(2011/04) Apr 2011

gals any way to get rid of stubborn phlegm...

piggy sigh right when they are out of town..my hubby told me he might be gg out in March..i told u u hao yi shi huh..he replied my why not hao yi shi i got work not play arggggg


morning mummies ......

vivi, did u go united sq last sun. not sure if i mistaken wrongly. :p

like some advise from you all mummies, is it ok to do slight reno at home now? want to customarise a study table & bound to have some banging & knocking sound. But i will stay away the house that few hrs. Can anot huh?

Told hb to do it after i delivered like jun/jul, he said 'cant wait' that long wor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I know there is this chinese herb buy from TCM very good for phlegm but I don't know whether suitable for pregnancy or not..maybe can check it out.. My friend took it and then all her phlegm came out.. and she felt good after that.. her daughter also took it..


ya lor sian... for my HB bobian la cos his is under govt mah... n he dun go now later will still need to go... so no diff...


jus absent urself from the house durin reno works shd be fine[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


actually he will only come back end of Feb so if i pop in March quite rush cos lotsa things to do..tink mus start washin bb clothing etc soon..

OH ya, those of you who need to buy the maternity disposable undies, you know at Chinatown got the Pearl Ctr hawker then upstairs got all those cheap toiletries? I go to OCEAN all the time & they sell maternity disposable undies~

Oh ya, then there's this shop selling underwear & towels just beside. Their nursing bras are good & cheap too~$13.50 each & they sell those small very soft cotton face towels for babies at $3.50 for 12.


what's the name of the herb..


i really hope my hubby will not kana cos he will not reject the offer becos of me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

good morning ladies!!

piggy, jia you jia you! you will really love it after waxing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my hubby will be in Dubai from 13 March - 21 March, that's worst right??? and i do not have anybody nearby to help me cos my own family is living in the east!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


so sorry arh... yesterday i reached ur office too late, but in the end i still have to wait for half an hour cos my hubby was in a meeting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

piggy: ya lor.. maybe can wash the clothings first.. just in case u due early....

avocado: so long never see u here.. how r u now? think it's okie to fix the table if u not in the house.... =P

st: you can try to buy 南杏北杏 and boil with orange peel. Do check with the chinese medicinal hall whether it's safe for pregnancy though... I've also taken the 海底椰止咳露 which works great whenever I have alot phlegm.

st: for western medicine, over the counter robitussin expectorant works for me too. I always get bad coughs so quite an expert. However, do check with the pharmacist whether the drug is safe for pregnancy.

Actually my gynae told me most over-the-counter drugs are safe as long as taken in the prescribed dosage cos these medication don't cross the placenta.


oh yes tt worse cos u will be heavily preg... but if i pop in March will be same case as u keke.. i was joking with my HB if he not ard i in labour how? he can still joke ask my son help me den shout push on his behalf-_-"""""


Sorry.. I can't remember the name.. Will ask my friend and get back to you..


No worries.. Aiyo wait for half an hour... poor thing... Actually my hb is quite used to waiting for me.. Hehe!! Sometimes things at work quite unpredictable.. I would think I can finish at this time but half way through might run into some problems and then jialat!! Hehe!!

Oh dear.. do you have any helper at home? You will be very big that time.. and plus caring for an active toddler is no joke!! Nowadays carrying my girl can be quite straining esp on days when my hips hurt like crazy..


Ya think about the positive side, at least it is in feb.. =)

Go for waxing lah.. Not as scary as you think it is.. =)


the problem is my phlegm only appear in the middle of the night especially if the weather is very cold...and morning and afternoon and night is fine


ya Feb but end Feb so quite siong also esp like wat u say caring for a toddler at the same time... n i jus check the calender it will be 2 wkend... hope my boi will be well behave...

tweety, hee.

cos i hv stalker friend in my prev thread. prefer not to comment too much in forum now.

tat time she kept asking what's my nick & i so stoopid to tell her. when i asked what's hers, she refused to tell me. then everytime she went to read my post.

my 1st pregnancy ma. i dunno anything. posted to ask the mummies in forum & friends who have experience. N she will comment 'aiyo u ask the mummies in forum liao why still ask us?' 'hey u go gathering with forum mummies huh? how? fun?'

cos my #1 was a breach baby. i just posted in forum hardly 10min, i rec'd call from another friend saying this stalker told her i hv to go for a c-sec izzit. u see irratiting anot??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ur hubby so funny... hahaha


i'm the only helper, no other helper [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i might request one of my sisters to move in with me during that week... but problem is she is in shift work, so if she kenna night shift, then i cham liao... hahaha


maybe u can get ur maid to stay with u this period till he is back


oh then how maybe u can someone to stay at ur place?

for me even i got help beside my hubby but i really hope he doesn't get to go overseas haha


alamak... go n create another a/c with a diff nick??? i also nv tell my friends my nick 1 ...


u know hor tt time i ask my sis move to my place when my HB away for a yr... den till i pop she still haven shift... anyway no pt askin her to move to my place cos she usu come back v late.. so if i need help she cant n cant ask her to help me with the chores so end up i stay on my own alone till i pop...


i most likely going for c-sect again this time round cos similar to my #1, this is also a big baby

during my #1, i went to calculate date/time but gynae didn't want to operate for me on the dates i chosen first, cos he said too early... so i chose another date given by the master which is 1 week later, but who knows my son came out 3 days before the date that i chose due to contraction...

for this pregnancy, i will still go back to the master to get the dates, whether the baby comes out as planned, i leave it to fate liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my master is actually a fengshui master, who is the father of a friend...


last time different cos when u preggie, u just have to take care of yourself... but now u have to take care of an active toddler...

if my sister really come to stay with me, it's more for helping with my naughty boy... hehehe


Ya ask your maid stay over.. can ask your maid follow you to GUG too.. if not very siong for you..


Oh!! Ya ask your sister.. Night shift not too bad.. My hb also do night shift like about 4 times a month.. the worst is weekend night shifts.. where I have to look after my girl for 2 whole days by myself.. cos 1st night work, 2nd day come back and he like zombie like that.. cannot ask him to take care also lar..


ok la at least ur sis can help my sis dun tink she can handle lo.. n she usu come home late no point also cos my boi sleep early keke.. actually i am more concern abt bringin my boi out la at home ok cos he can self entertain.. den wkend classes dun tink my maid can help cos her english cmi...

st: sounds like u've got a 'cold' cough. Part of the reason phlegm comes up at night is cos of the temperature (so drinking hot water b4 sleep may help & keep yourself warm) & also cos you're lying down then the phlegm not able to flow down properly.

If doesn't get any better, see a TCM doc.


then her bb had to be in hospital for awhile before can go home? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ya it's a cold cough but now it's more of the phlegm that irriaties the throat lor..took eng med liao still the same..TCM better?

Morning mummies!!!!

Feelin so hot today even air con blowing at me I can feel the warm think gng to fall sick soon. Sore throat n cough is killin me at nite. Can't slp at all by the time I slp is 3am n woke up wif eyes big big at 630am.

My lil bb is havin a party inside me. Always kick n move here n there. Mux b enjoyin inside while me xin ku tsk tsk tsk.


will b very xin ku for u esp u still bringing kyler for class durin weekend.


can booked first if try liao dun like den cancel mah if not wait try liao ok den wan booked full den panic...anyway i tink she shd be ok bah...


ya lo.. somemore so far... oh me too sweat middle of the nite even with the aircon on..

Hello me here again just now I busy

Avocado yes yes me at United Square on last Sunday because went to redeem the Ben and Jerry's ICe cream... Aiyo why never call me? hee hee

jtho: heehee I'm here.. but no topics of the day so I keep quiet also. haha. reading other threads and feeling a tad stressed over breastfeeding and (pretermed)delivery...><


nope. was just feeling very very tired and unwell today.. plus tummy abit sore, think bb kicking too hard inside..


lian rong bao for lunch??? enough meh?? or is it just an appetizer :p


dun stress dun stress... things will work out by itself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


take care!

for me, i sooooo no mood to work :p

now visiting BPs to do some online retail therapy... bought california baby products, some baby snacks, some mozzies patches and some plasters... hahaha



ya dun stress dun stress.. indeed breastfeedin is not easy so v impt not to stress urself too much...

aiyo me so sleepy now after lunch..

