(2011/03) Mar 2011


must discard meh ?

i colored my hair & the 1st pump after that already in my boy's tummy & poo poo out liao .. haha


dunno leh .. very lazy ..

maybe bcoz there's restructuring & my previous job already handled by others ... my boss very nice, give me 1 wks to clear my inbox and watever lar .. i only start taking over my new role in mth end/early jun ...

my office very near AMK hub, if any mummy having lunch there (or having gathering) .. i confirm chiong to meet u all .. sibeh sian



u can de la ..

i also wear my heels le ... but when carry bb must be careful lor ..

guess it'd take sometimes for me to go into working mood ..

love more workload to keep me busy ... bian tai ..

Sinmey: wow, so good that ur boss is giving u some time to warm up at work. Enjoy it while it last... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

From the rumours that I heard from my colleagues recently, it seem like my boss already start piling up work at my desk and rubbing his hands in glee... I dun mind if the inital workload is heavy, but no-brainer type (if u get what i mean). Sweat when it's those problematic cases that I have to attend to on my 1st day back... 想了就头大 -_-"

Gathering at pixie house at jurong east on 13th may Friday,

Time: 11am

1. Allets

2. Won mummy

3. Jeslyn/Javier/Jayien

4. Annie/Javier

5. Rach/RY/RL/helper

6. Shirley/Jeannie

7. Chris/ Ethan

8. Jaster / Jovan

9. Jenni/ Vernice

10. may

11. 2ks

12. bubblypig

13. caecilia/cayli

14. Felina / Eden

15. Evelyn/Skye

just came back from PD, my son had his 6 in 1 jab le but rota gotta give him next mth.. my PD says that he is not taking the soy milk well too.. indigestion.. so now he has to be on a special milk.. Nestle Nutrition, Alfare. It's for infants with food intolerance.. it's a semi-elemental hypoallergenic formula and has special nucleotide mix..

feel damn bad about his stomach problem.. dunno whether is it my diet during pregnancy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope he can outgrown this problem next mth.. as for the blood in his poo.. PD says it's a tear in the anus ask me not to worry.. so now he has to stopped his soymilk le..

any mummies still have fenugreek to spare me?? i want to up my supply again for my boy.. think wanna let him drink total BM if possible..

Hazel, maybe u should give yr baby bm completely. No matter wat, bm is still the best. Better than all the special hypoallegenic formulas or soy milk. I dont think febm will cause wind leh, more like old wives tales. If scared then give yr bb fresh ebm? My baby also doesnt take formula too well... He will have difficulty sleeping due to indigestion i think.. But he doesnt have the same issue when he drinks ebm... So this mommy has a work extra hard at her moo moo career...

SN, ya agree with u.. after seeing him like that, i wanna up my supply liao.. dunno whether is it too late anot.. i tried taking the milkmaid tea during my confinement, doesnt works for me.. so now i wanna see if fenugreeks help a not.. those mummies who have spare fenugreek, let me know yah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and my diet gotta change too.. PD ask me not to take any milk products like fresh milk, ice cream etc.. big sacrifice but no choice rather than seeing him always in pain cos of the wind.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hug hug to u & bb ... don't blame yourself, i dun think it's related to the food intake during the pregnancy lar .. dun worry k .. he is in good hand & there's milk for hypoallergenic bb like him ... though bm still the best ... jiayou

rach...not the carters one lar..the one say ur 3 yrs married but now split into 3 that one... :p

i bought a few pieces liao thru my close frens at 25%....but still thinking of buying..only carters right..i fell like buying an overall from osh kosh..got 25%..that day saw raylynn wear nice...!!coz i tot overall only toddler wear not babies..

sinmey.agree lor..wat ever help is good..not help..LL lor

how's shay at IFC?


still not too late de .. saw some mummies bought the supplement from pharmacy to up the supply (can't remember the name liao). Maybe you can try that ?

Sinmey, Thanks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] shall go to GNC later to buy the fenugreek if the mummies dun hv spare one..

Hi Mummies!!

I'm melting in my hse... the weather is CMI...

Yday afternoon left BB with MIL and went to Orchard with hubby to walk walk feels so shiok... I also went to the GAP sales but sadly the items not as great liao cos they mix with GAP ladies but still manage to get 5 pcs hehe... and yday finally gotten my push gift+mother's day gift+advance anniversary gift = LV Bag... then went for Jap food at ION... feels so gd and happy!!

Hazel - Dun be sad, bb will be fine =)

sinmey - I also dun feel like gg back to work even thou I'm only gg bk in end June... last week, my manager already call to talk to me abt next term work plans liao.. wah piang....


Shay is okleh ..

only 1st day eye big big look around and not slept well .. came back from IFC over exhausted and KO at 7pm .. 2nd days onwards he's ok liao .. sleep & drink well .. seems bb is very easy to adapt to new environment than the older todd .. i underestimated him .. haha..

i'm the one who miss him lor ..

u buying carters again ? i think all Charmaine clothes can wear the most once/twice .. no chance to rotate since so many new one in the queue .. but we feel shiok to buy buy buy right ? i can totally understand .. haaa

sinmey...addiction leh...if the clothing heavily discounted..even more shiok..sigh...

Charmaine proa\bably my only daughter..so i better enjoy dressing her up...

u know last time when weyoung we play barbie doll n play dress up..same concept..ahahhaah


walao, ur manager too free is it ? talk now also we will forget in jz few mins ..

so nice leh, go pak to with hb .. got LV bag somemore.

jz told hb this morning that we should jz take a half day leave once a while to have our own time. Go for walk(shopping for me & he pay.. keke) & lunch at some nice restaurant, to have some talk without our little ones around .. small little plan that can blow away the stress/tireness of handling the monster ..


u so cute leh .. take Charmaine as your barbie doll .. she is cuter that that ok ? simply love her stylo hair ... agree with u, i also most time cannot tahan de, especially when it's discount after discount (-50% - 25% ..) worth it ma .. buy lor ... hahaha .. woman

Hazel, don't be sad, I don't think it's due to your diet during pregnancy. Stay positive and things will definitely get better.

Back at work today, I think there's a problem with using my maternity leave on monday and friday, very difficult to stay focus at work -_-

Any mummy using calendula cream?

My baby has got rashes at his cheek, super red red leh. I think when I latch him he turn left turn right then all the milk kana his cheeks then sometimes at night lazy to clean with cotton and water.

Can I clean with MP wipes?

Hazel, I have a bottle sitting in my fridge, got it from GNC. I can spare u some, don't waste money. U try and see how. But how I pass you ah? I'll be at raffles city this evening and staying at little india.

I also think breast milk is the best graded milk...

milk tea can use calendula on face..any where also can...i use for #1 n #2..i tink it works lor..once put not so red..even for diaper rash also can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

miracle cream!

sinmey - Ya lor after the phone call I can happily forget abt it liao lol... I think she no choice to call me cos another colleague also preggy and she is gg on ML likely end Aug so got to do covering...

Yday was so far the best 'Me-Day' ever since delivering.... thou only for like 4 hrs but it was gd enuf... the LV bag is he owe me one... cos initially chosen a burberry bag as my push gift but his fren din manage to buy for me in europe so end up buying LV yday... but is conmbine present lor...

You and your hubby shld take leave to unwind once in a while... I'm gg to do that when I'm back at work otherwise sure very stress up... weekend is family day so can only take leave during weekday to pak-tok...

jaime, thanks. Think I will buy one to try too.

Ther's cream and there's lotion.

Cream is better right?

Where you bought yours? I saw BP selling 4oz de.

milktea, my bb also has rashes few weeks back..quite bad kind...

my colleague recommend me to use Mustela face cream on her...

can see result next day de...now her skin as smooth as before...

i bought $19+ at kiddy palace...

highly recommended..hee hee

Milktea, i also using calendula cream for my #1 n #2. For my #2, she always have rashes on her cheek then i apply on her face after shower n normally the next day ok liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u can buy 2oz to try also.

btw buy the cream one cos texture thicker n it works better.

Hazel- I have a bottle too! Take only 3 than nv take Liao cos dun like e breast always got full full feeling than pump also not much increase .. U wan I can pass to u this fri if u going pixie house..

i use cream..lotion thinner..i swear by it..think when they have 4oz...i buy 4 oz liao...

last time i buy 2 oz coz no 4 oz..coz my #1 also use sometimes ...

sinmey..tt y i wanna cut short my ML..n keep some days for me time lor..

can i ask how come u never send shay to nanny instead?

coz now we toying the idea of senidng to nanny coz at this age ..only eat, sleep , poo, coo...nothing much lor..tot maybe next year i only send IFC..

then i wanna the nanny to cook dinner for my son lor..n pay extra..so tt i dont have to rush to cook dinner for him lor

normal tingkat food stil got msg mar..

what brand is the calendula cream?? n where to buy ah?

my bb has rashes opn her back due to regurgitated milk..... wanna try leh


cannot find a comfortable nanny leh .. it's very much depends on luck leh ... the available one at this moment near Sembawang area are not to my standard ... wan to bang wall after met few of them ..

i was still hoping that i can find one till 3 wks ago no choice gotta enroll him into IFC liao (my last resort).

it's not too bad after all .. confirm better that those nanny that i met in term of environment .. haha.. they got sing song, flash card time some more .. i'm quite ok with IFC till now..

oh ya, the IFC jz bought 2 new bumbo and a new Jumperoo ... maybe the current youngest infant is already 8mths old and the dun really have infant toy/stuff .. and now they have it liao after Shay enroll .. haha .. lucky him to have new toy .. coz i'm not buying the bulky jumperoo for sure .. & bumbo i also dun have ..

but of course a good nanny is a plus compare to IFC lar .. u got extra love & 1 to 1 attention. And they are more flexible in time & can cook for your boy (i dun mind paying for healthy homecook food for our todd) ... but good nanny is like good maid lor .. ke yu bu ke qiu ... your luck call ...

Candy thks, I think I will try out calendula cream since many rave about it.

Jaime, just realised 4oz oos, have to wait 3-4weeks -_-

Maybe I just get 2oz, baby's cheek super red, dun noe he pain or not. Poor thing.

blurjen, thanks!

dun buy from Watson, it is v ex lor. they selling 29.90 for the 2oz. or u all can buy from Rach, i think she is selling too.

Yo mummies if buying california bb pdts, can look for me coz my sis brings in directly from california bb n sell in sg...

I always grab lotions, creams frm her place

bubblypig, thanks, ya I saw the spree too but I think she dun hv readystock then i dun wan to wait for 3-4weeks of shipping.

Pixel, can buy from you this Fri at your place?

How much huh for 2oz and 4oz?


Aye she have ready stock...lemme check with her whats her blog addr...if cheaper, can order. If not cheaper then u gals can order frm spree...spree must wait mah


Cannot leh....

I dont stay near her, so i cant get the stocks frm her.. But i can let u try the lotion i have at home...if u like then u can try the smallest size tub of cream etc

pixel, ok nvm, let us hv her blogpage then can decide whether to buy from her.

Then agn if many of us getting, maybe can ask ur sis gv some discount so it wun be more ex than the BP.

