(2011/04) Apr 2011

hippo, get ur mum to standby n help at least for the day u deliver lah. Else v xiong n stressful leh!

piggy, my bb also seem big in the scans. #1 also... but come out.. still v light! No time to see maidenform yet.. when u ordering?

vivi, think hosp will encourage latching ba. They bring bb every 3 hrs for me to latch on.. even at nite. Then after i discharge i express liao.. cos bb got jaundice gotta stay in hosp for a few more days. Then i da bao the milk daily to him. But after CL come i lazy use pump liao. :p

But hor.. bb got jaundice for 1 mth. So pd advise dun eat ginger and too much seaseme oil.. cos his face got outbreak also. Then till now my grandma still nags me for not eating those food during confinement... cos #1 to keep falling sick. I dun believe loh.. every kid go sch sure will fall sick. She keep saying my cousin bu alot.. so her bb seldom fall sick. But her bb havent go to sch leh................

littletwinstar, ya usually the hips will expand. I cant fit into some of my pre-preg pants after #1 out.. permanantly! My bust also expanded permanantly! Only breast shrink back. Sad ah!

For low placenta, unless it moves up later stage.. cant go for normal delivery le. Cos will block the passageway. I buy my disposable panties from watson.. paper one lah.. but no probs for me. Dunno now still have anot.. it find it more stretchable than ntuc ones.


i am onz for the gatherin la but i ask if any1 got better place or stick to Andrea place no sound no news liao.. so i also dunno keke..


u mean all ur scan seems big??? for mine cos measure the head size etc not jus the weight so quite accurate... n my #1 head is indeed big leh... i also scare after #2 my hip wun shrink back..

Morning ladies!

I'm on leave today. Just done my 3D scan. Managed to get bb to cooperate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so happy to see his face... I did the glucose tolerance test also. Now waiting for the 2nd tube of blood to be taken then I can go lunch n shopping liao... Yay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm will try latching on ba since it is also a new experience for me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope Bunny Gal will be gentle with me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

By the way which breast pad is good for disposable ones?


wow so fast do 3D scan liao ah.. dunno my gynae will do 1 FOC for me anot keke.. so how look like ur #1????


shall see the rest cos the response like not v gd...

Morning Mummies


so bwaxing is not a must, is up to individual? Actually i also thought of doing that but scare of the pain so i also dunno how leh.

I'm having a boy.

May i know what is the benefit of raspberry tea that you mentioned you wanted to buy

Little twinstar,

I heard ppl said not to drink too much barley, not good for the womb, but dunno how true lah.. so to play safe, juz drink more cranberry juice.

I also dun like paper disposable panties with pad on, don't feel comfortable as compare to cotton one.

To all those experienced mummies,

Juz want to check, did you gal opt for epi during delivery? Heard some people said got side effect but my friend in the medical industry said there is no scientific prove to show that it got side effect after having epi. I'm still thinking about it but then i know i can't bear the pain without epi..

Morning mummies,

Piggy & Tweety: what! you guys can still fit in your pre-pregnancy jeans? does this include buttoning? i can pull my jeans up but can't button so i'm using a belly belt to hold it up. If you can still button i really "pei fu" you guys.

Fung Fung: i breastfed for 10 months. I noticed that when my supply dropped a little (when introducing solids etc), my menses came but it was a bit.. so maybe i consider that spotting. it was only when i was weaning her off that I had my full blown period. btw, don't think that just because you are breastfeeding and have no menses you can't get pregnant again.

Vivi: don't worry. you can do whatever you want to do.. but i agree should at least try. if cannot, then pump cause i did pump for the first 2 months as my girl refused to latch on.

Gerry: i know how you feel.. not sure how to manage my girl and new baby and having to breastfeed. i hope i can persist to bf for 1 year. Guess the only thing i console myself is.. at least we have bf before so we know how it works.

sookie: yup.. include buttoning.. i bought the belly belt too.. but never used it.. now it's lying at my cupboard....

fungfung: Bwaxing is up to individual.. last time i already do... feel that it's more hygiene...


Date: 12 Feb 2011







tweety / piggy

#2 looks like #1, chubby baby... Hehehe... Think that means look like hubby...

will try to post tts pic later thus evening. now using iPhone, not easy to post [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh.. so for menses to come is up to individual body even if BF.. hmm.. ok.. thanks for the info.


won't it be painful coz have never done it before.. can do it during pregnancy? more hygiene during deliver and confinement right?


the raspberry tea is said to help to increase BM after u deliver dunno how true my milk was pathetic but i din drink consistently for my #1 la so dunno if it really helps...

n hor EPi do have side effect 1... some will vomit, shiver etc.. but if u r talkin abt back ache etc... i feel tt with or without epi after givin birth u will still kena backache 1... for me my only side effect is shiver la but v shiok after takin cos it painless... but will still try first for this time round [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes i can still buttom up but my bottom mostly low waist la tt y.. but now tt my tummy gettin bigger n lower it pressing on the waistline of the pant so gettin uncomfortable..


btw for the b-wax if we wan to book appt do we go thru u or any specific person to look for?


Date: 12 Feb 2011







vivi: it's a saturday... =)

fungfung: ermzzz.. actually now when you're preg.. you will be more sensitive... but to me the pain is bearable la.. i love the after wax feel... =)

jtho: waiting for your post.. =P

Hmm for me I will opt for epidural dont want to make the first experience scary.... unless I can dilate fast then dont need epidural liao.... dont know wor...

Hmm if it is Jurong then must see leh because quite far from my place...


can check ur cough and flu for now it's thru out the day or only during the middle of the night? very sian hor so long..




u change from which hospital to Mount A?


u mean u try not to have epi first..then cannot tahan already then request for it? can meh? coz heard that it takes time to prepare the epi, can decide on that day when you deliver? and usually hospital maternity package will want you to decide normal delivery with epi or without.


good bb corporate leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how i wish that time my bb also corporate

oh...seeing you guys talk about your babies,i am so looking forward to my check up on mon.

at my 6 mths check up, i did have one 3D pic of his face.. mouth looks like daddy.


of cos u can... many mothers did tt.. usu for #1 wun be so fast.. n u mus agar la.. the midwife will keep comin to check ur cervix so if u feel too painful faster request usu within 1 hr the anesthetist will arrive.. usu be4 8cm u can still opt for it... usu jus select natural delivery den if epi is administer they will add on to it 1.. us it $300 for the epi n $300 for the anesthetist..


oh.. so even more painful during pregnancy if want to bwax. so it is safe to do it during pregnancy ya?


hmm.. my cough is more serious during the night when i'm about to sleep (think is due to the back flow as what my GP said). however in btw the day, i also have cough. Once cough, the itch will be there and will cough for quite some time before it can stop for a while. Sometime if i talk too long, i'll also cough non stop...

As for flu, ok now.. is only the phlegm. coz sometime nose can't blow it out, i'll try to make it come out from the mouth so as to make me more comfortable...

Ya lor very sian coz a lot of things i can't eat


oic just to check if back flow ur GP also give u take cough med or back flow med?

for my cause it' always like 4-6am..but don't know why GP gave me cough med leh. but i feel like it's more like back flow..

the fav is chicken and fish leh..hard to control too


oh so the midwife will tell you how many cm is your cervix when they check.. so based on that if before 8cm and you cannot tahan the pain anymore, request for epi? will there be situation whereby by the time anesthetist come, it will be too late to use epi? i scare i dunno how to gauge coz is my #1 and a lot of things dunno yet


oh i didn't know that is common but i know ppl go for that even if not pregnant.. but i'm worry about the pain.


GP also give me cough med and antibiotic to get rid of the green phlegm. As for back flow, i don't think it can control if you have phlegm and flu, the only thing can control is to clear the phlegm so that it won't have any back flow problem

fungfung and st: me too.. i have been having this irritating itchy cough for the last 3 weeks. doc also said back flow and gave me cough syrup and some pills for the nasal but.. still don;t work leh cause I am still coughing esp at night and when sleeping. hate it that my cough wakes me up! i also at wits end.. feel like trying tcm but a bit scared leh. and yes, how to eliminate chicken from the diet.. its hard.

fung fung: don't worry, just educate yourself with information but go with the flow. sometimes, motherly instincts will just lead the best way for you.


yes the midwife will tell u wan... n unless u dilate too fast the midwife will tell u if u still in time to opt for epi... trust me u will know when u need the epi 1... cos when the contraction kick in u will sure know.. best is ask for it early if u know u cmi... dun wait till 6-7cm den ask.. anyway most mummies ask for it when they r abt 5cm dilate..


i also worried abt the pain but the ladies here have been assuring me the pain is bearable so most prob i will try keke...


i had bad cough over the wkend but i still eat chix wor cos hor i dun eat vegie n i dun like pork so v limited thing for me to eat but now my cough recover still so i dun quite believe chix will aggregate the condition dunno the logic also..


oic so the black flow it's more due to phlegm problem lor i tot cough keke



ya lor i already need to wake up so many times just to go toilet then now still have to wake up due to the irritation SUPER SIAN


Date: 12 Feb 2011 (can suggest another date e.g. 5 Feb? see which date got more pp able to make it?)



Mummies who r coming pls add on ur name..





ST: yah i know how it feels.. so sleep is so interrupted! i already saw the doc 3 times, and have finished 4 bottles of cough syrup but.. like not going away leh. headache!

piggy & sookie,

ok.. then i'll juz play by ear on that day and experience it and see how. hope i'll be able to know when to request for epi.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


as for the bwax, you confirm going? where got provide with reasonable rates? is it a maintenance bwaxing (meaning have to go back like a few months time)


ya.. the back flow is due to phlegm problem and due to the back flow, it leads to cough.. so is inter-related one...


i have been having this problem for almost 2 month plus already, don't know visit GP for how many times till lost count but still haven't fully recover yet till now...

As for chicken, i think it depends on individual bah coz that time i ate one small piece of chicken and i keep cough non stop so scare already.. don't dare to anymore.. but CNY is coming, think if didn't recover by then, i'll not care (maybe eat a bit, not to much). I'm also cannot go without chic coz is my fav


for b-waxing we will be tryin pinkparlour but some of the ladies here go to Strip.. whether to go back anot depend on u wor.. if u like it clean clean n bare den u gotta go back every 1-2mth to maintenace bah..


Ya the good thing is we have done it before and know what to expect about breastfeeding.. back to to the good ol' sleepless nights!! Hehe!!The last time I breastfed till 10 months then after that cos I was going for holiday so decided to stop.. Hehe!! I didn't want to breastfeed my girl in Japan.. Didn't know what the culture would be like.. =)

fungfung: my prenatal classes are at Mt A

Vivi: yay u finally bought some stuff for bunny girl! hahaha. Wah but I think you still got outstanding stuff to buy right? LOL you bought Pureen small shampoo and body wash for bunny girl? I got like multiple sets somemore.. wahahah I bought Mustela 1 set then I saw Kodomo got offer also at Watsons so I bought another 2 bottles...Almost tempted to buy Sebamed starter pack also :p Then disposable undies I bought 3 packs already 2 packs Watsons 1 pack from NTUC to try... My backside so big like hippopotamus don't know which one can fit lor! GRRRRR!!! Milk bottles I already bought 1 pack Pigeon starter pack and 1 pack of Bfree [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Nappy rash cream also bought Sebamed and Mustela liao.

Anyway alot of things I got duplicates I think Parsley don't need supplies for 2 years wahahaha!!! OOPS. Last weekend I wanted to buy another dress for Parsley supposedly for her 1st month bday but my hubby said "I thought u planned her wardrobe until her 3rd birthday already?" Blearghhhh. Then after that we walked away then he asked again "are you sure you don't want to buy? Parsley's wardrobe is going to explode but er, I guess another dress won't hurt." WAHAHAHAH :p But in the end never buy lar. No space to put liao very soon


Hello Pink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah I got somethings for bunny gal.... yup still got outstanding stuff yet to buy like mattress, bumper, nappy cream and left those home clothes for bunny gal...

I bought the small bottle in case bunny gal dont like it if she likes it then I will go Malaysia to buy cheaper can save... since bunny gal needs to go back to Malaysia for full month...

Wah Pink dont need so many toiletries for Parsley ba she no like us leh so you buy until you out of control... I think you addicted liao...

I also got milk bottles and sterilizer liao... can see the collection of her things is growing ... cant wait for her to pop only...

Oh by the way any recommendation on mattress bumper and wet tissues? Saw Kiddy Palace has sale on that...

