(2011/04) Apr 2011


no she is late... how much u pay huh??

wah she say my breast blk until v v badly n v sure my fever due to the blockage .. i undress nia she jus see the lump haven even touch... n it v painfullll.... n the amount of milk tt come out wet 1 towel[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] btw she say pump 4hrly is enough wor.. cos my breast not say pumpin 150ml 3hrly so can jus pump 4hrly n get more rest...

she ask me go see breast specialist if pain still persist scary..


Piggy.. Paid $70 for 1hr..

Vivi.. My boy oso got the rash on his face. Pd gave me a cream to apply. Quite gd.. Can buy from pharmacy.. Now lying on bed, later give u the name of cream if u wan..

Contras Gerry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

understand baby's head front pArt is very fragile...thus better to avoid tat area..wat abt the back of the baby's head?when we carry baby,their head will lie on our hands..will tis create pressure on their head? Is there a concern?

Piggy: wah,, can wet 1 towel leh.. Seems like the blockage is very bad... But does it feel better after the massage??

Sandy: how was the massage??

Mrs chua: ya lor.. How was ur supply after clearing the blockage?

Piggy.. This morn pump @5am, massaged to pump 90ml after last pump out ytd @9pm.. But jus now @1pm, supply drop again to 60-70ml range. This time I even use hot water to massage & clear milk ducts b4 pump (though still hv some more but my hand already ache from the massaging) still get 60-70ml..


Can share what to eat and what not to eat?


Papaya can also cook with pork rib then won't have fishy smell/taste. This was what I had today for lunch.

I think I have multiple tear like you too. Still painful after a week.

Heehee... Glad all got the from Mdm Rokiah....


Yup, she pro BF right? I love coz she shares all the tips also... N all the advise on confinement too!!!

Mrs. Chua,

Yup... She clear all coz I told my CL if time up n i still in massage she can bottle feed 1st....


So u feel better now?


Give it a try!!!! U won't regret!!!!

Some small tots:

I read some where years agi that actually 99 out of 100 women shld b able to BF successfully... Only 1 is the really unlucky without milk ss... So I believe we can BF our bb successfully de... Asian cannot BF successfully basically elder not supportive & we have limited source of help... Like some LC not even marry n yet can become a LC to teach... Right or wrong we dunno, but 1 thing sure... They also teach go by book.... Haa haa...


Oh, 1 day after she massage my supply remain, but today my supply increase by 60ml per pump!!!!!! She told me after 2-3day post massage then ss will increase... That is normally when she rec'd call from her customer just to tell her the good news n thank her!!!!


Me haven see him... Today only 12days post partum... Will see him only coming Friday but think I'll bring forward to Wed if weather is good... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mine was bundle deal when I got it in Yr 09... Hard to get this brand nowadays liao....

Wah.. Seems like so long since I posted.. So envy mummies here.. I've been super tired.. So not used to newborn's night feedings.. Zzz.. Somemore my girl having teething now.. Keep waking up at night.. The night before, woke up at least 5times.. Even more tired..

Hubby will be going back to work half days starting Mon le.. 9pm to 3am.. Duno if I can cope with a newborn + a teething toddler alone onot, esp during bedtime.. Dare not separate room cos scared cannot leave whoever needs my attention but scared to room all together in case small one disturb big one's sleep.. *headache* Any experienced mummies got any advice for me?

I'm officially giving up my pump & feeding of ebm le! Already so tough to manage 2kids alone (somemore big one teething!), no luxury to bf/pump.. So exhausted.. 60-70ml FM can last my boy 3-4hrly while 100ml of my EBM last him 1hr only!! *pengz!* It's making me less enthu to feed EBM cos I need him to sleep longer and hopefully, can sleep through the night earlier!

Lucky me, last night he fed at 12am, 3am and 6am!! #1 went to parent's place for the weekend so hubby helped with the feeding and changing last night.. xD Hope tonight will also be as shun li!

Oh ya, congratz to all mummies who have popped! Couldn't keep track liao.. hehe..

Yoti, no need to be so scared of handling newborns de.. hehe.. They aren't as fragile as they look.. The nurses & docs at hospital also handle them not so gently de.. But must be efficient loh.. Now I handle my boy quite roughly le, like an object (as quoted by my hubby).. LOL! But it gets the job done quick and crying over with.. xD Of course, cannot be too rough la..

Gerry: congrats! Glad everything went well. I also think there is some truth to the similar timings cause my #1 and #2 were just 3 days apart. So I you are thinking of #3, then you know when baby is likely to come out.

Hippo/Gerry : do you mean those hot water tha we keep in a thermal flask is considered hot water? I do have a pigeon warmer but it's so slow in heating up the milk.

Michelle: the nurse at tmc told me if you find it fishy, can pan fry the fish first. Have not tried it myself cause I'm ok with the soup [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrs Chua

why not u use bottle put hot water to msg just roll it so yr hand won't get so ache.

mummies who have blockage

maybe can try diff position the funnel??


u mean since delivery u haven go bk to chg the dressing remove the stitch? mine removed on day 8


Then ur supply shld be good, so fast got blockage liao leh... Or the vein just too narrow to flow the milk huh? I still feel pain at my side of lft breast leh... I tot because I over massage...


Yes, water from thermal flask definitely hot water, u can add in tap water to make it warm to warm the milk! =)


yeah... Haven... Gonna remove like 18 days after popped... Hahahaha... Diff gynae diff pratice lor... But I gonna bring forward like 3 days advance? oops...


yes the side!!! Mdm ROKIAH say the side ESP will build up milk duct more easily n dun sleep on ur back.. Jus now she told me if still pain or way better see breast specialist for scan some v bad ducts need to cut n suck out n many other scary story I hear Liao I ask her if dun see dr n stop BF can anot she say can go gynae ask for tablet @_@

she also say my opening is big keep askin me can feel the leak?Lol~


i paid $70 for 1hr wor. u lei?

wow wet 1 towel ar!!! me is she help/teach me hand express out abt 50ml n other waste lo. but reali lei she massage wif hand n hotstone hor i saw milk fountain n is those white white thick thick kind c liao so shiok lo haha.

she oso ask me do 4hrly wor. huh breast specialist omg. mayb massage more? she ask me go her website buy the hot stone wor but cant find online.

she say hor milk supply increase not immediate mux wait 2-3days wor.


hehe shiok not say comfortable or pain is tat when i c milk oozin out i feel more confident.


she is VERY pro bf lo. she ask y i nv bf #1 n i say cos the nurses all complain tat i got inverted nip no chance to bf de so wif no help n support i donno. woh she got alot of advice n i nv haf post natal massage so she teach me how to do DIY.


i ask her if can take spicy food she say not too much it will not led to spicy BM but some bb's tummy may not take it and will cause colic.

she recommend me eat red spinach. fry chopped garlic, small ikan bilis den add the veg n salt can liao. if wan make into soup, boil carrot n potato till soft add in the veg n salt drink both soup n eat the veg.

for papaya fish soup, MUST use green papaya (when remove skin mux b white not those orange color), add fish n fish bone den boil till it turn milky tats the correct way.

Avoid honeydew

take more apple, oats, n milo(best is aust type not the local/malaysia type). I ask can take horlick she say can.

ok tats wat i can remember [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ur try massage urself see how if not go cut jialat leh... Pain... Ya, she also told me not to sleep on our back...


What is red spinach???

Wah, she so good teach u DIY, she told me few years back she met this Chinese lady no $ to do post natal massage also she did it free for her 3 times then taught her DIY also...

Cham, I dun like Australia type Milo... Haiyo... Headache...

I just did the massage too heehee

Sandy u wrote down everything she told me liao

She says ur Jewelle is very very cute!! Hehe

She also told me to pump every 4 hrs.. Unless our supply is the kind each time we pump can get 300-400ml that kind... Haha


tat time u was askin the way to burp bb hor?

i ask mdm rokiah, she was sayin both burp upward or downward oso can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmm i went google red spinach the image i saw is there is abit red red on the leave. and oso pengaga this veg she say very gd in up milk supply.

hehe ya she very gd she recommend me use ginger cream on tummy n bind (got 2 type 1 is very long cloth n another wif velcro which is easier) for 6 hrs

me oso dislike aust milo lei not nice de


u tried her today? hehe my monster always show ppl her angel look :p


red spinach is it the red color leaf de heng chai??

piggy, hippolai

how to not sleep on back? side sleep ll squeeze boobs then leak more, not possible to sleep on tummy bah


I ever saw a Taiwan prog a model share abt her BF story she gotta cut and worst is the cut can't stitch de so must let it open grow flesh to cover. work hard msg I thk can solve it.


Thanks for the encouragement.. xD Ya, I did try my best le.. Btw, after confinement, when your Terry comes home from CC, what will the sleeping arrangement be?

I guess I can't find a mummy similar to my situation, taking care of them without hubby at night.. *Super headache*.. Have to brave through the trial and error loh..

Hippo.. As my boy happen to wail & she heard so she ask me bring him in to feed.. Shld jus tell her nvm den let her continue finish clearing the ducts.. Cos my ducts v thick as Wat she said so need more tome soften it den without doing the fifteen for us is easier I guess cos myself do, do awhile my hand ache Liao.. Lols.. Wonder if I wan to ask her again to clear all ducts or I do myself den see if supply increase after few days.. Wat u think? 

Pearly.. My boy same as Urs.. Ebm of 100ml onli last him ard 1 hr wt the most 1.5 hr so feeding fm really makes them fuller & slp longer but these week onwards, my boy slp v little during day time & will ask for milk whenever he wake up even if jus a short nap... Hubby was telling me that we need to get another tin of fm Le cos at the rate my boy drink, abt 10 days he finish 1 tin of fm.. Though I got give him ebm but ss not enough for him & he easily get hungry with ebm... 

Bbgoh.. I'm Already using the bottle filled with hot water way. But after using that to rub, I use my hand rub again cos using hands hv the touch of the lumps beta.. Later during shower, I gotta use hot water spray method hoping it will clear all ducts.. 

Piggy.. Same here! She oso told me alot of scary story on cut the ducts etc.. Den she oso commented that my eyes big so can feel the leak? She even say hv to b careful of my boy getting choke cos eyes too big etc.. But I notice 1 thing is she kept massaging my left breast cos she sitting on my left den kept around if I felt the leak. As for right, not much massage & it dun leak at all.. Either stubborn breast or jus supply lesser so no leak Lols.. Oh ya, she even say I can use the syringe (those feeding baby medicine) to extract those eyes that got blocked. I got 1 eye on my right eye that simply stubborn or blocked. Had yet to try that method.. Another way is hubby suck on it.. 


I donno lei. I very tupid de donni how to differentiate veg.


I got the nursin shawl Liao I don like hehe I don find tat is full length lei donno is I nv c b4 other shawl or wat I don feel safe

Piggy: better continue to massage b4 u pump.. I agreed our side tends to have more blockage. I always massage and pump together..

Mrs chua: tot suppose to see increasing of bm?

Sandy: jia you!! U can get good supply de..

Pearly: hihi.. Long time never see u here... Hugz hugz.. I'm sure u can do it de..

Pink: had a shiok shiok massage? Hehehe

Bbgoh: u're blessed with good good supply.. Heehee I hoped mine will be the same.. Now every 3 hours If I dun pump..

I'll leak milk... -_- I'm getting abt 140 every 3 hour pump:.

Sookie: hihi.. How's everything?


i always massage be4 pump 1 n i always try to clear any blk duct tt is y i dunno y this time round suddenly become so bad.. seriously i v scare of goin thru once more again leh... esp got bb n toddler to take care n the fever v xinku leh...


ya i pay $70 too i read tt home service all $70 regardless how long... mine was 1hr 15min cos v bad la... keke..

Mrs Chua,

hmm i mus say her skill is really gd but her advice on certain thing i dun tink i will follow:p she see my tummy windy n bloated keep askin which ML do it etc den start to promote her own co lol~ but i notice alot of things she say is jus thru her experience what she gather ard may not suit every1 n she told me ameda pump is the best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jus finish my pump finally my supply is back.. manage to pump 140ml after 3.5hr....


i tink ur s/s too gd liao so bobian... cos if sleep on the back the clot will easily accumulate behind the breast...


cos my 1 too deep le.. i did the same when i BF for #1 no prob at all but this time round really dunno y... sumtime even thou u dun feel anthing does not mean no blk 1..

thks for info, rach & hippo. but hippo, u've got a good deal then, cos Avent's S$126 & it's got diffrnt settings, the last time I saw it was y/day, at Mothercare...


seem like yr ss not lose to me woh :p kp it on sure ll incrs u got latch on or total express like me?


I also easy to get lump on both side near armpit so maybe like wat u say can't sleep on back. ll try to sleep on right as right not leak so fast.

these 2days my ss also get block. usually wat I do is I ll pump b4 msg pump till not so heavy or hard then do the msg hardly on the lump & rub whole boobs then pump again & certain angle of way to express also important. I mean to find the milk spray hole. not really must put the funnel on centre of nipple. to me, after msg I ll drag down a bit the nipple then the flow ll start if too straight it won't flow down. this is to me lah so maybe u can find the correct angle I believe u can clear the duct yrself.

Piggy: good supply coming.. Heehee.. Better take care and dun get fever again arh..

Bbgoh: my supply where can win u?? U got so much leh.. I usually express.. But got latch on at nite too..

I think I got my wish.. This little one is a pretty sedated baby!! Hehe!! We shall see.. The sister in the ward told me to enjoy it while it last cos later they will be more awaken! My #1 was crazy from the start..

Latched her and she was quite a good suckler... Then after that she was just drowsy all the way.. The nurse said just try everytime lor.. No sweat.. Will wait it out.. I decided not to room in with Eva this time.. Cos last time Lisa drove me up the wall and I think I want my rest


My Eva is like charissa.. Don't like to open mouth.. And open mouth small small..


The breast lady told you that.. So jialat.. But at least now after massage you feel better.. And can express quite a lot milk!! =) haha!! Everyone has their opinion on which is a better pump.. For me I never really had an issue with blocked ducts.. Hopefully this time round, it will be the same..


Wah!! You look like super confident with breastfeeding.. I think it's true that most mothers should have adequate supply.. If not how did our Asian and human race survive till now.. I agree the problems are with the elders who always think fm is better since it is more solid looking.. Hehe!! Just ignore them lor.. =)

gals... i really feel like cryin my fever is back.. my happiness only lasted 2 hr"(


i did tt too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


any idea if there is any side effect if i take pill to stop BM? n stop all the blk duct pain imm? i cant take it anymore my body n mind r dyin soon...

piggy, better see a doctor! don't go GP anymore. They will prescribe a antibiotic for u if need be.

Don't need to resort to taking the medicine to stop the milk supply if there are other alternatives.

You must take care ok!


Oh dear.. Sounds very xin ku.. Someone in this forum was saying that when you take the pill to stop bf, next time will have much lower supply.. That is if you want a 3rd child..

But ya maybe ask GP to prescribe some antibiotics like what pink said and see how it goes.. If really cannot, then try to reduce pump time and frequency to stop supply.. Try to do it naturally.. The impt thing is to make you feel as comfortable as possible..

Was out from my prison for 2hrs shopping for baby stuffs to bring back to mil's place & settle for baby's shower vouchers.. though 2 hrs but is definitely great [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gerry: heehee ur Eva is like C... mouth small small? Her suckling feels like fish nibbling rite? very gentle that kind? only these few days C's suckling is starting to get stronger....

How is Eva doing? when are u discharging?


piggy, perhaps u shld consult yr gynae and/or a lactation consultant to see what's e prob if u think it's due to yr 'breasts'.

use warm compress. cold compress will also help relieve some pain but don't use cold cabbage unless u wana stop bf cos the latter will shrink and reduce the milk production according to the hosp's sister and my gynae...

I've taken med to stop my milk production dur my #1's time, thr shldn't be any side effects.

Me also struggling n many times, even today, still feel like giving up. BB seems to always wanna suckle and hubby wld always tell me 'think she wanna drink', 'think she's hungry', even though i've just bf her say 10-11 and 1159, bb cried... when I said not yet, he'd walk out of house... haiz, add on to my stress...

When I said(many times liao), I wanna give up, he didn't seem very willing but he didn't push me either. My hub's more hands-on with our #1, but tis time round he seems to be less involved. Still want another girl, NO WAY!

