(2011/04) Apr 2011

but then hor, i thk HK not very bb friendly... imagine if i want to eat the mango dessert and xu liu shan, wah.. the whole plc so cramped, how to bring bb there to eat?


e lazy,

ya i also find HK nt baby friendly tt y tt time i dump my bb i go with my HB our own lol~ but 1 child still ok la.. cos now Xu liu san like gong cha many take away option [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but if HK carrier will be better la.. for me i train my bb to accept carrier n stroller 1 hahah i wan no nonsense from them keke...

morning.. so bored here.. Im craking my head.. got thing to do but dun know how to do..

Any mummies here went for lasik?? Lasik only can only be done after stopping breastfeeding right?



Thanks for the encouragement!! =)


Haha!! I love traveling too.. But now with 2 kids very hard to do business travel leh.. Cannot always impose on my mom.. And hb cannot as and when take leave one.. His leave must be projected 6 months in advance..

E lazy,

Agree with piggy, HK and Taiwan not very bb friendly.. Cos very cramp and crowded.. Actually Japan is very nice and reasonably bb friendly.. Except some restaurant very cramp and cannot accommodate prams..

I brought my #1 to Osaka when she was 10 months.. I used both pram and carrier.. Quite easy..


Ya LASIK must wait till stop bfing.. And till we recover from pregnancy.. Cos the lens will change during pregnancy and not sure when it will go back normal..

e Lazy,

actually my bb also cry n scream when i first put him in carrier but i jus put him in shake abit n pat n walk he ok liao.. mus let them get use la.. now i put him in he no more struggle... but when i stop moving for awhile he willmake noise as usu lol~ ya i agree with Gerry Jap is nice to travel with kid in fact the restaurant i went mostly came with bb chair not so bad as be4 in fact wanna go hokkaido 1 but the recent radiation n earthquake my HB say dun go better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Ha ha

very weird hor if she sleeps a lot we get worried if she sleeps less we want her to sleep more.

if next time there is any advice I need from you or motivation I will ask you since Vianne is the mini Lisa .....

Wow second interview means they kind of like you but too bad you dont like the job. No problem take your time to find....

E lazy

I feel better now because I took the wu gong pills advertised in the TV...

work wonders ke ke

Wow now raining and I thought today will be a hot day.


Ya Japan is very nice.. I love Hokkaido.. I went there for my honeymoon.. Love it!!

Now i also scared to bring the kids to Japan too cos of the radiation.. If I am not bfing and don't bring the kids I will surely want to go cos soo cheap.. Haha!!


My friend who did it after bfing went 2+ months after she completely dried up..


Haha!! More likely motivation.. Vianne is going to tough cookie.. =)


i been wantin to go Hokkaido for a long long time tt time becos preg hold on to it now the radiation n earthquake[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] n yes i will still go if no kids lol~ tink gotta wait again sigh...


So long nv come in le.


Jia you in ur searching of jobs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Finally become a SAHM le but not very happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] stupid BIL keep pestering me go look for a job when he totali don understand my situation. I don wan cos of $ I lose my 2 kids cos when my kids r under the care of the maid they are being ill treated Haix 做人好难啊

Argh Hokkaido !! Me wants to go too. everyone says its a nice place!

Gerry u brought Lisa when she was 10 months ? Cool!!

Was it tiring for u?

Piggy: what countries are u considering?

Sandy hihihi!! Whether u work or not is a joint decision made by you and hubby... Why care abt what BIL says? Go with ur heart! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya Japan is very nice.. I love Hokkaido.. I went there for my honeymoon.. Love it!!

Now i also scared to bring the kids to Japan too cos of the radiation.. If I am not bfing and don't bring the kids I will surely want to go cos soo cheap.. Haha!!


My friend who did it after bfing went 2+ months after she completely dried up..


Haha!! More likely motivation.. Vianne is going to tough cookie.. =)

morning mummies,

thnak you for all your encouragement...hugz n kisses! to give my hb credit, he's actually very hands on with our son whenever he could...for the past two nights i simply throw my boy to him, but then my boy got pretty obedient compared to the previous two nights which i take care of him ALONE! i think he jus like to bully me!

and finally my presentation is OVER so is my hb project, looking forward to spending quality family time for the 3 of us =)

fung fung, my boy oso very cranky after the vaccination, fever plus heatiness..and only fussing at night..last for almost a week before he settles down now..as for the votavirus, its prob cos he jus has his injection so cranky so eating the medication was worse..1st time my boy oso cry while eating then 2nd time we brought his toys to distract him and he was ok..hope your Z gets well soon..

playmat - jus bought a playmat for my boy too, for him to do his tummy exercise..bought from this website...www.smallsmallworld.com

but then got a rubber smell, anyone know how to remove the smell?

travelling - yes! japan is good!!want to bring my boy there too, but duno if how the radiation..how about club med bali? its very children-friendly...

meetup meetup meetup!when???

Piggy and Gerry,

ya man, if not for the radiation, will surely want to go japan... haiz... will try out the carrier again.. he only ok for like 15min max the last time we tried..


I agree with Pink, dun need to care abt what BIL thk or say. as long as u feel that its a right decision, then its ok le


Good to know finally ur presentation and hb project over liao. happy for u.

Sorry that day missed ur call, then know u super bz with work and taking care of ur bb these few days, so dun dare to disturb u. Let me know when i can pass u the shampoo k


Ya Japan is very nice.. I love Hokkaido.. I went there for my honeymoon.. Love it!!

Now i also scared to bring the kids to Japan too cos of the radiation.. If I am not bfing and don't bring the kids I will surely want to go cos soo cheap.. Haha!!


My friend who did it after bfing went 2+ months after she completely dried up..


Haha!! More likely motivation.. Vianne is going to tough cookie.. =)

E lazy, I think before u choose to go overseas, better try go gai gai often in SG lor.

Anyway, must bring all d necessary medicine like panadol, anti vomit, diarhoe, flu n cough.

I also bring along ice mountain n water in luggage in case baby not used to d water overseas. Some babies may have shui tu bu fu. Be ready for cranky baby coz baby may not be able to sleep in foreign place.

I went taiwan with my parents when my #1was 7mths old, with ergo carrier and 4.5kg Aprica stroller. when in crowded places, will use carrier and close d stroller.

Then Hokkaido n Tokyo when #1 15mths,brought a 7kg combi stroller. We join tour to Hokkaido and then detour n go Tokyo ourselves. I love japan too and 1 thing good and bad about japan is that shops close early about 8pm and so u can have amble rest.Japan food r great! Anyway we don't take those shashimi or raw food. Alot of stairs at d train too.

We stayed in service apartment in Tokyo so could do laundry n simple cooking.

Been to Seoul free n easy with parents when my #2 turn 1yr old, brought my 4.5kg aprica and 5.5kg Capella stroller. Seoul is clean like japan but their trains alot of stairs and shopping was damn good but food for child is limited coz alot of those spicy or BBQ food.shoppg centers still open at midnite! Anyway d hotel we stayed comes with kitchen n washing machine.

D most relaxing n bored would be summer time Perth self drive when #2 16mths old with 5kg maclaren daytripper n 5.5kg Capella stroller. Convenience about self drive is own time own target.

Went Hk when preggy with #3 tog with #1 4yo n #2 2yo together with 4.5kg aprica stroller. My sis also joined us so she help to carry my #2. My #2 always want pple to carry! don't recall facing much obstacles in HK, maybe coz my stroller is small n light weight. We even went to d warehouse to shop. Hubby basically was baby sitting d 2kids while I shop w sis. :p

Now with #3, I think mayb I'm more grounded? But I'm slowly training my stamina by going out on wkends......

Oh, I've got a new stroller too, got a 10.7kg Joovy cabose ultralight and super glad my #1 & #2 are happy to sit in it! My #2 seldom sit stroller n so as long as she can stay sitted in stroller, going anywhere is a breeze coz she [email protected] n chubby chubby type.

Oh forgot another tip,invest in a good backpack. We travel with a backpack and a luggage. hubby will carry d backpack to stay hands free.

jiesiling: forgot to reply to u leh! so long didn't come into forum... we miss u and little evan! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yeah Vianne is a tough little monster


taka baby fair will be on 27 July till 14 august

I wonder if there is any trade in bottles for Pigeon. I want to trade in 2 small pigeon bottles for the wide neck ones.

charmaine: yay! weekend is coming so u guys can have good 3人世界 time liao. My turn to bring C for her vaccination this weekend. Hope she won't get too cranky after that =(

I just ordered playmat from SSW too!!!! how long did they take to deliver yours?


Hehe!! Maybe you go there with hb for your anniversary.. =)

I told my mom that next year my wedding anniversary, hb and I are going for holiday.. Ask her to help me look after.. Haha!!


Osaka not too tiring.. In fact quite enjoyable..

The worse is going for a holiday to different time zone.. I brought lisa to london when she was 15 months..Nightmare!! Severe jet lag and we were all so tired..


but my anniversary is this Dec hahah too soon la dun tink the radiation thingy will be solve.. oh i like osaka too!


hmm at first thot of australia but Dec is summer will be v hot den HK with 2 kid like not v convenience so haven decide wor...


thanks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hmm like i say as long as financially stable y not. but i thot u say u lookin for flat?


of cos not goin to extend.. if extend almost yr end v hard to find job leh..


so happy to read tt u say HK not much obstacles leh.. hmm maybe can consider go HK then btu i wanna go SZ dunno if it a gd idea to bring them along hmm..

yo pink! ya lo...

My office kana controlled... login awhile have to close the browser liao.. hais

Wow u gals planning for tours le so fast...

Gerry/piggy u gals changing job? Actuali I went for afew interviews... suddenly I dun dare to move on coz this comp poor benefits but pretty used to the management here.. at least its easy to go on leave :S


ya lookin for job leh hope can find 1 soon .. sigh my current co poor benefit n diff to take leave lo..only thing good is tt the work load is light but my boss really terrible la.. actually feel scare to throw letter w/o job but bobian notice period too long.

piggy... if boss no good no point le.. ur notice period is 2mths? Muz also agreed nowadays comp juz wan u to go in asap else ur chance reduce half le... Ur hub can afford juz tk as a break also lo... then find a job u like...

Hokkaido is terrific... i love it there.. so sad have the radiation...


ya my boss reallly gettin worse.. tt day her son high fever she can ignore n continue to work lo den last wk FIL pass away she can comment of all time chose now to die bth...

can take abreak la but cannot afford jobless for too long la.. else no $$ to go to all the beautiful country out ther leh..


Your boss siao one no compassion at all next time she will be lonely and old because she treat her family members like this.

Ya lor by the time you extend going to be year end then must as well stay on for the AWS or bonus. Somemore go new company by then no chance for pro rated AWS or bonus liao

piggy, ur boss is heartless sia... a beast hidden in a woman's body! hahah where got a mother so heartless one sia!

Tk a rest then more energised to move ahead!!


I am sure you will find a job real soon.

i went to google the pigeon trade in promo seems that i cant find any info at all


ya lo dunno how her HB tahan her...


thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya changing job.. After my maternity leave ends I will no longer have a salary..

I know what you mean.. Too comfortable liao.. I also feel the same but I really cannot tahan research anymore.. Got an offer from another lab but I also reject.. Feel like my learning curve has plateau..


Go HK with 2 kids must be careful.. Now got many syndicates there trying to kidnap children.. I have 2 friends who have friends experience near encounters where people try to distract them from their children.. Very scary..


no need go hwa xia ex n no gd shave nia $10 n no skill now i dunno got increase anot la.. go saloon cheaper at least they r well trained.

Vivi, yoti,

Marine parade got this salon only charge $1 for a haircut.. For both adults and children.. Haha!! I take Lisa there for her trims.. Hehe!!


Australia like Melbourne not bad.. Cos the summer not very hot and can self drive.. Easier with children.. Although now Aussie currency quite strong.. Korea also not bad.. Planning holidays are super fun!!


yup i been to Sydney n Melbourne jus dunno how hot it is cos my HB say can be hotter than sg cos he ever stay at perth for a yr mah n i am workin in Aus firm now they also say v hot tt y lo.. Korea i worried abt the food la.. cos my #1 still young n like wat ningyo say mostly bbq n spicy..

