(2011/04) Apr 2011

10/5/11 mummies & babies gathering

Time: 2pm for lunch

Venue: TBA

1) Hippopolai w/Jovie no pram

2) Piggy 

3) Tweety 

4) Sookie 

5) Mrs. Chua w/Gervaise & pram

6) Shyannlong 

7) Andrea 

8) Jtho (if CL allows, ha ha) 

9) Pink (come come, I use red carpet invite u...)

10) Pearly (TBC)

11) Mikio (TBC)

12) BBgoh (TBC)

Mikio & BBgoh,

waiting for ur attendance~


Alamak! Thought it was Monday! See lah my nappy brain... Then cool 10th it shall be. I will prob bring my little one too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also have no idea where to go that's baby friendly


Singapore got very limited baby friendly restaurant lor... they dun chase us out very good liao... Saw Mar mummy went Orchard Swensen but I dun feel like having Swensen & if can will try avoid Orchard.... haa haa haa... I'm not so daring till bring 1MO bb to Orchard at lunch hour, PEAK!

Mummies.. Hubby & me noticed my boy love to b carried Le. How u all really train them nt to b carried?

Do u all carry bb & pat them to zzz b4 putting them on their cot? My boy hv to b carry & pat to zzz b4 putting him on his cot.. Though we wait till he fall into deep slp den put him on cot but he will nt slp long.. At the most 30mins after I put him down, he will wake up Le den again hv to b pat..

Mum05.. I took some stomach flu med. Got protexin (to restore dyhyration), dimenhydrinate for goodness, vommitting, dhamotil for diarrhea, buscopan for stomach pain, biogesio for fever & pain.. During those few days when I'm on med, I did nt bf, milk pump out I oso nO give him..

Hippo.. I Oso Duno if my mil & hubby allow me bring bb out alone. Hv to ask hubby later.. If too troublesome & heavy, I may nt bring stroller. Carry him lo..

G'morning ladies,

Sigh.. My #1 is waking up more often and asking us to sleep with her.. It's like back to square 1.. Arghzz.. I think it's cos of the baby.. Haiz..last night had to scold my #1 until quite jialat.. The funny thing is that my #1 is way more noisy than my #2.. #2 rarely cries..


You can do it.. Going out with baby alone.. Practice and practice.. At first, surely quite blur and clumsy.. But eventually I am sure you will be a pro!! Learn from master Joe!! =) must arrange another outing in June..


Hope you are feeling better..

my #1 was like that.. Must be carried until fall into deep sleep and only sleep for a while.. I was reading up and they say babies have very short sleep cycle compared to adults.. Their deep sleep period is very short and will go back to light sleep very fast.. ( it is to ensure that they are fed or diapers change) a short sleep cycle ensures their survival.. However, your gervaise is still unable to comfort himself back to sleep after he wakes up.. You can train your child to sleep better but sleep training expert say should only start after 3 months when baby is able to go without feed longer..

morning mummies..

i really sway my fever still yoyo-ing n confirm mastitis cos v pain n got lump yesterday try to hand express feel better but morning wheni woke up v pain[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] any1 know if can straight away take medi to stop the milk? cos i know mastitis mus keep pumpin....


my #1 thread tt time we go to Illuma waraku n we call to reserve inadvance ask them set it in such a way we can put bb so while we eatin bb in stroller sleepin n those bb awake will have to carry n eat lo...

Mrs Chua,

let them cry sumtime my boi will test water whine on n off but i will ignore him after a while he stop i tink all bb like to be carried.


ya got first time will have subsequent time..

Morning mummies!!!

Sookie/Hippopolai: hahaha.. It's okie to be blur... =P

Mrs chua: carry him without any thing ah? Very xiong leh..

Maybe can consider clementi??

Piggy: oh dear.. Is there any other alternatives? Hugz hugz..


i dunno leh cos all this while i tryin to stop BF n my breast v soft alr den suddenly fever strike n got lump[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hmm for the meetup i was tinkin either Cafe Cartel IMM or JP where the place is more spacious?

Mrs. Chua,

I dun carry & pat my baby to sleep... Terry & Jovie both I do the same... from starting so they dun have the habit... but I guess Jovie will be a bit more challenging cause sometimes CL will carry & pat... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Let them cry a bit b4 u carry.. no short cut or any more simpler way...


then we go waraku if Mikio & BBgoh join us? a bit more centralize mah... was thinking Cityhall maybe can find a good restaurant, last meet up with Vivi they all I found that cityhall has no ppl even lunch time... later I search online a bit...


Clementi new shopping central? haven fully open right? Those open already 1 not very spacious...

oh ya, Piggy,

if u need to pump out of no choke u want to use manual pump? I have Medela manual pump, u can have it if u need...


Oh dear.. But someone in this thread mentioned that even if take meds, might taka a while to stop. Not immediate.. You still producing milk.. Hmmzz.. See a dr and see whether he can prescribe some anti-inflammation meds.. Some antibiotics.. Then see whether will go away.. Try hand expressing the lumps away??

Yes all baby likes to be carry.. It is very comforting for them to be close to their parents.. I think it is really child dependent.. My #1 can cry until red and blue!! Then when you carry her.. She will immediately stop!! Bth.. My #2 can whimper a bit, and then self comfort herself to sleep.


I alr try hand expressin last nite but gt worse this morning[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

alr taken anti inflammation medi yesterday dunno y keep

coming bacck.. I alr took anti biotics the other time dunno eat again so fast can anot..

morning ladies


I m waiting for yr attendance. if u go then I go hehe. bcos laze to travel alone ler somemore fernvale dun have mrt


if most mummies from west side I dun mind go west

mrs Chua

I only carry my girl when she wanna drink milk other than tat I and my mum nvr carry her

u can't carry by hand lah very shiong ler..


since u decide to stop BF if take med can relief yr pain then why not go GP take med. else u sound like so suffer and yr fever kp like yoyo can't recover and u also lack of rest


ya Now at clinic Liao really damn sway alr not much milk still kena.. Jus dunno with mastitis can stop like tt anot or need to recover first..


dun be upset maybe bcos u rest not enuf. take good care hope doc can solve yr problem asap. take care of 2kids alrdy not easy, hope u get well soon.


I'm confirm joining but if going JP then I'll give it a miss le cos JP always super crowded.. I would also like to suggest Vivo City.. There very spacious also, can accommodate such a big group with strollers..

Mrs Chua,

I'll be getting hubby to drive me there ba.. hehe.. U wanna long bang? I stay just behind Marsiling MRT.. Which part of woodlands u stay?


Aiyo your mastitis sounds very bad.. I can feel u.. So xin ku & in pain le, somemore have to take care of 2kids.. I hope u get better soon! And ya, I also heard cold cabbage good for relieving engorgement, for those not worried about supply de.. So can give it a try ba..


I salute those mummies who can carry baby and go out with no carrier/sling/stroller de! haha.. Same as me, I also dun carry my baby unless necessary.. hehe..

U're one of the mummies using Ergo also? I'll b getting infant insert and try to see how.. xD But buy secondhand de.. keke.. But I quite kia su.. Think will bring both carrier & stroller for outing..

Hi, I have one brand new tube of Mustela Vitamin Barrier Cream (100ml / 3.88oz) to let go at $10.

Expiry: Feb 2012

Interested please PM me, thanks!


Ok... u let me know... must good girl eat medicine ya... recover fast fast so got energy to meet us on 10th with Kleavan darling... u let know if u need the pump...

Pearly, don't think JP have any restaurant can accommodate so many stroller leh... unless PizzaHut... provided the open stage no activity but I dun wan pizza!!!!!! kakaka....

wanted to suggest Vivo but need to transfer... add up the hassle to travel so I drop the idea.... anyway, will put into list for vote k? go Vivo dangerous, end up might shop again... I aldy ren till very xinku not to buy online cloth for my girl liao... haa haa...


haa haa... I also not familiar just happen I went once before pop... so know a bit the situation nia... Scarly that new mall open Liao I dunno? haa haa...

10/5/11 mummies & babies gathering

Time: 1pm for lunch


opt 1 : Cityhall-New York x 2

opt 2 : Vivo-Thai Express/Secret Recipe?? what else???

1) Hippopolai w/Jovie no pram

2) Piggy 

3) Tweety 

4) Sookie 

5) Mrs. Chua w/Gervaise & pram

6) Shyannlong 

7) Andrea 

8) Jtho (if CL allows, ha ha) 

9) Pink (come come, I use red carpet invite u...)

10) Pearly

11) Mikio (TBC)

12) BBgoh (TBC)

Yeah pink I am so helpless

Yesterday Vianne wailed and fussed until 1.30am and she slept all the way till 5am missing her feed. Wonder if this is ok. End up change diaper she wail and only drank 60 ml of milk I wonder if she is full or not.

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011 - 5:32 am:       

10/5/11 mummies & babies gathering

Time: 2pm for lunch

Venue: TBA

1) Hippopolai w/Jovie no pram

2) Piggy 

3) Tweety 

4) Sookie 

5) Mrs. Chua w/Gervaise & pram

6) Shyannlong 

7) Andrea 

8) Jtho (if CL allows, ha ha) 

9) Pink (come come, I use red carpet invite u...)

10) Pearly (TBC)

11) Mikio (TBC)

12) BBgoh (TBC)

13) baby26 (will join if at jp)


it ok my #1 slept from 9 to 4am after a mth n sleep thru v fast[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun worry if they hungry will cry:p


actually NYNY at JP quite spacious also leh..

sigh the GP say i cant stop now mus treat mastitis first zzZZzzzz... ya vivo v troublesome leh...

10/5/11 mummies & babies gathering

Time: 2pm for lunch

Venue: TBA

1) Hippopolai w/Jovie no pram

2) Piggy w/kleavan & pram

3) Tweety

4) Sookie

5) Mrs. Chua w/Gervaise & pram

6) Shyannlong

7) Andrea

8) Jtho (if CL allows, ha ha)

9) Pink (come come, I use red carpet invite u...)

10) Pearly (TBC)

11) Mikio (TBC)

12) BBgoh (TBC)

13) baby26 (will join if at jp)


come la we will help u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah I got ergo but won't get infant insert I got mamalove sling. if met at vivo maybe I ll brg stroller too. see how lata

think my Jovie also super vain 1... latch for 1 hr 15 mins w/o air-con or fan... I'm now in sauna... god~~~~ & still suckling....

ic mrs chua. my supply also dipping, haiz.

my #2 also likes to be carried, I think she's too used to it now, her papa lah! and my helper too, she cries abit only they very gancheong, always carry her...

I've just got a cot mobile and play the music for her since i noticed tht she seems to enj music(i think all babies like) esp when her sister practices her violin. I'm hoping that the music will help soothe her further whenever her sister's not playing...

Hi piggytoh,

You mean ur Bb automatic sleeps thru the nite? Did you train ur Bb by dragging the Midnite feed?

Hi Gerry,

May I know what is bp?

Hi hippopolai,

So we just simply tap the bm on our face & let it dry up?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oops piggy, perhaps gerry's rite, u shld go to a doc or yr gynae for some antibiotics. 'cos if yr mastitis was as bad as the one I've got dur my #1's time, u need antibiotics to clear away the inflammation.

What I did then, to stop bf, was took the med, had the last expression and then used cold cabbage. Thereafter, no more expressing as it'd stimulate production again. And even though I went thru this routine, it still took me more than 2 mths for the production to completely stop(my flow was alot better then, mayb tt's why it took a while)...

bbgoh, I'm gg to compass pt today, hee, for my haircut [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now short hair, need more maintenance!

Stil hv to go bk to SK on voting day, 'cos we relocated in mid Jan and they based on the old address to allocate us our voting region...

gerry, yr #2's sooo good. my #1, although I didn't latch her on as much as #2, she super likes to suckle. So much so that even after weaning off bm, she'd suckle my shirt every nite! She'd even suckle my shirt if I'm carrying her when we're out!

#2, after her feed, whether fm or bm(120ml), she'd stl want to suckle, aiyoh. then when u think she's fallen deep aslp, she'd open her eyes slightly when u're getting up to put her to her cot, aiyoh buay tahan lor...

Vivi u must be super tired I've a helper n I'm super tired

Baby cot in my bed n I'll keep waking up. No sleep at all I'm going crazy. U have no help I really feel for u.

Last night for 4 hrs I kept latching C on then she will drink n fall asleep when she de latched she started to cry again. When I gave her bottle she rejected. Kept wanting to bimeant nipple through my shirt. Maid kept wanting to take over n made me angrier. C also didn't want my hubby to carry. I almost wanted to let her cry it out coz I didn't know what she wanted. Super frustrated. Ended up my maid fed her n she drank another 60ml fm before she fell asleep. Argh i hate letting the maid feed her.

Vivi u so cham nobody to help u at all? Sometimes we really need a breather if not we will go crazy. We basically tried everything on the list, from applying ru yi you to putting her on rocker chair. She kept crying n crying !!!

Pearly/bbgoh, C is really developing a nasty habit of struggling n drinking repeat cycle!! Argh how ah?!?!? She even kicks me when she's latched on

PD check today the new PD says she's ok. Gaining 1kg a month is ok . Sigh guess I just can't expect a sumo baby


the first round i had mastitis alr got eat antibiotics this 2nd time le within 2 wk... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] jus seen GP she say mus clear mastitis first be4 stopping BF[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my bb also stretch n kick alot i tink it norm... gal gal slim ok mah too sumo wait scare guys away:p


initially my #1 sleep thru himself so wat i did is even thou he occassionally wake up middle of the nite for feed i dun gave after few day no more n sleep longer..day time i did drag abit cos he was drinkin 120ml FM less than 2hr at times... i scare over feed n he was abit chubby tt time lol~

Hi mummies

I have delivered on 27 Apr, Lewis weight 3520g

I'm still in MAH as Bb under the blue light as expected. Shld be going back on mon if he is ok:)

Having extreme pain due to the contractions ESP while feeding for the past few days. Now still a bit pain but it's getting better already phew!! Managed to expel some wind from the stomach so finally am seeing some light in the dark tunnel! If not, I don't dare to go homeandhandle#1 and #2 at the same time.

Was told to feed abt 30mins on one side each time every 2-3 hr but breast is getting harder and harder, hope this is normal!!!

Will come in again if have the chance as typing using my phone a bit tedious.


Bp means Bulk purchase.


Don't say too soon.. Maybe she might be different when she gets older.. Hehe!! You never know with kids.. Once you get used to 1 habit, another bad one will sprout out!!


It will get better.. What did the dr give you?? For mastitis, must really still express.. Cannot pump like you as if you are trying to stop supply??


Must gain some experience... At the same time bring C out and we can see how you feed her, might have some advise from some of mummies here? If you don't step out your 1st step, you will get stuck at home like forever, you want this? So many us are with you, calm lar~

You are not born to know everything, so slowly slowly learn, please don't stress yourself... Jia You!!!

BB girl no need sumo... If you want sumo, try #2 for a son like baby Tan ok... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pink it is the same situation as mine. Yeah I got no helper these 2 days passes like 2 years.

I think if I don't vent out my thoughts here soon I will get post natal depression

Pink if your maid can help out why not let her help you feed? At least can pacific c

Thanks piggy I was so worried whether should I wake her up or not

Vivi ,

dun worry so much n dun compare ur gal drinkin ard 90 nt bad Liao my sil gal 18mth only drinkin 120ml some BB r jus small drinker..


she gave me antibiotics lo v sian..

Hi all,

Super or bak kak mummy here..shifted bb cot to our bedroom aft CL left..n had a taste of how she's like at nite..super noisy..even in between feeds, she'll do her stretching, grunts, n all kinds of funny sound..how to z like tt..then b4 u noe it she'll wail n it's time for her feed..tink I z like an hr oni!

Wonder isit cos she's used to CL, or I'm suspecting tt she is familiar w her bedroom, so when we shifted her she can't z well..cos this morn aft shower, aft feed, chg diaper, her eyes r stil wide open when in our bedroom but yawning away..then i tried letting her z back in her bedroom she fell asleep almost immediately..a mth old thingy can recognize environment liao meh I seriously wonder..


Me too no helper all alone..super tired..no time for anything..pump milk oso muz oso wait till she's asleep..

Yoti, I prefer to try n do everything myself coz I'm too prideful n I dont want her to become yaya papaya.

Any of ur babies show preference for being carried up right position n not cradle hold? My upright position still buey zai but my maid can do... She likes to purposely do it in front of us n says that C prefers it. My friends say thats normal n that

is gd for helping them develop their necks?

Yoti, ur 2 days felt like 2 yrs... My first week out of hospital felt like a decade has gone past. We jia you tog n get over this yah ?? How's ur baby doing??

Rach, I think all the weird noises are normal.. My baby does those noises too when I tried a couple of night duties without my cl.. Couldn't sleep well, coz worried abt baby.. Scared he hungry, saffocate, wet diaper, etc.. Super paranoid.. Must get used to it I think.. Haha..

Rach!! Same same... My girl makes all kinds of noises btw her feeds.. Every little noise I jump. Scared that she's choking or suffocating wahaha. So I keep waking up to check and tadah when I go back to bed n try to sleep it's time for her next feed.. Super tired, can't sleep, can't sleep, no milk, no milk, stress, still can't sleep..... Vicious cycle

