(2011/04) Apr 2011

pink raindrops: no problem, happy to share and soon you'll have your own scan pics to enjoy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] any update on your gynae choice yet? guess it depends, in part, on which hospital you are keen on. yell if you need anything!

bbpotato: all the best to you, hope the bleeding was just implantation spotting and that you will have a BFP


Piggytoh, yay, very excited for you! I think you will have a good scan and see yolk sac, fetal pole too. A few days makes a big diff!


thanks hope everything is fine I can celebrate my boi big 1 in peace[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning ladies.

Yup Piggytoh, all the yakking abt BD, BFP etc is fun back then.



haha fun ? Stressful for me Esp no result for so long u r so lucky strike so easily:p ur #1 & #2 r both boys?

fun mah, getting to knw so many ppl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me also ttc quite long then kenna #2

yup both boys, can't imagine another boy to come along, will peng san

Hi ladies, just had lunch and feel so bloated :p

Piggytoh - Good luck for you scan tmr. Dun worry, it will turn out well and u can enjoy ur boy 1st bdae party celebration [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Picotin - Good that ur gynae pointed the yolk sac for u. You will see more in your next visit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Long weekend ahead. Enjoy!!

Shyanne ,

thanks me too v bloated nowaday cannot eat too much or too little there r more to come[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aiyo only half a day past time is sooo slow..

Juz came back fr a nice lunch @ TCC.



Dun think too much, enjoy the fun c-ing e blinking tomorrow.

Hi all,

Back from my scan today. Can see yolk sac and see heart blinking but can't hear the heartbeat. Next appt will be in 4 weeks time. Doc gave me medicine to curb the nausea. He say if really bad, he will give 1 week MC for bed rest...


You asked me for Dr Paul's charges rite? Consultation is $55, the scan is $30. But if you are first time seeing him, the first consultation is slightly more ex. Then subsequent times will be $55 liao...

Bloatedness - Super bloated and ill. Puked this morning and woke up from nap feeling ill also. Gosh.. Doc say on the bright side, nausea means bb is ok. I dunno to be happy or sad.


wow which week u in now can see heart blinkin!!! tt gd news! so did ur gynae gave u ur EDD? btw if can try not to take the medi to curb MS not v gd...

Hi mummies, am actually a mar11 mtb but due 30 march so likely tt I might join u guys instead! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my #1 is a apr09 bb.

Pink rain drops, chua yang wAs my gynae for #1. she's quite nice but long waiting times. Also she is veryyy particular abt how much weight u gain, I gained 8kg but each appt she would tell me my aim for tt month n not to bust it. A bit stress. I'm seeing dr lee I wuen at raffles this time.

harlo pinkypink,

wah only 8kg tt v little.. gd thing is u dun have much to loose after giving birth but indeed stressful becos gainin 10-12kg is still consider reasonable not to mention 8kg n being so stressful durin preggie is indeed not a gd thing ya...

Hi piggytoh! Yeah, I think it was super stress, I used to cry alot, cause hormones make you v sensitive mah.,,

Happier nw cuz gynae is more chilled.

But dr chua is famous for being very careful! Even my pd says she is so careful to the point of being obsessed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiya, weight is ok one la. I breastfed for 8 mths n not even tbf, I supplemented with formula and still lost the whole 8 kg I gained in 3 wks. By the time I stopped pumping I had lost another 4.

So breastfeeding = fabulous weight loss n gd fr bb!


haha u r lucky I din loose much from bfeeding but HENG I loose fast also hope the same for this pregnancy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Adel, great news! Must have been so exciting to see the heartbeat. Very cool! Was Dr Paul able to get a crown rump length reading too? That will help date the

Piggytoh and Pinky, aiyoh please don't talk about weight gain. I breastfed so long and gained weight, Did not lose. Bad bad! Now starting this pregnancy about 2kg above my start point the last time. Siannzzzz! Piggytoh, gd luck for yr scan.

Hi Babes

im back from a long shopping trip! so many new mummies...

im still waiting for a BFP. to date still got hope hahahaha. it's been like what, CD40 over days cycle for me already?

btw i have some really light spotting for 2-3 days then now stopped. do u think that could be implantation?


nvm tis time round loose all the fats together...


ya possible.. tt time i also got implantation spottin gd luck to u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PrinceSSy, wow, that's quite a long cycle. How many days DPO are you? Could well be implantation bleeding - sounds like it if you spotted and then it stopped. All the best! Take a test soon - should be able to see something about 5 days or so after spotting?

Piggytoh, I have a terrible metabolic rate, just meant to be fat lah! Never mind, going to try and be good this time - take less sweet things and less simple carbs - if I have to be fat, at least must be healthy hor?

Talking about weigh gain, I gained 22kg during my 1st preg!! My doc keep telling me I gain too much, at a rate of 4kg every month!! But in the end he gave up and say eat all I want lah.. happy can liao.. haha

Lost quite a fair bit during the 1st 4 months but still left abt 5gk till date lor.. haha

Trying to control my diet this time round and hopefully can lose all the weight that I gained previously hehee :p

shyanne: haha, your poor gynae! were you quite slim to begin with? I heard that the slim ones tend to put on more weight during pregnancy - seems like the body compensates by making them put on more. I got no such excuse. Big to begin with and still put on about 14kg for first preg. haha!

Hi Picotin, medium size for me ba.. ard 55kg to begin with? haha.. now 61kg to start lor.. But I think I look fatter than my weight coz of the flabby fats around tummy, arms and thighs..

Hi girls!

Happy Sat to all the MTBs! I'm in a really good mood ;) and going off to a gathering soon.

I made appointment to see Dr Patricia Sim@ Mount E.... Heard some good reviews on her...


I think my weight is 110% of ideal weight now... trying very hard to lose weight before going to the doctors'.... *stressed* but hubby's refusing to let me diet! I'm short so every g of fats count [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]


Welcome to the thread~~~ Heh. Decided not to go to Dr Chua Yang in the end coz there were some mixed reviews on her... Shall see how Patricia Sim is first...

Harlo gals,

I got 1 gd n bad news.. Start with the gd news 1st I managed to see sac yolk today .. N the bad news is my gynae say if I am 6 wk today my sac us v small abt 13.46mm the size of 5 wk 2 day Nia.. So he say gt 2 possibilities either I o late or unhealthy pregnancy.. So going back In a wk time to see gt heartbeat n if the sac grow bigger .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the thing is I saw EWCM n I gt O pain so can't be late by so many days.. Sigh waiting game again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Pinkraindrops, I also not dieting lah.. still eat kfc and durian today.. oops haha. Think supper is the killer so will try to cut down on that this time round [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Piggytoh, at least you get to see the yolk sac today which is good. There is always possibility that you O late or that the size is just smaller than the usual? I have a friend who told me that when she is in week 8, the size of her sac is only 6 weeks big.. but its ok and she is now a happy mum of 2 boys. So do remain positive during this week and you will get to see the heartbeat of ur bb in your next visit ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Do take care and have your regular meals so that bb will grow more ya

I have to wait for another 1wk+ for my next visit...


ya lo now I hope jus a case of my sac smaller cos possibilities of o-ing late is v slim cos I tested on Dpo 13 can't be 4 days diff mah dun tink can test + ve on DPO 9.. Ya wi stay + ve[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


gosh! do hope it is the latter case where u O late! think positive!


i tested using the O kit on the 22 and 23 of July both days had double lines. Had EWCM on 22nd too. my LMP was 28th of June. Actually i usually have 28-34day cycles so i thought i was preggy this time round. It was on the 22nd that i realised i O late due to the EWCM. So Im currently in the 38th day of the cycle. I had spotting a few days on monday-wednesday. but really light, like 10cent coin size. thereafter stopped.

SO can someone tell me how to make sense of this cycle?? when to test, how many dpo and how shd i calculate the due date if i get a BFP?


if u O on jul 22 it will be Dpo 1 so now u shd be dpo 17 u can test alr!! Ur menses r suppose to due on dpo14[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I tink chances tt I o late is not possible la cos I am sure ard which day I o so at Most 1-2 day diff definitely not 4 days but could be my sac small but healthy so now can only wait n see[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggytoh, yah it could be just that the sac size is smaller but a healthy 1. The size can just grow multiple times and catch up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So when is ur #1 bdae party? Today?? Enjoy ya

PrinceSSy, if i were u i will just test lah haha.. i cant tahan the suspense :p


nope it mon he a national day bb:p


which mean u r DPo13 today.. yes can test le la... i also cannot tahan 1 loL~~ if u scare use OPK to test if +ve tata can proceed with a HPT:p


Stay positive and let your mini BB grow grow grow yah!

My appointment is made for supposed 6 weeks too... not sure when my O was...

Piggytoh, Picotin

I m in week 5 day 5. Actually I din see the heart blinking. It was the doc who pointed it out so I also not Sure... the doc measured something but I dunno what he measured. But from the readings says I m due 31 mar. But doc said now too early to date coz margin of error is high. Next appt in 4 weeks then can get a more accurate EDD. The MS is really getting me down. Been sleeping whole of yesterday and today. Can't even play with my boy... Whole day wanna puke..


Congrats on good news of seeing yolk sac! I m sure your bb is healthy. Now the bb is still small so when doc measure, the margin of error is there. Keep positive!

Any advice on what food to eat and what to avoid?

Was told not to take white cabbage, cooling drinks, no raw food/eggs/meat, no caffeine...

What about chinese herbs? anyone knows? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi gals,

i finally saw the darker and thick line vs the faint and slim line tat day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dun worry...sometimes the ultrascan machine cant work well also.


i guess i m the fattest here...i gained 23kg ....but now still have another 13kg still with me....i also bfg...expressed kind but seem not working with me for 6 mths. my gal dun latch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hahah who say no coolin drink? i had cold drink pretty often for my 1st preggie:p yes no raw food.. coffee can but not more than 1 cup a day... oh no soft ice-cream also...


thanks.. but my gynae u/s machine is new v clear lol... but the way i also express for my #1 cos i got short nipple so latchin is damn painful tear n bleed so much ouch.. but i can still it still work wor as in i can feel my womb contracting...

Cowgal: Congrats and welcome!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also express for my #1 for 7months.. I should say it does helps but not as effective as latching?? When I latch at the initial stage, I can feel the womb contracting but when I pump right.. not much of that feeling.. but still can lose like 10+ kg lah

My doc only says no soft cheese and smoke duck/smoke salmon etc. Coffee 1 cup per day is ok. For other "cooling" stuff, I took in moderation lah coz sometimes my mil also cook cabbage etc. But I will always avoid kangkong lor.. Raw food also is a no no for me ..

End of day.. moderation is the word ba for those food that is best to avoid but not a strict no no kind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have a great day mummies! ")


my conception date shld be 22 jul. cos i only did once on the O date.

so now ard 4wk+.

i booked for my previous gynae appt for this coming wed

piggytoh: Aiyah why your gynae go and scare you like that? There is nothing small about your sac, I promise. All the info I have been reading says that Week 6 sac is about 14mm on average - which is exactly where you are! Not small at all. Mine was 9.6mm at Week 5, and my gynae said it's correct size for gestation so how can a Week 5 Day 2 sac be 13 plus mm? Not possible. Don't worry ok? Hope you celebrated happily with your son this weekend - his birthday was this weekend right? - everything will be ok. I am sure there will be a strong fetal heartbeat soon.

Shyanne: Think we are about the same weight but my frame quite small so I definitely look fat. Have lots of flab! For me, the only thing I don't eat when pregnant is alcohol. Sashimi etc in good restaurants I whack, with my gynae's blessing. I have been trying to cut back caffeine even though gynae says that there is no need to because the studies on this are not conclusive.

Adel: I hate that you're suffering so badly from the MS, seems so unfair that some of us are hit so hard while others don't have it at all. Hope you felt better after some rest? Yeah, Dr Paul is right - the dating only is most accurate between Week 7 and Week something (10? 11?) so if you're Week 5 plus they cannot really date it very well. I actually feel better this preg than my first preg which is surprising and worrying me. Hardly have any symptoms at all.


thanks for assuring:p

my gynae is jus listing me the possibilities actually i tink it jus diff gynae diff standard[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he is quite experience i would say.. anyway now can only wait till nex sat for the scan cos no heartbeat also no use... this 2 days i feel soo nausea until no appetite at all.. n the worse thing is only urge to puke n no output.. but also gd la at least it show my bb is growin... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my #1 party is tml... been feelin v tired hope tml will fee; better:p



thanks had a v v tiring day.. have spottin again today think i walk too much...

something to brighten up the thread hope in near future we will all get to celebrate the 1st Birthday of our unborn baby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


