(2011/04) Apr 2011


icic tt gd[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


usu i jus leave it ther cos i got the space den roll up put 1 side when i do cleanin but i wipe everytime i put my bb on it la..


For me if I have the mat which I havent get it, I will keep it because no space and my house is easily dusty due to the construction works nearby

smiggle, mine is a big big mnc. PM me if u wanna know.. dun wanna say here. haha. what's urs? I also wanna see all the babies.. organize 1 during weekends can? hehe

vivi, dun wanna look for the moment. I scared change again also headache. So trying to cope loh.

vivi, now adopt bo chap attitute.. plus abit of tai chi skills.. less stress le. See now still got time to come forum... need to go do some work le. hahaha!!!

Thanks mummies for the encouragement.. I will be more stubborn.. Although very heart pain.. I feel very bad cos always make my hb the bad guy but Lisa is more scared of daddy and she bullies mummy... I can't get a message through like how he does..


Maybe your boy sick.. children when they are sick need more TLC.. We both jia you together!! Although I really can't see the light at the end of the tunnel...


Ever since we moved to our own place, Lisa doesn't stay over at my parents'.. they would rather come over to my place and bunk here..


No le.. Lisa always sleep around 1-2hr in the pm.. Don't think sleep too much.. In fact I think she sleeps too little and eats too little.. Now she looks like she is on a food strike.. wouldn't eat unless she request for it.. Like just now for lunch.. didn't want her fish and rice meal.. Instead want her peanut butter sandwich.. Haiz..


What are you working as now? I tried the insurance but it is more like a financial consultant.. aka make cold calls and try to sell wealth and insurance products..


Children are like that.. there will be good days and bad!! Wait till they start teething and all good sleep habits will be thrown out of the window!! Once you think your child is behaving, they will find something that will frustrate u like crazy..


will pm u

got marketing position??


i do marketin onli, no sales.. its more like product launches and roadshows,i get to travel sometime too..

Gathering (30/31 July?? or 6/7aug??)



You went for the interview how is it?

I think Lisa just wants attention. because you mentioned before she is able to tuck herself and cover herself with a blanket just that she just want to vie your attention from Eva...

Ha ha when you said she sleep little reminded me that monster Vianne is the same. She can only sleep max half an hour only then wake up

Hello everyone,

just now brought Z for his vaccination... so heart pain to see him cry until no sound and face red red...He cried the moment he took his oral medication for his rotavirus. The loudest wail is during his injection. And it cost almost 1k+ for all those injection... expensive, expensive...


you very funny, stand outside the house to wave goodbye... :p


wow... u going to tender when your boss return from his/her leave... first thing go back office, happy happy, then see your resignation, bad mood later... lol

But then is better to find something that you enjoy working


jia you! some one has to play the bad guy, and the other one the good one...if Lisa is afraid of his Daddy, then ask ur HB to pass the massage across...Maybe sometime kids are like that, knowing that got another younger siblings to snatch away her attention from her parents, thus try to be difficult to catch attention.


haha tough leh cos sumthing i enjoy doing = little pay or no need to work even better lol~ so tink i will still find sumthing to match up with my current pay... but the job market like not fantastic now leh... jus hope to find a decent offer soon ... can u imagine after i came back i realise my bonus is damn pathetic tink she cut 1 mth becos i went for maternity leh fedup...


ya.. quite true, can't have both of the world, have to give up something for another thing... this is life... :-l oh is it? is this variable bonus?


yes n they dun have AWS so durin interview she told me their VB is high so sort of balance up but the total bonus i received is only half of wat she mentioned lo.. n becos VB is usu tie with co performance so confront her also no use she can say co not doin well!

bf mommies, do you actually wear nursing wear when u're out with bb? where do u buy yr nursing wears? can't seem to find really decent ones in Spore except some online merchants which makes it hard for size trying and gotta wait for postage.

piggy/tweety: my super protective hubby wants to cushion pad the whole house so that C won't get injured and knock her precious precious head. so he says get the thickest POSSIBLE. I think a few MM difference is not much lar (duuhh!!!) but he's very firm about safety stuff. Like sitting in car seat too. So... haiz.. looks like my wallet got big hole again!

piggy/gerry/ smiggleprincess: hope u get good news soon!

vivi: hahahah ur saliva waterfall makes me LOL.. .it's true! I brought C to swim and she kept blowing bubbles whilst swimming even (=_="") I wiped she blew more I wiped and she blew more....


HAHAH my 1 i alr find v well cushion but if ur HB v KS den bobian keke... sigh also hope got gd news soon else mus eat loti liao lol~

re mat : can I use the yoga mat? juz thinking to throw mine away then rem maybe I can use it for bb, is it safe?


any idea where i can get cheaper playmat?


yeap. think babies at the stage all about the same. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes! cannot praise or think they have been good! next second, new pattern all come out!


cos yoga mat v small u might as well use mattress? the reason i buy playmat is becos it v big wun worry if the bb roll out easily... n of cos as cushion..

ya, i wanted to get a mat or a mattress too, but take up too much space lor... now bb stl small so tot perhaps e yoga mat can tong 1st, heee. she hasn't started to flip yet, and I think it might be due to her always napping on her rocker(restricted), so tot of using the mat(but afraid of ppl stepping on her also, hahah)


cos if u really 1 playmay buy 1 now at least can fully utilise it mah.. not only bb older child can also play on it ... cos now they flippin so i tink mat or mattress is still better yoga mat seems too thin..

What injections you have for your bb, fungfung? I just go for package (the essential ones) which cost 400plus. Does the rotavirus taste awful? Jus brought mine for injection, doc also ask if wan rotavirus..consider 1st


I totally agree with ur comment on good behavior... one day i can praise my bb good boy, the next moment become notti boy already... haha... nothing is predictable abt bb lor...


All the best for ur job search. hope can find an ideal one soon!

FYi, my co notice period is 3 mths lor... longest that i ever heard... duh lor...


I read ur comment on cushion pad the whole house damn funny... but really la, safety comes first... i thk sometimes, i can be very paranoid and over protective also.

Saw a few playmats at first few years... very tempted to buy


thanks.. wah 3mth is really long .. my co hor din put the notice period in the employment contract only indicate in my confirmation letter lo -_-

e lazy

yeah me recovering but then hor the throat gets itchy particularly at night. Dont know why...

as for Vianne she is still having frequent poo and I have just changed back to the normal enfalac cross fingers that she can take liao or else wasted on the tin of FM that I have opened

Yah 3 months for notice period is super duper long wor... how to find work

elazy, why don't u post photos of ur son ah? Never see pics of him before leh!

Ah u stopping at 1?? Not enough to replace you and hubby!!! :p

Aiyah I say say only, my morning sickness was so bad, I really cannot imagine going through it again. Even though C is super cute lar. *buey hiao bai abit* :p And then again, all babies are cute =)

Yes my hubby is big on safety! I always ignore him and carry C out of the carseat if she starts to get cranky. And he will give me angry face! =P

i ordered my playmat liao. KA CHING KA CHING. ARGHHH

vivi: take care ! Must be hard to get well since u dont have help at home ;( taking care of a baby is hard work.


Totally understand, cos i ever threw away half a tin of enfa before!!! aiyoh, xin tong dao.... some more, so ex leh....

ya, 3 mths really siao one la... so what most ppl do in my co is set off leave against notice period and try to get approval for early release, but at most earlier by 2 weeks nia...


Yes, noted... will post some pics... cos hor, me this mummy here damn IT idiot one... and hor, me still using the lao kok kok Nokia E71 LOL...

Talking abt morning sickness, during my 1st trimester, i will feel like vomitting when i smell chicken soup... haha...


Ya lor but sometimes Vianne is kind to me lor she sometimes can sleep more until her grandpa wonder what is wrong with her we thought she sick because she normally dont sleep a lot lol

E lazy

I also have morning sickness eat very little and vomit but then hor nothing compare to taking of the little monster during the first 2 months

Like that 3 months offset by leave a bit bo hua hor because leave is yours ma

ic piggy, hmmm i think too thin too. oh anyone has seen those mattress that comes with its own padded guard all around ? I rem seeing them at Kiddy Palace once but am hoping to find a smaller size one...


actually ur HB is rite abt carseat... the purpose of carseat is to provide them safety durin the journey mah usu even they cranky or whine i dun remove them 1.. my #1 thread got 1 mummy share tt got once becos short journey so she hand carry her boi who knows almost got into accident n her bb was knock against the front seat lo heng nothin serious so dun wait for accident to happen be4 u regret.


take care ya..

Hi mummies!! Has not been here for a long time! How are the babies doing? My baby came out 4 weeks before EDD, so born in mid Mar. Shld be one of the older babies here ba?


Haha!! I feel your pain.. Ya everytime you describe vianne, reminds me of Lisa.. Below Average hours of sleep.. Difficult and stubborn..got 1 time she slept through, I woke up in the middle of night shocked that she didn't wake me up.. Haiz.. Mummy couldn't sleep through although Lisa slept through.. I think I can count the no of times Lisa slept through the night!!

The interview went well I suppose cos they call me for 2nd round of interview.. But I rejected them.. Haha!! Don't really like the job scope leh.. So fussy..


I am torn between looking for a job that maybe potentially excited but have go travel 20% of the time leh.. With 2 kids and hb busy.. How to travel?


Still heart pain.. Sometime my hb tell me that Lisa doesn't love him cos he is mr bad..


I love to travel so i will take e job. It will be good to get away frm e kids and ask ur hubby to extend lor..

If not extend with ur hubby and eldest one.. perfect excuse to enjoy!!


Quit first and find a job. On avg a person takes abt 3mths to get a job.. im sure u can do it. Try looking at e job market first. Don put ur notice period, just tell them u goin for a long holiday.


Not sure abt e cheaper ones but i look for quality. Cos baby gonna lie and lick the mat.. so better not get those made in china..


I have a gf, she has 3 kids, and her last job required her to travel at least once a month... she actually told me she loved it, cos thats when she can rest and recharge and keep herself sane.. but of course, in her case, she has her MIL helping to look after la

Hello Mummies..

Sorry to disturb..

I have some items to let go, you may wish to PM me for immediate response if you are keen..

1. BNWT Fenugreek

2. Ameda Lact Dual Pumps

3. PreWalker Shoes

4. BNWT Heniz baby food

5. Puree recipe book

6. Nursing Pillow

and many more....


I luv ur idea... gg for long holiday.. hmm.. if only that can be the real thing.. haha.. thk i will be grounded in sgp for at least the next year bah...

talking abt travelling, any mummies hv travelled with infants before? any tips or experience to share?

Z is cranky after his injection tdy. Feel sleepy, carry him to sleep then when put him dwn onto bed, after a while, wail out loud. That is why busy attending to him the whole day tdy.

Hope tht he can sleep well tonite and is fine and well; no fever nothing. *Pray hard*


Wow like tht very hard to fight coz they can come up with watever excuse tht is favorable to them, u aso LL


Wow ur HB really dun want C to hurt herself. no worries lah, pocket a big hole, get from Brain to fill up tht hole. heehee!


I bought Z for his 6-in-1 jab, rotavirus and pneumococcal jab (only pneumococcal jab can deduct from medisave) wat does ur essential contain? Why so expensive? For mine case, 6-in-1 plus rotavirus then cost me 400+.

As for how rotavirus taste like, heehee, i dunno coz i'm nt the one who took it. But based on bb Z react after he took it, i think it doesnt taste nice


Understand hw u feel. Sometime we juz hv to be firm if not they are very smart, sooner or later will 'climb onto our head'. But is good tht ur HB has to be the mr bad coz at least the discipline is there.

I dun tnk lisa doesnt love his daddy juz tht she is scared of him so dun dare to be close to him. Tell ur HB he is tnking too much.

morning ladies..

Fung fung,

exactly lo tt y quit lo... cos no pt arguin with her cos she wun gave 1 n will come up with lotsa excuse... sigh..

e_ lazy,

bring infant to travellin is not diff but u mus also consider the country u goin la cos like HK they go lotsa stair so best u use carrier or light weight stroller but mind u lotsa thing to bring... i also intendin to bring both my princes for holiday this yr end but haven decide wher to go haha..

