(2011/04) Apr 2011


i tink a few mumies bott their babies to poly.. Elmo is 1 of them.. initially i wanted too but the nearest poly not v near :p


Oh I was thinking of bringing Vianne to trim her hair cant bear to shave her head botak or else more people will think she is a boy boy so irritating.


wow $1 is cheap wor but where?


me bring Vianne to polyclinic for jabs.

elazy, yes im so sorry about it..tml u free, i will be bringing my son to marine parade for his swimming..my boy didnt like his carrier initially, but now he gets excited when he sees us wearing it..legs and hands will move and kick..

pink, yes i bought the medium size, took 3-4 days for delivery..urs got the rubber smell?

vivi, now got isetan baby fair..can trade in for pigeon btls..


Thanks thanks! wow, i read u post hor, get me so excited with all the places u been to.. u really garang leh... So u bring the mineral water overseas and boil the water to prepare milk for ur bb? really tempted to go somewhere....


No need sorry la, i understand one... u gg marine parade hua xia for swimming? i may be gg there too!! hehe... what time are u gg?

Hi Mummies,

finally got time to come in for a while, while Z is sleeping...

RE: holiday with baby

Intend to bring Z to Phuket this November. Is it all right to bring him before he is 6months old. And for those mummies who travel with their bb before, do you need to bring a lot of things with you? like sterilizer, pump (for those bfing) and etc


Glad that everything is over for you and can enjoy the weekend with your family. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

he didn't take his rotavirus after his injection, he took it before (coz we know that after injection, he'll be cranky thus requested to be before). Thanks.. he had slight fever last night...


can feel your happiness... ya lor.. siao.. 60 days notice unless they pay you double lor...heehee so when is your last day?


The salon is at marine parade.. Near parkway parade.. I tell my hb to go since it is so cheap and he gave me weird look.. Haha!! Don't trust $1 haircut..


Icic.. Hmmzz looks like you know where you want to go Liao.. HK!! The weather would be nice and it is quite cheap.. Hehe!


Wah going Phuket.. R&R..

I wouldn't bring sterilizer.. So bulky.. I would just boil mineral water and sterilize bottles.. When I went to Malaysia without Lisa when she was 6mths, I sterilize my pump parts with boiling water.. Lisa was ok after drinking the milk..

Since you are bringing bb Z, maybe you might want to consider not pumping and just do direct latch?? It's the safest for bb.. And if you are thinking of starting solids, maybe you can wait till you come back from your trip to start?? If not you will have another thing to worry..


ya lo i dunno when my last day yet waiting for her to confirm...

be4 6mth is ok but alot of things to bring sterilizing u can use pill den BF it depend on u wor if u ok with total latch on den ok la if not better bring play safe.. but phuket with bb nothing much u can do??


hahah ya definitely cheaper hmm see how it goes first[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can u tell me more about travelling to Taiwan? I'm planning to go there early Nov with all my 3 monsters *shudder*

Wah everyone going travelling ah!!


i'm going HKG too, but without A3. When are you going?


I get so tired of boiling water that I was thinking of buying a travel steriliser!!


Haha!! Ya it was a little troublesome.. For me i started traveling with Lisa after 10 months so had already started solids so I wasn't too worried! Hehe!! I am a firm believer of the hygiene theory..

But travelling sterilizer often needs a microwave right? Unless you use cold water with tablets?


Ya going to phuket to R&R. Going with another family. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh ya, chk with u on sterlizing with hot water. Did u put in those parts that need to sterilize immediately after water is boiled or after a while then put in?

Actually I aso find that it's a hassle to bring so many barang barang. I can direct latch him on but worry that is still heavy after latch on. If toking abt solid, maybe puree, not really solid like porridge yet.


Haha, yah Phuket with bb can't really do much. Jus bring him to go and see the outside world lor since accommodation is free, juz buy air tix and moreover he dun need an air tix. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh got travel sterilizer? Is it expensive and convenient to use? Do u hv any idea?


Thanks for telling us there's a affordable travel sterilizer wor...

ya, today very quiet... just brought my bb to huaxia for swimming... aiyoh, he cry cry cry... today seems like not in a good mood

mummies, check with u all.. the first few times u bring out bb, is ur bb scared? like scared of noise, too many ppl etc? how to let them overcome their fear leh?

feel like investing in the medela free style dual pump... now using swing, but everytime i pump one side, the other side also leaking milk, so sayang leh... and can cut pumping time by half, esp now i'm gg back to work soon... but medela free style so ex!! $800++.. dunno worth buying it or not.. mummies, got any suggestion?

E lazy

I dint know if it is travel size but 25 dollars is affordable but only can sterilize 2 bottles

Vianne at this moment ok with outside because maybe I use carrier but I know she hates dark places. There was once we went for a dinner at a ballroom she cried and cried until I bring her out to the foyer then after a while she calm down I brought her in she cried again. End up I stroll around raffles city while grandpa and dad eat

Vivi , elazy, me home too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Baby C is cranky after injection [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Aiyo hope little c is ok

Monday I am bringing her for jab after a delay because she was sick the other time . Hope she will be ok because the other time when she's sick very tiring for mummy. Now ok Liao yet have to take another toil


Hope C is ok and will be her cute little self soon! My boi also cranky when we were out just now... cried non-stop no matter how i console him... haiz... later gg out again to celebrate nephew's bd, hope he will be ok.... *cross fingers*


Thanks, do u know import from US take how long to deliver? Jiayou to Vianne on her Mon jab, she is a brave gal k...


Buy if u intend to breastfeed longer. If not u will waste the pump and selling it will reduce the price by at least half.


The playmat is on sale at the bulk purchase thread..


Just brought the family to botanical gardens..

There was a symphony band and kasper enjoyed it..

Nice weather too.. They were playing pop musical with classical instruments...

lynn, sorry i forgot to reply haha.

I ordered from smallsmallworld. Size is 2100mm x 1400mm X 22mm. Price is $369.

elazy, i still waiting to see ur handsome boy's photo leh.... hope hes behaving himself at the party now.

My C down with fever....

Vivi: yah..they are cranky when they are sick... what to do =(


Thanks for ur advice on medela pump. Actually feel quite torn between continuing with BF or stopping once i go back to work. Cos i cant do anything else when i'm pumping (except for coming into forum la, haha). But once i go back to work, the time i spend with my boy will be even lesser.. Dunno whether to spend the limited time to pump milk or to bond with him... Dilemma leh... so thot if i get freestyle, can at least still supply some BM for him and cut the pumping time by half and save the other half for him... Guess nothing is perfect in this world..


Haha... ok, tmr will try to post some photos.. He ah... haiz... cranky again at the bday party... dunno is it cos he's scared of strangers and new environment *BIG SIGH!* Hope ur C will get well soon.


Just now so paiseh, no time to talk to u at all! That little boi today really cranky lor... hope ur A enjoyed his swim...

hi Mummies,

so tired after a whole night of not sleeping well coz Z keeps waking up every 1-2 hours. Don't know is it due to the injection. He will fall asleep when we pat him to sleep on our shoulder but when we put him down onto bed, either he wakes up immediately or slept for a while. If put him on tummy, he'll be able to sleep longer.. Haiz! Hope tonite, he can sleep better


thanks for the information, will go and have a look. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Baby Z is also cranky after injection and got fever also.. but now he is ok just that he can't sleep well.. Hope C is all right soon


yah she's not sleeping very well too... keep tossing around... i just let her latch and it seems to soothe her...

Hope little Z gets better soon too!

charmaine: wahh why u so lucky!! see elazy's boy? hahah i'm waiting for pics still............

elazy, can get a 2nd hand one? er, i've only used a dual pump before.... isn't it very time consuming to pump one at a time and yes won't the other side be leaking? i'm using PISA...

if u still have milk then i think it's good to continue pumping lar... if u get too tired or too stressed then stop ..do whatever makes u happy =)

elazy,no probs..theres always next time..my A do ot on a weekly basis,n he's loving it..bring nat out more often so he will get used to new environment..my mum brings arius to the market every morning,den all the aunities will take turns to carry him,like passing ball,hoho..hoppefully can b like this still when he starts to recongnise ppl..

pink,i collect my shampoo mah..

fung fung,thats wat happen to my boy after the injectionlast week..but it will get better after a week or so..jus have to b abit xin ku these few days fou u..

oh elazy,i only pump twice at work every 4 hourly,den go home i will jus latch..its troublesome n many times i want to quit but think of my son i persist..imagine when im out of sales call the entire day,i have to pump n throw it down the toilet bowl jus so my supply wun lesen,so heartache..jus the other day i c my milk bags in the freezer now is half gone,so depressing! now just do watever i can loh..

Good morning mummies!


Y not u invest a fridge to go? Can last 8hrs outside I think so. Details gotta check with Gerry. Then u can pump n store n bring home. Not sure can put to freeze anot but u can just give to baby Arius the next day. Ebm still much better than fbm!


Maybe u wanna buy a second hand if after u go back to work ur supply still good!


C took 2nd 6in1 ?

last night Kay took 2nd 6in1, whole night slp well but nw I just measure her temp at 37.6


hugs* try to take nap when u can


so heartpain to throw freshly ebm. u shd get a fridge to go.

this week my ss drop maybe due to antibiotic I took. nw my ss can't meet Kay demand must top up with fbm sob sob

dunno can last till oct or not

Happy wkend, everyone!

bbgoh/sookie, me whole day latch and pumped twice a day and yet my ss is still dipping... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

gotta keep eating durian liao(hurray! heeeee)


The whole weekend is so hot!! Hiding in aircon room.. Resting..


Ya maybe get a 2nd hand one or use ameda.. I am using ameda and still very good despite me using it for more than a year and plus drop on the floor.. It's cheaper than medela..

Actually, if you have milk, why not continue until 6 months.. Dr all recommend that if possible give bm to bb for the 1st 6 months.. I know it is tiring.. But for me I always tell myself it is for bb..


Ya fridge to go very good.. Can keep chill for up to 12+ Hr.. Don't throw the milk.. Ebm in the fridge can keep for at the most 7 days..


Roasting under hot sun today . Went to see houses then going to ntuc to buy groceries now. So tired. Didnt sleep all night, latching , sponging n checking temperature for C [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Fridge to go got a few sizes to choose!!!!! I saw a quite big 1 not more than $50 wor. But I saw online lar.

Any mummy got fast lobang let Charmaine know??? She need it, quick quick!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I bought mine from some mummy online 2 years ago. I can't remember the price (around what hippo said) but this is what it looks like


Can keep about 6 cans of soft drinks.. There are smaller ones but I chose this size cos I was traveling without bb, so can store more packets of milk.

I think isetan or taka sells them.. You can check it out there..


Found any good buys? Property still so ex!!


i tink u buy a 2nd hand pump better la.. unless u goin to BF till bb 1 YO or longer..i bring my bb out nearly everyday after 1 mth old so no issue with him goin out.. but bb undergo diff phase so hor now maybe ur bb dun let stranger carry later ur bb may allow any1 to carry[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


C fever v high? better?

Z is still cranky even though fever no more.. now he seems like don't want to bottle feed. And i notice even i latch on, he only suckle for about 8mins one side only. So i was wondering is it due to his injection or his milk intake drop or he bottle strike...

Since yesterday, if we bottle feed him, have to coax him to drink. he will suckle for a few times and then cry out loud. I have to think of ways to coax him, distract him and etc.. very tiring and xin ku... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Good that you found a way to sooth C. Does C also don't want to drink milk after her injection?


ya lor... quite xin ku especially during his bottle feed. Does your boy also like that?


Thanks and good to hear that Kay sleeps well after her injection. And hope Kay's fever will goes down soon too


kid sick is like tt 1 jus gotta keep tryin hope he will be back to norm soon...my #1 coughin the whole day so worried he goin to vomit tonight n there goes my sleep ...


ya i know, just worry that he don't drinks enough.

ya.. hope that he can gets better soon

u mean ur #1 cough until vomit? so serious? got bring him to see doc?

fung fung,does z tummy feels hotter than other parts of hisbody?my boy appetite drop during that period,can leave 50ml in the bottle..my mum says its the heatiness trapped in the stomach so nt hungry..he dun wan so we oso din force s Lng s he dun cry immediately after the feed..

Can't sleep, starting work later......stressed...........[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]((

E lazy, u can also buy medela freestyle from d BP. I think I got mine from Little Thinkies at $450 without warranty and don't have to wait coz she got ready stock.

If u plan to have more babies, it's good for u to invest in a good pump and use for d next.

Charming, I also have a fridge to go. It really keeps d milk chilled. Its quite durable, had mine for 5yrs and still lasting.However, it's abit bulky. U have to put d fridge to go in d freezer to keep it chilled before using.


Gerry, not looking to buy. Gonna rent! Sg property too exp. Maybe we'll migrate next time haha!

Thanks for all ur concern mummies !

Piggy: her fever not that high actually highest it went was 38.1...

Bbgoh : mine is 5 in 1 and rotavirus coz I didn't start on her phenomoccal coz she's under home care

Fung Fung : My C drank super little milk today .. No appetite .....

Charmaine: I didn't feel her tummy so dont know if it's hot.. Tmr go feel wahaha

