(2011/04) Apr 2011

piggy/gerry: yah I heard from quite a few people that once you take the medication your milk SS will drop for the next kid too.. but i think piggy wants to stop at 2...?

mrs chua: yah.. shiok rite.. i was out to see my gynae last week and i went shopping too! baby's stuff hehe.. so nice to feel the sun on the skin and breathe the air outside wahahah. i'm counting down to less than 2 weeks... ur confinement shld be ending very soon!



Hugs hugs!!!! My goodness... Seems like very bad... Maybe u want to GP?

Mrs. Chua,

Ur side no rain huh? Can still go out... Shiok... Today my JP trip cancel coz my side raining... Suppose to bath also cancel... Cannot bath when no sun... Sian...

Super Bth my parent... Buay Zi dong... Kidnapped my son... Keep tempted my son ask him wanna go popo house to stay over night anot... My son everything 'yao' (means yes) then come to me said my son said he wants... Keep wanted to bring him over... Although my face already black black... I know I can rest but I prefer my son stay with me... They dunno teach him what w/o me at side... Make me cannot rest some more... Grhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hubby also not happy..... Sian....

Last time pregnant ask them take care dun wan now very week come over try to kidnap him over to their house... Super buay song....

hahaha hippo: cannot bathe when there's no sun?? (?_?)

wah so your Terry is gone for the night? it's ok let them try for one night... maybe after one night they won't dare to bring him over anymore....

i think u'll miss him alot hor... he's your baby~~~

howcome you can go JP?????? :p

pink, I was told something neg too but duno wat, but I asked the nurses, sister at the hosp and even my gynae, they all told me it's 'nonsense'... so duno true or not. Guess it's not scientifically proven bah...

anyway piggy, if u really really buay tahan liao, then I sup there's also not much choice, if u dun stop e supply and dun feed/pump, then u'll get engorged further and the prob no end. Discuss with yr gynae if u're in doubt...

Bbgoh.. Wat u mean by maybe can try diff position the funnel?? 

Sandy.. U wanna buy the hot stone too? I'm oso thinking leh but haven hv time go in her webby see.. Btw, do u feel her stone hot? She kept asking me tell her if it is hot but I dun find it hot leh.. Jus warm warm de.. 

Vivi.. The cream I'm referring is physiogel hypoallergenic AI cream. Maybe u can try apply thinly for her? 


The california baby calendula cream can be bought at bp or overseas spree. Cheaper by abt 30%..

It's my sons' miracle cream cos they have sensitive skin.. Can be used all over the body and act as a diaper cream as well..

Btw, u still keen in my fenugreek? Willing to let go at $10.


I had flash fever yesterday as well..

Twice some more.. And my breast were so painful..

Afterwards, I realized my supply went down..

Is the same thing happening to u too?

Previously I bought the pill too but I didn't take cos I was told that it was not a immediate effect. Must also wait at least 24 hrs.. Not cheap too..

Thanks ladies...

sigh.. this yr really sway like dunno wat...


ya i intend to stop at 2 no more #3... my Hb see me like tt also ask me stop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ok maybe if tonite still gt fever tml will see dr see wat he say den maybe use cold cabbage slowly stop,, i dun tink it engorement leh cos it like when i press certain part it pain now i dunno wat dr to see....


thanks... ya i really totally drain liao now caryy my bb also tough esp close to my chest touch breast pain[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hmm my fever was previously up n down for 3 day in a row den stop 2day now rtn again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] where u bott the pill?


i dunno serious anot now from 1 breast become another breast-_-..

tt time my Il also comekeep askin my boi wan go to their any n jus bring him go did even ask!

Hippo.. No leh.. No rain, trying to rain but jus no rain so weather super hot..I bath today den go out so Shiok! Hehe

Pink.. Yeah! Is super Shiok lo.. Hehe.. Bought a lot of stuff for bb.. As if he haf not arrived & I'm buying for the 1st time. Everything need extra set cos we haf 2 Hm now.. Cannot imagine by then my house ready, got to buy another set.. Haha 

Piggy, i tried using cold cabbage for 1 nite before during my #1 time. Engorgement better but supply din drop le. Cos tt time just back for hosp.. Super pain so i dun care. No harm trying if you really feeling so unwell ba? Supply drop when recovered can pump more to build up again?


oh no sound bad yr condition. hope nothing serious, if really BF caused it just stop see can reduce it naturally. dun make yrself suffer just bcoz of BF, u have try yr best.

mrs Chua

I mean by try diff angle of the pump put on the nipple. not tat must straight centre sometime I drag to side a bit can see it's spraying but if too centre then can't see the flow down. hope u get wat I mean.


any idea if there is any plc tat I can donate/ give away my frozen EBM? hb asking if maybe there is any orphan need.

hippo: i almost used the same words as u... i like 盈 and 萱 too. Was deciding btw 乐盈 or 乐萱, but after counting the strokes..we were told that the words don't suit her...

bbgoh: think u can check with the hospitals..think they may have some use for it... or u can post on the forum and see if any mother wants to get from you?

Piggy: the nurses at tmc asked me to use cold cabbage for relief if engorge.. Dun think will cut off supply immediately.. Dun stress urself too much k..

Mrs chua: for me I bought 2 sets for everything.. 1 set at my parents house 1 set at hubby house... Heehee..

Bbgoh: maybe can try WTG thread to give away if u have extra??

Hi mummies,

Tweety: I'm ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] struggling a little with bf since I had some trauma to my nips but it's healing. I must say you are doing pretty well for a first time mom! Good supply, lost all the weight already, no trauma from emergency c sect. Lucky you!

Piggy: wah I feel your pain and frustration. I hope your fever will go away!

Pink/mrs chia: I have been naughty too. Last night went to clementi mall to eat fast-food and get some baby stuff. Today lunch time went out to suntec to buy diapers and get my #1 a haircut. And yes it felt good! Anyway, this time round I'm so lax with confinement. I have been bathing so many times without the Herbs, drinking water and not eating much of the confinement food!

Mum05: I know what you mean about your husband's atttitide. Mine is the same. Just kept quiet when I said I want to quit bf. No encouragement... Just kept silent.'like a statue! What's worst is he thinks I am so free cause I am on maternity! Hello! I don't don't even have time to sleep cause I also have to manage #1, pumping/latching, sterializing, cleaning him when he poos/pees.. Waking up to feed him in middle of night.

Gerry: my boy also has a small mouth thats why he keeps latching my nips until so sore! I keep latching and unlatching cause I think he is not suckling correctly until he got fed up and refused to open his mouth.

My baby is like on a growth spurt today. Every 2 hours.. And he has so much gas!!! Keeps puking out some milk and taking a long time to burp. I wonder if it's my diet.

Can't wait to see everyone with their babies at the next gathering... Hope we will have one! 


Y cannot go JP? JP is fully air-con... TMC also fully air-con... Can shop in TMC of coz can shop at JP, lols~~~~

Raining got wind mah... Shower wet wet come out from bathroom may caught wind trap into our body... Better not... That us the reason we hire CL & ML right? Just 1 more day no bath... Ok for me de... I'm getting out from house anyway... Lols~

U know what... The shifu calculate this name & he put this name as priority, some more he told my hubby, this is the name he likes the most... Wahahahahaha... Buay tahan him... Like his daughter like that... Actually I dun like this 盈, but my hubby like... I like this 莹 more... But calculate stroke this Ying can use as 3rd word... So cannot replace... Unless I want to name Jovie as 盈莹... So o piang to me...


I know they dote him... Just bth their idea to bring him away from my side... My idiot mum always like to do thing that I fun like, strain our relationship.... Grhhhhhh...


It's engorgement.... Time to call Mdm. Rokiah!


Sorry... It's block duct!!!!!


Could be ur bb colicky? Last time Terry also like that... Keep ask for milk like every hour but then finish fed puke.. In the end bring to PD, PD taught us that if bb is colicky & get uncomfortable in tummy, they cannot differentiate whether is tummy upset or hungry... They just want to suckling!!!! So in the end PD suggested pacifier!!!!

Hi Mommies!!

I'm still around! Hahaha! Funnily all my labour symptons disappear. Even braxton hicks!! So I'm busy feasting and shopping like no tomorrow!!

Mdm Rokiah

During #1's time, she do massage and she was really good. Now she only offer lactaction services. Glad to hear that many mommies are able to solve their blocked ducts problem. Will keep her in mind then.


For me hor, I changed in the bathroom and dry throughly leh. SO no chance of any wind getting trapped. Also can right? Be it rain or shine then?

As for your mom taking your boy away, take it as a chance to rest lah!


My #1 has Xuan in her name and this one will have it too!!


oh no, pls see a doc ok? Nothing is more important that your health!!!


the pill will not cut your #3 bb SS.

cos i taken before during my #1 time when i kenna engorgement...painful lumps and fever and since passed 6 mths therefore i took and stop it. now #2...my supply seems ok and even come faster than #1.

since u r very xin ku...no point forcing yourself to keep continue bf.

only happy mummy...then happy bb.

dun stress over it. last time we are also grow up under fm.

regardless fm or bm, we are already the greatest mummy to our child. we had go thru tat diffcult 9-10mth pregnancy.


I had that same sensation during my #1.. It only happened when she latches on and just start to suckle.. So I figured it could be due to let down sensation.. Like electric current like that right?? After a month, the sensation just disappeared.. Don't know whether I will feel it this time round.. Hmmzzz


Hope you are feeling better.. Ya my girl got small mouth T the moment.. =)


Haha!! Good wor now that c is opening.. I think discharge on Monday.. Although I feel all set to go home tmrw..


Let down also got needle poke feel!???? Like BF must b pain???


Paiseh paiseh... My case also needle poke then happen mine is block duct!!! Sorry if mislead u!


That time I had e fever and masitis? Is that how u spell?

Went in Kkh emergency and had to be massage for 2whole hours before I can feel relief.. They gave me e pill, one for 30 bucks...

Yesterday I had flash fever twice and then my supply went inconsistent.. And I can now do e eery 4 hr pump instead of 3hr.

Agree with cow gal, ,dont force yourself to breastfeeding if it makes u miserable. For my health reasons I also plan to stop soon..my back and neck are so painful and aching from all e pumping.. Even the massage lady found blocked nodes in my arms and legs..


U can post it on e forum under the free or exchange.. Many parents need as their babies are premature and they don have enough supply..

Previously, i use the extra milk to clean my face or I drink it myself... The nutrients goes back to me and my baby.

Smiggleprincess sure can pm me your account number I try to transfer to you .

Hugs piggy hope you get well soon

Sometimes I also get this tingling sensation now nightly I try to apply laninsoh

Thank u ladies really appreaciate alot muacks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] feel much better now but the pain is still there but no lump weird.. Will definitely go see dr if my fever raise over the nite again...


thanks wat u have said make me feel so much better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my hb also ask me stop cos he see me in so much pain he say no pt ..

Piggy, glad u are ok enough to post. Yah don't worry abt the bf u need to get well first... Fm or BM they will still grow up u tried very hard to bf him liao....

Hope u'll feel better tmr ...

piggytoh, glad that ur better now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hippopolai, did u star using the pacificer?

Mrs chua, shrng siong still open at this hour?

Piggy/hippo/sandy/tweety.. My supply still @60ml leh though I use hot water to spray onto my breast jus now during bath but after that I no pump as got to quickly go out buy things.. Ducts did soften Liao but i think still got... Cos she say mine ducts very thick need time to clear de.. So wondering if I shld pay another round of $70 to ask her come again help me clear all the ducts. If really ask her come, This time will ask my mummy feed my boy. dun let her go off so fast since $70 is regardless of how long so make full use of it hehe.. Typical Singaporean haha but I must admit her skills v Gd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when she squeeze out my milk, I really can see the yellow & thick milk lo.. So I was thinking back, my milk is thick lo so if I can, continue bf my boy, he sure v satisfied de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] furthermore like wat she say hv to cut etc , I hope I dun hv to lo.. If nt v painful de.. 

Piggy.. Hope u r alright.. Like Wat pink & Gerry said, get some antibiotics to eat, hopefully it helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bbgoh.. Ok, will try explore the diff ways of holding the funnel. Hopefully can find the beta way to get my supply[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pink.. Cos my boy will b taken care by my mummy den occasionally I will bring him back to in laws place to stay since my new house nt ready yet.. So beta put diff sets of items @ 2 places if nt when go where, I hv to lure everything over.. 

Tweety.. Ya lo, that time I onli buy 1 set so today went to buy another set.. Heng my in laws got kids too so din really need much except personal items like bottles etc.. That post was suppose to post ard 8plus but my boy wailing for milk so I forgot to press submit hehe onli realise when I return back after settle him &

some packing hehe

Sookie.. Going Out for a while is really Shiok! If nt we sure get post natal depression.. That is Wat I think la cos got to stay @ Hm in such hot weather, cannot bath, hv to eat all confinement food etc.. I'm really going Xrazy lo.. Mood oso become pek cek.. 

Piggy.. Wan to check with u. That time when ur boy had baby massage, he ok that whole day? My boy after massage today, he super fussy & kept feeling hungry.. Jus now his poo was super watery.. Wondering if anything wrong with his tummy.. 

Mummies.. Need my advice.. My boy these few days seem to start rejecting my breast.. This morn I latch him on my left breast, he super fussy or cranky. Wailing loudly for milk den when I latch, he quiet when my nipple inside his mouth but heft moment, Wail again & v anxiously

Looking for milk.. Tried many times oso like that.. Den I try with right, he seems ok.. Latch for quite sometimes until ML here for massage.. Same thing happen again just now.. But he did suckle left breast for abt 5 mins den spit out looking for milk again.. Demln no matter how hard I tried to latch right or left breast, he stil wail.. 

Tweety.. Thermometer with me Le. Forgot to update sorry..

Lynn.. As told tweety, that post suppose to post ard 8plus but my boy wailing for milk so forgot to press submit hehe

mummies with medela freestyle pump, d battery must always be in d motor in order for it to work isitz? Juz got from BP n testing it, find it kind of noisy n more parts to assemble as compared to ameda pump. Suction also not that powerful coz when I use d pumpin pal's hands free kit, I still have to use my arms to hold d pump.or mayb my breast too small or d shield don't fit me....I'm using level 5 & 6.

Mrs chua,

did u bottle feed ur baby? Coz mayb if u did, then probably d milk flow from ur breast is slower than bottle n therefore he's frustrated.


hope ur fever will subside n that it's not mastis.my 2 kids also

take turns run fever this week n my mum also seems to have caught it. Sighz.....

Seems like alot of confinement mummies r goin out running errands, ur CL or inlaws or parents etc never nag meh? I'm not too looking forward to goin out coz my hair is in a mess n I'm still fat, can't find nice clothes to wear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] still have 10kg more to lose which I'm pinning all my hopes on breastfeeding to lose d weight.

I was quite reluntant to go out last fri to bring my baby to poly clinic for d blood test. According to d doc,his jaundice level considered high n as for review next thur. Regreted going to poly, shd have gone MT A n c d PD instead.

Is 189 considered high? My boy was tested 200 on day 7 n 189 on day 10,supp dropping....recently rain alot also can't sun him n Im not too keen to feed him fm coz scared he'll get addicted to fm n reject bm.

Mrs chua: hahaha... No wonder.. I was thinking.. Wah Sheng siong still open sia.. Haahaa... Okie..u keep the thermometer with u first/. How much more to pay u?

Ningyo: I'm using freestyle too... Yup.. U have to use it with the battery fixed in or through current.. I find the suction very good leh.. I'm using level 5... Maybe the shield size is not suitable? Or maybe u didn't position it correctly??


Wipe drydry still have moisture on body mah... So old folks said cannot... For me I would follow coz my #1 I din really do confinement & I feel my body is weaken after I gave birth... Could be we gave birth & I din really rest to build my body back coz #1 is under my care all the time till now... So since this could be my last pregnancy liao.. Will do anything to gain back my health... Else dunno how to handle 2 in future... =)


Not yet y? Tried but My princess dun wan so never force... She dun wan I more happy... Haa haa haa...

Mrs. Chua,

My supply up by the 3rd day after massage... So I would suggest u monitor first b4 u call for Mdm. Rokiah service... S$70 is not cheap lor... Can buy 1 tin of fm? Hee hee...


I also using freestyle... I find suction ok also... I use only lvl 4 most of the time... U used other brand b4?


My needle poking feeling is not during bfing. It's quite constant, so maybe like wat Hippopolai said, it's blocked ducts.

Jtho.. I think we both experiencing the same thing.. That is blocked ducts.. My blocked ducts seems to b back again.. I tried to massage & pump jus now but ducts seem super hard, no matter how hard I massage oso still there.. Almost wanted to take hot water spray to spray & melt it but can't bath so Bo Bian..

Hippo.. I waiting to try the hot water spray later after wake up, hopefully it helps to clear. If nt later ask ML to help but her skills not as gd as Mdm Rokiah lo.. Still prefer her..

morning mummies,

hippo: i think you are right he has some colic but do you think it's too early to intro pacifier now?

gerry: thanks. still feeling sore when latch but bearable this time. how do i get him to open his mouth really wide? i tried the tickle nip from nose to bottom of chin but does not work leh.

also, for those who latch do you still pump after latching? cause i find my breast still has some milk or small lumps which i massage when i pump.

piggy/mrs chua: how come the breast guru asked you guys to pump every 4hr instead of 3hr? thought if its 3hr, it stimulates milk production?


Last night the nurses brought Eva in at 2 pm and then didn't want to latch for a while but after that when she cry , I stuffed my nipple in and she suck and suck for 1.5 hr!! Everytime when she accidently delatches she'll cry!! Have 2 milk blisters Liao.. =( but I burst it and use my colostrum to make sure no infection.. Oh wells.. We shall see..


You feel it constantly?? Wah I only had it at the initial let down phase..


No lah bf not suppose to be painful.. But I think it was a combination of sore cracked nipples together with baby latching I suppose at the start.. But after that no more pain.. Although the sensation of let down can still be felt almost everytime..


Jia you.. I am also hoping that breasfeeding will help me loose weigh too.. I told my hb that bb is helping my uterus to contract and he just look at me and said isn't it more impt that I am nourishing her.. Haizz.. Hehe!!


I dun think it's too early wor... Since only pacifier can solve bb problem... Just go ahead... Terry was introduced to pacifier abt 10-12days I remember...


Now I got electric shock on my left breast & it constant all the way till Jovie finish suckling... Pain! Pain! Pain!

What is milk blister? What cause milk blister? Goodness... U come out with all the new term... I feel I like sua gu.... Lols~~~

morning mummies


how r u feeling?

mrs Chua

did u try to press hardly the lump while pumping?


oh I dun mean BF is painful. just let piggy noe if she really feel pain can't continue to BF then just stop dun force herself to suffer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I alrdy intro pacifier to my girl since the day discharge from hospital ler bcoz she is gan cheong type. once she hungry just can't wait her crying sound is so loud. so I scare she ll disturb my #1 sleeping then giveher pacifier to wait while I prepare EBM for her

electric shock

i have it after 2hr of pumping. I suspect its the milk kicking moment cause tat feeling. master Gerry, am I right?? :p


Me too first week already started on the pacifier for Vianne since she wail real loud or should I say scream....

Sometimes she also reject the pacifier...

Dont know why these 2 days she cant seem to sleep soundly.... I think my nightmare will come if the CL leaves.

Like yesterday she only slept at 2am...

