(2011/04) Apr 2011


I think there are many guidelines to storing milk. Guideline is if you are sure that you won't be using the chilled milk, you can straight away freeze it. But some prefer to chill before freezing as by putting a normal temp bag of milk in the freezer, it will temp reduce the frozen milk temp by a wee bit.

Guidelines say to chill milk, but I have been leaving by milk out for 10hrs in zircon room. Think Gerry posted a link on this that says ok to leave for up to 10hrs.

Now I don't even freeze my milk. I just leave it in fridge n I try not to go beyond 7 days. So far so good.

I err always smell my milk before feeding. If in doubt just throw lor. Better to be safe mah.


Hi mummies,

thanks All whom reply on the min interval on feeding fm..thank you...

Hi vivi-hugs hugs..can understand how u feel... Try not to strain yr relationship with yr Hubby..vianne needs both of u right now! Do nt bother abt yr mil..not worth it.feel free to come here and rant..we haf so many experienced mummies here to give advices...kindly check that time u mention vianne cannot finish her milk and can drink 60ml..did she stretch herself and wail while drinking milk?

Mummies, my bb these few days will stretch and curl up her leg while drinking milk...and cannot finish her milk.. Is this colic? Worried mummy

Hi ladies,

Here's the post again about milk storage:

Storage guidelines


Temperature Storage Time

Freshly expressed milk

Warm room 79°F / 25°C 4-6 hours

Room temperature 66-72°F / 19-22°C 10 hours

Insulated cooler / icepacks 60°F / 15°C 24 hours

Refrigerated Milk (Store at back, away from door)

Refrigerator (fresh milk) 32-39°F / 0-4°C 8 days

Refrigerator (thawed milk) 32-39°F / 0-4°C 24 hours

Frozen Milk (Do not refreeze! Store at back, away from door/sides)

Freezer compartment

inside refrigerator (older-style) Varies 2 weeks

Self-contained freezer unit

of a refrigerator/freezer Varies 3-6 months

Separate deep freeze 0°F / 19°C 6-12 months

These guidelines are for milk expressed for a full-term healthy baby.

If baby is seriously ill and/or hospitalized, discuss storage guidelines with baby’s doctor.

To avoid waste and for easier thawing & warming, store milk in 1-4 ounce portions. Date milk before storing. Milk from different pumping sessions/days may be combined in one container – use the date of the first milk expressed.

Breastmilk is not spoiled unless it smells really bad or tastes sour.

To thaw milk

Thaw slowly in the refrigerator (this takes about 12 hours – try putting it in the fridge the night before you need it). Avoid letting milk sit out at room temperature to thaw.

For quicker thawing, hold container under running water - start cool and gradually increase temperature.

Previously frozen milk may be kept in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours after it has finished thawing. Do not refreeze.

To warm milk

Heat water in a cup or other small container, then place frozen milk in the water to warm; or

Use a bottle warmer.

NEVER microwave human milk or heat it directly on the stove.

The cream will rise to the top of the milk during storage. Gently swirl milk (do not shake) to mix before checking temperature and offering to baby.

If baby does not finish milk at one feeding, it may be refrigerated and offered at the next feeding before it is discarded.

This is from the www.kellymom.com website.

I have been using this info for my #1 too.. and so far so good..

ya agree with Gin, if you are worried, smell first.. if it smells sour, then throw..

frozen EBM can sometimes smell fishy and metallic.. but that is ok.. it has something to do with the enzymes..


I have been storing my fresh EBM in the fridge for 7 days... and my #1 never had LS before.. So long as you put it right inside the fridge,. no prob.. don't put it at those shelves on the door..


I was so happy to see your posted guidelines cuz that's what I have been doing. Cuz I will wake up n pump n offer it at next feeding!! Sometimes got extra then milk will sit longer in room. I dislike frozen milk n find it a hassle to freeze n defreeze uz really have to plan in advance next day's consumption. So decided to chill milk instead.

Hope I have enough milk to last six months!!!

oh so is all right to put ebm in fridge first, then if want to transfer to freezer later, can do so ya...

thought cannot.. heehee


oh.. storing in fridge can store for so long? i thought only 48 hours (as what mentioned in pre-natal class also). i stored my ebm on the compartment that said "chilled compartment" that is quite near to door, not really very inside of the fridge...

i think i need to be alert and careful in future.. coz i didn't check whether did the milk smell sour whenever i take the ebm out from fridge and feed my boi...thinking that it will be all right.

but then it was placed quite near to the door (not those shelves on the door, but inside the fridge compartment; i placed them near to the door and not very inside), thus is better to check as ppl will open and close the fridge often

Thanks Hippo for the advice.

My gal again didn't sleep well last night. During het course of sleep, I can hear she has difficulty in breathing, like stuff nose. And also there's like a lot of phlegm in her with all those noise she made. Strange to say that she only make such noises at night when she sleeps. I hardly hear them during the day. Because of her blocked nose, we cannot turn on the aircon even though its so hot!


ur common area that you used for your bb shower is the void deck below your flat? coz is cheaper than the one i asked.. the one opp my flat one, they classified it as multi-purpose hall and it cost S$80/day

you mentioned that you also get electricity, are you going to bring your own fan or get contractor to provide fan?

Piggy I sometimes also think this way but I don't think is nice to ask her to go back wait she say I chase her back.

Yoti yeah I am trying not to strain my relationship with my Hubby . My dad says maybe last night my Hubby is around so she had the guts to ignore me and not return me Vianne .

Hmm sometimes vianne will cry when drinking milk then she can't finish or when she just simply use her tongue to push away. It is like when she is playful but Sometimes when she falls asleep also cannot get her to finish.

What I will do sometimes is to help her change diaper and continue feeding her by doing this sometimes she finished it.

Mummies sometimes I cry I also worried that I will get post natal depression. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

By the way anyone can advise where to get shi liu leaves?

Afternoon mummies.. Was busy for the past few days.. Jus occassionally come in read & did nt post much.. 

Mainly Was busy with the following.. 

11/5.. Finally gotten 3G home paradise keys 

14/5.. Nephew's bday celebration @ chalet

15/5... Went to open 3G home paradise door.. Huat ah!

16/5.. Too tired so wake up, eat, slp.. Simply laze ard whole day.. 

17/5.. Was out with mil, sil, hubby & bb G shopping..

For the next few weeks, will b busy too.. Sil's solemnization, mil's bday, hubby's cousin bday @ chalet.. After all these, back to reality which hv to work.. Omg!!! 

Fung/hippo.. Luckily I managed to find a dress ytd. Can oso wear as office wear too so $$$ nt wasted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] actually I gt dresses @ Hm Le but hubby worried later on that day, I wear Le nt nice cos I haven regain back my figure So will b sianz whole day.. Thus he syggest to buy a new dress for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 

BB G went for his first swim ytd.. He was really happy with the swim lo.. Wanted to take a package for him hut I did nt bring the vouchers which colleagues gave for full month so hubby say let him try 1st, next week or so den bring him sign package.. Tempted to sign up 1 yr membership but wondering if we shld.. Piggy & hippo.. Wat kind of package u let bb sign up? 

mrs chua,

ok lah.. if hubby buy the dress for you.. then don't need to worry and most important thing is that dresses can wear for work and other function, not only for the solemnization... at least it won't be kept as white elephant in the wardrobe.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs chua wow you really enjoyed yourself. For me nothing to speak about.

Your Hubby is so nice to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

I just gave birth in May..on Labour day! would like to seek April mummies advice on recommendations for good buffet caterer for baby full month...any suggestions pls? Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs chua ,

Aiya woman buy clothin no need excuse 1 we deserve it we go thru so much n now struggle with BF so our HB shd pamper us! Keke..

For the swim tt time I sign 10 session not goin to sign this time round lazy to go all the way there tink buy the tub from BP better n easier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Maybe discuss with ur hb n see got nicer way? It always like tt 请神容易,送神难。 tt y no matter how tough I try nt to agree movin to my IL house to get help tink I will feel more pek chek..

Michelle S,

Your milk supply super good. My boy going to be 3 weeks old, he drink 80ml - 90ml every 2.5 - 3hrs, i only get 100ml - 110ml for every 3hrs pump. always worry not enough milk for him.


My situation same as you, this coming friday my boy going to be 3 weeks old, currently he drink 80ml -90ml every 2.5-3hrs, and i only manage to pump out 100ml - 120ml every 3 hrs. and i'm taking Fenugreek now, milk supply increase but i'm not sure is it due to the fenugreek. always worry not enough milk for him.

fung fung: based on another website via the kellymom.com, can.


at least my frozen milk is not wasted. frankly i wonder why i bother freezing since not going back to work yet but dont freeze also wasted.

THanks Gin and Gerry on your input on breastfeeding!

mrs chua: wah so exciting! mine pales in comparison to yours. i'm so lazzzzzzzzzzzy. also if i bring out #2 only, feel bad for leaving #1 and vice versa.


yup... I'm also worried that I won't be able to catch with up with my gal's demand soon. Just told hubby about Fenugreek, might go and get it soon bah. Where did you get yours?


I'm using the same method as you. How often does your bb have watery stool?

I'm worried that i might feed her spoiled milk as she has very frequent watery + seedy yellow stool and fart alot. Is this consider LS??

My boy been drinking every 2 hrs today!! And he can finished 100ml per feed. Is this normal? I am kind of worried so trying to give him lesser now!

Oh... Mummies using the Freestyle, can I check with you if you sterilise the bottles after each time you pump? I've been using the bottles to feed my baby too and after each pump / feed, my CL will wash and sterilise the bottles. But I've just found 1 bottle that has slightly dent by the side. Does anyone know if I can still use it? Or should I not have sterilise it after each use? Coz' a fren is telling me to just sterilise once a day and during the rest of the day, just wash will do....


Seedy mustard poo is normal for TBF baby... My girl also fart alot... How many weeks ur baby now? They have growing spurt at 3 week & 6 week.... So they might drink more than usual....


I wash n sterilize after each pump wor... Shouldn't a prob bah.. As for dented bott... I will discard for safety purpose if I were u~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Today is the 1st day of the 4th week! He have watery stool like every diaper change which is every 3hrs. Is this normal?


When I bought my pump, the lady told me that I only need to sterlize once every day and the rest can just wash. But I'll still try to sterilize it when I have the time. Now, I'm also using the fridge method to save me more time. I will wipe clean the funnel and bottle and stored in the fridge for my next pump especially at night!!

by the way, I'm pumping between 100ml - 150ml per 3-4hrs, is this going to be enough since his appetite seems to be increaing now?


My hb bought the NUK latext teat and it seems that bb can sucks better. Maybe you would like to try for C. Actually, for my #1, I uses all latex teat as it is the closest to nip. But the silicon ones are easier to wash and looks cleaner!! Maybe I should change back all to latex until he is much older also.

Any mummies staying in NE area (HG) and want to join me for the full month celebration next Friday evening?


Okie...noted! Thanks!


Okie, maybe I'll get 1 bottle from you first, can? But where do you stay or can send by post? And how much? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya, I've heard of that method too but since CL still around so, I still stick to the wash and sterilise method. Was considering of adopting the fridge method from next week onwards too... :p


eat more fish? i love salmon (both raw and pan fried) and i eat half a fillet of it almost everyday. i try to refrain from the raw one though. :)


they considered urs as multi purpose hall? mine's just a common building... and fans are already built-in in the common building but have to pay first then on that day the cleaner will unlock the fan's switch for us. maybe different town councils different price bah... mine's hong kah town council.

Hello all!

How would I know if bb is gaining too much weight?

Went to see LC today, and she say i have alot of blocked ducts and helped me to massage to get ride of it and i see milk like water fountain spurting out. omg, it was so painful when she massage and said the milk stagnant there for very long already and luckily i never develop a fever. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

is there any way to stop block ducts from re-occurring?


I'm also pumping around that amount and just started on fenugeek. very afraid might not enough supply for bb..


I got mine from GNC.


I try to eat more fish and drink more water everyday. But i believe milk supply also depends on individual body. only can pray hard to have more supply. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hello mummies!!

Isit normal for a almost 4 weeks baby to drink 90ml

Of formular milk every 2.5hrs to3 hrs?

My girl is drinking enfalac since birth. I got a bottle of friso , issit ok if I let her drink the firso and then switch back to


Advise pls...

Been busy the whole day trying to spruce up my resume.. I think it is time to send out and see what I can catch.. hehe!!

I don't think I can justify being a SAHM unless I decide to want to have 3 kids!! Which at the moment, I see it as impossible!!!


it's normal to have frequent slightly watery, pasty yellow mustard seed poop for TBF.. Both my girls can have super explosive farts and poop several times (about ~5-8) a day.. BM very easily digested so the poop will not be hard until you introduce solids to your baby.. Don't worry.. It is not LS..


No probz.. Bfing can be super confusing..


BF bb poo mOre... So no worries... Unless the colour really change or totally flour then u have to worry?


Massage, massage & massage! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


It's not advisable to change/switch formula if ur bb is ok with he current 1... Diff brand diff content which bb's tummy needs to adapt too....


Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BB G is having loose stool ytd & today.. Is that LS? He abit cranky too.. Tummy nt feeling well is it? Drinking well except that sometimes maybe tummy pain pain so cranky...

Lunch jurong point G

Date: 23 May

Time: 12 or 12.30pm

Location: Jurong Pt

1) Piggytoh

2) HIppopolai

3) Tweety

4) Jtho


6) Andrea

7) mikio?

8) Pink (tbc)

9) Sookie (tbc)



Can I hv your contact to ask u more about healthway clinic 6 in 1 jab? at first I also think to bring my bb there, cos it jus beside my blk only, but that when I call up the nurse like v blur , then i fix the appointment at poly clinic, but I feel Tat poly timing not conveniet although I driving, if at blk 690 healthway I just bring my bb go downstaire only. I got doubt why clinic cheaper than poly also? Poly said 6 in 1 then include hep B-3rd dose, hep B-2nd dose I still need to take separate when 1 month old, 3 months then take 6 in 1. If u go healthway straight take 6 in 1 included the Hep B -2nd dose?


My boy started becoming cranky today. After every feed he can only sleep for an hr before he starts becoming redtless. Before today he can sleep till the next feed. But he can sleep though not deep sleep if I carry him. My cl says it's because I gave him room temperature EBM. He looks to me to be constipated though cos he had three round of poo poo that is very little in vol. When he cries he look like he is trying to " push". Can two wk old bb be constipated?

Mrs. Chua,

Loose not watery right? Shldn't b LS...

Mummy ho,

Bb on tbm? If so, shldnt b constipation... BM is very stomach friendly so will not cause constipation...

Hippopolai my bm supply not enough so I with fm. I also suspect his newborn diaper too small so at the 2.30 feed we changed to a bigger size diaper. We gave him FM at the 2.30 feed. He managed to sleep till 5.30. My cl says it could be because of my EBM which I now don't keep in the fridge and just use it at the next feed. This is so maddening cos I think my cl always has something negative to say abt my bm. She says my bb has green colour poop cos I ate a lot of veg and I pass it to him via my bm! Totally ridiculous!! She also says my bb cranky because I gave him unwarmed room temperature EBM that is causing wind.

mummy ho, for breastfeed bb's poo is green meaning he taken in more foremilk than hindmilk. Foremilk only can help their thirst & they need hindmilk to satisfy their hunger.

If u r doing latching, latch abit longer at one breast b4 offer another breast (or save it for nxt feeding). If u r pumping, after pumping rest for 5-10min & pump again. U might able to pump out the thicker milk which is the hindmilk.

Ntg to do with the veg u ate.


Mummy ho,

Some fm fed baby will have green poop too.. From the iron fortified formula.. So if you are supplementing with fm, might have green poop..

Mummies who feed fm, is it correct?

It is not mucosy or foamy right?

