(2011/04) Apr 2011


spotting is v common durin preg as long as the discharge is not red shd be ok cos it is most like to be old blood but of u r worried can alway visit a gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Managed to bring forward my gynae appt becoz of the spotting. Doc did a scan...6w but cant c much ..only a waterbag. Told me to monitor the spotting & not exert too much. Going in 2 weeks' time to see if can detect a heartbeat.


6 wk shd be able to see a sac yolk rite?


ya lo finally fri tml goin to see gynae again hope can see heartbeat....

Dear Ladies,

I'm 6 weeks preggy, just went for my 1st scan this morning. Can only see a sac, about 1.9cm. Doc said it's still too early to see heartbeat. I saw some websites say can detect heartbeat in week 6...? Anyway, going back in 2 weeks time. Btw I have been having light brown discharge, doc said it's fine, just slight infection only.

Piggytoh...dunno leh. to me, i can't see anytin but the doc said can see somtin. All I see is a sac..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tiffany...wow! I thot won't cant preggy so soon coz body not back to normal yet.


welcome ..

Wah tt was fast it goin to be v challengin for u but it a happy event let stay happi[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



yes usu by 6 wk we shd see heartbeAt alr my #1 I see it at wk6 too n some see at 5 wk plus every BB diff but it ard 6 wk but u shd at least see a sac yolk[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rapple ,

u shd see a tiny ring wic is the sac yolk ur scan print out shd be able to see usu gynae will point out 1 quite obvious 1..

Btw after u gave birth the chances of strikin is v high hor even breastfeeding can strike as long as ur body start producin egg so better play safe if u dun 1 BB so fast:p I know 1 mummies strike 2 mth after she gave birth...


Update us the good news tml k?


wow, thats fast! Look on the bright side, after 1 yr, you can relax coz your children big liao =) Congrats!

Congrats to Rapple and Jenn too!


thanks I hope gt gd news to share too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats Jenn! How come your sac measured 1.9cm..mine only measured 3mm..??? or is it the sac yolk that piggytoh was talking about???

Hey, thanks...

Gynae didn't point out the yolk, so I don't know... he kept saying too early to see heartbeat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so I just wait for another 2 weeks lor.

hi girls,

I just came back from my appointment too... gynae said it was still very early for me (5 weeks plus) as well...can see the yolk sac but cant hear the heartbeat yet...my measurement is 11.1mm ... hah.

She also did a pap smear+vaginal scan which I was not very comfortable with, so I'm likely to change gynae...

PS: Is it common to do the pap smear+ vaginal scan at ur first visit? I've never done any before in my life and it was quite terrible.

pinkraindrops: how come your gynae asked to u do pap smear at this time? So weird.

All mummies-to-be: is it now we cannot apply nail polish?

ya..so wierd to do pap smear now. for vaginal scans, my gynae explained tat bb might b too small to b detected by e usual tummy scan...so need to do by tat method.

Nail polish...don't see any harm..was still putting it on while i could still reach my toes during my 1st pregnancy...hahah. But need to check contents for nothin too harmful.

Looks like its not common to do the pap smear.... and I've read that some women have experienced miscarriages after doing it... Looks like I'm definitely changing gynae then...


for both my preg i nv done papsmear even for other gynae tt i have visited so far usu papsmear is done 1 mth after we gave birth... and we r encourage to do papsmear every 1-2yr... i actually can see the sac thru tummy scan but at this stage for clearer view usu gynae will chose vaginal scan..

Ting ting,

if u r pan tang better dun do some say bb face will have birth mark etc.. but personally i feel tt smellin too much of the paint i dun tink it gd but i hav friend who paint nail but bb ok... so it pretty up to u..

Ting ting,

Personally I think it's ok as long as u apply it in a well ventilated place so u don't inhale the chemical fumes.. But I've been advised against it by others so it's up to u I think. Do what u're comfortable with

Hi mummies,

I went for my check up today and yes I'm pregnant. I'm in my 6 weeks 14.4mm but still no heartbeat. Any mummies here wi TPS at KKH?


Thanks for your warm welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Both of our babies birth date very near ;) Do u still carry your bb? Mine now is 8 kg plus. Quite difficult not to carry him but yet worried since it's not advisable to carry heavy things now.

All mummies jia you ! And have an enjoyable weekend. Ya... I'm very very tired, just want to have a good rest .


ur bb v light wor gal or boi? my boi i tink abt 10kg... initially i still carry him but after i got spottin i seldom carry him le my HB help to bath n change him. but sumtime he will come to me wan to carry so i jus hug him me too v tired u too have a nice wkend..

Mummies.. Ur baby seem big, all ard 10mm @ week 5-6. Mine seem very small, onli 7mm @ week 6.. I somehow think my baby is less than 6 weeks but gynae now is based on my last menstrual date to calculate the number of weeks I'm in.. But dun think is accurate leh cos I jus got married

on 3rd July.. So even by then strike, I think shld be 4-5 weeks? Or could it b I'm not eating enough so baby is not growing much?

Mrs Chua,

LMP does is not accurate becos u do not know when u O it will only be accurate if ur cycle is a regular 28days. so ur gynae shd advice u the possibilities of ovulation late.... my sac size at 6wk is 13mm+... so believe urself instead becos we know our body best... if u r worried can consider goin for 2nd opinion? btw bb wun grow jus becos we eat alot... as we go along u will notice sumtime the bb will sudden gain alot even u din eat much tt wk n gain v little when we eat alot... becos it not how much we eat but how much they absorb.. so dun worry abt eatin[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I've got a pack of LANSINOH Breastmilk Storage Bags for SALE(25pcs).

I bought it from Mothercare for $18 and tat am willing to sell it at $15.

Please kindly pm me if u're interested! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua, my gynae told me that in the early stages (first 3 months or so) all babies grow at the same rate. So if you're measuring below that, your baby is prob younger. Gynaes always start counting from your last LMP -- it's a funny convention, which makes you 2 weeks pregnant at the date of conception [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mrs Chua,

Yeah it's not accurate to use your last menstrual period as a guide because we ovulate on different days in the month... unless we know for sure which days we ovulate if not it's hard to know which week we are in actually. I thought I was in week6 already but the scan showed only 5 weeks plus, and no heartbeat yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Especially since your wedding was only on 3rd July, it's possible that you're less than 6 weeks.

I think we shld all relax and not stress ourselves out (I know, easier said than done, I'm totally obsessing over it). But let's try nonetheless! JIA YOU and have a nice weekend!

BTW my gynae also used last menstrual period to estimate 7 weeks now but I know it's impossible because I have never had a 28 days cycle before.. you should be able to roughly estimate your cycles to see which days you could have ovulated. If your cycles are long you could have ovulated late so your foetus is actually very small and it's very early in the pregnancy.

I was also discouraged when my gynae said that the foetus looked small but after rationalizing scientifically, I am trying to stay positive and hope that everything will turn out well!

Thanks mummies for your advice on the nail polish. I also feel that as long as I am happy, I can proceed to do whatever I want. Of course, some things better avoid I will avoid. Gonna be a happy mummy-to-be.

Hi gal,

back fr my gynae checkup able to see n hear the heartbeat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dr say everything norm but the size still small only 6 wk 1 day...I shd be ard 7 wk.... But since dr say everything look norm I can't be bother [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u r partly rite cos it could be the BB grow slower.. Cos for my case I am a 28-30 day cycle n I tested on CD 13 so it quite

impossible to get BFP so much earlier also I know when I O:p

ting ting ,

ya as long as u feel comfortable y not[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so good can see n hear heartbeat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kaira n piggytoh

i am still carrying my son who is about 11kg... no choice, he's been very sticky recently. some pple told me that maybe he sense that he will be having a competitor soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya my gynae will usu let us hear hahah... quite interesting.. u can alway request from ur gynae:p

initially i am also carryin my boi until i got spottin i try not to carry him.. but my boi no diff leh as usu not v sticky to me.. :p

piggytoh, noeymum & pinkraindrops... ya, I oso think is not right to use LMP to calculate but by when will we be able to know the more acurate date? duno if I shld be abit "pantang" abt MS.. today was a clear day where I can leave my house for breakfast & some light shoppping with hubby.. though got some ramen craving so huby brought me to Ajitsen. ordered the beef ramen but end up eating a few mouthful of the ramen & all ramen den full liao.. haha.. find it very wasteful to left so much of food but hubby say is ok la.. at least I got eat some... was tellling hubby we shld order 1 bowl which we upsize the ramen & share so not so wasteful... hehe though MS is kind to me but I realy wonder if I shld be pantang cos worried it will come back again tmr... hehe

anyway, my mummy ever since knowing I pregnant had been asking me to buy birdnest to eat. she say is gd for baby, next time baby come out complexion will be very good hehe.. initialy, she asked me to buy after 3 mths where I'm able to eat more but today when she heard I can leave my house to go out for breakfast, she ask me to quickly go buy... haha.. so I went to Yu Ren Sheng to buy those ready birdnest.. 6 bottles for $70+ (usual price $90+). hoping to start 1 tmr.. but is really exp to eat birdnest leh... if 1 day 1 bottle.. omg.. but for baby's sake, what to do leh? :p

Mrs Chua,

for me my MS is on n off 1... sumtitme i feel v v hungry sumtime damn full sigh... bobian 1 u cant predict 1...usu once can see the bb they measure he size n advice..


if u see my scan can u see a white patch above the white ring? the white ring is sac yolk wile the white patch is the bb they will measure the bb n estimate the EDD:p

as for birdnest i dare not eat too much as the TCM believe it may cause asthma to our bb so i drink once a mth nia those double boil 1 my MIL will cook for me den in my 3rd trim i drink twice a mth...

piggytoh... my scan seem different leh... not like urs.. got chance I try to post it up.. gynae maeasure baby le.. he say is 0.7mm now which I think is abt 4-5 weeks?? as for EDD, he told me is 2nd April based on my LMP which I find it not accurate...

ohh.. birdnest will cause asthma ah? I duno leh.. my mummy ask me drink saying is good for baby leh.. I oso not sure.. think drink moderation will do ba... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyway, my MIL was telling me jus now abt my 2 SIL's pregnancy. one of them drank alot of birdnest while the other one not as much.. the one which drunk alot one, the 2 sons come out, complexion very sensitive & bad.. alittle abit onli will rash & rash.. den will take long time to heal etc.. while the other SIL, 2 daughters came out has no problem except the youngest one who is very prone to mosquito bite, bite liao wil be very swollen.. seen doc a lot of times but no use too... so I think everything eat moderation will do ba???

Ya I agree eat everything in moderation.

I ate the Lao Hang Jia concentrated bird nest when I was expecting my boy but he wasn't fair at all.In fact,at birth he looks even more tanned than me & my hubby. His skin was quite good though.

As for my girl, this time I choose to eat Eu Yan Sang

concentrated bird nest and my girl was born fair with rosy

cheeks BUT her skin was sensitive! When I ate seafood or prawns she'll develop rashes after drinking my breastmilk.

when she's 20mths, there's once we ate prawn mee at a hawker and she develop those allergy spots and we got a fright and thought did she develop chicken pox or what.Her drooling will even cause rashes around her mouth area and so we use Sebamed facial protective cream to apply around her mouth to improve the condition.

So for my 3rd 1, I think I'm saving my $, no bird nest.

Mrs chua, 4-5wk most prob only water bag[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes my aunt drink alot BN n her daughter skin badly allergy asthma if the BN not clean with feather so far my son skin ok no big issue so I wil still drink but moderation but I would say our gene matters too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi mommies!!im new in this thread. juz found at dat im preggie. did 2 home test kit. have not seen gynae s i beliv im onli 4-5weeks preggo.

hev any of u ladies seen gynae?wen u tink is good?anuder 3weeks fr now?

dis is my 2nd pregnancy. my boy is 14mths now. juz started walkin.

