(2011/03) Mar 2011


Your can email this lady, Jackline, ask her if she still got babyspa voucher a not...

She's the one who posted my $10 babyspa voucher to me...

I suspect she's an employee or those supervisor of babyspa lor... Doesn't kill to try, hee hee, can save $10...

Her email: [email protected]

Confirmed this lady work in babyspa one lor..

I went to Mummysg forum, she posted SO MANY TIMES wanting to give away $10 babyspa vouchers...

She sent one to my house, FOC... Never ask for P&H fee also...



My ger since born always rotate clockwise when she sleep leh.. What i mean is, she kick kick and move move until when time for feed, always discover that she has turned 45 to 90 deg clockwise, hahaha...


Wah, your ah boy handsome leh... I vote for the one on the left, hahaha...

limlim: 2nd one. and im going robinson sales tom 1030am sharp, at centrept one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cae, then I'll prob see u there! Lol

I'm gg after dropping ah boy to sch then gg again in afternoon w butter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And my hb is away until Saturday nw.. thank god for My maid!

She seems quite good n says my house the work v easy compared to her old house. Lol

Very proactive but since my habits n her old employers habits diff must b patient lor. Eg: must tell her nt to carry bb n sway n pat.. I leave bb to cry a while then just carry, no swaying etc

BUT my no 1 is MORE clingy! Even diaper I must change! Tells me he is 'shy of new aunty'!! But thankfully henplaya w her n can eat snack w her too so I get a midday break to bond w my princess!

Matched gal, your cot v big huh, got space to rotate 90 degrees? Haha, seems like yr gal fast learner, since birth can kick n punch until whole body rotate! Is she sleeping now? Since afternoon didnt sleep?

KOI lovers, i think caffeine does have an effect on my baby leh. I just recalled tt the night my bb kept waking up was the day i drank KOI... oopss... But the effect not as bad as ya kun coffee.... Sigh... I love KOI, coffeebean etccc, seems like really cannot drink liao.. Else i suffer at night...

Fel: I hv n was planning to give them to lilprecious.. Mayb can pass u one at pixie hse [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My girl only uses Nuk wide neck so these are washed n sterilised n kept in cupboard! Lol

Heh..... 2nd one it shall be! I shall go and ask ard who can help me change to white background.

I think his ears are more 'balanced' in the 2nd pic. Lolzz

thanks ladies... angelia has passed me her sacred tea.. gonna try it out.. ya at least i know wat probem he has now.. :/ hope he can outgrown it asap..

who is gg to the robinson sales??

Moshi ladies, long long day. Today is the `1st time i dragged my pumping session by almost 12hrs due to work commitment! OMG, the feeling is terrible!!!

Sinmey/2k- Can do it at my place, friday mrn/noon. I dun work on friday but got dinner apt on most of the friday wif my BGG. But i shld be gg to US for a wk end of the mth. So maybe 20 May. ANy north side mummies wan to join us can come along. Xiao Fei Zhu, Cythnia, Candy, Bubblypig, hazel????

Wa, so many Bb same pattern as my boy! Need to swaddle at night if not cannot sleep long coz his hands always move abt! N if move too much will puke milk out! He also doesn't like to sleep on bed in the day, only sleep in swing in day and okay to sleep on bed at night.

Pixie, I wanna learn ur diy swaddle too! Fri u can conduct lesson on that le, haha!

Milktea, fri I wanna ask u abt pumping at work thing!

Cae, u make me feel like going to the Robinson sales at centerpoint Tmr too, although I dunno what to buy, haha... Hubby says sun bring me go expo Robinson sales walk walk

pixel, wah swaddle liao still can chgn diaper without unswaddle? Gd stuff, I wana learn!

Act I very lazy, din wan to learn how to swaddle baby from my confinement lady, bought those swaddle with velco de.

But at nite need to chgn diaper very mafan, coz baby will wkup and diff to mk him slp liao.

SN, this fri also my first time bringing bb on my own, like you no confident leh but since its a gathering at home, I think will be a better start.

Plus 2Ks and pixel said wun leave me to die. Haha..

And I just got my bjorn today!! And my Skiphop diaperbag =)

Act all the equipment ready liao, now only left with hands-on, bring him out. Haha..

Cme lah jump in cab then at pixel there, the others will help u de confirmed!

But I cant coz I need to save myself. Hee..

Hi mummies, I'm back!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Out since 11plus.. Went to 313... Hb bought TWO iPads... FAINT!!!!! one for himself and the other supposedly for me... But likely for RY more... She can play all her apps with it..

Too heavy for me to check forum and emails with it.. Lol....

Had lunch at 313 and then to FLYER!!

1st time there.. Ok la.. But $30 per ticket... Very exp ah....

Then to my bridal studio... MBR... (My Bridal Room) chit chat with the bosses and staff there... Show them our new princess....(anyone else here by any chance are MBR brides???[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

Then to bugis... Had dinner... Cold storage for groceries and back home...

120emails..... Haha.... And plenty of whatsapp.... keke...

Had each a cup bubble tea at Flyer.. RY took a few sips... And she JUST fell asleep.. Must be the caffeine man...

No more sips for her next time!!!!

Quite an ok day la... If only hb is so nice everyday... That's all I ask....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

California baby... I spree too... If anyone wants.. Let me know..

I have some items ready stocks...

- 19oz Calming Shampoo

- calming hair conditioner

- calming everyday lotion

Calendula cream just sold to mummies who PM me today...

New stocks arriving in 2-3 weeks.. So those not hurry can preorder with me...

I'll try to search for cheaper lobangs so that it can be overall cheaper for everyone and if u know of any overseas reputable sites, let me know.. I'll order from there too..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding Calendula Cream... Personally I prefer Aloe vera cream to CC... seems more effective for RY...

I used both anyway... For different purpose... But I've used 3-4tubs AV but still on my 1st tub of CC since RY's born.. Lol...


any mummies finishing ur tubes, pls order in advance hor..

3 weeks waiting time..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, I'm still on my 1st tube for RL... more than 1/2 left still...

And I use almost every diaper change... Think can last me 5-6mos a tube..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I've replenished stocks.. If anyone interested... Let me know..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Still have 3x lavender cream left also..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

limlim, I vote for the one on the left, maybe it.s not to near so the face features looks clearer, handzome boy! keekee..

Annie, ok fri we discuss, see can come up with a perfect pumping at work solution.

I plan to get another fridge to go that can go into my workbag. The one I bought from Rach can be use when out with Hubby on weekends.

bbrabbit, 12hours!!! OMG!

Btw, gathering at your plc I wana join too if you all not planning to meet super early kind. And after this fri if I still think I am ok to bring bb out on my own. Heh..

Rach, ipad 1 or 2?

How much?

I thinking of buying one for Hubby.

Dun noe to get 1 or 2 depending on the price diff.

White is chio chio loh. Heehee..

lilprecious: my main aims are to get facial and bath products and some clothes for myself. i will pop by the kids department see what i need. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinky - thank you... tht's very nice of you...

my baby need to learn to use "thin" bottles in order to fit 3-4 bottles in ftg to Ifc for him to drink...

see you on friday... =)

Fel> to answer ur question yest... Hubby sleeps on tilam on the floor..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milktea> no more ipad 1 le... Unless u can buy frm some ulu shops... All apple stores no longer carries them... It's sort of discontinued le...

Mine is 32gb, nOn 3G.. $798..

And so far I heard from sales person... Today's the 4th launch...

Each time they launch, it goes OOS in a few hrs...

They opened at 10am... Long long queue like snake....

Hubby queued at 11plus... By the time his turn.. Left non 3G... By the time we left the shop abt 12Plus... Left a few black sets... No more white...

We managed to get 1x black & 1xwhite... Wanted 2 whites also dun have Lo...

So unless u very Heng go down when there's launch or u heck apple store daily for new release... Else not so easy to own one also..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rach - My desitin creamy only left like 15-20% nia lei...

How u use to last 5-6 months sia... My baby only turning 10weeks old and the tube is almost gone... haha...


The baby spa hor, need to bring own swim diaper and towel?

They don't provide towel??

Fel> towels they have but prefer u bring ur own....

Swim diapers they charge $3 each... So if u buy own brig is cheaper...

I'll confirm my presence nearer the date... Nex so far... And u have a babyspa just at NORTHPOINT Lo.... Lol....

Fel> Desitin only need a bit... RY is 20mos... She has only used 4tubes... Her current tube is finishing and I started using before my helper came... That's bEfore Dec 10... So confirm is 5-6mos...lol....

RL is now 10weeks... And I foresee can still use for another 3-4mos...

If u need, email me hor...

Rach - If the rest wanna go babyspa at Northpoint also can... Just that some said NEX one is newer and more tubs??? I'm not sure lei....

I still got three more tubes of Desitin.. just Got two from you when we went to your house the other time... =) i think i use too much... haha... will definitely get from u again next time...

Milktea, hahaha! Funny huh, u need to save yourself first hehe. Seems like the only way to bring bb out alone is to have a sling/ bjorn hor? Hmmm

Hey mummies, i rem reading one month ago, some of u mentioned abt a type of pillow for bb to have nice head shape. What pillow is it huh?

For the first time, just now, my bb rejected the bottle n kept turning his head towards my boob! How can that be? He has been bottle fed more times than breastfed leh... Maybe he is just cranky at night... Now my mom trying to feed instead.

My ger bum bum still quite red despite applying blue desitin or calendula cream leh.. Will try e purple one when I go my mum house later.. If it helps, maybe get a tube from rach to standby ..

Milktea/sn- dun worry so much abt bringing bb out.. Bring bb out once u get hands on v easily Liao.. Like now for me, brin her out got diaper bag n stroller, just hop onto cab n reach destination Liao.. Feed bb befor going out so that on journey wun b cranky..

Fel and all

- the $10 vouchers- either she is a member who just signed up the package or what.

So if she sent to you- see her voucher if there is a number- that is her member no. If u sign up package, she will be entitle to free swim @1 again;)

- she still work it out worthit ma since she can save alot

- baby spa-

Diaper is $1.50 if member. $2 for non member

- must use huggies swim wear- u can bring your own one;)

-$3 diaper is for the big pool- normally 1st timer won't be in big pool

- towel- yes they have if u don want to bring your.

Their towels are all clean up;) so no worry either

- just bring $ and pamper, cream to change bb;)

Allets, do u still have sling to carry bb in addition to stroller? My stroller is 5-7kg, difficult to deploy with one hand...

Rach, download Cooking Dash on ipad. V fun! Can destress haha.. I was playing it during one last two weeks prior to delivery... Think maybe the excitment/stress of the game also led to my bb coming out at 38 weeks oopss.


Gd mrn ladies!! Busy day ahead

Hazel/Milktea- I will send out more detail that week.

Milktea- Ya,took a cab hme after work just to pump ASAP, almost 800ml within 10min, i nearly faint.

Rara- Ipad2!!! I also wann. DH getting, but not for me, he said for my ger....STUPIDO...so young why need IPAD2

Linda- I super jealous lor, push pressie 2!!! I still got 5kg to lose my push pressie 2!!!

Limlim- I like the 2nd photo also. U reminded me tt i better bring my ger to make her passport fast!! Mite bring her to HK wif me for my biz trip, DH look after while i work. Any mummies can advise me if HK safe for bb? I know year end HK trip is out for sure as it is the flu season in HK.

