(2011/04) Apr 2011

Sandy, bathin n collect AKk jus ask ur hb go collect ?

But I thot pray mus nt be over 30 day leh ur boi more than 30 day alr rite??



haix Tmr hb workin some more got OT lo. He apply leave co don allow some more ask him stay behind n work sian so tmr I got to do myself.

Tmr jux nice 30days wor he is born on 16mar [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh god ya hor alamak I nv go count wor until u tell me I keep thinkin 16 mar to 16apr is 1 mth. Nobody at hm knew abt it.


yeah yeah so tmr is my free day or I shld say now is my free day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


cos even 1 mth it shd be 15 Apr wor cos mar gt 31 day leh.. Cos my boi 1 wk younger than ur BB mah n his 30day is 19 so I was thinkin urs can't be mah.. Full mth celebration 1-2 day late it ok 1 but praying I only know must within 30 days I no expert in this maybe u check with ur IL?

Elmo.. The one from kiddy palace though is wrap round de but I find it too short for me in terms of length. Maybe becos I'm big sized so the cloth like not enough for me, felt in secure to use it as got an opening which is quite big for me.. 

Hippo.. How come u dun like the brand?

Piggy.. Maybe they slot their appt according to locations? Btw, when will b our boy's 30th days? 22/4 ah? I doing full mth on that day den praying oso on that day.. Din know must pray b4 30th day.. 

Sandy.. So fast end our confinement Le.. Can really enjoy life [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats Gerry.. Jia you! Ur turn Le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


good that your gynae see you in a week. My gynae should have done so!

What's the 30 days thingy that you all are talking abt?

Regarding EBM, if I managed to pump 30ml on LB and 40ml on RB. When warming up, can I combine both together in a milk bottle to warm up?

Can I also combine milk from yesterday's pump and milk from today's pump?

When warming up, my CL uses HOT water in a bowl and soak it for 10mins. Is this considered too hot? Remember in the course that we should soak it in WARM water.


What pray? How to pray?

Mrs. Chua,

Just the feeling... Like sometime we first sight dun like sum1 aldy... Haa haa haa...


Yes, u can mix... But the date on the packaging must stated the earliest date. Eg. In ur case shld log as est date... Normally I only mix my ebm for the same day to avoid confusion to myself...

CANNOT use hot water... Hot water will spoil all the nutrient in our ebm... Pls use warm water only...

I find CL dunno much about heating up ebm... Even my CL she is very pro BF... She also use hot water until I told her cannot... So pls take note...

Mrs chua,

our boi 30 day is 21 Apr mah..

Hippopolai /sapphire,

usu Chinese they will pray dunno to ancester or god .. Sorry I no expert details I dunno cos usu my IL will settle..


Oh... No wonder... Haa haa.. We never do coz hubby ancester not here... We definitely do it after 30days de... Kekeke...

Piggy.. 21/4 ah.. But Duno leh.. Mil say go pray on 22/4.. Sinc baby shower on that day den we Js follow..

HiPpo.. Ok.. We tried den if gd, let u knOw ok?


usu i wun get involve in the prayin 1 1 IL they will jus prepare n pray so i bochap 1...

Mrs Chua,

hahah nvm la they happy can liao as long as it their idea...


only pray i heard mus be4 day 30 .. celebration 1-2day late ok 1..

Any recommendations on restaurant for full mth celebration?(preferably with room avail.)

Wld it be inconvenient esp when we hv to bf midway...

sapphire, me too, was thinking if to get a bottle/food warmer y/day after my trip down to my gynae's... cldn't decide btwn the Mothercare's or Avent's so end up didn't buy. It seems like the Avent's better though but does it really warm the milk automatically to an appropriate temp?

Morning mummies... Woke up in the morning and leaking milk.. So pump out and boy Woke up after I finished.. Fed him, SIL helped to bath him and now he's asleep.. =)

Gerry: no updates yet?

Hi ladies,

My little bunny girl Eva Choo Wen XUAN came to this world on 16 april 2011 at 0159. Natural with wonderful epidural.

Birth story:

15 April: irregular contraction the whole day

7.30 pm: starter having contractions every 10 mins. Decided to have dinner first before heading down!! Haha!! =)

8.45pm: made way to hospital

9.30pm. 5cm dilated

9.45pm: epidural in and gynae broke water back

10pm: 8cm dilated however after that did not really progress and everytime I had a strong contraction, baby's heart rate drop.. They made me turned side and it got better.. ( turns out cord was around body and partially around neck)

12midnight: gave me something to awaken my contractions as still not progressing

12.15am stopped the medication as my contractions became fast and furious and baby finally descending

1.30am: 10cm dilated!!

1.59am: 3 pushes, a 1cm tear (gynae didn't do episiotomy) and Eva was out!!

She's suckling alright! Round 2 of breastfeeding!! Here goes..

Hippopolai: cannot use hot water to warm milk?

To warm milk

Heat water in a cup or other small container, then place frozen milk in the water to warm; or

Use a bottle warmer.

NEVER microwave human milk or heat it directly on the stove.



Looks like Xuan is popular character for girl girl~~~ my girl girl is Ying Xuan~~~ haa haa... Which Xuan u use???


Looks like the waiting club left u haven pop leh... Faster lar.. My neck long liao... Lols~


Congratz!!! rest well


u nvr wake up in the midnight to pump?

seem like many of u can just slp thru the night dun need to wake up to clear the boobs huh so envy

Gerry finally baby is out !!!!! No more itch. Congrats

Yesterday you all talking about mdm rokiah so she is good huh can I have her contact ? Don't know whether need to wait long for her appointment?

Now my Vianne has this little rash or pimples on her face I hope it will go off soon. Is it because of heat?

Thanks ladies.. =) very happy finally she wants to come out.. Almost the same time as #1!! =)


My #1 is called ying XUAN too!! The XUAN is re plus XUAN bu.. That XUAN.. Can understand?? I am quite a potato So cannot express chinese too well!! Haha!!

Hippo, tweety,

Ya cannot put in hot water de.. Must be body temp water.. 37-40 degrees.. And for frozen milk, should thaw overnight in fridge.. Fast thawing can destroy the ebb's goodness..


If you don't mind, why don't you buy a shawl and then you don't have to excuse yourself from the celebration.. Just feed at your table?

Piggy wow this mdm rokiah very popular wor from the look of the website. It states 58 if done at her place.

No way to clear the heat rash?


Haa haa haa.. I din know Lisa call Ying Xuan... So coincident!!!!! Think ur Xuan is 暄 right!? My Jovie is 盈萱. =D


Mrs. Chua mentioned yest 1 hr coz her boy is time to drink milk Liao they stop to let Mrs. Chua feed her boy...


U r blessed with free flow.. Dun envy us k... U express 3 mth can last like 1 year lor.. We express 3 month can last for 3.5 mth we must laugh at a corner Liao.... Lols~


yes she is v popular tt time I had #1 many ladies engage her service as well hmm I din ask how much they charge leh..

Heat rash I apply the California baby cream..

Hippopolai ,

okok cos tryin to guage sigh think she will nt be on time then.

Gd morning!


I find the fish n papaya soup not nice leh... A bit fishy. Ate e fish but the soup I just left it there...

Im feeling horrid today. Stitches feel majorly swollen cuz I'm having multiple tear... Now still v hard to get down of bed to walk.... Once walk I can't really sit down. Normal or not?


the brand is california bb Calendula Cream watson also got sell... yes it helps my bb also got lotsa heatrash after apply 2-3day now no more..


ya finally she slot me after waitin 1 whole day yesterday n till now she haven come zzZZZzzz~


oh dear u havin multiple tear ah.. tt awfull i had tt when i had #1 was in v v bad pain for wks.. get ur HB to buy float..


my girl also have heat rash but only last 1 day & I din apply anything.


aiya. but I noe some ppl boobs really can kp the milk ler, nw I have to stick on breast pad 24/7.

so sleepy.. hb is working, #1 not goin cc I can't rest le. must entertain her

Gerry: congrats!!!

Gerry/hippopolao: No la.. I never used hot water to defrost frozen milk... The earlier msg I copied from Kellymum de..

Bbgoh: yes.. I woke up at nite to post.. But never log in.. Heehee.. Cannot dun pump.. I'll feel uncomfortable.. This morning when wiping my body.. I was leaking milk sia... Hahaha

Michelle: the one we drink taste nice leh.. No fishy smell...

Congrats Michelle n Gerry! Have a good rest n nurse ur body k..

Mum05 and Sapphire,

The same happened to me! CL kept heating up my EBM in hot water even aft i told her to heat oni in warm water..she says it's warm, but to me it's hot! So it's difficult to define wat's warm n wat's hot to different ple..fed up, i went to buy the pigeon milk bottle warmer so at least i noe the milk is being warmed up at 40*C..n apparently it keeps the milk at tt temp..u may wanna consider tt..wanted to buy the Avent one, but it doesn't state temp tho..


I drink no fishy smell de... Nice yummy yummy!!!!! I miss TMC papaya fish soup again~~~~ sob sob....

Maybe ur tolerance on fishy smell is low while mine n Tweety higher??? Haa haa...

God... Sounds like u'r gonna in pain for quite some time... Please take care!!!!!


I using lucky baby also no stated temperature... But once the beep sound I try put my finger in to test the water temp, it's slightly higher than my body temp so I assume it's ok!????


Pls skip that part... Wahahaha... I dun really read up the website leh... Anything I'll just ask here de... Experience mummies is better than 1 kellymom!!!!!!!


she reach on time? Mdm rokiah left my pl at 1115am

hippopolai/ mrs chua

mention u all when havin the message. She is real gd I nv c so much milk oozin out frm my breast lo haha


try her try her I'm surprise tat I can still c milk lo she say I got milk jux tat got big big lump mux dissolve n got lots of eyes wil produce lots.

She oso advise me wat to eat wat not to eat. Very gd. Hehe


There's a beep sound aft the water's warm? That's gd..the pigeon one no sound..oni got light..Hehe should b fine ba..or u can b kiasu n put a thermometer in..whaha..

Oh ya, when u gg bak woody for checkup? He took off my dressing on thu le..2 weeks post partum..no more bleeding..hope it's healing! But the scar looks damn ugly now..n hubby says looks like there's 2 stitching lines! Machiam sew sew halfway not enuf thread then continue w another thread like tt.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] n there's a little bump there tink tt was the spot tt was bleeding..shall ask him wat's gonna happen to tt bump..

oh rach n hippo, how much are the bottle warmer u ladies hv got?

Also, can they fit any size of bottles?

Full mth topic : I was told that it goes on the same date of birth? Like say if the bb's born on 15th March, then full mth wld be on 15th April...

Hippopolai: hahaha.. I never really read that website.. Anything ask Gerry better.. She's our adviser.. Haahaa... I think maybe our taste bud more high tolerance.. Heehee..


The avent one n the pigeon one are bout the same price. I bought my pigeon one at kiddy palace. $70+. Not sure bout hippo's lucky baby one.

N bout the full month celebration, according to my mum she goes by chinese calender, like my gal born on 二月二十六,she says dun go past 三月二十六 lor..

