(2011/04) Apr 2011

Birthday bash

i dun mind opening my house, but its gotta be a weekend cos im startin work in mid sept...


forget her.. she is not worth ur time to even think or talk abt her

Bye mummies, off to cruise tmr with my hubby and #1..

gonna have a nice beach getaway to redang..

cant wait...

sori tweety, juz saw yr post, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] why eating chocolate is stress leh? no leh, eating chocolate dur pregnancy is said to give u a happy bb! N chocolates has a 'happy element' to it, tt's why eating chocolate is good! hehehe but of cos, I ate too much la, but wat to do, can't resist, sooo nice, plus helps in milk production in a way mah I was told, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gerry, some cos r like tat. I rem 1 of my ex companies even did an 'investigation' on me too after they've verbally confirmed hiring me.

yoti, i'm now trying the huggies dry comfort. At first I found their sample not bad but after buying 2 packs, I regret, dun quite like it anymore. really regret cos still got more than 1 1/2 pks. Really losing faith in this brand(plus heard so much abt the faulty toy redemption). But I think huggies suit boys better...

I like Goo.N now but it's very ex, am looking for ppl staying near me to share in their carton purchase...

Sorrie to disturb.

I've a tin of Enfalac (900g) to let go at $38 as my boy move on to stage 2. Exp date is Jan 2013.

PM me if interested.


lol~ he really drink alot lo..


have fun[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no leh huggies dun fit both my boys n i find their absorbsion no gd ....n me too a chocolate lover.. sumtime eat chocolate for Breakfast[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

*5 piggy, heeee u go buy this Cadbury macadamia chocolate, aiyoh sooooo nice. me not into my close to 40th bars liao, terrible rite, think after tis batch, i better control...

oh u're e 1st one wif boys whom told me huggies no good, so far all of whom I know, wif boys, sure tell me good...

hey, frm our bedroom window, we can see like a fire occuring somewhere in e west(near Poly/NUS). Seems like a big fire!


Hugs, me too! Feel so sad looking at my hair during shower and combing it. Even when I let my hair run thru my fingers, hair will aso drop. Is really a lot lor till my HB commented when he bath, whose hair are those, so much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So now trying to find tonic or hairloss shampoo but dunno can apply tonic or nt coz bfeeding.


Enjoy ur holiday!


I tnk if t someone's pl, will be better coz i can't think f anywhere can accommodate so many ppl with bb

fung, i think shld be ok bah, cos I've checked wif gynae, PD and even ch doc, they told me if applied on skin surface, it's ok. But of cos I wasn't asking them abt hair loss tonic/ampoules but I sup same theory bah... If u wanna be sure, go chck wif gynae?

It's scary rite? I rem #1's time, aiyoh, even simply just relaxing on sofa, I felt my hair dropping!!! I was like, so ticklish, what's that? Then I saw the strands of my hair on my shoulder/arms. So much so that I chopped off my hair short lor then, I didn't get to cut my hair short before I delivered then.

1 of my gfs, she's one who die die also won't cut her hair short. One day she came visiting me, and told me abt her hair loss prob. She told me that she went to Yun Nam hair centre and it became qte bad that they also told her to cut it short...So that's why I prepared myself earlier for #2, cut it short (and my hair was very long) before she's born, hehehehehe.

Morning mummies!!!

Mum05: ooo... No la... I was saying dun stress on the ss.. Cause u were saying u're afraid ur ss will drop if ur af report ma...

Fung: must see who house is available lor.. Looking forward!! Heehee...

Hippopolai/pink: paging paging!!! Mia Le arh????

Piggy: heehee... He's growing well!!! Now J is drinking 180 Le.. 5 feeds a day... =P on play mode everyday.. HaahaA

morning !!!



i tried huggies dry & dry comfort on my girl, both r okie ler, no leak. but not suitable for night use lah. daytime since change oftenly so still ok


nickname for my Kay ler? hehehee


enjoy yr holiday!!!!

u can open yr hse for our bday bash or 6mth bash? we can do potluck


recently Kay also keep ehh ehh in the night ler her eyes no open but make noise then i stuck her with pacifier


hahahaaa 'xiaojie' is her jiejie Seline

now she can wear all the diapers le. i thk while growing up her butt getting better too

Good morning, mummies

So so glad that is Friday today!


Enjoy ur break at home! So fast ur boy teething already ah... Hv u started him on cereals?


Hugz.. Take care, pray hard that bb z will get will soon. Or maybe u want to consider doing exclusive pumping for the time being?


You are so cute, every bb has a nick. When u see mine, please give him one also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Scarly he's crybaby Nat.. hahaha...

re: hair loss

I'm using Nioxin shampoo for thinning hair which I thot it helps to control my hair loss. Have been using it since pregnancy. Now, I see some hair dropping, but to me, still within acceptable limit lah.

re: 6 mth bash

I'm very keen to join!! will be first time meeting all the cutie babies and some of the mummies too. Anything need help with organising, I more than happy to help out also. Just let me know k.


*5, I was thkg of potluck for the 6mth bash too... easier... My bb also eh eh a few times at nite and nowadays he reject pacifier too. So, what i do is I will try to flip him to sleep on different sides (e.g. if he was sleeping on his left side, I will flip him to sleep on his right side). I figured that his back may feel warm if he keeps sleeping on his back / on one side only. So far works for me. My hubby say I flip him here, flip him there, like bbq like that... LOL

re: huggies

I'm now using huggies ultra. That one ok? got any mummies complain of leak?

morning mummies...

today arius turns 6th months offcially! time really flies man, it seems like only yesterday that i was pushed into the OT for E-csec..

tweety: no time no see...so my boy got nick??

bbgoh, last time my boy oso only wear pampers,but den i find that the QC like not so good, so i switch to mamy poko..works fine too..can last 12 hrs overnight..

hair loss: rem during 4th months i c all the hair on my pillow, so depressing..i switched to Kerastase for thinning hair, and comes with a 10-day treatment..now seems to improve..

6th month gathering: my hse now still renovating tho i targetting to move in end of sept..but if you all dun mind i can book the function room and we can gether there...

Morning Charmaine,

Wow! today bb arius 6 mth old liao ah... really so fast!! Gong Xi Gong Xi! So, u on leave today to celebrate with him?

I find mamy poko cutting abit big, but I must agree that the absorption quite good, can last overnight.


Ur new plc is Livia isit? Would b more than happy if e gathering is there! I'm soooo near u..hee..

Haiz, tokking bout hair loss, even w my hair ultra duper short (pixie hair), it's stil dropping like crazy! Using those normal brand hair loss shampoo, but seems like no help..where to get phyto or keratase or any salon brands huh?

Realized my csec scar has become a keloid! Argh..angry red itchy swollen scar..duno isit cos bb always kicks at it..Haa.


I admire u leh... can take pixie hairstyle. Very tempted to try, but thk I will look horrid!! I thk u can get phyto from guardian / watsons. I saw it at the taka watsons before. As for nioxin, I usu get it from a beauty shop at clifford centre (raffles place) or basement beauty shop at parkway parade.

thks elazy..no la, still slogging at work, xianz..i like their cutting big, cos my boy out of shape one, the stomach too big!haha!

rach, yup yup..=)

i tink u can buy kerastase at any salon which have them..how to see whether the c-sect scar has turn keloid ah??


i do tat too for her, ya just flip her or help her stracth her head (behind her ear she always feel itchy there)


happy 6mth to bb Arius

i m using mamy poko at night, she still wearing M size. after finish this gotta chg to L size le.

she cant last 12hrs, at most 8hrs will leak le & her butt will feel wet. maybe she pee pee more hehehe


so shall we go arrg one 6mth bash gathering at charmaine's plc? set a date so she can go book the function room.

which sat on Oct'11? then we go by potluck

e_lazy: heehee.. will think of a nick for ur darling when see u.. =P i'm using huggies ltra... no leakage... Yes, Mamypoko cutting is big... My J just finished his S size.. and I just changed him to huggies ultra M size..

bbgoh: heehee.. but that's her initial nick ma... =P

charmaine: heehee.. urs will be drumstick arius... cause he loves to 'eat kuay bong' haahaa... Happy 6 months to him!!!!


1 Oct is Children's Day and falls on a sat too! Is this a good day for everyone? hmm.. Or will it be too rushed for Charmaine?


this yr change just like teachers' day also 1 sept now change to 2nd sept..

ya it's in the calendar. heard from my colleague like clash with PSLE or don't what leh

e_laxy no leh think they change it this yr


Star appearance abit... Hahahaha...


Both teachers day n children day change. 1st friday of the month now.


E lazy,

Yes jus started cos i increase his milk feed still wake up n after I started solid he sleep thru these few nite so perhaps milk is no longer enough to satisfy him[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm I also dunno teethin anot touch his gum seem like it shall see if anything emerge out soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Happy 6 mth old to ur BB[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wher is ur place??


My BB previously like yrs like I gave pacifier he will remove n put in his finger to rub lo..

Morning mummies,

anyone here try to apply a very thin layer of hard liquor on their child botak head (reason being as it assist hair growth and will grow more and nice hair) - that is what old ppl told me lah

bbgoh, i even KS buy XL liao..hohoho

tweety, that nic suits him!but now anything goes near him, he will grab n put into his mouth, have to be watchful...your boy still in S ah!!i still got 2 packs of pampers M size le, ur boy can fit??

piggy, mine place in pasir ris...

hippo!!i anytime oso can!


Haa I dun reali care whether I can take it anot, jus do it! Will get used to it one la..hee. I'm never a girly long hair woman anyways.. ;)


Keloid is when ur scar becomes puffy n red, n may b itchy some x lo..ugly angry red scar..haiz. Tho it's hidden but buay song so ugly..hee.


Err, Charmaine's new plc at pasir ris..not gd news for u hor.. ;p

ic tweety, ;P

rach, I cut my hair to that style too, dur my #1's time and it stopped my hair loss tremendously! Tis time round, didn't hv the courage to cut that short anymore, so just cut to chin length.

Re : gathering. where's charmaine's place? east?

elazy, i've tried the sample of huggies' ultra/dry comfort. Both were quite gd when using trial pc. I tot the ultra abit thick(like MP) but I dun like its cut, if compared to MP that is. So I decided to buy the dry comfort but who knows, the actual ones, I don't like...


come lah come lah... once in a while go east ok one.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I never teach. I offer friendly info only!!

Aiyoh always change dates. Challenge my memory. This year teachers day also change! Children's day too?!

Such nice weather to zzzz today. Am bringing baby for jab today. Hoho!

hahaha.. Gin... so i'll wait for your friendly info often ya... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

why change date? i thought is fixed (1st sept and 1st oct)

hahaha elazy, wl see how first. hope to join u gals one day really...

btw, re short hair. it's the cut that matters. I see alot of pretty women in short hair ar, n they're more ladylike than some long-haired ones, so it depends on individual. As for me, I've kept short hair since #1 and wanted to keep long hair for a change but got preg with #2! It's already quite long by the time I cut it short but nvm la, also easier to handle esp wif growing bb, always feel warm, hehehe. I din cut til this short tis time round 'cos thinking may wanna try keeping again someday 'cos now i hv a helper(last time dun hv mah) but gotta see if i can tahan or not, spore's weather so hot...

