(2011/04) Apr 2011

Rene - don't worry, it really is very rare for scans to show anything if you go too early. I think a scan at the later half of Wk 4 might show a sac at most, at Wk 5+ you should see the sac plus maybe a yolk sac and maybe just a hint of the fetal pole. Most gynaes would prefer to wait until Week 7 to test for heartbeat though lots of women doing transvaginal scans can hear smthg at Week 6+. You just got your BFP recently right? Probably still too early. So hang in there and enjoy a different kind of 2WW [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cramps - cramping which is mild and intermittent is probably normal, at least that's what the websites say. For me, I didn't have any with No 1 which was the smoothest pregnancy you can imagine. For No 2 I had light cramps from even before I got a BFP, just got worse and worse until one day some time in Week 6 when the cramping became severe (but less than labour pains). Had a scan that day (my first for that preg) and discovered the sac was empty. Not saying your cramps are a bad sign esp since yours are just AF type cramps, but in my case, I think the severe cramps were the body's response to smthg not being quite right.

For this preg (no 3) so far zero cramps, and that is giving me hope. But nothing will soothe my fears unless and until I see the yolk sac first, then a fetal pole, then a heartbeat. And I don't think I will truly relax until I can get past Week 11.

hi all..

wat are the 1st signs of preggie?care to share?

btw,so many short forms here,i dun understand..awww..hehe.

congratulations to all MTB!!!


BFP=Big Fat positive:p


u tested +ve alr? every 1 is diff.. for me when i preg with #1 my boobs is v v sore as early as 4wks ... this time round i felt v nausea when i brush my teeth n v bloated tummy full of gas...


not yet.this week is the exciting most anticipated week.there is a short form for this too rite?wats tt?wats dpo??

i had sore boobs last week for a few days n and dun have lehz.

hope for gd news!!!


oh.. hope u have BFP[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] DPO is day pass ovulation... meanin how many days after O usu DPO14 is the day u can test:p

hmm usu i have sore boobs when menses comin but the sore boobs i got when preg is diff not only sore my nipple is painful as well...

Morning Adel,

argh another 5 days to go be4 my appt can't wait man hope everything alrite so I can celebration my#1 birthday with a peace in mind:p

Morning piggytoh,

When your #1 birthday? You planning party or something? I also can't wait till my appt this Fri...hope not too early and can see stuff. If not have to go back again after 1 week...

My tongue beginning to have an awful metallic taste. Reminds me of the days when i was preggies with #1, had to gargle with salt water to get rid of the taste..


ya having a party for him it his 1st birthday on national day but instead of busy preparing for his party i am more gan CHONG abt my appt this Sat[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u mus update us after ur checkup k[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggytoh...my nipples was pain indeed!!!some cramping on left side of tummy too.some short pull kind??yeah,hope to BFP too!!*babydust***

happy birthday to ur #1!!!


oh tt a gd sign also my boobs soreness was alot more sore than the type I get from menses.. Lots of bbdust for u hope u can join us v soon.. Oops dun forget to start taking folic acid ya..


congrats!! Lots of planning waiting for u ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies, I'm on 2WW... Feeling sleepy and tummy like very bloated, a weird feeling inside my mouth. Hope can join u ladies, as my #1 birthday is on Apr, praying for #2 is also born on the month of Apr. Meanwhile, MTBs pls take GOOD Care of urself!!!


lotsa BB dust for u hope u can join us[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats Eve! Hope we have more good news...

Ladies so based on DPO, how long do you think I should wait before going to gynae again? Don't wanna be disappointed to see nothing again....


preferably after 6 wks.. Ur gynae ask u go bxvk in 2 wk time rite? By then u shd be able to see the blink blink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

I'm feeling crampy... dunno whether it's normal. It feels like AF is coming. Can't remember whether I had this during my #1. My appt is aft National Day, hopefully it's nothing serious cos we have been trying for such a looong time for #2

hi everyone.. I jus found out that I'm 4-5 weeks pregnant from the gynae.. will onli be able to find out more 3 weeks later..

Hi Mrs Chua,

welcome and congrats!!

hmm 4-5wks old so shd be able to see the sac ya? did ur gynae mentioned ur EDD???

Rene - 2 weeks from now should be ok. Piggy was referring to the standard preg period which is two weeks tagged on to your conception date.

Mrs Chua, congrats! I am hoping to see the sac and yolk sac at my Wk 5 scan this week, then will have to wait out another ten days or so to hear HB hopefully. I hate this waiting game! My gynae says best to go in only at Wk 7, can do accurate dating plus hear HB.

Freshpoison, hope you are ok, just monitor the cramps...if they worsen, might be best to scan and check.

Piggytoh, are u having big party for your number 1? Sounds like fun! Hoping for a gd scan for you so you can enjoy the little one's party in peace.

Piggytoh & Picotin.. Gynae did not do a scan for me ytd cos he say will b too tiny to see it. As he did the urine test for me, the 2nd line is lighter than 1st line so that is y he say it will b too tiny to c it. Anyway, I hv another appt 3 weeks later which maybe he will do the scan for me.

Mummies.. Would like to ask, my morning sickness seem is for the whole day.. Kept feeling nauseaous, really weird weird de.. Anyway to curb it?

Morning ladies...


picotin is right add 2 wk to ur DPO shd be able to tell which wk u in...


dun worry I have cramp on n off for both my pregnancy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrs chua,

hmm but fr wat I know 4/5 wk can see sumthing Liao during my #1 cos spotting I did my 1st scan at 4 wk + alr can see the sac which gave mr peace in mind at least not ectopic haha but I tink individual gynae diff practise...

Morning sickness u can try to have small quantity more meals.. Every1 is diff so gotta test n trial but having MS is gd tt show ur body producing preg hormone[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hee not really a big party la jus a simple yet proper 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya lo cross my fingers everything norm[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning ladies!

congrats Mrs Chua, =)

For MS, take small snacks throughout the day such as biscuits or hot drinks. Coz usually once the hunger pangs come, the nausea comes. I keep a packet of biscuit in my bag to eat even as I am travelling coz you never know when u suddenly feel like puking... see what works for you lor..


If the cramps are mild, shd be normal. I also on-off got funny light cramps. So long dun become very painful, its ok. But if you feel tt something is not rite, trust your instincts and go see doc better...

hi all,

anyone experience a very faint and light line at 2 wk after conception?

last nite seem breasts abit sore but today morning no more. i dunno whether i m too sensitive or not...

Hi cowgal,

By 2 weeks after conception, it should coincide with the day your period supposed to come? I tested 1 day after my period supposed to come, got a line. To be sure, better to see a doc...


I gotta a v faint line at DPO13.. Faint line is consider +ve[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] congrats n welcome ..

Freshpoison, if it's an on and off thing, you should be fine. For me, my cramps became really painful, then we went for the scan and found out the sac was empty (arnd 6 wks). If it's just light cramps which come and go, it's probably your uterus expanding to get ready for the baby. Hang in there.

Adel, congrats! You got a bfp! Piggytoh is right, faint line is still a positive. We all started with faint lines which are now very dark.

Cowgal, yup, I tested around 13-14dpo and my line was quite faint, I had to take a second test to confirm! Luckily had pee in a cup.

Mrs Chua, yeah prob at this stage, can only see the sac, so no point to scan, at least that's what your gynae's reasoning is. He is prob right since usually if it's ectopic, you will feel sharp pains etc. So he assumes your preg is intrauterine and asked you to come back when got more action!

Piggytoh, got theme for the party? So fun, might be a good distraction from worrying about the current preg. My only distraction is work!


haha yes my son like Mickey so the theme is going to be Mickey common but easy also lol~ btw I heard usu when we preg with #2 usu #1 wi be v sticky to us did ur #1 become sticky to u?

#1 same leh no diff when I told him baby here sayang baby he look at me n turn away continue with his toy lol~

hi all mtbs here,i juz tested postive a few days ago...this is my #2. My #1 is turning 1 yrs old this sunday...same as piggytoh...


congrats n welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh mine is turnin 1 on coming Monday not Sunday[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so u holding any party? Gal or boi ?

freshpoison: I've had mild on-off cramping since 10DPO. When I saw the gynae after getting BFP on 14DPO, he said it's normal as long as no bleeding or severe pain.

Congrats Cowgal, Jeslyn!

freshpoison: I've had mild on-off cramping since 10DPO. When I saw the gynae after getting BFP on 14DPO, he said it's normal as long as no bleeding or severe pain.

Congrats Cowgal, Jeslyn!

piggytoh.. this morning I tried drinking some milo in the office. I think it do helps a little.. does this MS last the whole day?

Adelchia... ya, I think when hunger pangs come, my nausea comes too.. jus like this morning when I was abt to wake up, I felt abit hunger & nausea came

Picotin.. ya, maybe u r right of what my gynae is reasoning.. hopefully baby will let me see something during my 8th week check up.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, what u mean by intrauterine??

mummies.. jus wan to check, which gynae are u all seeing now? the gynae I'm seeing is those neighbourhood one.. not sure gd or not.. any recommendation??

oh ya, my gynae given me folic acid tablets.. forgot to ask him what is it for? anyone can advice me? thanks alot.. sorry being so blur as a first time mummy... hehe

Mrs chua,

folic acid is v impt best taken when I start ttc it sort of prevent some birth defect.. For MS it depend some of my friend the MS is v bad so e v mild mine is on n off I feel v nausea ESP during brushing of teeth..

So far I go to gynae in neighbourhood recommended by friends n they r gd those in hospital not necessary gd also where u stay?

piggytoh: ya hodling a birthday celebration for him lo...it's a boi...

act my 2nd pregnancy is totally unplanned. really caught me surprise. intially totally cannot accept it...keep on tinkin like how to take care wen #2 comes along wif #1 still so young...haiz...


actually my 1 also sort of unplanned din expect so fast caught me by surprise too.. But I am happy la cos i intend to ttc soon also.. personally I prefer to have all 1 shot no doubt goin to be tough but another 2-3 hrs we can relax le[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggytoh, who is taking care of ur #1 now? My boy currently in infant care. Im tinkin maybe wen #2 comes along, i may engage a day and night nanny to take care of him. cos really cant cope wif 2 small kids. Moreover, if one of the kid falls sick, even worse man.

are u a FTWM?

Mrs Chua, intrauterine just means the egg implanted inside the uterus (not inside the Fallopian tubes). Can assume that, in most cases, if no sharp pains in abdomen and shoulder. You must must must take the folic acid to prevent spina bifida and birth defects.

Piggytoh, ooh Mickey, so fun! My girl loves Mickey and Minnie too, we had that theme last year. Should be fun! Did you get a Mickey cake?

Jeslyn, congrats! Unlike you and Piggytoh, my gap will be 3.75 years, very big but not my fault (m/c earlier). My girl is very grown up and independent now so I think I will be able to devote more attention to no 2. Got good and bad lah.

picotin, act my intention is to plan for #2 wen my one turns 2yrs old. At least wen i give birth, #1 will be ard 2.5-3yrs. but god give me #2 earlier than expected. now slowly trying to accept it...my mum said aft tis can relax liao...



yup I order a Mickey theme cake from pine garden[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my mil taking care of my boi but I bring him back everyday we employed a maid to help them out cos my bil BB also under their care.. Cos I wanna have 2 kid so can close shop after this cos I ttc v v long for #1 so scare take v long for #2 as well.. Once my boi hit 18 mth goin to sent him to playgroup.. Actually once u have #1 kid it v hard to concentrate on either 1 Cos at their age even at 5 yo they still need ur attention[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

