(2011/04) Apr 2011

Wow that's a lovely cake!

Looks yummy!

Hope you have a good rest today Piggytoh~~~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



y no peanuts?

i just checked my #1 ultrascan photos... my wk 6...only 0.3cm which is 3mm... but my #1 is 15 mths now..dun worry.

info on internet can only take it as a reference cos it may be done for asian women

great cake, piggytoh - I'm sure it was a happy party! which flavour is the sponge cake? my fave is lychee martini [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] aiyoh, did you have spotting with #1 too? try to take it easy this week - sit down or lie down when you can. take care.


it lychee martini n chocolate[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes I got spottin for #1 too in fact my # 1 spottin is worse[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


peanut may cause allergy for out BB so better be safe than sorry...

Morning all!


Yah, feel super down with all the puking. I was still thinking if i should just get admitted into hospital coz whatever i eat comes out and totally no appetite to eat. Then this morning, i try to eat a bit of everything... biscuits, pretzels, instant soup --> end up stomach cannot take it and stomachache now.... sigh.... keep have to keep praying that the symptoms go away fast...

PG cake,

The orange chocolate flavour is also yums! Had that for my #1 1st birthday.... I think there's also a doublt/triple choc, which was an overdoes of choc for me, din like it


Actually for my #1, I din know cannot eat peanuts, so for a few weeks, I was eating peanut butter sandwich for breakfast every day. Lucky #1 din develop any allergy to peanuts so better be safe than sorry

adel: oh yes, I do love that orange-choc combi from PG too. Most of their flavors are great! My friend had non-stop vomiting in the first tri and ended up being too dehydrated so had to put on a drip in the hospital. I don't think you will get to that stage, but just something to keep in mind in case things get really bad. Just got to hang tight until Week 10 or 11. I know it seems like very far off, but the time will pass quite quickly.

Piggytoh: are you on progesterone? Heard that gynaes will prescribe progesterone for spotting?


yes I am on progesterone.. But I din told my gynae I am having spottin yet.. The other time my gynae ask me go for progesterone Jab 3 time a wk damn painful..


my MS not as bad as urs but my appetite v bad also this morning dunno y havin diarrhea also having strong urge to puke but no output dunno how much longer I can hide my pregnancy.. Oh I dun like orange so din get the orange 1 I like choco so I get the triple Chico.. I heard their strawberry 1 was nice also.

I wish i could feel some symptoms too... i totally don't feel anything... no nausea no spotting no nothing..appetite is so good I can stomach an elephant...

Arghhh...~~~ *frustrated*


Yeah, now just hanging on and hope that one day after i wake up, the symptoms will miraculously disappear....


you need to hide till your probation over rite? What you can try doing is use the toilets on a different floor.... then at least ppl on your floor dunno you're the one puking...


What you wrote reminds me of the exact feelings I had 2 weeks ago. I kept telling God "how come I no symptoms and the other gals on the forum have sore boobs etc?" Then i kept asking God to show me some symptoms. Then all the puking started. I so so so regret so itchy backside, go and ask for symptoms. Now feeling so miserable...

Yah... I know I'll regret wishing for it but it's true... I have resorted to testing HPTs to see if the line is still there and that it's getting darker [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Becoming paranoid I think~ haha!


every1 diff some appetite is really gd dun worry ..


my current co is a small co only 1 level so v challenging to hide.. Actually I dun mind no appetite cos can loose some weight be4 I start to gain lol~


i'm so excited... AF should report tmr, but i'm hoping AF goes on a long holiday :p

itchy backside, i did a HPT using the cheapest Guardian one, and got 2 lines, 1 dark and 1 very faint... now crossing my fingers


welcome n congrats[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes faint or dark a line is a line[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks ladies!

i already have the Clearblue digital on standby... will probably try tmr or friday to confirm

Hi Mummies,

congrats to mummies who have tested BFP.

I'm in my 2WW... hopefully can get BFP too. If strike maybe end april or early may baby.. *cross fingers*

pinkraindrops: totally understand how you feel. I don't have any MS symptoms too, don't really feel too tired either. Basically don't feel very much different except for slightly sore nipples and reduced appetite. I'm also a lil paranoid and wondering if everything's ok. Hehehe...

Ladies, wanna ask hor, if today is my 25DPO, then I go gynae this wk or next better ah? Would it still be too early to see anything conclusive?

Really hope to be able to see bb heartbeat on the next visit but at the same time, also v gan cheong.....

hi mummies, im back over the long weekend. thanks for all mummies Adelchia, piggytoh, shyanne, eve and picotin for consoling me...

im feeling much better over the weekend as my son is recovering after seeing the TCM doc last thurs. even much better than i had expected.

juz celebrated my son's 1yr old birthday last sunday and was so busy till i forgot to eat!

im still dunno to let my son continue wif his current IFC or switch to a nanny. if switch to a nanny it will onli be a few mths after switch he will be gg to playgroup cc. my hubby doesnt wan him to continue wif the current IFC as the sch fees were kinda steep. previously we were using the CDA acct to pay hence doesnt feel the pinch. but now we had exhausted the CDA acct and hv to pay the full amt $800plus each mth to the IFC.

really in a delimia wat to do...haiz..


if u can wait nex wk better cos I tink u now 5 wk + only[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


gd tt u feelin better now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya IFC is slightly more ex..but nanny u mus find 1 u really trust for me I nv trust nanny cos I got 1 friend she gt a nanny recommended by friend say gd end up the poor BB kena shaking syndrome butbur boi now bigger la so really up to u... Cos either way only another 6 mth to go[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


gd luck!

Rene: You should be around late Week 5 or Week 6 by now? Can see yolk sac, sac, whether one or two (twins) sacs, maybe even a fetal pole. But for best results, probably best to wait another week or so?

Jeslyn: Glad you are feeling better. Wow, $800 a month is quite a big $ commitment. But good IFC not easy to find.

Fluffysheep: Sending lots of baby dust your way! Good luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jtho: Gd luck! Clearblue will show the way [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my boi also went to IFC for about 5 mths since he was 8 mths old, then kept falling sick... finally we decided to take him out of IFC and switch to a nanny just above our place. he's been with the nanny since june.

we dun intend to send him back to CC so soon, will probably wait till he's 3 yrs old, or maybe only send to 2-hr playgroup when he's 2.5 yrs old or 3 yrs old.


Yah agree with the other gals, if you can wait a week more, then can also date your EDD =) But if you too excited, then go now also can la... but must be prepared that may have to go again in a week or 2 ......


You working? the $800 is after the subsidy? I heard from my fren that working mums get to enjoy i think $600 subsidy for IFC? $800 is quite ex. I think my fren is paying $600+ after the subsidy.... Maybe the baby - carer ratio is lower at the IFC that you chose? Maybe another alternative is to consider half day IFC?

thanks gals, guess I'll stick to my 19 Aug appointment then...

1 thing interesting or gd (to me at least) about my gynae is that he allows patients to sign up for package from 2nd visit onwards. Then if touch wood, anything happens, he will pro-rate and refund back accordingly depending on when it happens. Seems more 'wu hua' like dat... So i'll prob sign up at next visit.

adel_gal, as in those white/yellowish egg white/creamy discharge. Cos I know preg supposed to have increased discharge.. just wondering if no discharge still got chance anot. :p


I din notice any increase in discharge.... maybe it's specific to individual?

It's almost time to knock off! Yay!

hihi all

just do a test yesterday and saw 2 line...think shld be very acurate....but this time round m so confused, the feeling is very complicated....cos actually was pregnant in mar this yr...had my 1st gyne visit end of apr...gyne say bb was 9week 8.9mm healthy...so fix my 2nd appt on 2 June

but end of May i had some spotting (brown col)...so decided to see gyne earlier...THEN THEY INFORM US THAT BB NO LONGER HAD ANY HEARTBEAT...

i did a wash the following day 1 June ....my mensu came on 7 July....now i pregnant AGAIN???

still hv not inform any of my family member..not even hubby...cos i dun wish to hv any disappointment...so think to go see gyne alone confirm the pregancy b4 inform hubby...OMG M I DOING THE RIGHT THING

during 1st pregnacy i 2 dun hv any sign at all...this time if confirm i really dun mind to puke at all..at least i know thr still some sign gg

Hi Chris Loh>> I've been a silent reader of this thread, but thot I should comment re: your last post. Though I have not experienced any m/c before, I think you should let your hubbie know about your current pregnancy. Afterall, both of you are in this together rite? Dun go through this alone...I'm sure you'll feel loads better with your hubbie's support! You should go see your gynae asap..so that if he / she feels is necessary, can give you medication to stabilise the pregnancy. Meanwhile, remember to take your folic acid! Wishing you a smooth pregnancy ahead! =)

Hi Elmo>> Re: your question, there should be an increase in discharge, but that usually occurs a bit later in the pregnancy, maybe around wks 8 to 12? That was what i experienced when I had #1.

Hi Piggytoh>> Can I ask where you got the birthday cake from? My #1 is turning 1 YO in November, thought I should start sourcing now..1 YO can eat the cake?


ya i tink depend in individual ... i do have increase in discharge now...


the cake is from Pine garden i tink they r v popular among mummies becos of their design n price.. i would say v reasonable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ys 1 YO can eat cake as long ur bb not allergy to egg...


firstly congrats n welcome... once u tested +ve u r confirm pregnant and sadly 13% of pregnancy will end up in m/c even when u r in wk11 there r chances tt bb heartbeat stop.. so dun worry so much first...cos this r the things we cant control.. i agree u mus let ur HB know becos he got the rite to know..and only after wk12 den ur pregnancy will be stable... n any part of the pregnancy there r still chances u may m/c....so there is no way u can confirm until ur bb is born[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

n spottin is actually quite common durin preggie but if ur spottin is red n quite a bit u r doin the rite thing by goin to gynae earlier..

Hi Elmo,

I tested BFP last week and don't notice any increase in discharge... almost symptomless except for slightly sore boobs and positive HPT that's all...

So good luck to you hope you strike! =)


hee if i remember correctly MS will usu kick in ard 6wk so maybe soon ur MS will hit u.. but small % of preggie r v lucky no MS at all..

So many posts recently.. Wow.. Dun hv time to catch up with it. Was having very bad MS too, kept wanting to vomit & these few days having giddy spells.. ESP this morning, feeling very giddy so return back to my parent home to rest & c doc. Legs was super wobbly that my daddy hv to send me see doc. Ask doc for 2 days mc but he say pregnancy mc not covered under company's policy, onli gave me 1day. Taken med but dun seem to feel any beta ESP giddy spells. Wonder u girls now when need to c doc, u all will go c gynae or normal doc? As my co got their own panel of doc, so going these panel doc, I can claim from co...

Mrs Chua,

it depend if flu, cough general illness i may go GP n others like spottin etc i will go to my gynae but mc given by my gynae were accepted by my Co so far but of cos cant claim..


Yah my friend told me so too, she said I shld enjoy my time without the MS.... i have a few days more to being 6 weeks old according to my estimation...

Elmo, when is your AF due?


ya eat while u can.. now i cant even finish half a pack of rice this is worse den my 1st preg... n i am feelin so so tired totally no energy to work ...

hi ladies,

confirm with clearblue liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

