(2011/03) Mar 2011

First of all, u all need to have a rough idea what california bb products are about n the range...

Go to www.californiababy.com...zoom into what u r keen in so that i know how many items you all need...at most i can get her to courier to my pl but u all share the courier cost? Few buck i think

sinmey, most of the reviews seems to tell that cream is better wor.

I think rash is common but mine hor, very very red at his cheeks, I heartpain leh, dun noe he painful or not. That's why wana try the cream after reading all the rave reviews.

Previously got my calendula cream from e WTS thread.. Her cream is cheaper than e spree price n she has ready stock.. Plus postage is less than $17 for 2oz..Can try searching from wts thread..or u Pm me I give u her email add..

Xiaofeizhu, push gift is delivery gift ah?? Wah any other mommies here got push gift also?! Envy leh!!!!

Hazel, papaya+fish bone soup works according to the old folks, but i hate the fishy smell.... Also if u pump every 2 hrs or pump after u latch each time, supply will increase de!

Milktea, my bb had rashes on his cheeks when he was 1-2weeks old... I just left them alone cos afraid to apply anything to his face. The rashes just heal by themselves leh.

blurjen, u r right, Rach has readystock for calendula cream too.


For 4oz, I think her stock coming in next week or the week after.


My sis will courier to me foc if orders hit $120

She will give u "return customer" prices, and te price will be cheaper than those published on the website...

Please pm me your orders, then i will check with her the discounted amount n reply u accordingly.

The catch is, she needs to have all orders received by tmr night, so that she can pack the stuff on wed night, and courier will pickup frm her place on thur morning, to deliver to my place by thur night, so that fri mummies can rcv th stuff at my place

Pm me, 不要害我!

SN - Yup, push gift is delivery gift... quite a lot of mummies here also have push gifts and they receive it very early during their pregnancy keke... mine is small case liao... others' gift even more goody goody!!

SN, I think mine is not the normal heat rashes that baby have leh. I think mine is more bcoz when I latch him, he left right left right bua-ing the milk and saliva at his cheeks.

Coz when he stay with my MIL - bottlefeed, his cheek not so jialat de.

Help!! I going to pengsan liaoz... Whole day trying to make baby sleep, but she not sleeping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

End up i doze off on the daybed, but she still talking to herself in the playpen... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](( tonight prepare for wayang liaoz...

I also used calendula cream.. My favorite..

I like the smell too..

Jaime: Charmaine is a super model lor... I think she need to go out more often.. Lol

Hi hi,

Any Mummies here intend to let go of your pre-loved babyplus, please let me know as I am very keen to get it.


Matched girl, hahaha at least she can entertain herswlf by talking to herself leh... At least she doesnt cry to make u carry.

Milktea, my bb also always have milk all over his mouth n cheeks.. I just clean with towel or tissue... Only clean with cotton when he bathes... Lazy me

Xiaofeizhu, i didnt get any push gift!!! I shall demand for a belated one! Hmph!


So xian... She cries when overtired, but i cant seem to successfully make her sleep well... Duno y... Gg to put her on swing now... Give up!!

Cream is better la.. Lotion won't stay on the face.. I love the calendula cream lo

Pixie: or can get your Sis to pass the cream to me on thurs night then I can bring on Friday..

My Hubby drives the car to kl leh otherwise I can go over and collect for u all..

Sinmey: wow! Shay so lucky to have new toys..

Great to hear that he is coping well.. How about u? Tired bor??

matched gal, at least ur gal can entertain herself in the playpen mah. Mine hor, kicks and punches, so much so that he puke all his milk then I got to change for him.

@ 4.30am LOH! -_-

SN, I usually will wipe off the milk ard his mouth and cheeks, but Hubby thinks I should use cotton with water.

But at 4.30am, really sianz to do so many things, just wana latch and fast fast go back slp leh =(


tired ar .. not enough sleep lor .. gotta wake up early .. but no need to take care bb lar. Only stay in aircon office with work .. bored yet cannot sleep ... torturing though .. haha

i'm getting into the momentum soon. thinking of having the morning pump in office since i reach office early. Then i can wake up slightly later .. haha

when is our gathering ? i counted & cfm have leave to join the gathering once a while .. just take a half day to chiong .. haha

pixel, I think difficult to hit ur sis's minimum coz sinmey and tres not going to the gathering at your plc this fri.

Push gift, I until now haven get mine loh =(

then bought a diaper bag for him. KNS.

2Ks - Wana ask you, do you bring bb's tutu to IFC? If yes, need to label the tutu? The tutu cover?

matched_gal - Initially I also dun have cos hubby dun believe in this prezzie thingy, then I keep on bugging him abt it then he see my delivery wound so jia liat plus breastfeed until so xin ku so he bought me the present hehe... so can also say I use my sweat and blood to exchange lol...


Eh, usually i wrap her at nite to ensure she doesnt move too much at nite...u wan to try dat? Hahaha... Now she calling me... Mmmmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm... And start crying now... Brb...


i brought bb tutu to IFC ... but they nvr use leh ..

they wont use it if unnecessary .. i nvr label coz i think nobody else having tutu there ... haha

think u need to label the tutu & cover .. it's like everything u need to label ..

Matched gal, eh i gave up long ago, during the day, i just put him on stationary swing. I dunno what is so nice abt sleeping in the swing but he can sleep EXTREMELY well inside lor!!! Like 3-4hrs! If on the bed, max 1hr, he will be calling for attention liao. I wonder is it cos the seat is cradle shaped so it provides a sense of security? N he doesnt mind the swing nit swinging! Hahaha! He just loves the seat. At least i have sone free time in the day to nap etc when he is asleep in the swing. At night then put him on bed.. I hope he doesnt one day reject the bed!

I just whatsapped my hb abt the push gift. He said didnt know got such thing and asked me wat i want. Haha!

Regarding tutu, some experts (think it was some book i read) think that it's better to suck the fist than tutu... Cos tutu might cause nipple confusion... Mommies who alr intro-ed tutu, ur babies still ok w latching?

SN, at least ur bb can last 3 hrs in the swing. ha ha mine can only stay in the swing for 30mins to 1 hr but can sleep 2 hrs on my arm when sleeping with me. hai... so tiring

Milktea, seems tt yr bb got golden skin hor, sensitive to milk... Mine also kicks n punches n raises his backside whenever he is abt to wake up haha! I video-ed it to show him next time.

Sinmey: hv to confirm a Friday and wait for bbrabit.. Maybe her house? She bought the biggest size mat..

Ya hor maybe pump in office easier hor?

U gave me the idea, maybe I pump in car since Hubby will be sending me go work..

Next month my turn to go back work... My leave will be keep for those emergency cases like didi sick..

Xiaofeizhu: usually the teachers will remove the cover and put in bag. U need a pacifier clip, to clip at their clothes..

Up to u to label or not.. U got buy the tiny pencil labels right?

I m thinking of quitting didi pacifier next month.. Let's c how..

SN: I heard from many that weaning off from tutu easier than fist leh..

Mine ok with tutu, no nipple confusion and ok with bottle too.. My #1 also ok with above..

Hiccuping now after drinking...


Mine cant sleep long in swing, same as jenocn... Mine worse... At most 30min... Most of the time awake in swing looking here n there... Duno c wat...


Hahahaha... I sweat and blood two kiddos liao, but no push gift... So sad...


Yah, our hubbies wooden block lah... Never buy us gifts...

matched gal, I also swaddle him at night, but he kick and punch kick and punch until evrything loosen. Not that I din swaddle tight enough leh. It's just a matter of time, swaddle super tight = takes him longer to free himself. haha..

SN, you not joining the gathering at pixel house this friday ah?

Then can let the babies compete in their kicks and punches. LOL.

Hazel, can try to pump & latch more frequently to increase supply. Can try taking Domperidone also. It's supposed to work better after 4 weeks post-delivery, but needs prescription.

Milktea, everytime i see msges on gatherings, im v tempted to go but im not confident of bringing bb out on my own leh. I dun have bjorn etc, so must carry in arms n 1 person cannot handle stroller haha. Yah, can have a kick-punch-grunt-stare contest!

Matched gal, if u leave her girl in the swing to look here look there, wat happens after that? Will she cry or just continue to look here and there? If she doesnt cry, then just leave her inside? Hehe.. I think most men r wooden blocks, wont think of giving push gifts on their own accord... Nvm 我厚脸皮, so i asked for it just now. Oops haha.

Blurjen, haha, mine can also sleep forever in my arms. Does yrs sleep easily on the bed? Mine doesnt like the bed in the day. Thank God, at night still ok with bed.

2ks, oh i see... Haha good to know no nipple confusion! I will still try to stay off tutu for as long as possible. Right now he only sucks his fist when he is hungry haha.

Hazel: don b upset, don think it's yr fault la.. Anw, at least u know wads e prob now ya.. I think u try to up e number of latches n pumps lo.. Slowly u will see e increase de..

SN, mine can only sleep on her cot at night so still nt tat bad. But I am hopefully she can sleep on e swing during her afternoon nap but only last for a while lor sian...

U dun Hav sling to bring Ur bb out?


I have to swaddle my bb at night, i use linen to do half swaddle, i teach u on fri...my diy way, her hands cannot escape, and its more cooling, and can change diapers at night without unswaddling her...best thing is she cannot escape coz i use safety pin to pin it in place....evil huh

Babyspa - Baby swimming @ NEX

Date: 18 may

Time: 11am

Either babies swim first then mummies have lunch or vice versa.

1. Felina/ Eden

2. Caecillia/ Cayli

3. Jaime/ charmaine

4. Jeslyn/ Jayien

5. Shirley/ Jeannie


Mine wakey will cry if stationary swing, but if swing still moving, she continue look here n there, lol...


I usually leave here there until she cry until v cham :p. Or i distract her with toys when she on swing and cry not too cham...Otherwise my arms n shoulders cant take it leh...


Wah, i want to learn also...! But i tink if i use safety pin, next morning my nappy cloth sure got one hole, hahaha... My ger also like to struggle and rotate clockwise at nite one...

Blurjen, i dun have sling to bring out baby leh.. Haiz, dunno should buy bjorn etc or not. Now, whenever go out, i will carry baby in e car then reach destination liao, hb will set up the stroller then bb goes in. If he cries then one person carry bb, one person push empty stroller haha.

Matched gal, ur gal now already rotate when sleeping?! So fast!

Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 - 7:50 pm:       

Babyspa - Baby swimming @ NEX

Date: 18 may

Time: 11am

Either babies swim first then mummies have lunch or vice versa.

1. Felina/ Eden

2. Caecillia/ Cayli

3. Jaime/ charmaine

4. Jeslyn/ Jayien

5. Shirley/ Jeannie

6. Linda/ Clara

The water nid to warm up at least 20 mins. The tub is onli ready to use at 11.40 onwards.


Which one looks nicer for his passport pic ?? Pls vote. Thanks. Lolzz.

