(2011/03) Mar 2011


My ss not gd, only enough for what Bb drink now. I didn't increase my ss during first month. Never pump regular. Only latch. So pump seldom used.

I'm planning to slowly cut down so pump will soon not b needed at all. So might as well plan to sell.

I plan to direct latch n slowly cut down after 3/4 month n move on to FM.





I'm arranging tmr delivery...

Please please let me know ur orders via PM by tonite...

Once I see it in time I'll let supplier know to add in....

Any enquiries on price, PM me...

4 colors available on limited stocks...

Pls send in

1st choice:

2nd choice:

Blue left 1...

The rest still have...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

butter8, don give up...

my supply is also good enuff for bb to drink...

but im happy liao..

and same like you,im not so hardworking in first mth...oni latching..

Mommy milk is still the best...try to give as long as you can...JIA YOU!

Rach, I whatsapp u the Naforye tray coz faster! I only want pink. If don't have then don't order for me le coz I dun like the rest of colours. Thank u!!

Pixie, the bp states 4 bundles @42, which meant 1 bundles Is 3 pkt, so 4 bundles = 4*(100*3)=1200 pcs. So if we 2 share, meant 6 pkt (2 bundles)each person lol.

Copied fr de wet wipes bp thread:

Posted on Wednesday, May 04, 2011 - 3:27 pm:       

Hi Dolliepollie,

4 bundles = 12 packs of 100pcs wipes @ $42. Technically each pack will be $3.50. But this BP min purchase is 4 bundles. So upon purchasing u will receive 12 packs of 100pcs wet wipes and FREE 4 packs of 10pcs tea tree oil wipes.

Expiry date will be 2013 which is 3 years from the manufacturing date.

Hope i clarify ur questions.

Pixie: spring maternity?

Ehh, maybe order food better la, if not alrdy mafan u in opening yr house up le den u still gotta cook like v troublesome leh.. Cos u gotta clean up aft we leave, so shudnt ma fan u anymore.. Jus order things den we can split e $$ n help clear up e bOxes n all .. =D else u cook gotta wash e dishes,. =X

Limlim, Chen n all: pacifier can b trained de.. It def is better den letting e child suck on fingers.. Today eve's boy kept crying n was telling her jus keep giving e pacifier, force n today she succeeded leh!! E boy suck pacifier n Zzzz... Hurray! Haha.. So shud try la if needed.. =) at least can quit better den hands, cannot quit unless u chop them off..=Pp

Jaime: me n eve stood dere n talk w the rest.. Hahaha! At least u got one.. heee, end up I bot pumpkin patch.. Too attractive liao cos I aimed fr quite long le. Haha..

Anw, good luck to yr night alone! U sure can do it!!

Allets: I'm sure yr hb din mean it.. Sometimes my hb does it too, scold my boy when he's upset w him.. N I will scold him back.. Den he'll feel bad n go play w my son or if he is really in e wrong.. I make my hb apologize to my son de.. Cos children also human leh, gt feelings also de ma.. =))

Angelia: hope yr headache's better! =)

Rach: haha, tts a good one.. We r like e pupsik/bjorn/manduca breastfeeding gang.

Oh my.. My stomach growlingggggggg..... Hungry.....


ok my apologies....eyes crossed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

too hot liao im sweating like crazy infront of laptop

where do you stay? are you coming to this fri gathering? how to pass you? yew tee is not far, not near from my place wor....lazy to self collect


my stomach growling since an hr ago but im sweating too much to stand up n walk ard...sure sweat more hhahaha

i will def order pizza

no worries about the cooking part, i got maid leh, thats the pros of having a maid. she wanna learn n experiment how to make shepherd's pie too, so if it turns out well she can make it for my family next time mah

kill many birds in 1 stone

Will I get PND ar? I actually hug my ger n cry so much tonight.. After hb fed ger, ger refuse to sleep.. He left ger lying on sofa n went to do his own things.. Said he v stress.. Than ger suddenly cry so badly I Also dunno why..than I got to pacify her .. Ask daddy carry her while I go settle my milk after my pump, he carried awhile only told me he got alot of things to do n ask me carry.. No choice I left ger on bed n went wash my pump.. Came into room, ger awake n daddy busy using laptop .. Think she too cold to sleep cozily.. Ask daddy swaddle her daddy can said he no time! Biang, ad I was swaddling her, I cried again! Cos she like so ke lian loh.. Carried her n while I was patting her to sleep, I was crying with back facing hb.. Than when hb finally done with laptop, he saw me crying n wanted to take over bb, I refused to let go n I told bb that even if daddy dun care about u, mummy is always there for u! Than no matter how he pacify me, I rEfused to let him carry bb.. He gave up n went watching tv..

I really btw Liao! Tonight is e worst nite I had so far.. I should b happy when hb return from work but instead I feel so stress n pressured loh! He mentioned house messy, bb clothes alot in e pail n he very sian to do all this.. Wat is he implying? Is it That I am not doing my job well as a wife? Arrgh!!!!

Pixie> hahah I anything... Dun mind to try ma... Since got free courier... But if u self collect then I take 1-2 Packs la...

Bt dun have I also ok... Cuz I got 1yr supply wipes at home...

Put up PIGEON WIPES on WTS le... Can sell sell.. Cannot sell then use Lo... Lol....

L3x> u mean u paid shipping or paid for sleep sheep??

I gotta check my excel sheet then know... Tmr I see got time to check before I go out or not... Else day after ok...

I also can't rem if I recorded u....

Can still order also cuz merchant still oos...

Only 8 arrived... Of the 26 I ordered...so...

Still gotta wait... And I happily tot they replenished stocks...

May> yah any NTUC also got sell MP wipes.... On sales will be 3 for $8.95 or something like that... I wait till sales then buy...

Last week saw NTUC gt sales... But I have many at home still... Lol....

Annie> yes yes.. Last pink tray for u...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Naforye Parent Tray - left 1 green..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pixie: win liao lo, im like u... stay in my aircon rm w the 2 monsters..n i lied on bed to use iphone, jus refusing to step out to e living rm.. but my tummy growled so loud tt it can b heard v clearly in tt silent rm..hahahaa..

oh ya! i forgot u got maid..=.= envy, now i feel like having a maid to do all the hsework.. i jus fin hanging my laundry lo.. HOT!!!!!...

allets:don cry..hugsss.. u shud talk to yr hb lo.. maybe he really had things to do, but still he shud offer help.. when my hb says hes too tired, i always will shoot him : i tink im more tired den u right? looking aft 2 monsters, u only go work wad.. i go for battles everyday leh! den he'll keep quiet lo, but so far, he hasnt said anyting much, cos he knows its really nt easy handling kiddos. hmm, i tink hes jus like any other guys.. cant be bothered w kids.. only wanna play w kids when they r in good mood, when they cry they jus wanna stay out of it..or jus move away frm tt plc..

let him know tt u r all alone taking care of yr bb, n u need some own space n time to keep anity too.. tts y u go out w frens to unwind sometimes.. n housework always comes last when u haf kids..tell him if he sian to do all dose, den dont do it.. u will, but he is nt allowed to complain of messy..cos u do the job n u haf the right to choose when u wanna do it.. chill chill k, don think so much.. *patpat*

allets: talk abt housework.. u see i nowadays throw laundry in washing maching b4 gg into rm with the 2 boys.. den while its washing, i make them slp.. den aft they slp, ill b out hanging them.. tts y i normally slps at 1am earliest.hahaha.. but sometimes i do it in the noon when they napping also lo..

Pixie> old navy??? Cheapest Lo... Cannot buy locally la... Will die... Kill ppl put fire de....

One pants from Spring Maternity $69.90!!!!

I can buy 3x ON... lol..

I stay near to JP. Yeah, will com tis Friday gathering, my initial friday plan hav been Chg.

So, the wipes will delivered by tis Friday? U get 2 or 3 pkts? Rach get 4, n I get 5 or 6, depends how many pkts u want.

Hi mummies, when our Bb starts solid food, will u all bring cooked warm food like porridge, etc when u all bring Bb go out? If so, what kind of thermal flask/container u all intend to buy (or already bought) to use? I thought the thermos n Foogo food jar is quite ideal for it n has ordered from Rach since it's cheaper to get from her. I like thermos design but ordered the foogo instead since it's BPA free! Anybody interested faster place your order with her.

mummies, looks like i gotta give this coming gathering a miss again.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] not feeling well, got sight flu and dry throat.. :/

tmr im bringing my son for his 2nd mth jab.. i got a lot of qn for the dr man.. my boy wind problem still not yet gone and i tried to give him total soy milk instead of the frozen bm cos some says the frozen bm might also cause wind for the bb.. who knows after giving 1 day of isomil, his poo gt a lil of blood lor.. give me a shock man.. i seek advice from my BIL friend whom is a PD, he said might be a tear in the anus.. if the problem still persist then better bring him c doc

i then switch back to giving him BM n foruma at night only, his next poo dun hv blood le.. but today, i saw a lil bit of blood in his poo.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so damn worried man.. dunno whether is it the soy milk that doesnt suits him or wat.. but i have started giving him this soy milk ever since the last check up at PD.. haiz.. hope nothing serious.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Rach, yeah I got the last pink tray! Thanks thanks!!

Oh, if u know NTUC got promo for MP wipes can share with us (or inform me) coz I wanna stock up MP wipes too! Hear u say until so good I wanna try it too! I already bought a travel pack to try.

Lilprecious, agreed with u - pacifier can wean it off but fingers cannot chop off n it's really smelly to keep sucking the fingers!!

Pixie, I dun mind any food but can I suggest having Koi as well? Wahaha... Just kidding coz Koi no delivery. How I wish they have! Drink during this hot weather is damn shiok!!

Allets> totally understand... My hb also scolded RY when she cried non stop and he couldn't pacify her...

When RY vomited on me, I just let her be.. Then go toilet and all bathe.. At home ma... Nvm.. If outside I'll scream la....

But hb... He came out from bathing... RY puke all over him...

He give the WA LAO... look... Stand there dunno what to do... Then I said faster bring her to toilet la....

So men are really men... Can't expect too much... If happen to have a good one... Can only say fortunate....

Have to learn to 看开... But certain issues still need be settled....

Hazel> aiyo... Take care ah... Drink more water and have more rest!!!

Check with ur PD what's wrong ba....

Ur boy will be fine soon...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's 10th May!

3 years ago,, I signed on the dotted line to give away my life.... Lol...

And 3yrs later... My life's been split into 3...

Now I'm sleeping with 2 princesses on my left n right...

And hb still not back from work.... Hur hur hur....

Pauline: ur maid misses her family or wat?? think they realy weird lor.. knowing that they have to part their family to come here n work, they stil cannot adapt to it.. think sometimes it's just nonsense.. mine also say we treat her good but just wanna go back.. DUH..


u say share the 4 bundles rite

so I will get 2 n share with rach. You will get 2

Unless u want to buy another set of 4 bundles then u will get 6 bundles. Like that then I rather I pay u the $$ than the other way round. Wat say u?


u sure last week got mp wet wipes offer? Coz I remember dun have. Only diapers. Cos my wet wipes running out soon n I wait neck long for the mp wipes to drop price again leh. I dun want then offer. Want then Bo offer puiz

Hazel, yah man...now I told her to think carefully and let me know if she wants to go back...seriously I don't mind lor...rather than stay here and keep crying...btw you give formula? maybe is constipation?...they said constipation stool can be watery also...Anyway, I'm also not very sure so you really need to seek PD's advice already...take care ok!

Pixie, if u n Rach share bundles if 2 (6 pkts), then I will get de remaining bundles of 2(6 pkts). So u want me order? Pls cfm as think the thread to end today.

Hazel: don't worry too much, go see pd then see how..

Think once/twice with blood should be ok.. Cos perhaps he used too much strength when pooing..

Rach: happy anniversary to u!!

Rach, totally agree men are just men. My hubby oso same like urs. When bb vomit, he will black face. For me, I more worried abt is e bb ok than to fuss over e mess! My hubby cannot stand messiness. My Jaelyn always got scolded for dirtying e floor or throwing her toys around. But kids r like that what?! Can't expect her to just sit around whole day do nothing rite? They mess up when they r playing & exploring ma... 男人!


heng i dun have aircon at home, else i think sure high pUB bills

i think this mth PUB rubbing their hands in glee coz everyone blasting aircon


yes, you just trf $21 to me....i scared forget during fri meetup

posb savings 036-21780-4

Carters 25% sale

mummies who wanna order... Please go to


Please PM ME:


#1. Item Name:






Total up ur orders x 0.75 x 1.30 and TT to me direct okie...

I've no more spare cash to order first... So


PLEASE DON'T ASK ME TO CHECK AND CONFIRM cuz I also no time to do that and I usually wont tabulate till shipment arrives... So... U just add up and TT me whatever u think is correct... Any shortfall/surplus of a few cents/bucks is okay... There's still shipping to offset later, okay?

I'm going out soon.. And guess no phone for me today.. So by the time I reply u and u take further action will be time delayed also...

I will reply to all emails when I get to PC.. probably tmr morning/afternoon...

So as long as u send in ur orders with payment by tonite, I'll order everything one shot tmr...

I've already ordered Batch 1 yesterday afternoon...

So those who sent me later yest will all be ordered tmr....

Please rem to indicate color as many tend to forget.. Even if it's only 1 color.. Just to be sure there's no mistake..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks all...

addlet...just dont give a damn...i just ignore my hubby the whole nite if he give me stupid statement..

rACH,,,happy anniversary ..i like ur post!!!

pauline...tot thhe maid is trf from ur aunty one..also got problem?

Allets- I don no how to realli console u but I can onli say that u have to work realli hard to talk to your hub to make the whole thing work;)

If he is those that canno listen- find someone that he can listen to such as mil or bro? To pass the message to him;)

To me- feeling stress, frustrated- is not the rite way to pass down to our bb / children as they grow older;)

Like I say; u nid or every woman nid something to kao San!

For me- is still my mil or his god parent if ever my hub piss me off badly

Jaime> u like which post? The one above urs?? Lol...

Pixie,2k> last week got sales at NTUC AMK hub... I went, saw, but didn't grab any cuz still many at home Lo....

The bebe wet wipes> I'm getting 3 packs from pixie... Just wanna try.. If any 2 other mummies wanna try also, I can sell u 1 pack each..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jaime: hi 5. I also ignore my hub when he pissed me off.. Refused to talk to him... Usually he will give in... Lol

I also realized koi the contents varies, sometimes nice sometimes diluted..

2nd day at work .. 1 word, SIANS ...

cannot online shop Carters (maybe lunch hour) & FB ... & i not use to pump in office ..


hmm, i really not expect any contribution from them liao ..

Though he agrees to 'in-charge' my girl while i take care bb. I still take it as my responsibility for all jobs .. So watever small little thing that he helps (like shower my girl, feed bb once a while, even take the empty bottle to soak(nvr wash de lor) i take it as bonus ... think this way make me happier..

They dun help nvr mind .. can do i do, cannot do then i do later ..

sinmey, u make me wana delay my return to the office... sigh!

airmez, rebonded when i bf my gal 2 yrs ago, i didn't discard any of my pump lei.


Chen: thanks for ur reply! i'm also going back to work next week... sibei sianz, dunno still can balance on high heels or noy sia. At home w bb sianz, go to work also sianz... How i wish can just pack up and go for a relaxing tour.

