(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hi Yolk,

Thanks for sharing! Actually I have forgotten some of the breast feeding 'techniques' as that was 6 years ago!!

Do you remember/know how to store the breast milk ah? We can only leave the BM in the normal compartment for 24 hrs rite? If we want to keep the BM for long, we have to shift it to the freezer compartment, am I right? If I only able to express out 20ml after expressing, I could store it in the normal compartment in freezer 1st, then after I expressed out another 20ml in the next round, I could just add on to the 20ml BM that I have expressed earlier on hor~Please advise. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The delivery ward are full, so have to stay in the observation ward till ur dilation is 8-10cm then they will transfer you to delivery ward. On drip now to speed up contraction.. Hopefully can do it w/o epidural this time rnd.


Milk bags I used to buy from spree cuz its half the price of that in First Few Years. But recently I saw it at OG! Not too ex too. Don't see people spreeing for it anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I will probably get a couple of boxes from OG first and ask my mil to lug it back for me when she goes to US. Hehe!!

You can't mix BM that has been in the fridge with freshly pumped milk. You have to store both in the fridge then combine them when the freshly pumped BM has cooled down to the same temperature. I leave BM in the normal compartment for 48hrs. I think guideline is up to 72hrs.

I just had double lunch. Freakingly sinful I know. So full and such a hot day. Gotta go have a nap to work it off. Haha!


I don't eat liver too, but I love pig trotters! I only eat the fats, not the meat!! Chicken is to be avoided IF you are going for c-section. Natural birth no need to avoid.


Very soon!! =)

Yolk Sac,

Ya my gynae told me #2 can be very fast so cannot dilly dally.. But she said 10 mins.. For you, your doula will meet you in the hospital is it?? Maybe you better call her earlier.. and then gynae can be notified once you are there.. I think I will call my gynae when I am driving down.. That's what I did the last time..

I took chicken during my confinement but I only bought the kampong types.. as for liver, I did not take any at all throughout..Hehe!! Well theoretically pig's trotter is good for you cos it is rich in collagen.. and a lot of what looks like fats is actually collagen.. It is actually quite yummy.. Good for your skin too.. At least that is what most of my PRC friends tell me!!


I understand your pain.. I always tell myself that it has to be done.. When my girl was hospitalised for kawasaki, they had to set a drip and there was quite a bit of blood spilling out and she was crying like crazy.. Mummy was crying too... haha!!


You can check out this website www.kellymom.com

It has all the info you need regarding breastfeeding, pumping and latching.. I posted info about milk storage a few days ago. You can check it out..


Do not top up warm freshly squeezed milk onto frozen milk as it will thaw the forzen milk.. Thawed frozen milk shouldn't be refrozen.. If you know you are going to top up, then leave it in the fridge first..The once you have filled up the container with the desired volume, then you can move it over to the freezer compartment..

Took from the archive (Copied from the www.kellymom.com)

Storage guidelines


Temperature Storage Time

Freshly expressed milk

Warm room 79°F / 25°C 4-6 hours

Room temperature 66-72°F / 19-22°C 10 hours

Insulated cooler / icepacks 60°F / 15°C 24 hours

Refrigerated Milk (Store at back, away from door)

Refrigerator (fresh milk) 32-39°F / 0-4°C 8 days

Refrigerator (thawed milk) 32-39°F / 0-4°C 24 hours

Frozen Milk (Do not refreeze! Store at back, away from door/sides)

Freezer compartment

inside refrigerator (older-style) Varies 2 weeks

Self-contained freezer unit

of a refrigerator/freezer Varies 3-6 months

Separate deep freeze 0°F / 19°C 6-12 months

These guidelines are for milk expressed for a full-term healthy baby.

If baby is seriously ill and/or hospitalized, discuss storage guidelines with baby’s doctor.

To avoid waste and for easier thawing & warming, store milk in 1-4 ounce portions. Date milk before storing. Milk from different pumping sessions/days may be combined in one container – use the date of the first milk expressed.

Breastmilk is not spoiled unless it smells really bad or tastes sour.

To thaw milk

Thaw slowly in the refrigerator (this takes about 12 hours – try putting it in the fridge the night before you need it). Avoid letting milk sit out at room temperature to thaw.

For quicker thawing, hold container under running water - start cool and gradually increase temperature.

Previously frozen milk may be kept in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours after it has finished thawing. Do not refreeze.

To warm milk

Heat water in a cup or other small container, then place frozen milk in the water to warm; or

Use a bottle warmer.

NEVER microwave human milk or heat it directly on the stove.

The cream will rise to the top of the milk during storage. Gently swirl milk (do not shake) to mix before checking temperature and offering to baby.

If baby does not finish milk at one feeding, it may be refrigerated and offered at the next feeding before it is discarded

Vivi, Rach, Tiffany,

jiayou jiayou!

went checkup today, gynae says still carrying quite high, did VE and.. 0.5cm dilated. does that mean anytime soon will give birth?

also asked to picked a date to induce after 10th apr, just incase, anyone knows which day is good for the week after 10th? :D

Hi Gin,

Thanks for the information. I will go to OG to have a look. :D

Oic...so as long as both of them are in the same temperature, it will then be safe to mix. I got it!

Are you staying at home and rest right now?

Hi Gerry,

Thanks for the link. Ya...I guess I've missed out that post. Very comprehensive information, thanks Gerry! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yolk sac

I also din take liver during last confinement. but kidney is a must bah

anyone can share the Shen hua soup herb contain?


wow 9cm. thk nw u shd be pushing or maybe yr lil one on yr arm alrdy

Tiffany and rach


Cant catch up with e posts! Pardon me if i missed out any replies.

bbgoh, I'm too tired to wake up and pump at nite. Hehe. If want.. Latch on directly at nite easier leh i think. Anyway.. We need rest to produce more milk also mah.. And stress free.

vonn, i dun like e huiji taste. But small cup only nvm la.

st i got prune at home! Later go eat. Luckily today got poo normally liao.. Else i die.

piggy, i got live updates till 10cm cos still bearable mah. But i disappeared for 5hrs while waiting to push le. Think i can break record for longest time taken to push liao! Btw, CL cook with ur mil rice wine today. V nice leh! Ur mil still got extra? If wanna buy more from you how to collect? Rice wine is to bu wat huh?

Hai.. Today go pd.. Bb jaundice high. Pd say 15 and above must admit for phototherapy. Bb's is 15.2 at day 5. We choose to shine sunlight at home. But tmr going poly to monitor level again. Cannot go above 20. Anyone knows if poly is using a different scale to measure? Izzit the 20s range one or e few hundreds range?

Anyone opt to rent e phototherapy light home instead? Can share with me e contact for renting if you have? Think it's from tmc.


thanks... Rice wine is to bu blood n improve blood circulation if not wrong... if u only wan a few bott she still have but i stay in Jurong leh too far from u right?

oh my the weather is soo hot tt i sweat in aircon room -_-....


hmm for POly above 30 den need to admit hosp leh my boi was 22 at day 7 the dr say still ok but if the feet turn v yellow mus rtn imm to test again... tml goin back to test again hopefully the peak have passed...

yolk sac

i nv ate liver although is my fav haha hb's relative ask me avoid wor donno y but kidney is a must.

For chicken i took straight aft delivery so far so gd but ppl was sayin mux take kampong chicken n muz b female cos not poisonous. to me i prefer ckn fillet easier to eat.

I hate pork trotter unless is the meat i hate those fats don even dare to swallow. use the hand part not the leg.

Hi piggytoh,

We need rice wine & dom to add into the confinement food, am I right?

I think partially is because right now the temperature of our bodies are higher so will sweat easily? Now I crave for cold drinks and ice cream..keke.

Yolk sac,

i also no take liver cos i dun like as for pork trotters idun take the fats skin i took the meat nia n tt the only part i eat from pig keke...


hmm it depend on u but i only use rice wine as for DOM n Martel i use it for tonic soup[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good noon mommies! Weather's so hot... ):

Just done with my appointment. My bb's huge.. 3.4kg at 37w3d. Doc said my bb is v low already but won't go into labor anytime in the next 10 days when I have 18 more days to go. I think my bb really wants to wait till edd or until he becomes 4kg. ):

I told doc I want to c-sec and when he asked which date I want, I suddenly had cold feet and said, 'wait until after next week's appointment then I decide.'

Anyway mommies who'd gone thru c-section, can share how painful the process and the after effects are? What kind of pain will we experience? And will the scar be v v obvious?

Quick update!!

I am 2.5cm dilated. Gynae downgraded baby's weight estimate to 3.3kg. Yay! He offered to do a sweep but I said I would think about it. Tentatively fixed an appt for a sweep this Sat.

Hi Michelle,

Ooooh...your bb is huge~[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I gone through c-section for my #1. Hmmm...I just remember the 2nd day when I got out of the bed, I nearly fainted. Sorry Michelle, not to scare you but it was really painful but it could be that my pain threshold is very low. BUT after that 1st step out of the bed...the pain was still bearable on the recovery stage. I think I rely a lot on the pain killer. They say, the more you walk, the faster you can recovery. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't scare~we are 'wei da' de mummies...we can overcome everything!

Hi Mommies,

Very sorry to crash into this thread.... But I have a Medela Swing bought in Nov 2010 from Mums and Babes. Used it till March 2010.

I sent it in for servicing and was given a one-to-one BRAND NEW exchange. It is stated on the warranty card and invoices that it is a BRAND NEW motor - dated 18 March 2011.

I have stop breastfeeding and am selling the pump. As I am using the bottle for my BB, I would not be selling the bottle.

I would however sell the pump together with the following accessories (which I bought additional and not included in the orginal SWING set)

1) Additional piece of valve (brand new)

2) Membranes x 6 (brand new - still in packaging)

All the above letting go at $280.00 SGD.

I bought it at around $300 and it does not include the additional items.

Meet up at YCK, AMK, Bishan, Suntec can be arranged.

PM me for faster response.

Thank you

Mod: Please remove if the post is inappropriate.

Michelle, don't scare~ You see Parsley... Update always 3kgs++++, come out only 2.6kgs nia, dun scare ya....

I dun think c-sec wound is pain to me, like I always said, I can go down from bed the 2nd day... and walk all over the place... Whahaha... I even stop my painkiller on my own the 2nd day night liao... As I find it's not pain so I asked nurse, nurse said not pain then dun want take also can, but i still keep the pain killer n bring home, coz just in case got pain at home can still take... =)

Piggy, I also dun take fats for pig trotters... Special request to have more shou rou when my grandma do confinement for me~ LOLS.....

Hihi mommies! Back to report. Removed all drips n tubings this afternoon n got down the bed to walk liao. Took painkillers so don't feel any pain at all. Didn't feel giddy first time I got down the bed also.

Parsley's a sleepy baby not really hungry.. Feeding her every 4 hrs n she wont wake up to ask for milk. Her jaundice is at 7.5 n they started phototherapy for her today.

Mich: sounds like ur boy is big but maybe the estimation could be off... Parsley only 2.6kg when she came out. Gynae estimated 3kg at least. For me, the c sect was not painful it was the attempts to inject the epidural which failed. The anesthesiologist poked me 3 times n he touched some nerves and that made me feel like my legs were electrocuted. Really awful..

I dont know if it is my back that's problematic or his skills CMI...

Yolk sac,

Wah!! You see your date will be quite close to the first one.. Today's already thurs.. If you let nature take it's course, will most likely deliver during the weekend..


Wah Parsley is nice to let mummy rest first after all the trouble she has caused.. You see.. Lisa's first night with me was a NIGHTMARE!!!!!

Your anaesthetist experience sounds scary.. He already gave you LA before inserting the bigger needle and you can still feel the pain.. Yikes!!

Rest well.. You have gone through a lot.. =)


The only thing that is unconfortable after the c-sect last time is the air or wind that went into the stomach during the operations!! Other than that, i did not feel any pain at all and in fact did not take any pain killers then. I was out of bed walking around the next day.

Yolk Sac

wow, already 2.5cm so it might be anytime already? Jia You!!

Re: jaundice

Looks like it's difficult for us "asian" to escape this problem for new born! If this time round is going to be the same, I think I'll still prefer to stay in the hospital and discharge with bb when everything is clear! So end up, maybe still choose 2 bedded cheaper hiaz!!!

Hope all babies cleared of jaundice very soon!


Are you staying in Single deluxe?


Friday I've got things to help my dad settle in the noon so can't join you all... Actually thought maybe can join you all after my appt on fri then realize i gt sth on that's why I change appt to today. Our bb's are too comfy inside the womb, don't want to come out... Or they are too obedient... Doc says edd means they must come out on edd. Are u waiting naturally for bb to come out? I lazy to wait Liao... The sharp shooting pains I'm having near my cervix area can kill me..

Thanks for sharing about your c-sec experiences mommies..


My pain threshold also very low... How long did you have that pain when u got out of bed?


You made it sound like a breeze! Ur no 1 is epi right? Do u feel the pain when they cut you up?


I also hope my bb comes out to be 2.6kg but I dun think it's possible... 3.5kg and 2.6kg gt huge difference leh... Btw how's the procedure like for administering epi?

sorry for the late reply-

Fung Fung: yes I chose to do c sect coz i was afraid that my baby's head was too big and she won't be able to come out.

Thankfully I didn't go thru natural labour and then find out I can't even use epidural.. can't imagine going thru natural labour without epidural coz I have zero tolerance for pain.

totoro: Yeah I'm in the single room. I was told the hospital was full house today and I almost couldn't get a single bedder. Was at a 2 bedder last evening until they shifted me at 6pm.

Gerry: I tell u my whole pregnancy experience is really traumatizing... from conceiving to giving birth.. non stop drama. The epidural experience was really bad. Even after the op i could the numbness and tingling sensation in my legs. Think he hit some nerves.

My birth story is quite short:

6am: Admitted to hospital

7am: Settled all the paper work, got shaved

8am: Moved to holding area before going into OT

8.30-9.15am or so: Anesthesiologist tried 3 times to administer epidural and failed. He said he didn't want to cause me so much pain and trying more times could risk permanent side effects on my back/spine.

Was given GA.

9.32am (as I was told later): Parsley was out

1030am: I was awake and pushed to ward to rest.

Awake all the way until night time, caught some snippets of sleep coz the nurses kept coming to change pads, check temperature, check BP... breast feed, I've barely slept in the last 48 hrs.

totoro bb

Wind goes inside? So when they cut you up, you feel the coldness around your tummy?

I think since 4 mommies said it's not painful with painkillers etc, think I'll go for csec if still no action by next appointment.

piggy: i dont know leh... how do they measure the jaundice level.. howcome i read some its in the hundreds then some in the twenties or tens.. confused.. hah

tweety: i'm ok now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just super super tired but can't really rest well here

Mich: U have lie on ur side and curve ur body in a certain so that they can access a specific spot of the spine.

Mich: it's not that it's not painful at all, but the pain is tolerable. For me lar, and I cannot tahan pain one bikini wax already wanna die. U shld be better than me.

The other thing is when I first woke up i felt quite horrible. Coz I have heard stories of people having problems waking up from GA, I literally forced myself awake. Maybe that's why I was awake within 1hr. And the other motivation was that I wanted to see Parsley!!! I've had a few months who told me they slept for quite a few hours after the GA.. i don't know man I was super awake and anxious to see Parsley. After going thru so much~~~


You won't feel anything when they cut you! The most you can feel is your body moving when they tried to get the baby out!!

the wind is only the after effect on the 2nd days onwards! There is this strange bloated feeling that I was told later it was wind and that is a bit of discomfort. So was adviced to walk more and tends to fart more I think !!!!


Looks like there are really a lot of people delivering!! my last check-up, there is no parking at all and even valet parking have to Q. Going down on Friday again and hope I don't encounter the same problem.


Yes it must be one hell of a ride for you.. Even your epidural experience sounds horrifying!! Poor thing.. But isn't Charissa such a dear!! =)


My mom also tells me that c-sect, a lot of wind will go in one..


I haven't done bikini wax before so I really dunno how painful the pain is... But you never try, you never know. Think i'll choose c-sec. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Totoro bb

Really no pain? Sounds like epi is one powerful thing.

Michelle, I go thru GA for 1st 1... Not I make it sound like breeze... But the pain is really bearable to me.... Maybe after I too many ppl told me will b pain like hell so mentally I was prepared? Lols~ I dunno... Maybe if I go thru natural birth w/o epi I'll tell u it pain like hell!? Lols~~~~

Even Pink always tell me she got low pain threshold she also feel it's ok... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun scre urself... U can bb for the whole 10mths... So I think nothing is unbearable...

Hello hello, mummy who deliver in TMC, got free wifi access bor????? Update me ya... Last time deliver still not this advance... Thinking of bring my lappy to hosp just in case I get bored.... Wahahahahahahahahaahah....

Piggy, hmmm.. Then i think this pd more cautious izzit. Tmr i go poly will know. How often do you need to go poly to check? For e rice wine.. If want need to get from u at Jurong west ah? Dun think hb so hardworking to go. He say Jurong east still can as he'll pass by after work.

Sandy, oh gd. I'm going woodlands one. Then tmr can bf there.

I think my hb got post natal frustration leh. I so pekchek with him already! He's so sensitive at every small thing i say when i dun mean anything at all. Think he stay at home this few days with me.. He like doing confinement also. He's so short tempered. Still dare to say i make him v stressed. He like tt then make me v stressed loh! I dun even know what "wrong" did i do to him. Keep jumping at every little thing i say. I only say Huh? He can also say i accuse him of doing e wrong things!

For those who are supplementing bm with fm. Do you still latch on or you bottle feed all e way? I think my milk supply not enough to meet his demand liao. Or bb lazy to suckle le. Bb suck for 5 to 10mins then stop le. Then sometimes after 1-2 hrs hungry again. Now i dunno wanna switch to bottle feed Suan le or not. But i hate my new avent pump le! E funnel smaller than e one i use last time. Then pump till my nipple become rectangular shape of e funnel tube! Sianz!

