(2011/04) Apr 2011


i also sleepy... had a small pizza, but dunno which part of my tummy it had filled... like not enough like that... hehehe


i had curry chix with rice hahah but also like not v full but dare not eat more scare later suddenly v bloated again cos usu the effect comes few hr later....

lynn: aiyo.. u better take care k....

jtho: lian rong bao for lunch... i dun eat much de... yesterday had chee cheong fun for lunch.. bloated throughout the whole afternoon.. very xingu...

Sigh .. Think now all our appetites are halved.. The kiddos are pressing against our stomachs right... I keep having a throbbing feeling every now and then coz of her kicking I feel like telling her "hellooo Parsley Ooi u think very fun is it?? Can u lie there quietly n behave urself?? Who taught u to be so naughty in vitro??" baaahhhh

jtho: no la... in fact dunno y... after pregnant arh.. i ate even lesser... last time can eat eat and eat.... maybe my boy dun want me to be fat fat.. hahaaa.. =P


your post made me laugh! :x cause i did the same, but i pat pat my stomach, ask him to guai guai let me have a few hours of peace. didn't work though. he kicked and moved like a storm instead. T.T

is it bb boys more active ah?


i also always tell the little rascal "can u stop torturing mama for 5 mins?" hahaha... but then again, if the lil one "behaves" and keeps still for a while, we will get worried... contradicting!!!

LOL regarding your comment about a dua bao with an egg inside... mine also dua bao as compared to tweety's


i just realised that my boy is 22 mths 3 days ago :p


Robinson having sales..as usual members will have more discount from tmr onwards

Taka having additional 105 for member too


dunno leh feel like eatin sumthing spicy i see bland food no appetite:p

aiyo tummy size not determine by how much we eat la keke... i tink depend on our womb n space keke...


aiyo... u seems to be havin ur MS back again???


no la for bb i find gal or boi.. same wor..

I am back from lunch had tom yum noodle for lunch. Looks like I am the glutton leh....

Yesterday night I had a hard time because my tummy is very hard the whole night. Wonder why like that leh?

lynn/jtho: yah we are like hoping against hope that they can obey instructions right? I also tell Parsley Ooi to behave herself until at night when I want to let hubby feel her kicks then I will ask her to kick leh. But some nights she will purposely not kick. Then I will think in my mind "Excuse me Parsley Ooi, you kick the whole day then now at night I want u to kick then u keep quiet there and pretend that u're so guai? please lar... U think your father will believe u??"


Lynn: My Parsley is a girl. But maybe TOM BOY like me. My hubby says she wants to play soccer already. He wants to teach her how to play next time...

piggytoh & pinkparsley,

oh! but as long as active means everything okay ba? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggy- yah it's coming back... and very on the dot coz I'm 27 weeks this week. ZUN ZUN the start of 3rd trimester. My gastric reflux coming back and it's very bad... heartburn and indigestion also. lie down also uncomfortable. Stand up also uncomfortable. do nothing also uncomfortable.

Have you recovered yet?

Thanks ST[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes they r suppose to move now if they dun move mus take note.... dun worry so much..

jtho: it's good to have a healthy appetite.. i miss eating like nobody's business... now that I can't finish a full potion of food... life sucks


u bear with it k... alr last trim.. we jia you together.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] v soon after pasley is out u can eat like no body business again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggy: good good.. hope u get well soon. I'm having sorethroat and abit of cough and runny nose too so resting at home.. don't wanna go out and infect other pple. Haiz.

PS: U must drink alot of water to clear the phlegm...

piggy: yah..thanks babe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] looking forward to actually looking at Parsley in the face and asking her to better behave herself!!! OR ELSE.....

hahahaha *evil laughter* I will not let you wear any clothes!! let u go naked!! wahahahha

Vivi: ya mi 2!! i can feel bb kicking so hard tt but when i ask hubby 2 touch it, bb stop liao, so funi de lor..i even can see wave on my tummy..

Piggy: Gynae nv tell mi when e result will b out, shld b ard 1 week bah, he onli say if ther a need, he will cak mi back 2 tak antibiotics, if no news mean nothing serious..

Gerry: No, he nv tak ani pap smear leh, juz a sample of my urine.. he told mi bladder infection..


ya thanks.. u take care n rest more.. so ur maid came alr?

hahah let parsley go naked??? lol~ wait she sick u suffer only ah keke...

piggy: nope. coming this weekend if everything goes as planned... Now every weekend got prenatal class... very packed schedule all the way until CNY

pinkparsley: hahahha same lei! my hubby always at night want to feel, then bb don't want kick already! guess whole day kick tired liao. sleeping le.


icic.. me too v pack schedule esp my boi start his wkend class... den mar he startin CC heng my HB clean up the 2 room liao so at least less chores.. but still got many things to do leh..

Little Twin star,

icic.. but maybe call n check when will be ready so u know how long to expect etc?

st: TCM may help if you've already seen western doc & not getting better. TCM medication is milder so would take longer to recover also la. No harm trying lo.

jtho: ya true when bb dancing here n ther inside us, we feel so pain n xin gu, but when they keep still 4 sometimes we tend 2 tink negative again, i tink bb also na men.. wat we 1 them 2 do, kick-boxing we say them, keep still n slp we also say them, lol..

Good afternoon!!!!!!! Sleepy...

In bad mood from morning... Thanks to my son's nanny... Early in the morning show me colour face... sianz... Hope can stop send my son to her place right away....

Pink, hug hug... You rest more okie... Last trim liao... We jia you jia you together... But how come you suddenly stress about the BF again? Don't think about it lar... Can you feed cannot then FM lor...

Me also always pain at hips, now walk really like grandma liao... bth...

Gerry, you ask your fren liao let me know also okie? My son is having phlegm... Me too starts to have liao...

pink: hahaaa... what dua bao... with egg some more.. =P

piggy: no la.. just that if i eat 1 meal.. i will bloat till very xingu.. i dun like....

jtho: my DH always asked me y i eat so little... turn out his appetite increased like no body's business.. haahaaa

vivi: no la... not sinful...

ST: I got recommendation from my FIL's agent so I don't know which agency leh. Mine already in SG this week or last week I think but the agency has to train her to do some basic chores and basic cooking... And I asked the agent to delay bringing the maid to my house coz only 2 of us now it's quite weird to have another person living with us so early. But my hubby's granny keeps insisting that the maid comes earlier so she can teach her how to cook etc so eventually we compromised and let her come in this weekend. I prefer her to come in Feb lor after CNY..can save 1 month's worth of $$$ leh... come in so early I guess I can get her to clean the house for CNY... sigh.

piggy- yah lor i think these 2 months very busy, then around March maybe some of us pop liao.. exciting!! ;)


aiyo how come tt nanny like tt 1.. the prob abt sentin to nanny is even u not happy also cannot say too much cos u nv know wat she will do to ur son[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but cheer up la dun let her affect u.. i also since morning kena a few nonsense from my boss liao... bth~


no doubt i hope can faster March n pop but the thot of the wound pain n confinement i really sian hope can fast forward to May hahah....


gd la sumtime even i bloated i feel like eatin leh at least u eat little u ok ..

