(2011/04) Apr 2011

morning ladies..

super sian ah.. look at my com dun feel like workin at all... n my bb after 2 night of undisturbed sleep i so happy who knows last night make noise again argh...


Morng ladies! Anyone wanna have extra bottles to store your EBM/feed your baby? Since the day my baby rejects the bottle/EBM tt's been chilled for >than 1 day, I haven't been pumping much liao and wanna sell away some cos they're just sitting there everyday, taking up space. Will still keep some for myself for standby and letting go 3 extra Medela BPA free(150ml - actually can store up 200ml if fill up full) and 3 tollyjoy BPA free(180ml and >). All 6 bottles come with their caps and fit Medela pumps(I'm using Medela Swing).

Letting go all 6 of them at abt half price : S$25.00 and will give away 6 similac glass bottles FOC.

Anybody keen, juz email me ya, at [email protected]


Thanks for sharing with us your fun experience at Science Centre and Airport. Really sounds so fun. Will try out this weekend.


My SIL also drives her son around on her own and when bb cry, she will just close her ears and ignore. No choice. Its hard but i thk we just hv to get used to it.


I can empathise with you. Thk i will probably be in the same situation as you when i go back to work and my mil takes over completely.. sob sob.. but hey, look on the bright side. If ur boy is ok with ur maid, that means ur maid is nice to him and u can be more fang xin at work rite? As long as our bb are healthy and happy, that is the most important. Dun be too depressed ok. Soon when they grow up bigger, they will know who is mummy and who loves them the most.


Hope u will hv a smooth start at work and can chop chop go back home today. Jiayou!


haha thanks.. now i can hardly open my eyes.. dun feel like doin anything starin blankly at the com zzZzzz...

aiyo our bb too young for the science centre n airport playground :p


How is your first day at work? Did the temp

Leave Los of rubbish for you?


Thank god Vianne's butt is ok

Saturday and Sunday was no good for me. Little Vianne is sick and now is down with flu and cough. Yesterday night was horrible she was cranky and she cried and coughed till she vomit the milk that she just drank

These 2 days she couldn't finished her milk leaving about 30 ml left


Jia you on your first day back to work!!

Wah this min very encouraging hor. Ask us to wear this kinda thing. Means we are still so FAT =_= Err wear maternity wear lah! Hahaha!!


Errr I usually stuff pacifier into the mouth. When all fails I try distracting them, if not baby music. When all things fail, just turn up the music and look out of the window. Hahaha!!

Science Centre

yah i think our kids are too young, the last time i brought my two bigger kids there, they just run wild and scream. THe only thing they like was probably to see the chicks hatching out of the eggs!

I'm going airport this sat!! Going to check out the playground!

For zoo, you can join the membership. Can go every month!! Cheap lah!


wah you buying another stroller ah. I saw the Peg sooo nice! But I don't want to buy anymore! I only have two (one is a gift) and I used it for all my kids. Don't want to buy cuz its my last kid. How many strollers do you have?

yoti, I totally understand how you feel! My hb also does the fetching of baby to n fro IFC. But he walk to my mum's.. dun drive. So dun have the prob of bb crying. Use pacifier got help? If bobian just gotta let bb cry loh.. short distance only i suppose? As for work... I've decided to adopt a bo chap attitute from now on. Ppl stay late or send emails at 3am not my biz.. I just do what I can within working hrs.. then go home as soon as I can! Anyway as i share here.. career is not my priority now. I dun need to impress too much.. just dun depress can le. wahaha!

piggy, jia you for ur 1st day of work!

Gin, wahaha. When i read the post "Worried abt weight lose"? I'm thinking ya.. I'm worried tt i lose too much weight become skeleton. :p So now i'm eating as much as I can! I'm also thinking of going airport on of the weekends.. not to the playground though. So ex.. just go there let Jr run around. Wanna have airport gathering? hahaha.

Thanks ladies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahah i duno leh cos jus come back n the temp still ard so mus start doin den know got shit anot hehe..


i missed my bed la haha...


today i came back 1 of my lunch kaki told me she jus tender lol~ feel like joinin her manz but i see newspaper like not many jobs wor...


hahah for SC if u no go in jus outside no need pay but i dunno the playground inside or outside long time no go last time used to go ther eat snake at the mac lol~


You want fat I give you I still cant fit into my pre pregnancy bottoms..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Somemore I eat quite a lot now dont know if it is because taking care of Vianne needs a lot of my energy


You forever so cute lol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggy, but sci center outside got wat to play? those stations with sci stuff need $? I got 1 shark show tod tic.. lazy to bring Jr go. Need to pay for adult entry. Wat kind of job u looking for? I tot market v gd leh.. But hor.. tender have to be careful lah.. If suay suay go to one stressful company.. cant go home early.. damn sianz.


u hor....i donate my fats to u lah.

i eat nonstop hoping i wont gain weight. hahahaha!!!

i think science centre water play is free.

i going airport to fetch my inlaws n have lunch so suan pian go there n let the monsters run wild.


elmo cannot even fit into my sec school shorts ok. she so slim de!!!

how's vianne ler? got see doc? poor dear hope she recovers soon.

vivi, my pre-preg shorts are dropping off! But i like! I got excuse to eat whatever junk I like! kekeke! I also wanna go eat buffet.. but weekday no time. 1st and 2nd Sep i on leave.. u all wanna organize 1? haha! Or ask hb take leave go eat with me! :p I also eat alot now.. last time working.. 2pm then i go lunch.. now.. I'm hungry already!!!


i also scare from 1 hole jump to another hole..

ya i also heard market gd but i see newspaper v thin the job section... plus my notice period v long so if 1 find job quit first easier...

wah gd leh i so skinny i am still tryin to lose my tummy fats...

science centre no station la 1 entry ticket nia but i tink like wat GIn say outside got play area but i din go n explore..

Doc gave medicine for cough syrup and panadol in liquid form but I only give cough medicine since no fever...

yesterday can feel her forehead slightly hot so kiasi me put the koolfever on her forehead first....


aiyo vivian sick ah.. i hate it most when they hhavin cough n flu... cough usu they will vomit 1 so now i will put a waterproof blanket underthe bedsheet else clean until siao..

koolfever dun work for my kid dunno y ..


Ya lor Monster Vianne sick again sigh.... the koolfever I dont know work or not but no good as in it doesnt stick well on the forehead

piggy, my tummy also got fats lah. Think tt one will forever be there.. no time/energy to do crunches. Go online job websites find got more selections ba.

vivi, normally cough syrup will cause drowsiness de. Poor vianne.. hope she'll get well soon!

Morning ladies,


hugs! hugs! hope everything goes smoothly for you during your 1st day at work... i can understand how you feel. now just pray that time flies by faster and it's time to knock off.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i go le but v little jobs leh...

n yes u hor skinny like dunno wat still say got fat i sit hor the san chen bah immediately come out whaahah..


actually still ok cos my temp got clear for me so still ok but v sleepy n sianz la... esp now they changin their system lagi messy..


hahah i am in the same situation as u.. sort of stuck :p

hi mummies


hows yr 1st day back to work? messy mah?


how is V? hope she gets well soon


i created the event for upcoming gathering on 18th who like to join pls update yah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

thank you all mummies for yr reply in fetching bb from IFC/baby sitter alone..thanks all for the various suggestions..tat day hb tried all method to calm her dwn while driving but seems that she is still cranky...think if bb is cranky, they will just cry & cry..anyway think gotta get used to it if I am still in tis company...

Piggy-no used talking to my boss as he is a workerholic..he is an ang mo with no family here..thus expected his staff to work extra harder for him..i will monitor since is my first start week..if he insisted on his working style,guess I haf to look for greener field...

Elmo-yes totally understand how u feel..sa~ma sa~ma..most impt, we must be happy! Pple garang their problem(my company has 1 very ON staff-bootlicker-dislikes tis kind of pple) thus boss will tend to compare...anyway most impt is to be happy..this is just work-told myself I am not profit sharing also..

Vivi-hope vianne gets well soon! Xin ku ni le!

hihi.. does anybody knows if drypers M is of a bigger cut than pet pet M? coz my baby use pet pet M abit tight.. i upgraded him to L, looks too big on him.. thought of changing to another brand (M size maybe) for a better fit at current stage.. =)


workaholic hor have family or not no diff my boss is like tt siao 1 got once her HB waited 1.5hr for her here lo n she can leave her kid with MIL bo chap 1...

dun worry abt the cryin will get use to it 1.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My boss is exactly e same.. thesr expats have nothin to do.. just work and work. Even on sundays..

When i told him i need understandin abt my son bein sick. He replied : "i dont give a damn.."

Thats when i decided to leave.


Hope your first day back at work was alright.. Slowly look.. My last day at work is 5 Aug.. After that got no more money!! Haiz.. I don't want lab job, but so far only they offer.. Arghzz!!


Wah your boss say this kind of thing!! Not all expat like that.. Mine expat, but he is super bochup.. But I still want to leave.. No sense of fulfillment..


Wah!! You where got fats! The last time I saw, so skinny already.. You skinnier now..


Ya I also have a muffin top when I sit down!! Haha!! For me this time round, I think I am taking longer to lose weight le.. =( older Liao..


You also dont be upset that baby Chevelle cries I am sure your hubby will take care of her.

if really your boss ask you to do OT maybe you want to discuss this with him? if not maybe slowly look for another job that is more pro family


if the pet pet left a lot you try to tear the gathers so that it is not too tight.


hahah if u dun 1 lab job den dun apply else the chances they offer is higher cos u have the exp. mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i tink my notice period is really long not many co can wait tt y thinkin of tenderin first hmmm...

yes i dunno if it becos #2 tummy stretch twice i find my tummy take longer to lose wor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Ya... Use Vivi's method... My CL also did tat...


Hope Vianne will be better soon! Jovie also running nose but I kinda Bo chap... No med also... Haa haa...


Think u gonna get smash by many of us here! Ni wan Dan le...

Come come, who want smack her take Q # from me~~~ lols~

Wah!!! Today jot topic change job... I'm getting tired with my current job but I'm too comfy in my comfort zone, with 2 kids some more really dun dare to take risk.... Haa haa... Big size but timid...

Me too, im still have my tummy and that ligra line is not fading..

I too lazy to exercise. Jut put slimmin cream and wear shapewear...

Actually i don mind bein this size but just tat i cant fit in my old clothes. No money to buy new clothes and cant bear to give away my old ones. I got like 7 pair of levis and half not worn before!

Hippo, dun like tt la. Dun bash me. And I really got tummy! My tummy is all wrinkled up when I sit down.. V ugly de loh.

Gerry, agree with piggy. Dun apply for lab jobs and u wont get lab interviews!

Pink u there? Wed maybe cant meet u le. I got meeting from 12-2pm! Unless u wanna meet me after tt.


My ligraline only fade after nearly 1 yr leh den preg with #2 faintz..


Aiyo but no 1 can see ur wrinkle tummy .. Mine sit down can see can't hide unless I wear loose top but I wan to wear tight fittin top[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hey ladies, how do we prevent bb from being distracted whilst being b/fed? My #2 ar, these days she'd start to look ard, kaypoh here and there or even look and smile at me after feeding for abt 5-8mins... aiyoh, how ar...

Outside at nursing room, same thing, after feeding for a short while, she'd appear to be suddenly very alert, look at the surrounding and even smile with her mouth wide opened! Then cannot concentrate to drink liao, suckled, stretch ard and look, suckled, stretch ard and look, haiz...

At home, I'd try using my nursing cover even(I usually on the aircon when I hv to bf her), she wld even kaypoh and look at the design of the cover, aiyoh!!!


I hope so. today just saw her using her own mobile phone to take pictures of my boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and my hubby says i'm thinking too much and getting paranoid.

worst still, today came home to a frowning baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] mood rotten like dunnoe what.. hais

andrea, just sign up for their sample.. website sayd 3-4 weeks to process! by then i may need L liao! i better call them up later.. haha..

vivi, hippo, eh.. how to tear the side gathers? dun really get it..


Piggy, Elmo,

No leh.. I didn't apply for lab job.. It is just that people know I looking so tell their boss lor.. Aiyah..

Me also want to wear form fitting tops! Arghzz..

Don't know when the excess meat will go away.. Somemore I still bfing, so cannot go on diet. Haiz.. Maybe tummy stretched past the elastic limit Le with 2nd pregnancy.. Haha!! Cannot go back to original..




now tt i am not BF i am more hungry lo dunno y also so hard to diet:p really hate the 3 layer of meat argh..



My CL cut horizontally 1 small cut at the gathers, like that u understand? If not pm me ur #, u using iPhone? Whatapps u demostration. Lols~


Oh Gerry u from lab too? I was too.. but long ago.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tot it was fun.. almost blow up the lab once LOL

