(2011/04) Apr 2011

I'm looking forward to doing 3d scan! My next check up is 30 weeks don't know can do or not.. Most mothers do it at 32 weeks right? Want to see whether parsley looks like mini hubby or mini me. My friend's son looks like my friend 100%... super cute!!


round round tum tum.. So cute.. Hehe!! Don't worry so long as head circumference normal can still think of normal delivery.. So long as head can pass, whole body can pass.. Hehe!!

My girl at week 25 already about 850g.. And my dr told me to cut down on sugar liao.. Chiamz...

Pink Parsley is so cute wor... so long I dont have a proper bunny gal pic liao so hoping next week when we see her she will pose a nice pic for us....

parsley says: 大头大头,下雨不愁,别人有伞,我有大头!!


vivi- yes yes ask ur gynae to do a good one for you... i also haven't had a nice pic for weeks..my gynae kept on saying maybe next time can get better one =( so far this is the best pic.. the rest are like her tiny feet.. i think very bo liao leh I wanna see her face not her foot print!! *ROARRRR*

gerry: heh ur little princess also heavy weight like parsley... hahaha... how big was Lisa when she was born ah? Also the same weight as your #2 around now? I'm trying to estimate.. if Parsley goes above 3kg I'll probably go and C sect... too big I think i don't want to risk going thru natural...

Pink Provided bunny gal cooperates wor... somemore more is just the normal scan not 3d ....

Hmm I hate the bland taste that I am feeling now in my mouth.....

vivi- yah... true. Parsley also not cooperative last few times. gynae wanted to take front shot of her face then she uses her hands to cover here cover there.. dont know shy what... grr. Smack her backside next time then she knows. TSK TSK TSK :p

Take a sweet or go for afternoon drinks? I wanna have fruit juice now but my house is next to jungle and I'm too lazy to go out to get :p


oic hopefully parsley cooperative leh..my girl not cooperative leh...went all the way to NUH last fri did twice can't get a nice view went back yesterday again did 3 times also not nice view in the end we gave up quite disappointed..

ST: haiz... wah u went so many times and still cannot get a nice shot so cham. how long did the sonographer scanned for? So many times shld be able to get at least 1 good shot... Maybe ur girl also wants to keep the suspense don't wanna show you her cute cute face =)

Hmm every time when I tell bunny gal that mummy and daddy is going to see her so must pose nice pic she shy always hide.... I am going ti sue the same trick dont tell her and hope can catch a nice glimpse of her next week....

Yeah later going to find something to put in my mouth but then after the food is finished the bland feeling comes back... arrg....


around 15mins or so..the sonographer even try using the buzzer my girl also not fang ying..sigh..

last fri she the postion she is in very hard to take...yesterday she was facing down..so manage to take her hands her fingers and ear kekek..face side view..


Ya cut down sugars and carbs.. But I really have been trying but I end up hungry and thinking about food all the time leh.. Arghzz.. I am definitely eating less than #1 and yet the weight keeps piling!!


Ya lor gynae said my girl has quite a big tum tum like parlsey.. =)


Lisa during ultrasound was usually in the 60th-70th percentile in terms of weight.. but she came out at week 39 and weigh only 2.77kg.. Her growth slowed down quite significantly during the 3rd trimester.. Lisa was born light and is still light.. She never had multiple folds of meat in her arms and thighs wor.. Hehe!!


Dr said baby is on the heavier side... so a bit worried.. and I have already put on about 8-9kg liao.. And I still have another 14 more weeks to go.. She never tell me I am putting on too much weight leh.. but I am definitely putting on more than my #1.. =(


same as Gerry bb is above average..so gyane say if can cut then good leh


me too for both preg i need rice rice rice hahah


ahhh! my last scan week 26, bb 933g wor.. doc didn't say anything about my bb begining on heavier side or anything...

maybe take smaller meals?

gerry: i think hard to control...8-9kgs not so bad bah... mine also around there leh ;( and my gynae did say try to eat more meats and not so much carbs and sugary food too... He says Parsley's weight is ok, M sized...

heh Lisa wants to stay slim! :p


I have to take smaller meals nowadays too cos I feel really full and bloated.. Like what pink says.. eat more meats..


hehe!! Ya lor eat more proteins.. So sad.. I love my deserts and potatos!!

Now feeding lisa is such a chore.. She's the sort who cannot sit still... eat 1 scoop, will run round and round..


I like potatos and desert.. How??? Hehe!!


i am now at wk 28... actually the weight only agar nia... but if follow my #1 tink most prob his growth not goin to slow down... i tink parsley still too early to tell la cos their growth may slow down 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya i gave my boi yogurt daily n try to add cheese to his food... if not i really scare he lack of calcium wait short short haha...


usu now too early to tell ard wk 32 ur gynae will prob est ur bb birth weight[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] actually bb big or small got nothin to do with how much we eat but how much they absorb wor...

piggy- yah lor... i'm eating like a mouse now.. coz cannot digest... i don't know how she's going to grow fat... last nite i had 2 soon kuehs for dinner and i felt like my stomach was going to rip apart [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but in the morning I woke up and vomited gastric juice. Damn sian.

bubble tea!! koi!! =(( i can't drink coz i am sensitive to caffeine!! so sad!! I only get to indulge in Moss's iced milk tea once in awhile.. that one quite diluted so seems like it's ok for me...

Yum Yum Piggy I just had a chocolate bar... I hope my next visit gynae dont say that I need to reduce. But yesterday my father was commenting that I should not eat so much lest bunny gal very hard to come out....

Oh ya check with you all I realized my vivid dreams is coming back just like the first trimester, do you have this kind of experience?


Ya lor koi!! Yumzz... How to control.. I also need to end my meals with something sweet lor. And fruits aren't counted!! Haha!!

Give your boy more calcium.. But actually for height, I feel that the most impt time is puberty.. I was 1.58m tall when I was 12!! Then after I hit puberty, I didn't like to drink milk.. so stop growing leh..So must make sure when he is a teenager must drink more milk and exercise..


Dinner for me is also like that!! Eat a little, already feel like bursting but in the morning, like super hungry!! but not as bad as you, vomit gastric juice..

For me I will try to temp until the last week or else I think I will be very sian at home... I think I cannot stay still at home although tired la but better to stay at home...

Gerry: I thought so initially but then was thinking, if I were in the midst of something (eg: meeting) then how ah? Also quite jia lat to just 'put everything aside' then bye bye, i go 生孩子了!!

Some experienced mommies advised me to take 1 week before since technically anytime from 38 wks onwards high chance to pop liao. Then if nothing happens, take it as 1 last week of peace & quiet b4 e chaos!


hee maybe ur nex checkup Parsley will slow down cos u alr cut down alot esp ur mac keke...


i love chocolate too.. cannot dun eat oops...


i hope i can tahan till pop dn wan to worse ML.. if i unduce mayjus took 1-2day in advance... see how it goes...


yes i agree puberty but i feel tt now also impt leh cos i saw my friends kid those who still drnk alot of milk v tall even thou their solid in take lesser...


actually many of the 1st time mummy gave birth ard EDD or over due leh.. gynae can only agar nia v hard to say 1 my friend dilate 3cm but still waited 2wk be4 her bb decide to come out...... wat u can do is try to clear ur work near EDD den anytime u need to go at least no worries...



:D I really scared later bb too big cannot natural...


yeah. I realised smaller meals work better too! not so bloated after that... but i having problems sleeping at night..


but the absorb and grow more, not good mah?

