(2011/04) Apr 2011


ya.. they considered that as multi-purpose hall (something like this).. i also think is different town council different price.. but then how come the difference is so much.. my side one don't have fan.. they only have electricity and water point..


as what gerry said, my boi also like her girls, poo quite often in a day and whenever he farted, have to check his diaper coz may have trace of poo.

6 in 1 jab:

Can someone advise me may i know what this jab is for? i'm going to bring my baby for his 1st month jab next week, i think is 2nd dose of Hep B (as what stated in his health book) but i understand that mummies here have brought their child for 6 in 1 jab (does the 2nd dose of Hep B included inside) Kindly advise.. thanks


wow.. nursing can be done laying down... hmm... can bb with reflux try laying down method? don't think so right coz scare he vomit milk out.

Re: pumping

i envy you gals leh.. only need to pump max 20-30mins.. i need to sit down there and hold on to my two pumps for about 30-45 mins at least and sometime 1 hour... in order to get the quantity i want...


don't know what happen to my boi, these few days get cranky especially at night.. juz like for the previous night, heard from my CL that he don't want to sleep even though can see that he is tired and will cry most of that day. yesterday at least he got sleep but also cranky.. don't know whether can handle when my CL leaves today.. sigh!

another other reason for crankiness other than hungry, stomach not feeling well coz of colic?


Hi fung fung, won't ur nipple ne sore after pumping for sp long. I cannot tahan so max is 15 to 20 mins max plus squeezing by hand later

Hi all, my boy is 7 weeks old now and I have trouble putting him down to sleep. He will fall asleep in our arms but once we put him on the bed, he will wake up and wail. Tried my CL's method of lying him down on his stomach to sleep and he can sleep longer...but I find this way dangerous...still prefer him to sleep on his back. Swaddling does not help either....anyone has similar experience/advice?

He woke up every hour between 4-6am this morning...and I am totally sleep deprived now.


i dun feel sore at the nipple..the only part that i feel a bit painful is the part outside the aerola (where the cup of the funnel is) and i only on the power to middle.

or maybe i'm use to the long hours of pumping.. keke


basically 6 in 1 includes 2nd dose Hep B, 1stDPT n 1st Polio vaccine.. if u go poly clinic they do it differently so they will need to take 1 more jab..


oh ok.. so if go those private clinic, only 1 jab will do? and it includes all that you mentioned above. Then i don't need to bring my boi go and take individual jab as stated in his health book (only those included in the 6 in 1 jab) Am i right to say that?


yup for polyclinic if i not wrong it Hep b + 5 in 1 so 1more jab only the last jab is 6 in 1.. for 6 in 1 total got 3 jab to be taken at 2mth, 4mth,6mth... now another vaccine include Prevanar n Rotarix(optional)...

So weird that today feeling of going bk my parent's place.. The feeling is super wish of going bk... Duno y...

Guess going bk to parent's place, I can rest more cos I can let my mummy help me take care of my boy..


if that is the case for 6 in 1 (taken at 2mth, 4th & 6mth), do i still need to bring my boi for his hep B which need to be taken 1 mth after his birth as what stated in his health book?


Y u sounds like u'r forcing ur breast produce the volume u want huh? haa haa...

6 in 1 incl. Hep b, so no need take another jab of hep b aldy...


I feed her twice aldy during that 2 hours... Exhausted... Anyway, after I post, she slept... Tsk tsk tsk... This girl... Headache...


Maybe u want to source for other venues? Or other nearby common bldg? Anyway our delivery dates quite near (if I rmb correctly) right? My boy is also mad cranky since the day before. He doesn't wanna sleep, an keep stretching and making pig grunting sounds. And he keeps crying also... I also dunno why... Sigh... Hopefully it's normal.., my hb says if tmr still like tt then bring him to PD...

Hihi i am from dec 2011 mtb....

I would like to find out for those who juz given birth at KK hospital....

How much is ur Bill for natural with epi??

At B1 and A class??

can share with me through PM???

thanks in advance


ya Hippo is rite.. if u look at the health booklet there r 2 more hep B n 1 booster to be taken these r included each 6 in 1 jab so no need take separate jab for bb..

On the way to TMC for checkup.. Shall reward myself with a cup of gong cha ltr.. What's nice to drink? Have yet to try that before..


hahaha... sometime i also feel like i'm forcing my breast to give me the volume that i want.. coz now i'm giving my boi 100ml every feed so must try to get in multiply of 100ml, if not, then very hard to keep half here and there.. i know can mix lah.. but very troublesome so if can, will try to pump longer to get the required quantity that i want. or maybe is coz i only pump 3-4 times a day.. thus have to force for volume lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for the 6-in-1, i dun need to bring my boi during his 1 mth for the jab, can juz go during his 2nd month right?


i have already booked the multi-purpose hall. my delivery date is 22nd April.. when is yours? As for the crankiness, my boi has been on and of like that for some night.. i also dunno why sometime.. sigh! just have to keep trying all kinds of method i think.


ya.. the 2nd dose of Hep B should be taken on 1st month, the 3rd dose of Hep B should be taken between 5-6months and the DPT/DT booster and Oral Sabin booster should be taken 18 months. so i juz follow the 2mths, 4th mths and 6mths of schedule for 6-in-1 will do right? so if decided to take 6-in-1, then i can ignore the 1 month jab, just bring my boi for the 1st jab of 6-in-1 on his 2nd month?

Sookie: ohh.. since U LOVEEEEEEEEE that so much i shall try too... Weather hot la, need to cool myself down a little.. Lol..


I love C7, roasted wintermelon tea with white pearl... Their white pearl is MUST try.... I'm going to have it tmr if possible, lols~


wow.. u must have bought from gong cha a lot of time, till remember their item no..

ya.. i also like their white pearl.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

-.- paiseh wor.. I don't know fungfung still in confinement.. My bad.. Next time treat u drink k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fung dung I know how you feel same here. Maybe your baby sense that Cl leaving? Just my thoughts only

Hope things will not be so tough for you. Hugs

Ouch....... I thought doc ask me come back for normal checkup but end up is do pap smear test.. 1st time doing it.. So PAINFUL... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i also hope he's just noisy but he's normally quite ok, quite calm and collected other than feeding time. only 2 days back he seemed to keep crying and crying. applied ru yi oil + give gripe water + bring him for short walk but no use... he just kept fidgeting and doesnt want to sleep. sometimes he'll fall aslp for about 15 mins then wake up suddenly screaming and crying until no sound... sigh.


ya bbs are like experiments. have to keep doing trial n error. i delivered on 15th, one week before you... but still considered near la.


u still can remember C7 ah... u die hard fan of gong cha leh hahahahah.

suddenly all ur talk on bubble tea makes me crave for ice cream milk tea frm koi...


These few days,my daughter refuse to drink milk..when teat touch her mouth, she will suck a while and cried N refuse to suck...in the past, she will finish milk withnin 15mins..now I need 1 hour to feed her!!!! After she settle dwn, then she willingly to suck and finish the milk...I am really very worried and has been crying everyday...as milk is the only source of food for bb..any mummies encounter this? Worried mummy

Pink, is my daughter behaving the same as c? That time u bring c to see pd and u mentioned u will seek another pd Advice..have you bring c to seek 2nd advice?

Michelle s: these 2 days my boy also like urs.. He'll slp halfway then startled n scream then cry till no sound.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yoti is baby having wind ? Because the other time nurse said that if no burp then milk keeps going into tummy baby may not finish milk. Hugs must be a tough time for you


any idea why like that or not? i use beansprout pillow to reduce the startle and put him in quiet place liao but he still woke up screaming n crying until like tt.... how ah...

Mikio and michelle my baby all along like this . Sleep will get startled and then cry then soothe her then she go back sleep.

My friend was telling me that once hit 2-3 months will be better because right now babies are not really in deep sleep mode.


the best way way to increase supply is to let bb latch right? i suspect i'm not producing enough milk again. R always suckle and suckle and suckle non-stop plus sometimes let go and cry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My power pump result still the same nvr exceed 90ml. My Malay Jamu lady told me dang gui can reduce milk supply. Can I check if u girls put on nipple cream after every pump or feed?

Hi mummies

Hope all of you are doing well. I need your help v badly. How do u get a 6 week old baby to do full latching?? My baby have been on full bottle feeding but I have developed v bad blocked ducts and running high fever of 39.5 degrees. The LCs advised me to do full latching to clear e ducts as much as possible.

Any advise on how to do that?? My baby struggles on e breast and falls asleep so then when she de latches she cries cos she is not full. Help!! I'm at my wits end. Thanks in advanced!!

Mikio: great!! U all staying sk right?? Can help me pass the fenugreek to moon?? She's at compassvale..

Mummy Ho: nope.. I dun put on After every pump..

Michelle: same thing happened to mine and i also did wat u did.. But last night i tried to put soothing music but still the same.. But this happen a day after his jab.. Not sure how also...


oic.. very near...

sometime trial and error already still cannot, so really what happen.. have to keep on trying.... heehee


try to put ur bb to sleep on tummy (but must be under supervision) and in a cool place.. so that they can sleep better


U dun want join us on Monday meh? Can join mah... Since bbgoh n mikio is coming, 3 person shre cab, wahahahahaha..


ERh... I'm C7 die hard supporter... Always C7 if go to gong cha! Haa haa...

Lynn&mummy ho,

No matter what method u use to increase ur supply, it takes time... Cannot b u try now u get the result... at least 1-2 days to see result de...


Latch need to train esp u have been bott feed for quite sometimes... Can massage with hot compress to get rid of the block duct while u train ur bb latching on... Jia you ya!

Die die force lor... Lols~

I insist she must latch every feed... At first maybe 5mins... She latch then I top up with boot feed... Slowly increase 10mins, 15mins... At 1st she sure dun wan... Cry very hard... I just let her cry... Until she latch... 1 or 2 min also good for 1st few try, instill the concept that she must suckle in order to get milk...

And dun forget always offer the breast she prefer 1st, slowly introduce the side she dun like later...


Do u all face the same situation as me?

After latching on for feed, I will pump out n empty breast. Then in the midst of pumping , baby wants more. Or after u empty n squeeze every drop Liao. Then baby cry.

Sigh, that always happens to me. Stuck in the middle.

