(2011/04) Apr 2011


yes healthway 6in 1 is cheaper.. for Poly i tink only the last jab is 6 in 1 i also not sure for healthway it include 2nd dose hep B total 3 jab but does not include the booster jab not sure abt Poly... u can mgs me via f/b or PM me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but the blk 690 is it the 1 opp JP? i dun like the dr ther.. n the nurse mainly from philipine n look blur..


After we changed his diaper from newborn to s size he stopped being cranky! I think could be the diaper sticking to his butt butt then he feel uncomfortable after he pee that is why can only sleep for one hr! Sigh wat a relief.

Yes Vianne 's poo is green too and I am relieved she poo yesterday because the day before she did not poo. Never know that to see the smelly gold would be so happy for me.

hello mummies

been ages since i last log in...busy adapting to life after cl left...i want to join the gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lunch jurong point G

Date: 23 May

Time: 12 or 12.30pm

Location: Jurong Pt

1) Piggytoh

2) HIppopolai

3) Tweety

4) Jtho


6) Andrea

7) mikio?

8) Pink (tbc)

9) Sookie (tbc)


11)jerelbliss ( got to leave at 230pm cos need to bring bb to poly for jab )


while pumping how to know if its hindmilk or foremilk?

anyone of you succeed at bb sleeping through the night already?

the LC yesterday told me say i can start training R not to feed at night and sleep through. but isn't 5 weeks too young to start?

Hi Mummies,

Im new here ;) So many post for Apr 11 baby!!

Am BFing my boy during the day but Im bottle feeding him milk twice at night. This way he sleeps through about

3 to 4 hours straight. Whilst doing this, i will pump out the milk at night.

This way i could have a better night rest. Got problem trying to latch him at night while lying down, somehow the position is not right. Really wish i can nurse him while sleeping actually.

Any tips from mummies out there who nurses thru the night?


Hehe!! Which LC you seeing?? Sleep training should only start after 3 months earliest.. If I am not mistaken, most sleep training books don't recommend sleep training so early on.. Like the crying out method, I think can only start after 6 months.. Cos now they really need milk.. Cannot starve them.. I don't even think fm fed babies can go longer than 4-5 hrs of sleep without eating..

Mummy 143,

Hi welcome!!

I nurse through the night.. Hmmzz.. My baby is actually quite guai, only will wake up every 2+ Hr- 3 Hr for feed and will automatically go back to bed after feed.. So I don't think I have much of a problem.. My #1 woke up every Hr!! So by her standArds, my #2 is a blessing!!

Maybe you just need to find the right position.. Or maybe baby a bit too small, very hard to do the lying down method.. Wait until baby about 2+ months before trying again?

I only started the lying down method when I went back to work after 3 months cos I was really zonked!!

Sleeping thru the night. I think it is baby dependent.. I know of fully latched on mummies whose babies could sleep for 5 hrs straight after 3 months!! I wasn't the lucky ones thought.. Hehe!!

Hi Jerelbliss! Long time no 'see'~ how u doing?


agree with Gerry... I also wouldn't train my girl sleep through so early unless she dud that herself~!!!! hee hee...

Hi mummy143,

Practice more? Just like other position, be it cross cradle or football hold also must practice before we really master it... Jia you ya!

Hippo & Gerry,

exactly which is why i'm wondering. hmmm..

TMC LC. yeah and she told me can start training and skip one night feed. and if he wakes up in the middle of the night, just pat him back to sleep.

Last night he slept from about 10pm - 4am before crying for milk.

I'm so stressed n fedup! My boy kanna bronchitis,brought him to KK c doc. He was coughing quite badly ESP at night n throat was full of phlegm. Doc suck d phlegm in his throat, gave nubillizer n even did a chest xray for him.Gave us nose drop to clear his blocked nose for 5days.

After sucking d phlegm, he seems to have lost his voice. His crying is hoarse n soft. Sighz....I wonder how long will he take to recover. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm also sick, sore throat,cough,body ache n blocked nose n now even got fever. Can't believe noon time clinic also so many pple,got 9pax in front of me!

hi mummies,

sorry to disturb. i'm from the dec'2010 thread and i have a few items to let go. pls pm me if interested:

1) Pigeon Disposable Breast Pads

Retail Price: $13.50 for 60pcs

Condition: Brand new

Selling: $9.00

2) Huggies Diapers Size S (44pcs)

For 3-7 Kg / 7-20 lbs

Retail Price: Abt $18 per pack

Condition: Brand new

Selling: $11.00

3) Organic Sacred Tea for Nursing Mothers

- for increasing bm supply

Retail Price: > $30 per pack

Condition: Only used 2 tbsp. Almost full pack.

Selling: $18.00


I read about growth spurts here and at kellymom. I suspect my bb crankiness today could be due to growth spurt. Does it mean that during growth spurt I will have to feed him more regularly? He is day 17 today. Was drinking 90ml every 3 hourly. He doesn't sleep when I put him down on his bed and only sleeps when carried close to my body. I m exhausted by his crankiness already!

Also I read on kellymom that during period of growth spurt milk supply ll increase. But since my bb don't latch and I supplement with fm will I miss the train on the supply increase?

Mummy Ho,

My gal is and as your boy. She only sleeps when carried and we are really exhausted by her crankiness :/ Worse of all she fuss for an hr or so after feed before she's willing to fall asleep!

So helpless.......

Helpless mum-my boy finally went to sleep after I top up his feed by another 90ml. Which meant that he is now drinking 90ml every 2hr. But he looks like he is waking up....


usu by 3mth most bb would have slept thru n by 6mth all babies shd sleep thru but all these r jus guideline if ur bb show sign tt he is ready to sleep thru jus let ur bb be.. my #1 sleep from 9 to 4am after 1 mth for my #2 i gotta train him lo but i din use the cry it out method la cos like wat the rest say they still need milk so i train him slowly now ... u can monitor see if ur bb still sleep thru tonite ...


oh dear i totally understd cos my bb also down with cough with phelgm n block nose 1-2wk back i sent him to KKh also but they only do suction from nose n nebuliser now nose still block lo... u gotta take care ya esp now u also sick..


I hope he does sleep thru soon, then not so tiring on me and my hubby at night. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] yeah think if he wakes up and cries will latch him on. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

He seems terribly fussy today, like keep drinking not enough milk... now don't want to sleep..sigh..

Lunch jurong point

Date: 23 May

Time: 12 or 12.30pm

Location: Jurong Pt

1) Piggytoh

2) Hippopolai

3) Tweety

4) baby26

5) Andrea

6) mikio

7) bbgoh

8) Pink (tbc)

9) Sookie (tbc)


11)jerelbliss ( got to leave at 230pm cos need to bring bb to poly for jab )


ya if they can sleep thru early will be easier on us.. but usu latchin bb take longer to sleep thru n may develop a habit of wantin to latch at nite but may not applies to all bb la...


Tried gave a little more if yr boi dun wan sleep after normal feed... I did this to my girl... I feed 110ml 3hrly... If finish 110ml she still ask I try to drag a bit by give her pacifier... Sometime with pacifier she fell asleep... Sometimes not. If she persist to hv more, I will offer another 30 or 40ml... Most of the time it works... My girl will guai guai go back sleep...

Hippopolai - so quite sure my boy going thru growing spurt?

Mummies who exclusively EBM, are ur milk supply good? Should I increase frequency of expressing now? Also is it necessary to warm up EBM left at room temperature?

went for my boy's jab today. wah he is so cranky and can tell he is really in pain from the jab. cry and cry, don't want to eat. hope its normal?

Mummy ho,

oh u pump in set ah.. initially i start with 10min pump n slowly increase to tell my brain not enough milk if u wan more can do power pumpin of 3set of 10min ...


i tink some bb can be abit cranky after jab dun worry ya..

Mummy ho & Piggy,

what do you mean by doing pumping in sets? Coz' I've just been letting the machine run for 30mins... Oh gosh, have I been using the pump wrongly???


what does power pumping help in? yield more supply?


okie.... coz' I ever had letdown again at 20+ mins and so, thot just let the pump run till 30mins lor... By the way, I know some ppl said to pump till the breast is empty but for me, after 30mins, I use my hand to squeeze, I can still see some milk flowing out. Does that mean I should pump longer?


My LC taught me to massage then pump for 5 mins. Do this three times and total pump time is 15mins.

Tweedy u don't massage yet ur supply so good!

Piggy-I ll try power pump and see if it works. But I m not sure wat is the "breast empty" feeling.

Hi Gerry n hippo, Thks for the encouragement n reply. I really salute mummies who can nurse through the night sitting up. Gosh. I tried for one night n I surrendered. Maybe coz I'm a sleepy head.

Will try to latch my boy lying down again when he is older. He is a small baby. 2.47kg only. Now 3 weeks old n nearly 3 kg.


yes will help to increase s/s but hor if u got s/s dun try la scare increase later u got engorement...


if ur breast is empty it will be soft sumhow got diff 1...

Mummy ho,

Erh... Think so bah... He gallop down 90ml x 2 within 4 hours which is quite unusual right?

Re pumping:

I also pump 15min max... But sometimes hand express coz machine pump no more but hand express can get another 20ml at least, if lucky have 40ml... So about 20mins in total (hand express abt. 5mins)

U feel ur breast before n after pump... Even no engorgement, before pump there is certain 'hardness' while if u 'empty' it, it's soft soft de...

Ebm at room temp no need warm up...


Our breast cannot be emptied de lar... U 24/7 sit there hand express sure have something come out de... If the output become little or slow... U can stop le... Let the breast rest a bit mah...


okie.... Thanks!


hmm... I also dun know if my supply is considered enuf wor... See how... maybe will try for 1 or 2 times bah... :p Thanks anyway!!


Ur bb not small lar... Average mah... My girl also born 2.6kg... I also tried latch her lie down when she was 2 weeks old... But I adjusted her so many times before we succeed lar... Haa haa haa...

I dare not carry n latch at night... Sometimes bott feed can drop boot aldy.... Later carry bb drop bb how? Haa haa haa...

Hi mummies

I am using the Ameda Personal Lactaline. Initially I could pump 100ml in 15 min but ever since my confinement lady left, I have been less disciplined (pump only 3-4x a day) and my supply has dropped to an all time low of 40ml in 30 min. Started taking papaya fish soup and Fenugreek but not very effective so far.

Not sure if it is psychological but somehow feel that my pump suction is not as strong as before. Have to use my hand to squeeze while pumping to make sure that the milk flows out. Is this a sign of a faulty pump? I'm not inclined to let my girl latch as she often drinks abit and falls asleep v fast.

Hippo, that's what happened. I carried my boy , sit n nurse . Hands slip a few times at night. But of coz I put pillow n booster around to support . So I gave up nursing at night . direct bottle feed. But only strictly at night.

Yup will keep practicing latching him lying down . Difficult journey .

Pongzai, my boy also suck n sleep. Sleep baby. so I will tickler his feet. Burp. Change diaper . Tickle chin n cheeks to wake him. Latching is the best actually to increase supply


I somehow also have this kind of feeling... Haa haa haa... Could be the breast seasoned to the pump aldy? Haa haa haa...


Wow~ dangerous!

Actually it's not as difficult as u think, it might be t the initial stage but once u master it, wow hoo! Heaven!!!!

Actually some of my friend told

Me that lie down is the most easier n fastest position to master... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hippo, maybe jovie still hungry? My boy woke up at 4am n juz slept. I latch him twice before he finally go to z & now im having difficulty sleeping Liao.....

So fedup with myself coz I'm still running fever! Hope it go away soon, I haven't been so sick for a long time Liao.sighz...

