(2011/04) Apr 2011

since everyone gng back to work, how about writint down the area we work den can mit up for lunch??

e lazy, convenient to buy the shampoo for me?

solid food - havent let my boy start yet..my fren bought me a box of best earth's organic cereal to try...


oh bbgoh, yr ergo's brand new? 'cos as I was contemplating to whether get a manduca or beco(rec by dear sookie here :>), my gf came visiting and passed me her pre-loved ergo! Thing is she told me to wash it cos it's been kept in store for quite a while now. Now, I've had experience of bugs bite before... - another of my gfs passed me her walker and although we've sprayed germ killer and washed the seat, my #1 was badly bitten by bugs! We had to resort to boiling the seat thereafter but it didn't last long either, shortly, she got bitten again, so we ended up buying another and only to give away cos din get to use long... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so now, i'm not sure how to prevent this prob lor...

if ok, i dun mind using cos i only need one as standby... my bb's neck's still not very stable too, shld i get the infant insert too? should i be able be to ensure the cleaning part...

Oh Charmaine, i thk nioxin has the version for coloured hair. Do u want to try that if the shop hv stock? but i'm not sure how much is it... Maybe u PM me ur hp no... i msg u when i go to the shop.


I bought new one. u can just throw in to washing machine. hmmm soon their neck ll stable n can use w/o insert alrdy tats y I not buy it. I bought n use for #1 ard she was 6mth but good is I used to carry her till 20mth. it has very good support on back

Good morning! TGIF!!!! Happy for those working mummies!!!!!

I'm lazy to do spring cleaning... Leg itchy wanna go gaigai... Lols~ left one week to go back work Liao... Think also sian.... Haiz....

oh bbgoh, I intend to use now, tt's why am wondering if to get the infant insert... bt dun think wl get to use for long hor? I saw frm web, aiyoh their infant like soooo warm leh.

Hmmm, i guess if u've bought and used it when brand new, the washings r still ok but not when we've kept it in the store for a while(unless we frequently bring the item out to sun, rite?) Now I worry history of what's happened on the walker will repeat with this carrier lor cos of the material(fabric with 'spongy' insert-shoulder/waist)...


I will let my boy start solid ard 4.5 mth ba c how he react 1st cos he is showing sign of teething le some more when he c us eat he tend to move his mouth.


I've got a manduca The material is thick so when I used on my boy he don seems to like it cos when I use my sling he will slp most of the time but when I use mAnduca he will struggle, don wanna slp or cry till we take him out. When I bought it I tried on my #1 n she love it even now when I used on her she is perfectly ok.

Morning ladies..

Yeah! finally is Friday! looking forward to weekend outing... heehee


I also wish to go gaigai.. heehee.. wanted to bring Z out also... think about the things i need to do also lazy to do.. lol


No lah, cos u say u tired mah... so wondering is it cos ur boy din sleep thru the nite again... My boy also wor... thk 4 nites in a row le... super tired also


Try to nap in the afternoon.


Haha vianne so cute. Btw how is she le much better??


^5 me too always lookin forward to weekend outing. Cos is the onli time I'm happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] kekeke

E lazy these 2 days I on aircon better 1 time only..


No time nap goin town last day Liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hello mummies,

Just create a new acc again (poor memory forgot the password)

so that i can left msg here. ;)

Hello mummies,

Any breastfeed mama?

Please advice me the breastpump :

Medela Freestlye or Medela Pump In style Advanced?

Thanks ~

(or anyone wan to sell the breatpump??) hehehe

elazy, i've got febreeze but I usually use a germ killer bought frm my BIL ex co. which alot of hospitals and even airline used during the SARS period, on things like this. But bedbugs,so to speak can't be 'killed' by even such germ killer, they need to be boiled and sun-ed.

oh really sandy? I like the easy way we could put our bb onto the Manduca carrier, that's why I was considering it but now u reviewed of its thick material, hmmmmm, but it looked kinda 'thin' to me when I was at the store... same one? - http://www.babyslingsandcarriers.com/manduca_baby_carriers


Yes is very easy n gd to use. Even now when I put my 22mth gal In I don feel the weight. Jux tat I hate to use on my #2 donno is my pro or his

U can go try it at 1 of a carrier n sling shop at novena [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hehe last day Liao shopping n enjoying


I think Vianne slightly better what about your girl ok now with her stomach flu?

Very stress leh have to check now and then to see if she poo if not backside red


She is abt 13kg hehe.


She still poo lei. But not tat often. Abt 4 or 5 times a day unlike previously almost every hr once.

She take soy almost poo now gif her milk oso. Haix me c gold c till scare le Don like my girl tell me poo poo


Oh kaki bukit is very near my place. We can arrange something. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivi, vianne better? poor baby gal, try out the medela if desitin is not thick enough to block out hte moisture loss ok

Hippo, so u cheong any sales in the end?

Hello mummies,

Paiseh, mia for so long then come back..

This thread really move fast.

Sometimes im just a silent reader..

dont think anyone here rem me..

Been hectic with two kids.. really a huge diff.. plus goin back to work liao.. waiting to throw letter too..

All these made me so tired and i stop bf liao..

Feel abit guilty..


Im using e moby wrap.. anyone using tat too?.

Erm, any more gatherins that i can meet u ladies??

Btw, any babies here have colored eyes?? Mine stil has grey eyes..


dun feel guilty, u have done yr best on BF

yah handle 2kids really tiring. I just return bk to wirk this tue n till yst fri I only can take shower & rest on bed at 10pm. nvr got time to sit in sofa watch tv

we r goin to have 1 gathering on 18/7. come & join us!!! ll update in fb group [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thks, wat fb group? I don think im in it. E gathering is on a monday? Im wrking half day wor...

Haiz, same for me i can only slp at 11pm everday.

Heya all~ Been busy recently.. Haiz.. Also duno busy with what.. =X

Want to share my "family outing" today at Science Centre~ Nice place to bring babies/toddlers there.. I took my combi stroller there and found out they also loan strollers/car pushcarts.. So I ended up loaning a stroller from them.. Britax Blink.. Umbrella stroller can recline one somemore.. And the one I took was quite good condition, looks quite new.. Got nursing room with water dispenser but the "hot water" tap wasn't working today.. hehe.. They got a "kids explorer" area also quite fun de.. My girl enjoyed herself there so much!

The "splash pool" area also looked very fun but I never let my girl go inside cos we never bring towel.. They also have shower/bathrooms..

After that, we went changi airport terminal 3.. WAH! SO FUN!! Hahaha.. We spent about 1hr at SingPlay (I think that's the name? forgot le).. $18 per hour but such a fun place! Very nice for babies who can walk.. Got flying balloons in a "cage", got slide, got trampoline, got a lot.. My girl had a blast there! So did my hubby and I~ Much better (for young toddlers) than fidgets/mygym/gymboree etc!

We saw trolleys with "babyseat" (aka stroller style) there.. Looks so comfy de! Next time, I want try liao.. hahahah.. Think Kaelen should be able to sit that one also cos slant about 45degree ba, I think..

Next sat, we'll be taking our princess to the ZOO!! Heard they loan Maclarens there wor.. Anybody can confirm this? If they got loan, then I duwan bring mine le..

My combi so squeaky! Think my girl overweight for it liao.. After using the stroller today, so tempted to buy another lightweight one cos so pai seh to push my combi out liao.. ^^

Hi mummies,

Tis whole week didn't post as have started work..veri xian-first day of work-boss already list out a list of targets to meet! Gosh! Also he expected me to work ot everyday..basically I haf work till quite late(yes first week of work)..I am deciding if to throw letter to him!!!

As I need to work ot tis week,hb went to fetch my daughter after his work! I feel so guilty towards both of them ESP one of the nite,daughter was very cranky and was crying throughout the journey back hme in her carseat..tis made me feel even emo and guilty!!!

Mummies,kindly check how did you fetch yr child back from IFC/baby sitter after wrk if one of them need to work ot? Just let bb cry in the carseat throughout the journey?cos I worry that if bb keep crying, hb will be distracted during driving..though he keep emphasising he can manage..anyway just feel rotten that I am unAble to fetch bb after work..den by the time I reach hme,she was asleep[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hello all!

super depressed today to see my boy looking at my maid instead of me when we were both looking at him. and i absolutely hate the smug look on the maid. I carried my boy to my room, she gave unhappy face. hais.

when i want to give sophie the giraffe to my boy to hold, the maid would say cannot because of the smell, and one of hb's aunt ask me to throw sophie away cause of the smell too. omg lah. how to make them see that its safe for baby? or how to remove the rubberish smell?

now its just sitting pretty on the shelf in baby's room....

Hi mummies,

Tis whole week didn't post as have started work..veri xian-first day of work-boss already list out a list of targets to meet! Gosh! Also he expected me to work ot everyday..basically I haf work till quite late(yes first week of work)..I am deciding if to throw letter to him!!!

As I need to work ot tis week,hb went to fetch my daughter after his work! I feel so guilty towards both of them ESP one of the nite,daughter was very cranky and was crying throughout the journey back hme in her carseat..tis made me feel even emo and guilty!!!

Mummies,kindly check how did you fetch yr child back from IFC/baby sitter after wrk if one of them need to work ot? Just let bb cry in the carseat throughout the journey?cos I worry that if bb keep crying, hb will be distracted during driving..though he keep emphasising he can manage..anyway just feel rotten that I am unAble to fetch bb after work..den by the time I reach hme,she was asleep[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wow. seem like u have great fun family outing. hmmm I ll arrg for next outing let my girls explore it too. thanks for sharing


hehe. if u ever read my post, to me I also feel waste $$ to buy such ex sophie. I had 1 for my #1 too n feel nothing diff with normal teether. and the color actually drop ler.. yes and the rubber smell.

maybe up to individual preference but I won't recom to buy. just buy those pigeon, tolly joy teether is mo than enuf


wats the reason she cry in the journey? feeding time or diaper wet? usually teacher ll chg clean b4 I brg her home. if feeding time just nice when I fetch her then ll feed in the IFC b4 go home.

lucky tat hb & I nvr work late so we always brg home together. and nw got 2 I also won't thk I can handle alone with public transport if hb work late.

tats y I pend my letter as my current job is flexible I can go off on time or even earlier if needs.

how long the journey on the way home from IFC? can give her pacifier? if not very far, yr hb shd be can manage since he also said can rite?

nw u just start bk to work got many thg to clear. give yrself sometime maybe can slowly arrg & adjust

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no chance for my boy to put into his mouth lor. pple in the house see it near him only take away. so he can only hear sophie squeak, but not touch or chew it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


When I went zoo last yr they loan maclaren.

Wow u all haf a great fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I have e Sophie as well.. One of e best..

My eldest son chew it happily. The smell will go away eventually cos u have to sterilize it..

And the distributor is from my 2008 thread, so she also gave me other teether. If u don like can try the other friends of sophie.

I just took it out and give to kasper.

It's better than e other squeaky toys, at least it's safe and made in France.

so fast wkend past liao n tml gotta work sianz to the max... n tml HB gotta work OT so goin to hanndle 2 monster alone chiam..


how about have a talk with ur boss n let him know abt ur situation n now tt u have a kid freq OT is not possible?

ok all the while it either me or hb fetchin our boi alone... usu if bb cry or cranky i will jus let him cry sumtime sing song or talk to him .. cos if bb cranky even u behind also might not calm bb down cos she have to remain in car seat...


wah sound like u had a great time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good morning!!!


*hug hug*


1st time mom is like that... U wish u could hands on everything urself! Trust ur hubby, he can do it! He is Chevelle's dearest daddy, he will not let his princess get hurt as well!!


U enjoy life hor... *envy* U going to bring both Kait & Kae to zoo?

