(2011/04) Apr 2011

hi hi, i saw my name being mentioned :p

i'm fine with anything just reduce on the carbo lor :p

ok, i booked piggy for 11.30am slot, vivi n pink or 2.30pm slot... now waiting confirmation from my friend.


yesterday lunchtime i went to RIA for the ayam penyet, after that went for pre-natal massage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tweety / pink

want to go jalan jalan today?? :p


wah u shiok leh.. now i regret nv sign the pre-natal massage package[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so u gettin their post natal package as well?

elmo: yes, i remember! Pai say.... haven't got time to have long lunch & go over to RP side to hv lunch with & collect from you....

morn mummies...

i am soooo tired...last nite got headache nvr sleep well...den woke up started vomitting..den come ofc realise gotta work over the weekend..

chamz leh..i really dunno can tahan ornot..


my next gynae appt is on the 19th leh..dunno doc willing to gif HL ornot leh...damn sianz..

i hafen even cut hair for CNY [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


usu Pte r more willing to gave bah..

my Gynae always tell me how many days i wan jus let him know lol~ but also cannot take long mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tokin abt appt i jus remember tml is mine.. so fast... actually if i were u work until no day no light i will cry leh... prob will bochap n take mc...

Hi mommies, yesterday I went for my blood test and the level exceeds the normal range...doc says that I have got diabetic and I got to stay in the hospital for a one day programme...doc also said bb may be induced earlier coz of diabetic at the end of march or 1st of april...so depressing...

piggy, I alsoo sooo tired.. have to endure..

who going TMC on 7th Feb? I got to do blood test there at 8.30am.. got to rot for 2hrs there..


i only signed for pre-natal, now still got 7 sessions, dun think will be able to finish before giving birth, so will convert to normal massage after birth...

didn't sign for the post-natal cos thinking freelancer ones are cheaper... dunno leh, still haven't find a good freelance 1 yet... any recommendation?


dun be depress, it's normal to get gestational diabetes during pregnancy... i got it during my first pregnancy, so this pregnancy, i also well-prepared that i will get it again... and BINGO! i really got it...

if not too serious, just have to watch our diet... see the diabetic doctor first and he/she will advise u wat to do.


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i know..sometimes i feel bad for my bb...but i also scared this will affect my end of yr review..haizz...dilemma..damn sianz..

weekend need to work liao...99.9% confirmed.*sobz*


i use Mdm Mas for my #1 she is gd jus tt i dun like the smell of the oil she use.. if u keen i can gave u her contact... u can try her for pre-natal first... now i also headache cos wanna try another 1 recommended by friend den she keep fly my aeroplane for the pre-natal massage so may end up sign Jamu Origins...

now too late for me to go sign Jamu wellness liao cos the previous promo no more[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


u got to weigh which is more important, your year end review or your baby n your health...

when i had #1, my boss changed his attitude towards me 180 degrees... i used to be his right-hand woman, after i got pregnant, i became an eyesore to him... before, my appraisals were always B or B+, after preggy and giving birth, my performance dropped to D or even E... luckily now he's gone and i've got a change of boss, my grade gone up again...

now i preggy again, i dunno whether will kenna discrimination again or not, but i dun care liao, what's more important is my family...


but u intend to work long in this co?? but u din take mc freq mah...


dun feel bad... induce earlier is ok cos only 2wk earlier.. jus try to control ur diet.. usu preg is more prompt to diebetics..


i also very scared if the oil smell bad...

i am trying to contact Mdm Rokiah who used to come to help me with my breastfeeding problem 2 yrs ago... she only does breast massage, but she has a shop doing postnatal... will see wat's her rate then decide cos most likely i will want to consult her regarding breastfeeding again this time round.


hmm becos i v sensitive to smell so i dun like she claim the oil smell like coffee la but i jus dun like.. oh i call Mdm Rokiah but she only do breast massage but she have a group of therapist who do post natal massage which is v ex.. more ex than Jamu Origins.. 5 days $428..

Reading all the crap you guys are getting from bosses, think I'm quite blessed.

My GM was just speaking with me this morning about my pregnancy and upcoming maternity leave. He was telling me to pls go ahead & clear all 16 wks at 1 go if I wish and as for work, he'll assign his secretary to oversee my dept in my absence. Glad to have a supportive boss who's happy for me to be pregnant.


i found out i was preggie when i joined this company...so i am quite new here loh..prev assignment needed constant flying so i asked to leave tat proj then they assigned me to this project in s'pore.i'm worried i orh gong already.

also abit lost as to how i shld handle this...


my first tri actually i took quite a few leh..cos i was sick den amino etc..

initially i was planning to stay here for 3 yrs..but now i'm not sure loh..

kai lee: guess it's also quite understandable for many employers to still maintain similar expectations for pregnant staff vs the others. Guess you can only try your best, 对得起自己 and the rest is not within your control liao. Do take good care of your body though....


oh u try be4?? cos i only dare to try those with v gd review leh.. n i read tt those Mdm Rokiah therapist some not v gd wor.. cos those i know all $50/hr nia so i find $400+ ex haha but if cant find will jus try Jamu Origins..


like wat Jtho say u gotta weight which is more impt to u.. seems like this Co not v family oriented n with a bb u would wan to spent more time with him i suppose..


yes..will see how things go when my ah boy comes out loh..

den need to discuss with hubby also..see wat's the best option for us n the baby.


haven't try before, only engaged Mdm Rokiah before only...

my colleague recommended me her SIL who does pre & post natal massages. but i find her ex also. pre-natal at $70 and post-natal at $80. but she claims that she use slimming gel for post-natal la...


Mdm Mas/Ida also use slimming cream be4 she bind my tummy wor.. so now dunno how cos Jamu Origins slot for Apr according to Rebecca is gettin full soon also..

kai lee: u're on 12 hrs shift? Do you work in excess of 44 hrs per wk then? Usually for 12 hrs shift, by right you should be work 3 days, rest 4 days then work 4 days rest 3 days or have 2 straight off days per week. Hope u're nt being exploited in any way. 12 hrs shift is very 伤身 indeed.... poor gal


this is not permanent...also dunno who came up with the stupid structure..we haf to support users for UAT..which spanz across countries..so some smart alec allocated those in SG 12 hr shifts loh..this will last for 3 weeks bah..

quite common for my industry actually..

i'll see if i can worm myself out la..i can feel more n more tired these days..


i saw that jamu origins got buddy promo leh... if both of us signed up together, can get extra freebies... u interested? but the freebies very pathetic one la... hahaha


ya i was tellin pink we can sign up together.. in fact i email them to ask for bulk discount but need to have 12 mummies n the perks is not attractive at all.. so if u wan the 3 of us can sign together la..


i tink 1hr 10min is still cheap for $40 la.. it up to u lo.. cos for me dun tink i can tahan the smell another rd but i find them gd la...

Hello me back again just now was really busy hee hee

Rene so good your GM I envy wor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my clot quite small le..ard 10mm by 5 mm and now like have pinking together with the discharge.not fresh blood apart fom tt little clot.should i be worried? my appt on monday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wah..40 dollars is indeed cheap leh..

my fren got intro one lady to me but i hafen tried her yet so i dunno how gd she is..her rates is 60 for 1hr wor..free lance..


i mean pre-natal leh? also $50?


i tink best is u gave ur gynae a call cos i really dunno cos now still early from due so if it mucus plug u better check with ur gynae..

Kai lee: yes, best to talk with your hubby but are you ok with your boss? Maybe you should talk to them cause you know how people are.. you don’t say, they think you can do it. Very few will take the initiative (like rene’s boss.. lucky her!) to ask how are you.. can you manage etc etc. so sometimes not good to keep quiet. Because if anything happens, you suffer, not them! To them you are just an employee.. but your baby is yours. Don’t be scared that because you’ve just joined you should have to do whatever they say. Everything works both ways.

Today I have been feeling so so tired.. and eally am beginning to feel the 3rd trimester symptoms. Suddenly I feel that I can’t walk so fast anymore.. I walk like an old lady now. And my cough.. is BACK! Argh. Stupid. I better not take things for granted like bending down to pick things up.. feeling lots more Braxton hicks now.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


tks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..i haf 2 reporting struture here...which is messy...one to my reporting mgr..the other is a client reporting mgr..i might need to tok to them soon bah..they r always travelling..tats the thing..

yes...rene's boss is v nice loh...envious [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


enigma: think u shld call yr gynae up & tell him the symptoms. These may be early labor, better be safe than sorry. Call & see what he/ she says...

