(2011/04) Apr 2011

Morning mummies~~~~

Mrs. Chua,

Thank you for provide the link! Looks like u have become our forum new shopping queen after pink liao!!!! Lols~~~


U'r blessed to have supportive mom... Sure u will success on the moo moo career with elderly support!!!!!! Jia You!

Mummies who had bb girl,

Any1 going to pierce bb ear hole like soon???


Better pierce when they r still young. I wanna pierce my #1 nw but at her age is too dangerous worry she dun like ll pull it out or ll cry when piercing. my Sil's girl did when she was 7days but is PD did for her at indo

Morning mummies!!!

Vivi: initially at the hospital.. My boy dun wanna latch on too.. The LC that came to see me on the last day guided me and encouraged me to try.. I've managed to latch him on... =) Jia you and dun be stressed on the amount of milk u produced..

Aries: it's normal.. Cause we have lots of wind in our tummy ma:. So it's normal to fart.. Heehee

Gerry: hugz hugz... Endure.. U're reaching the finishing line.. Try not to scratch arh..didn't ur gynae gave u some medicine to apply for puppp??

Hippopolai: hope the nursing bra fits u.. Heehee.. =)

Evelyn: 2 hours interval?? Too fast ba.. U delivered on the 8th also?? For me I pump ard 3-4 hours each time abt 15mins.. Remember u need lots of rest and no stress.. Dun hurt ur boobs.. U're lucky that ur mummy is supportive.. Jia you!!

Hippopolai.. I onli save the link, no go buy yet so I'm still not the shopping queen hehe thought I saw u going vs buying bras or something for ur asset? Guess u will b the shopping queen la haha

wow, u so fast gonna pierce ur dayghter's ears to let her wear nice nice earring ah? 

Hi mummies,

Is there anyone like me who has to go through c-section for no.2 because the first one was also c-section? I hope to go for natural birth this time but gynae doesn't seem to encourage. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] btw, my no.1 was emergency c-section(umb.cord entangled my boy's neck). Did your gynae explain to you why you need to go through c-section again for the no.2? When my gynae told me to go for c-section, I had no doubt as I thot if first one was c-section, no.2 will automatically be c-section too so I didn't ask gynae why I couldn't go for natural birth. But recently, I heard that some mummies did go for no.2/3 natural birth even if their no.1 was c-section, I started to wonder why my gynae never encourage me to do so. My friend told me 'some gynae' prefer c-section as they can control the timing. If it is really true, that's mean they never put patients' interest in heart?? Any mummies can kindly advise on this? Thks .[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya trying to hang on.. Dr got give cream but no use de.. As soon as I touch the spot.. It gets super itchy!! And on e you scratch cannot stop!! Sigh.. I think itchy worse than pain..


You are just 5 days post partum.. Be patient and just continue to latch on if you.. Baby is the best pump in the world.. They can suck more milk than any pump can pump out once you and baby master the art of latching and suckling. In my first month of bfing, I was latching my girl almost every hour.. I believen that the first 2 months, best to do demand feeding rather than schedule feeding cos you must let baby determine how much supply they want you to have.. Then once milk supply stable Liao u can start setting schedule.. Schedules are created by mummies not babies.. Babies sleep when they want to, eat when they want to..


Yes, same thinking as bbgoh... Pierce now easier to take care of the wound... Coz they purely on milk now... Imagine after 2nd month almost very month they have vaccination to follow up... Might have to worry abt side effect from the jabs... Might as well I do it now~~~ yippee!!!!!


Hi 5!!!!! I also dunno where to go leh... Hope to look for those old method de rub ear till hot n swallen then use needle to poke instead of those machine gun to 'tap'... That type like too strong on our bb girl leh... But I doubt S'pore still have ppl do it use old method... If no choice will look for reliable clinic to do for her lor... I saw some clinic provide piercing service... Need to search abit... Update each other ya!

Mrs. Chua,

Ok... Me just finish browsing thru VS webby... They got no size for my boobies!!!!!!!! Ok lar ok lar... I'm the shopping queen after pink!!!! Lols~ dare not go to Gap/ON webby.... Scare I really go chiong bb girl cloth... Kekeke...


Have u talk to woody on ur wish that u want vbac? I spoken to him when I was in my 2nd trim... He is ok with my suggestion that I wanna try vbac... But in the end I still choose c-sec due to some reason... I think I told u b4 right!?

On the c-sec day I chit chat with him abt this vbac thing while he is stitching me up... He told me the reason that all gynae would comment on vbac: higher risk to go vbac coz if *touchwood* ur previous c-sec wound rupture during u vbac... High chance bb will b gone... & dangerous to mummy too... even the anesthether also said the same thing when I ask him abt the vbac thing... But i asked him if i have #3 n wish to try, will he do vbac, he said yes, if i want, he can try for me... Coz I really buttock itchy wanna try natural birth if I plan for #3.... Haa haa... N I'm very comfortable with him for both my pregnancy...

For Woody, yes... Sometimes I felt that he tends to choose simple n easy way for him... But if u request to hv ur own birth method by communicate with him... He will still respect ur choice... He is those won't say much but if u ask or request, he will answer or follow ur plan... Take initiative to communicate... Coz he is STONE man.... Kakakaka...


Btw i did not drink any of the recommended soup that says will improve milk supply.. I just drink plenty of fluids in general..


I was just reading lor.. But I don't know how true that too much is no good.. But I have heard of people who drink SO much water, that their body system start shutting down.. But I think that is extreme case lah.. Just drink whenever you feel like drinking.. And drink before and after feeding baby..


I had it since 36 weeks.. So now about 3 weeks bah.. Sigh..


It also depends how confident and pro natural your gynae is..some gynaes just prefer not to take the risk of vbac although now more and more people are opting for vbac.. But yes i do feel some gynaes like c-sect and induction cos they can control schedule and plus c-sect makes more money for him!! You can discuss with your dr and sees what he says...

Quite a no. Of our April thread mummies went through vbac...


I thought got 2 mummies.. No ah?? Hehe!! I also know several friends who have done it lah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So young pierce ah.. I only pierced my eye when i was in pri school leh.. But now my Lisa is 2 years.. Don't think I will do it till she is older and if she wants to!! Haha!! See whether she vain or not like mummy!!

Oh.. Shopping online.. Sigh.. I am a sucker for these things.. As soon as i go to any of the website, i sure itchy finger want to buy.. I think I got 3 parcels of stuff that I am waiting for!! Wah hahah!!


You thinking of #3 already!! Li hai!! My hb says he keeps dreaming of us having 3!! And then i told him then he better sleep more and dream only!! Haha!! Although i do think sometimes having 3 would be nice.. Never tell him though.. Hehe!!=)

Hippoplai..Vs dun hv ur sizes? Thought all these European countries sizes are bigger? If u go gap/on, think u will b our no. 1 shopping queen Liao.. Even pink hv to step aside or u can drag her along cos girl girl easier to buy clothing.. Got an idea, Maybe next time we can order together from gap/on den share share shipping cost? 

Gerry/hippopolai.. U all already thinking of number 3.. That's fast.. Actually I miss the pregnancy part though tired to carry a ball around but I can rest whenever I wan unlike now, I wan to zzz more, my boy will wail asking for milk or something Lols 


Me too waiting for 3 parcels!!! Oops... Haa haa haa... I think think nia... Cannot afford to have 3 at this stage... Maybe 3-5 years later if financial more stronger lor... Then will consider... Woody dun wan ligate me mah... So change topic to vbac then shun bian ask him if he does vbac then shun bian dream of #3 lor... Kakakakakakaa...

But then the 2nd day while I still hosp n when I look at my little Jovie, I really think of the possibility to have #3... Amazing!!!!!

Hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Finally got a bit of time to come in.

I'm still in hospital. Din come in cos find using iPhone or iPad to surf n post very troublesome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will be discharging tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya, 2 lucky mummies here went thru vbac successfully in our forum here... I'm the unlucky one that my notti boy doesn't want to come out earlier before my ultimate date via vbac... Neverthelss, I am thankful that he's born healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks to all the mummies here for your well wishes!

Ya, I think I managed to do total latch on so far. Only on the first day when bb was born, pd tested that his glucose was low so ordered to give him 20ml of fm. That was even before I got out of the op theatre... After that, he's been on my breast since [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm very happy with this achievement so far, hope I can just continue. Yesterday got colostrum liao, and this morning after latching bb, saw traces of milk on the edge of his lips [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So far I can remember is baby26 lar... Jtho din vbac successfully... She c-sec in the end...

Mrs. Chua,

Can can... Next time we organize.. Not this month pls... My bill burst liao... With all the hosp, CL, confinement food bill... Wahahahaha... Next month still have electricity bill... Headache... Gap/ON has alot nice baby boy cloth lor... I dare not go into their website since Terry birth!!!!! Kakakakaka... Cannot resist...

I also miss the day I carry the ball although I love the end product sleep in next room n in CC now... Hahahaha...


Long life! Just mentioned abt u!!! Bb healthy is more important!!!! Wow wow! Seems like u have good start with u moo moo career too!!!!! Jia You!!!!!

Good morning mommies!

Wow online shopping! I like!! I've been receiving lots of parcels everyday. So happy!!!

Drinking too much water

I read it before too. But that's really extreme. Its like ALOT of water...really overdose until crazy kind. Think the kidney cannot process or something..that's why. But I don't think we will reach that stage lah.

These few days not much action huh. Maybe waiting for us Apr end mommies. Hahah!!

Nursing Tea

Think Yolk Sac has given a link in gmarket for the tea. Cost only $5. Can check it out! So cheap!!


I use pupsik's nursing shawl which is the one MRs Chua posted

It covers EVERYTHINg and I like it very much. Think rach in mar thread has a ongoing spree on it. You can ask her.

Morning mummies,

Today morning tummy v v tight but told bb can only come out nxt mon .......


ON/gap webby is v nice to shop can jio some mummies here to buy together n share shipping cost .... Look out for their dress n legging

U can try Mark n Spencer got v nice bra n comfortable I bought 2 pc for $49 last wkend if u wan can try mothercare also got cheap cheap one if got mothercare member got 10% discount .....


Hi!! Yes so long your boy healthy..=) good start to your moo moo career!! Jia you!!

Hippo, mrs chua, gin, sy

So bad!! Shop and shop!! Hehe!! Now some more US exchange rate is $1.26!! All time low!!=)


Ya waiting for us.. Sigh.. But looks like yours is coming soon.. I still don't know when.. Later will be going for check up.. =)


Talk about Gap/ON u appear liao... U r officially their spokeswoman... Haa haa haa...

I bought M&S before... I find their support not as good as Triump or Wacoal leh...

Hi mummies,

need advice:for baby's head,Understand the most impt is at front and back..when we bottle feed baby,the back of head pressed against our hand...is this fine?

For burping,my daughter tends to jerk her legs and hands wen I burp her..anyone encounter this before

Morning mummies

Finally got access to Internet...


Anyone wan my gnc bottle? Only took a few and will sell it cheaply..

Online shopping

Yes, pls count me in.. I'm a fan of vs too. Always buy their panties..


Next Monday? Soon then.. Jia you..


Erm, what is it?

jojo, i feel as long as baby is born healthy, watever birth method not impt, so not worth taking the risk

If i'm u, i'll take it that if baby never come out naturally before the scheduled csec date, mean predestinated that baby will be born via csec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mommies!

im still waiting... so boring. recently here not much action also ah. hahahah.


vbac is vaginal birth after caesarian.

mrs chua

did you buy the mon petit jardin nursing poncho? or are you planning to buy? is the poncho good? if it's good i wanna buy too.

piggy + pink

hope you're both feeling much better today. have a speedy recovery!


soon liao. few more days more only.

re: online shopping/ON/GAP/VS

i also want to join in... however, im thinking whether i can still fit in all my pre-preg underwear. oh and VS bras can buy online only. the rest can choose to buy online or at their store at resort world sentosa. but forget about going to sentosa (so far), buy online is much much cheaper.

Hi Hippopolai,

I didn't tell him that i wanted to have vbac as I wished to listen to his opinion first. :p Never expected him to straight away asked me to go for c-section. Oh...I think you did mention to me that you were going for vbac for ur no.2 but u didn't share with me why in the end you still chose c-section. May I know the reason?

Oh ya...I did hear something like the vbac is on higher risk. But seems that some gynae still very encouraging on that but not Dr woody.

Last time when I delivered my boy...he discovered my no.1 heart beat dropped, he also let me made the final decision as in did I want to go for emergency c-section as the situation didn't look so optimistic. I reckon we still have to 'trust' our own gyane.

Yaloh...he is indeed a STONE man! I don't know if I got the 'courage' to 'chat' with him..haha. When I asked him about taking the bb out before 40 weeks...he started to share with me about the still birth thingy...so scary. :p

Hi Gerry,

I agree with you Gerry. Haha...but it is too late to seek for his opinion again because tmlr is my c-section date!! Ytd I had a chat with my friend, she kept asking me why my gynae never let me go for vbac...so I started to wonder. Thus, I hope to get some advises from some mummies here in the forum...I guess I've to clear all my doubts before i enter into the opt room tmlr..haha.

omg.. toking abt online shopping seems all mummies very awake.. hehe.. ok, we shall have a spree for on/gap.. but not now la, cos I admit I oso broke like hippoplai.. buffet itself already sucking 1mth salary liao.. so let my pocket recover 1st..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yoti.. my boy likes to stretch himself after his milk milk so very hard to burp him too.. I have to let him settle down 1st den can burp.. but accoreding to PD, they say if he did not burp but fart oso ok.. as long as the wind comes out from either top or bottom.. hehe

tweety.. ur ss realli gd leh.. me still catching up.. I noticed from ytd, every 3 hrs pump, my supply will be @60ml but if I drag to 5hrs pump, supply will be 70ml.. so weird.. onli 10ml more? haizz..

jtho.. rest welll ok? as long as bb is healthy, that is the most impt thing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gerry.. though exchange rate is gd now but we dun have extra $$$ to shopping.. btw, wan to check with u.. how many times can I use the glass bottles? though my supply is low, today supply always cannot meet today's demand.. so I kept recyling using those glass bottles.. based on the status now, I dun have to buy any milk bags yet right?

piggy.. hope u r alright now.. rest well.. take care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


mei is right. As long as baby is healthy and well, whichever method of delivery is not important. Trust your doc ok?

all the best for your delivery tomorrow!! Very soon you can hold your little darling in your arms!!


yeah, update us aft your visit ok? I seem favorable for birth, but might not happen. Heehee!

Online shopping

I want! I like!! I love USD rates now!! So cheap everything!! hehehe!

Gerry.. need to check with u..

-> If baby does not finish milk at one feeding, it may be refrigerated and offered at the next feeding before it is discarded.

u mean if my boy cannot the EBM in the bottle, I can keep it back inside the fridge and offered to him the next feeding?

another thing is I noticed my EBM kept inside the fridge will have a layer of milk resuidual on the bottle, can I shake the bottle a little b4 pouring the EBM into my milk bottle b4 warming up?

Hi Mei,

You're right, Mei. Just that I am feeling so discomfort with this pregnancy. My pelvic pressure/pain is so strong...HIAZ...just can't imagine after that I still have to 'tahan' the c-section pain.

Haha..ya...I got 1 more day to go before the c-section tmlr. Pray that the bb will be guai guai and come out only tmlr. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, your edd is 28/4 so you're going for natural birth rite? Sorry, I have very poor memory. :p

morning ladies...

Michelle/Mrs Chua,

thanks... sigh still same fever still up n down n it day 3 alr...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wah so gd i jus pump only manage to get 60ml all time low manz... half of wat i usu get only... yawn~

vivien, duno why, the video just dun work when I clicked onto them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

gerry, when i 1st tried re-latching her on, it was still ok for the whole day except super sore nipples.

y/day was no good leh, she'd fall aslp on one B and then wake up 1/2-1hr later for feed, I'm now super tired & feeling zombie... when she does that, I'd try not to pump out the other B, but juz now I gave up, pumped out watever's left in it, haiz... Sure she's gg to cry for milk later and I duno wat to give her liao-probably FM...

If I latch her on at say 9am to 10am, and she wakes up for feed again at 12pm, that's an interval of 2 or 3 hrs ar?

Wow, u dare to fall aslp whilst yr bb's latching ar, I dare not leh, afraid that I'd drop her... I don't mind to latch her on for feeds but I don't wanna be a walking pacifier leh, really duno wat to do. Maybe just give up the whole bf idea...


Hehe ..... Their clothes r so nice n w the us rate nw buy 3 to 4 pcs at ON/GAP can only buy 1 pc over here ....

U can try mothercare brand I find e support not bad ....


Yeah counting down to Monday I hold my bb bunny gal .....


Yeah turn soon too who knows ur water bag might break this

wkend n give birth earlier than me .....

Morning mummies..


Help me update my bb born on 6 apr n weight is 2.625kg

Birth method:natural


Try to drink more red date drink,Milo,abt 2-3 Litre also try to rest n relax cos stress will cost milk to drop.


I will be bring bb to pierce ear but have not decide when yet as my #1 pierce around 8 mths


i dun think my waterbag will break naturally. until today, still no sign of bb wanting to be out other than lots of aches here n there. but i visiting gynae this weekend so think will induce this weekend if not will be overdue. haha

can anyone advise if the drip that is poked into our hand is painful? do they give any painkiller or something? cuz the needle's gonna be inside for hours and wouldnt it be painful if you move your hand?


once the needle poke in not painful liao jus try to minimise movement... even Epi they will poke on ur hand[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats!! u got use any epi?


do rest more... dont overwork yourself. :D


really envy you all.. can bring daughters to pierce and next time can buy pretty earrings/studs for them + dress them up.

