian, my supply really incr by quite abit but I'm afraid it cause heatiness to myself n bb so dare not eat too much/often(plus I'm eating alot of chocolates alr)...

hi mummies

Looks like latching is the only way to reduce blocked ducts but my problem is also bb fall asleep while latching and then will keep waking up to be latch!!

when the breast have those sharp pain, it's blocked ducts right!! Hiaz, tried to massage and squeeze and latched but still not very effective!! Is this the route of bfing!! no easier ways???

Also, if we latch bb, how do we know that bb is full? Also, I know that one side is not enough for him so when do we swtich to the other breast?


Are you sure that it's our menses?

I keep having on and off discharge and gynae told me is normal and it may go on for quite some time. My next pap smear appt, the nurse told me that if I still have discharged, then would need to reschedule.

Re: 6in1 Jab

My PD also ask me to go back when bb is 6 weeks so I believed it's for the 6 in 1 Jab!

Re: Cold drinks

Cannot drink when bfing!!! that is the one thing that I wanna drink when I'm out of confinement. For GC, I like the taro drink but think we not supposed to take YAM izzit? Anyone knows for how long? I missed the milk tea as well ... can't wait to have one but really cannot take cold???


yr Jo is petite de mah can't compare to Kay lah

last time my menses also cum back at 2nd mth very fast. yah some BF mummy won't have menses till stop BF. dunno this time when my menses ll report hope not so fast.


I also thk 100ml for 3hrly is not enuf. I tried to drag but her timing just like got set alarm one and can't wait. ll cry like mad like I torture her, and she seem got small stomach, i gave 120ml but she can't finish if I force she jiu merlion.

tml onward I must determine to drag to 2.5hr then 3hr, else lata go IFC very troublesome must brg more bottles.


if the sharp pain feel like bruise then it's blocked duct. massage and keep pumping. I ll pump 2hrly when I have blocked duct till clear then back to 3-4hrly


i tink 3hr may be too long if 100ml is alr not enough for 3hr? maybe when she can take 120ml den u drag to 3hr?


for yam my CL say 4mth but i bochap alr took after confinement.. the reason behind is ur wound may get itchy.. but who say BF cannot take cold? i been takin after confinement wor..


yup i just drag to 2.5hr she finished 120ml. if she slp thru shd I dreamfeed her lata ard 11.30 ? she use to slp ard 10-11 only tdy slp so early hope can continuos like this.

last time when my #1 slp thru the night I always dreamfeed her ard 10-11 then she can stand till 6am. wondering nw ll it too early for her as last feed? what time yr boy last feed?


for me i dun wake them up to feed if they sleepin for my #1 usu last feed at this age it ard 9+ to 10 den he will wake up later n later.. #2 usu after his feed ard 8 he will wake up 4-5hr later for feed..ur gal so gd alr sleep thru..

Bbgoh: my boy is drinking 120ml every 3hours now wor...but sometimes 3.5-4 hours de.. Dun think 100ml is alot leh. He is 4.8kg now..

Hippopolai: I brought jerrell for his 6-in-1 jab yesterday too.. And also took the oral med..


Kay haven slept thru yet. the past few days her last feed ard 11 then she ll wake up for milk ard 3 & 6. only tdy sleep earlier so I m thking lata gotta feed her again or not. usually I won't wake her up too just dreamfeed loh


my Kay is 100ml in 2hr ler mean if count in 3hr she drink 150ml loh. jerrell can drag till 4hr?? so good. wats his weight nw?


soya works to increase supply?

I have no idea how much my boy should be drinking now.. he seems to keep asking for milk these two days! is there a guideline where i can see how much bb should be taking?


Any kind of soya milk should be the same bah.. I also drink the packet ones.. and if I go out, then I can buy the Mr bean lor..

Wah.. maybe durian is super high in calories.. hehe!! And I have a very sweet tooth.. after dinner surely need some chocolates or ice-cream..don't know how to lose all my weight.. esp now that i always feel hungry.. sigh..


Usually my girl would latch for about 20 mins on 1 breast and she will slowly doze off.. after she delatches, I would burp her and by doing that, she'll wake up and I will try to feed her my other breast.. if she is still hungry, she will suckle.. if not, she will suckle for a while and then cry.. then I know she doesn't want.. and I will just soothe her or put her on a rocker.. FOr me I look at baby cue.. I have never really notice volume..


Wah so fast.. The last time, my menses came after the 3rd month.. when i went back to work.. Hehe!! Maybe stress.. You sure it is menses and not spotting.. I know when my menses came, it was more than my regular period.. Somehow bfing, increases my menses vol.. My friend also felt the same.. More bleeding while bfing.. As soon as I stop, my period went back to normal..

Also, if menses return during bfing, the supply might drop a bit during your period so don't be surprise if pump vol is lesser..


hmm if i were u i will not wake bb up to dream feed let bb get used to longer sleepin time usu my bb last feed will be ard 11.30-12 den nex feed at ard 5..

