(2011/04) Apr 2011


since near ur workplace can jus dropby n try ur luck mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yeah finally goin to KO...


Your mother quite the feisty one.. This type best to avoid any confrontation if not can be quite nasty.. Never mind, you don't see her too often, it's ok lah.


I paid $20.80 for 1 bottle of 20 pcs.. to be collected on the 28th Jan.. I think the price will increase by the week.. Last week I went to pay deposit at the cambridge road outlet, I saw quite a no. of bottles on display..


ya she is the type she can comment u but u cannot comment her 1.. so usu i jus keep quiet n walk away n yes i seldom see or if best dun see better cos when she call me means she wan sumthing from me...

wah really gettin more ex.. for walk in the 20pcs 1 only $15 wor..

On my way go home..., YEAH!!!!!

Piggy/elmo, my son's nanny only irritates me for half a day lar... When I post in afternoon I'm ok aldy... Nvm lor.... Another 1.5mths left... Hee hee... So long my son is happy n healthy, I'm ok... Actually we pick up our son abit late yesterday... I know she has family also lar, just that I can't tahan is only 1 time incident she also must give me face lor... She got anything ask me not to send over I also never do that to her... But sometimes u treat ppl nicely cannot expect ppl will treat u back the same... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 看开就不难过了

Gerry, thanks! Will send my son to the clinic if he not recover by weekend...

Hi mummies.. Was really busy from ytd till today omg.. Today going bk earlier hoping can rest early.. My back aching since morm den jus now training for 3 hrs, was sitting on stool, no back rest, so kin Xu, think add up my aching.. 

Hippo.. Ya, pass to sandy easier for u & me.. Anyway thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sandy.. Thanks.. I will pm u my number later in fb ;) btw, I oso haven get much except stroller & some passed down clothing from piggy & hippo.. Sterilizer.. That all.. The rest will settle either by feb or mar ba.. 

Pink.. Ur parsley gave u such a nice pic.. Mine everytime can't see him properly de., going for gynae check up. Going to ask gynae for a nice pic cos those previously ones, nt nice.. Dun even see him properly.. By will toking to my boy b4hand works?? Oh ya.. The way u describe Ur tummy each time is so funny.. 大包加蛋 lols

Tweety.. Ur tummy really look small as compared to all our tummy.. But like wat u all said, as long as baby healthy will do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tweety, you not big la. My tummy is really much bigger!

piggy, e maidenform one is for whole body or only tummy? How much izzit? Anyway for my #1 i only did e massage 1 or 2 times then stop le. So dun think it had much effect also.


Ya lor every week closer to cny will increase price. I collect 1 week before cny, so they charge me so much.. Aiyah everything also increase price. The only thing not increasing is our salary lor.. Hehe!!


Thanks for passing the birkies.. It was really nice meeting you!! =)


No problem..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thks piggy. I'll see e website tmr. Now using hp v diff to see. I only want a tummy binder actually. No probs with my breast. Cos too small will never sag! Lol. I find my b din expand so much compared to last time. Preg also no cleavage! Sob. Scarly this time round no milk!

See you all talking abt disposable panties. Last time i just buy normal paper undies.. L size. I still can fit into my normal panties now. But you gals still can fit into ur pre preg jeans? I long time ago cant le!


actually hor till i pop i can still wear my norm panties for #1 jus tt this time round dunno wat came over me go n buy maternity cuttin shit manz... i can still wear pre preg pants but with my tummy pressin down abit uncomfy so i tink soon i cant wear also..

Piggy, me last time c-sec coz cervix din open after 12hrs induce n water bag burst... Woody said since all done but the cervix no respond just go c-sec, no point waiting...

For this time round I decided to c-sec coz I can control my time since we really have no back up to take care Terry, plan to admit in the morning after send Terry to CC then c-sec takes me about 4hrs to wake up from the anesthetic , by the time I wake up I can take care of myself so my hubby can come back fetch Terry n stay with him at night... If natural I dunno will drag how long...


icic.. ya since u alr know ur cervix may not open opt for c-sect is better...so when u intend to c-sect?? i am still thinkin if i shd induce if bb dun wan to come out by wk 38 keke..


dun mention [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nice meeting you too!

for the golf balls, need to pay deposit arh?? the person who took my order didn't tell me leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Piggy, erh... Haven think so far leh... I also just settle the thought of c-sec today... Shld be somewhere ard 38week also... Who knows this time amino fluid not enough again... Have to induce at 37weeks!? Kekeke....

Hi Mummies,

Kindly check which brand of diapers will you introduce for newborn? There are so many brands out there...First time mummies really confused!!!!

Like Pink, I am also stressful on breastfeed....Kindly check if we do not have breastmilk at first, we will use Formula milk...den the Formula milk we should let the baby drink with bottle/cup?


every baby is different... for my #1, he has super sensitive skin, he can only use pampers. during the first few days in hospital, they use drypers on him, he came home with a red butt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i ever tried other brands like mamypoko, huggies, goon, etc on him. but still prefer pampers...

as for feeding milk, i am not the right person to advice u cos i didn't really succeeded on bfing for my #1. so now i just leave it to fate whether i can bfeed or not... but i let my son use bottle la :p


hahha the thot of induce sianz half.. hope bb come out himself after wk 37...


usu for newborn we will use those v cheap brand for my boi he got no sensitive skin i use brand like pet pet i find gd n cheap evern till now i am usin... some even use nTUC cos newborn practically poo after every feed no need buy so ex 1 but if u scare bb sensitive skin buy 1 pack first???

dun stress on breastfeed for me i got little milk so i gave partial FM... hosp got free sample when u discharge get some to stand by first.. for me i spoon feed newborn dun drink alot so ok.. jus keep latchin/pumpin to stimulate the milk... but i bott feed after few day ..


They told me to pay deposit leh.. 50%. maybe u call them to double check..


When I started breastfeeding my #1, I made sure I didn't have formula milk around the house.. My hb also super pro bf too.. I felt like I didn't have too much in the first few days but the lactation consultant told me that I have liquid coming out means I have so I just fed my girl like crazy.. Almost every hour I was breastfeeding.. When my girl wanted milk, I just latched her.. I had sore and slightly bleeding nipples, so I used the lanshioh cream and my own breastmilk to reduce infection..

I must say the beginning can be very tiring and will test your determination.. I was tired and sore everywhere but I didn't have fm so I had to feed my child.. I feel that if u have fm lying around, u'll be tempted to use it and say I will try to express more the next time.. But the more fm ur baby drink, then the demand for ur bm will no longer be there and hence no supply..

But of course if ur baby has super bad jaundice and pd thinks you shld stop bf for a while, then u shld listen to pd.. My girl had slight jaundice but dr said it was ok to continue to bf.. Just don't eat Ginger during that time..

Wah Hippo.. Ur delivery schedule all well planned! But v pack le!

piggy.. You still wanna induce this time ah? I hope bb can auto come out by 37 or 38wks!

Yotti, i tried nepia and goonz for newborn. But after boy gets older.. We switch to pet pet.. Cheap and good. This time round I'm going to try pet pet directly. Agree with piggy.. Buy 1 pack to Try 1st. Cos every bb diff. As for bf.. I use bottle feed directly.. Cos lazy to wake up at nite.. Then CL can help to feed! Hehe.

hi mummies, i have a 1 bottle of NeuroGain (purple colour) available for sale at only $35, DHA320mg. its totally brand new and unopened. Expiry date April 2012. please do PM me if you are interested. thanks!


ok i will call to check tmr

when i had #1, i also did not had any FM at home. then u know what! i dare not discharge to go home even after gynae said i can go home cos i was so scared that i have no breastmilk and baby will starve. i was crying in the hospital until the staff nurse and lactation came in to console me. then they gave me 5 bottles of the sample to bring home and told me to get my family members to help buy the FM. cos i was like going thru depression that i dun even allow my hubby to leave me to go n buy FM [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i was really determined at that time also about bfeeding, but my boy's appetite was so huge that he's practically crying every half an hour! i really cannot cope so have to give him FM... on top of that, i also had pressure from my CL and my sisters to give in to FM cos my boy was crying throughout the night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thinking back, it's quite scary

but this time round i told myself, i will try my best but i will not force it if i really can't!

So pissed off jux now. I reached hm stupid Sis in law confront me ask y I don't let my daughter eat luncheon meat. Tis kind of things oso wan take n argue. Don understand y I can't speak frm a mother's view so shit make me cry. Ren ren ren.


Oh dear.. That must be quite a horrifying experience.. Boys probably drink more than girls.. For me the first night in the hospital, Lisa roomed in with me and it was a nightmare.. I just delivered and I did not sleep the whole night..

The 1st month of an infant life is the most trying for the

mother but yes we should just do our best. We are emotionally fragile during this time and we shouldn't put

undue pressure on ourselves..

One step at a time.. =)

jtho: i seriously don't think every mother can produce that much supply for the baby without supplementing... i've heard of many mothers who tried really hard and it seems like they have very hungry (they keep wailing for milk!!!)babies like your son and no matter how u latch on it's impossible... alot of them BF until their nipples cracked and some even pumped out blood... it's really scary...

So i really think we can try but there's no point forcing urself if the breasts refuse to cooperate... it's not within our control!

Hi mummies,

thanks all for the reply...really appreciate...it's really great to has experience mummies here to share yr thoughts and experiences....yes,indeed it's not easy but I guess we have to try our best...kudos to all mummies!!!!!


at least u have liquid the LC came press n press also nothing n yes boys do drink more so my supply not enough to cover his demand[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


thinking cos if big BB no choice mah hope he come out earlier say wk 37+


actually ard me have many mothers v lucky lotsa milk my sil is 1 so much tt she can gave some to my boi I din really eat supplement jus drink more liquid n the maternal milk n keep pumpin 3 hrly oh v impt mus get the massage lady to clear ur breast milk ducts really helps alot..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] n most imptly dun stress[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

little twin star,

drink plenty of cranberry juice to get rid of the bladder infection.


I also have been sick for the past 2 months plus already (wtih cough & flu), still haven't get well. have been taking eng medicine prescribed by my GP. GP said is due to my hormones change, my allergy has become infection. some of my relatives also said maybe is due to my pregnancy, that is why it take so long for me to recover...For me now, i just treat it as normal coz tired of it already.


Where did you take your prenatal class?


why your family warn you not to breastfeed?

While going thru the thread, notice that some mummy is going to bwaxing before delivery...is it due to hygiene purpose or personal preference?

Can experienced mummy enlighten me... heard from other people that if continue to breastfeed, you are able to delay your period until you have given up on breastfeeding?


Elmo, bo bian... No back up have to plan like that... I also told my hubby if I din wake up by the time he needs to fetch Terry from his cc he can leave first, I'll have nurse to help around after I wake up...

Actually that day my mom did offer her help lar, think she is in good mood that day, but I know her character well... After that sure she will give me some bird talk, so I rather not ask her for help... I don't want turn myself into bird again, lols.... Further, my son never been stay with her since I gave birth to him, don't think he will want to stay there also...

morning ladies...


for me my menses rtn only after a mth i stop BF.. but when ur menses rtn depend on individual some rtn even thou u r still breastfeeding...

as for b-wax it due to both la hygiene n personal preference....

btw u havin boi or gal?

Hello morning ladies

Didnt have a good night sleep because keep waking up on and off .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Now having a headache.

Since on the topic of breastfeeding, will it be strange if I started on using the pump instead of the latching?

Dont know why tummy is hard for a some time

I scare they ask me to latch on but I prefer to use pump ma....Hee hee I pai seh if they ask me to latch on and then I want to use pump.


erm but u dun even intend to try latchin??? cos durin my stay in hosp i will still try to latch first... cos got colostrum the goodness of breastmilk... n the first few day u latch i find my tummy n womb shrink v fast subsequent i use pump liao... but u can ask them for pump to loan u durin ur stay if u wan..but TMC charge i tink..

Fungfung: Tks, Ya ppl oso ask mi 2 drk cranberry or barley 2 clear e infection..

Elmo: i duno hw long ago i nv wear jeans liao, can't fix in man.. all part @ bottom like expand lor, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Toking abt disposable pantie, my sis recommend mi those selling @ john little, material like real pantie leh, but bit ex, $6.90 for 5pce bah..so duno shld i buy a nt, those water de like cannot hold our heavy pad well leh..

Is it those with lower plancenta hard 2 natural delivery??

Little Twin star,

i tink if ur placenta is low cannot natural wor.. did u check with ur gynae??? ya i bott the JL 1... the quality is better u can buy 2 pack ther den the rest buy from NTUC?? NTUC got cotton 1 also but thinner... dun buy paper 1 la we will have v heavy discharge leh wait leak n tear ah.. anyway after u deliver the nurse will let u wear a net panties tt 1 v gd v tight but subsequent is ur own panties..

Ha ha for some reason I got the phobia no milk hee hee since there is benefir then I shall have to latch on for the few times... hope bunny gal dont anyhow bite me....

Since I bought the pump I will bring the pump to TMC so I can get familiarize with the pump soonest

Twin Star yesterday I went Kiddy Palace and went to buy 1 pack of the disposable panties usual price $6.50 and discount is at $4.50 now. Like cotton kind.... I tried yesterday at home can wear so gonna stock up that....

I also managed to sign up for the membership card for Kiddy Palace and also bought the laundry detergent, small bottle of Pureen body and shampoo for baby, 1 changing mat at $4.90 (when I open the packet so big) and 1 pair of mittens...... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

At least clear some stuff liao


got milk anot u will only know after u deliver jus dun stress urself... at least try first? cos i try liao i know i dun like latchin... but dun tink i wan to bring pump to hosp cos too many barang to bring n when u go home will get another goodies bag so do bring a big big bag ....

G'morning ladies,


My period return after 3 months even though I was still breastfeeding.. And the flow is more than usual. I had to change my super plus tampons every 2+hrs!! A few of my friends also experience the same thing too.. Very different from my usual volume. But as soon as I stopped bf, my volume return to normal..


Agree with piggy.. I think the first few days in hospital, you should latch on.. Colostrum is like liquid gold and uber precious so must let baby drink.. It is like concentrated with lots of antibodies which will help boost your child's immunity..


At least you never give up.. Still pumping like crazy to give your boy the best.. =) This time round, all we can do is to give our best..A little worried for #2 cos last time, at least can fully concentrate on breastfeeding lisa but now with 2, don't know how to time manage..



ya i dun wan to stress myself too much jus try to keep pumpin... jus gave i wat i can.. jus realise it time to start the raspberry tea but i haven buy leh... chiam..

i also worry no time to manage breastfeedin... but since #1 will be CC so hope not too bad...

