(2011/04) Apr 2011

Never really like to drink warm milk. For 1st preg, I dint even finish 1 small tin of Anmum. I dint have alot of weight gain (16kg) coz watched my diet like a hawk. This round, was thinking if drinking fresh or those high calcium milk is advisable since taking cold drinks isnt tat good. I think I'll put on more weight than before coz my diet is quite lax. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]



yup, my gal was huge. i gave birth to her during 37wks 5days. i managed to lose all my pregnancy weight. tat's y now abit of reluctant to put back e weight again. haha


my gal jux turn 1yr tis mth. Haix she always sleep so late but tis few day I very tired KO be4 her so hubby take care hehe.


ya ya my eyes oso already so small now getting smaller. Haix I miss my bed

during my #1 I can don slp always go out walk here n there but now I rather slp n don even wAn eat

kaira & Sharlin

ya, i had gestational diabetes during my 1st pregnancy... didn't detect any sugar in my urine, but baby was too big so gynae suspected GD and asked me to go for glucose test... took the test and BINGO, kenna GD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but luckily it was during 32nd or 33rd week that GD detected so only on diet for a very short period of time...

however, during my last pregnancy, i only put on around 10kg, but baby came out at 37 weeks 6 days weighing 3.91kg...

jeslyn, you're welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

same here, very very sleepy... came back from lunch, worst...

I haven't tried the similac milk powder. So far, I only drink HL milk for my breakfast. Is it okay?

I checked with my gynae regarding spotting. He said it is normal due to hormones changes. As long as I didn't see red spotting, I am fine. Till now I still have brown discharge.

kaira, yes im wking...i put my boy in IFC... my boy oso veri small wen i gave birth to him...onli 2.1kg born in 35 weeks... i put on a total of 13-15kg...

Sharlin ,

no wor my friend v tall yes the milk is fattening but I tink depend on ur body as well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I can't take milk so I took lotsa cheese .. Ur gal v big I am v petite n my boi at wk 38 was alr 3.1 kg n he gt big head end up vaccuum multiple tear damn painful..


hee u Also aug 09 mummy? No wonder ur Nick so familiar[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha ya playdate is gd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I nt seein him but gt few friend seein him he is popular cos cheap but I heard he alway c-sect to patient n long waitin time so I din go to him..


haha ya me frm Aug thread hehe.


my #1 I oso got it den I don even know wats tat when the nurse called me n tell me I cried n cried the whole day was so worry for the baby now I recalled back laughing at myself jux control diet would b ok donno y I cry

I haven even start my milk oh no. Was so not prepare lo. Till now I still can't believe I'm pregnant.

Hi mummies!

This thread is moving fast! I think my appetite seems to grow at night! Had my dinner at 7pm n now I feel like eating and yet I don't know what to eat.....

I get morning sickness and mine is really in the morning but so far, I don't puke. Have yet to find my comfort food and worst is, I don't feel like drinking water.Plain water turns me off now.Even my favourite pearl milk tea also seems to taste different. Sighz..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bet I'm carrying a girl but then I didn't c my embryo in my last gynae visit. I wonder if there're pregnancy with the sac but without embryo........

i've been puking a few times everyday... esp in the morning and at night... just had dinner at sakae sushi and everything went into the toilet bowl... sigh there goes my money =(


ya it like tt n if i remember correctly wk 8 is the peak.... bear with it ya... at least u can let it out for me sumtime the thing jus like stuckin my chest n throat more xin ku..


aiyo who told u tis mean u r carryin a gal:p u cant tell frm all the MS 1:p every preg diff even both ur preg same gender could also be diff.


yes yes i'm the 1 who came wif dolliepollie


woh so gd ur appetite grow mine gng down. take 3 spoon of rice full liao

yah me too, Sandy Dee. Can't eat much, feel like puking after eating a few mouthfuls. Everything looks appetizing to me but the thought of eating it and then throwing up turns me off...

Thanks for the advice piggytoh, I'll try to ren. How are you doing? Spotting/bleeding ok liao?


hee den i know which 1 is u alr:p


today no more bleedin but light spotin.. guess restin really helps:p u take care too i know not a gd feelin but tt is part of pregnancy tt y although i love bb but i hate pregnancy :p

yah piggytoh~~~ first one for me so i don't know how difficult it is!! I really respect you mothers for going thru it a few times.... !!


jus for ur info usu after wk 16 den the MS will sort of go away but in the last trim it might rtn wor.. for me my MS still ok.. till now no pke jus nausea but i dun enjoy bb kickin n last trim cos i am short when bb kick v uncomfortable lol~

Hi piggytoh,

duno leh,juz my own instinct that I'm carrying a girl! Haha. I had MS when I was having my girl but that time was lucky found my comfort food which is green apples.

I don't have any uncomfort or MS when I was having my boy and so this enforces my guess.

Hi sandy,

even thou my appetite is good but problem is I don't know what to eat to satisfy and most of d time I juz ignore it. It's kind of upsetting, want to eat and yet don't know what to eat to satisfy the crave for food. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


icic cos diff pattern may be same gender also:p i have many friends both preg v diff but same gender.. but i hope ur instinct is accurate den u can both:p

yeah... i can't imagine that feeling yet.. most pple describe it as a fluttering feeling =)

week 16!!!! cham.... 路途遥远 man...

Ask you... how do you girls differentiate btw MS and stomach flu? I can't tell the difference. Maybe I'm having stomach flu?

All mummies to be, we have to take good care of yourselves. Gambate! Our first trimester will be over soon. Mummies who have MS, maybe u can try to eat something that u like. Do chocolates or sweets help?

Hi piggy,

yeah diff preg diff patterns! Anyway my personal preference is girl! Haha. Girls r closer to mum n can doll up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


v fast 1 jia you... erm stomach flu?? i see my friend those who bad MS puke after every meal leh... so i doubt stomach flu but if u worried can call ur gynae n check:p


for me i dun mind another boy cos i got lotsa nice boy clothin can hand me down lol~ but boy or gal i am fine healthy more impt:p


yeah... but i dont know how MS really feels like mah so i'm just wondering lar. HAH nevermind shall not imagine too much.

Seems like i may lose some weight after all..in the first trimester... ur EDD shld be close to mine... also 6 weeks plus rite?


my EDD is 8 Apr[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya trim 1 is the best time to loose weight after tt gain gain gain... i alr loose 1 kg but now my appetite et better hope can loose more be4 i gain hha.. i alr aimin the cheesecake my HB get for me for my breakfast tml lol~~

I hope to have a girl... but heh anyway #1 will always be special...

Girls can wear alot of nice clothes!! Boys ah... i can save a lot of $$$ ... only buy jeans and shorts and tshirts... hahah


hahah u r wrong boy can buy alot too!! u know got 1 brand camoflage?? their shirt v cute even got adult version i esp like my HB n son to wear same clothin cos my son is a photocopy version of my HB lol~~~ n those tuxedo for boy sooo cute...


ya, boy can buy lots too!!! i already spent so much on my boy already. i buy in shopping centres, as well as online :p


Haha i agree with u.Camoflage got very nice clothes for boys aft hearing aug mummies talkin abt it i went n see reali change my mind.

*Envy* ur hb so gd haha tis time round my hb not gd nv treat me like a queen unlike when im havin #1


when i look at other ppl eat it look so appetizing but when my turn to eat is so yucks.


i cant even find any comfort food at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and nothin satisfy me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] am reali difficult to pacify.

Am 1 happy mum now! Eating Qing tang and red bean soup from redhill hawker centre.

D camoflage store can b found at vivo.Think jurong pt also got.

Anyway girls also can have same clothing with mummies, n even can have same hairband or clippies or even accessories like necklace or bracelets. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

There's another shop called Litmus at Central, Far East Plaza and Queensway that sells father n son shirts.There're also similar print dresses for girls.


haha Cos he scare I walk out to buy food so buy my gave food[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so u aimin for boi this time round?


or they have branches at vivo n jurong pt the adult version is call fresh box exactly the same v cute[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya gal also can saw some mother n daughter clothin v cute also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha I wanted a gal actuali altot my #1 is gal Liao. But hb wanted a boy n even thinking of twins cos both our side family got history for twins then I always tell him is immpossible de la think too much.


I went to the 1 at jurong pt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi, mind if i join? i tested positive on 17 aug. it was a very strong bfp when i was only 4 days late. doc scan showed 2 sacs. doc said possibility of twins. i was surprised of coz, twins doesn't run in my family. is it possible to have twins? but i m just being cautious for now n not too hopeful. twins or not, i will still be happy.

an_naaim, Hello and welcome.. Twins is not bad too.. U n ur husband need to do some planning.. When is ur LMP? I tested +ve on 15 Aug. But my gynae said she cant c anything.. Making me some worry..

andrea, my lmp is 20 jul, that makes me 4+ wks. when i went to gynae they did vaginal scan coz they said if do tummy scan still too small cant c anything. which scan did u do? maybe yours still too small also. but if there's no heavy bleeding or bad cramps, u shdnt worry.

an_naaim, my LMP was 12 Jul.. when u c gynae? Ur gynae is who? I did vaginal scan too.. Mayb I shall look for 2nd option. I got cramps on off but no spotting and bleeding..

hi all,

just wanted to update that I went for my 2nd scan yesterday (7+ wks), everything's going well. Saw the waterbag, yolk sac, embryo & strong heartbeat. Compared to the black dot of 2 wks ago, there's so much difference!!

So for all those who just tested BFP and anxious, most of the time, everything's OK so don't be TOO anxious & take good care of yourself!

andrea: my gynae is dr sadhana from kkh n i saw her on 18/8. today going again for 2nd beta blood test. yes, i think u shd get 2nd opinion since yr lmp is earlier than me, but anyhows, dont be too worried n stress yrself. it's probably there just that mayb the lil thing decided to hide or something.

andrea, dont worry.... i went to a gynae on e day i tested positive & he couldn't see anything too! Was worried sick for 4 days until I went to another gynae (my regular one) & saw a dot. Was back again yesterday after 2 wks & saw heartbeat etc.... dont worry!


trust me I know it's tough not to be super anxious & worried cos I went through exactly that & analysed what I'm feeling, read every book I could lay my hands on etc. But ultimately, like what my gynae said, being anxious won't speed things up. Need to chill & give the embryo time to develop.

Wow, the thread is running really fast!


haha, tat means i also have GD during my 1st pregnancy too since my gal is huge? haha. but luckily no complications etc. But u r luckily, didnt put on so much weight.


aiyo, ur boy head too big? is must be very pain 4 u? poor u! well, tink tat y mummies r e greatest in e world!


Welcome! Great to have twins!


Tink our EDD will be near as my LMP is on 13th July. But 4 me, till now still havent go n c gynae. hehe. waiting till 8 wks+ then c as tat's when i can hear the heartbeat. dnt worry too much. Certain times is maybe ur conceive timing is later eventhough ur LMP is on 12 July.

Morning gals..


be4 I tested +ve I dream tt I gt twin scare the hell out of me lol~


last time gt a gal also Dr Adrian I tink she can't see anything on 1st visit cos too early n also dr Adrian machine seem abit old dun worry so much u can always go to another gynae for a scan for a peace of mind[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


congrats n welcome.. Twin is gd but v stress so plannin is necessary n yes no history also gt chance to have twin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes v painful the dr dunno spend how long jus to stitch me after discharge I can't walk fast lo took ard 2 wk to feel better..

rene, at least I dun have spotting and bleeding, I think I consider myself safe.

Sharlin, I also think I ovulated late cos I tested ovulation from CD11-CD18 there wasnt any ovulation.. I was shocked when I saw the test kit. Gynae said maybe I ovulated super super late.

piggytoh, I didnt c Dr Adrian. I saw Dr Geraldine Tan. I was thinking him as 2nd opinon.

andrea: yeah i don't have any spotting or bleeding either. So i think just chill & let nature take its course. Unless you're high-risk (abv 35 yrs old, bleeding, severe cramps, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc) otherwise, really don't worry too much.



my Sis in law oso dream of twins n reali when she got preggy is twins. Yes sometime is quite scary cos donno can cope but so far I see my cousin n Sis in law coping very well I think mux haf some1 to help out

btw u jux start work wif ur new company haf u told them abt ur preggy?

I start work wif tis co for 1mth only donno how to say was telling hb to b prepare I will lost my job soon *haiz*


woh congrate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *happy happy*

