(2011/03) Mar 2011

Jojo> BP seller my fren... I bought a few times frm her until I broke liaoz... Now back to sunsilk!! Lol....

Honestly, I dunno got effect or not... I always wonder if dun use issit will drop more.... I can't tell diff myself la....

Mummies, help help!! Desperate Liao.. I woke up 3am to find alot of painful lumps. I tried latching, pumping for an hr and then intervals, use hot towel all no use. Who else u can recommend? I worried caz e lumps starting to make my breast abit out of shape.. So urgent help needed

My hairstylist recommended Nioxin. Can b bought at neighborhood salon. I found it at the salon near my hse. The person say Follizin, same company as Nioxin, is better. It's like the improved version. Using for sometime Liao. Still dro but definitely not as much. More controlled. It's $30+/$40.

Limlim: partly why I don't give juice too.. Anyway those bottled drinks not nice one lor... I tried it

Aaa: it should come with battery pack.. My set comes with it. Otherwise u can try checking with their agent. The service centre is at Toh guan..

Babybride, I also happen once recently, mus keep pumping n lacting if not it gonna b infected. Mine was quite serious. I went to mount A to see LC n was refer to breast specialist instead. U can try the LC at mount A. They are really nice.

2k, yup at suntec. Any reviews or feedback on the teachers, principle etc?? I intent to put near my working place n looks like it's the only center around. It's better to b near work place rather than home right? Coz might b late to pick up if near home. The center looks clean but it's still very new. My bb is quite difficult to handle as he dun wanna b bottle feed. He is too use to lactating. I m training him now, now he will cry till sleep then dreamfeed with bottle. So I m worried if they r able to handle him. Advise advise needed.. Should I train him at home till he is taking bottle before sending him to CC or let the teachers handle? I dun have much time too coz returning to work soon. N I heard the later I put him more difficult coz he might also b firmiliar to faces ady. So vex that I went to see PD about it. PD only say he is too smart n I have to b patient. Haiz.. My two boys is a headache.

Rach: ya lo.. Very expensive. If need to use long term, my pocket is going to have a big hole.

Joc, limlim: Nioxin? Ok.. I'll go take a look

I heard Ba Wang helps. Anyone got experience?

Hi mummies,

Am thinking to buy walker/activity table for my boy ...not sure worth buying....need ur advise..thanks



2nd pic i used to hv... But the baby need to be steady in walking.. I sold it off eventually cos my floor is quite slippery.. Scared he fall down..

Do u collect the huggies stamps? One of the item to exchange when collect 30 stamps is elc activity table..

Now i headache... I sold away my rainforest jumperoo Ma... Yday itchy backside went toys r us and there is this precious planet jumperoo to try... And kiefer so enjoy lor, can sit there quietly...

My hubby wanna buy... I damn hesitate can.. Very ex leh!!

morning ladies,

how is everyone doing? I am still pumpimg milk, depleting as the days go..bb very cute..

just wondering if anyone did a "timetable" of introducing solid? wanted to know what you ladies introduce to bb day by day..

Morning mummies!!

Bb turns 6 mos today. Finally reach the half mark. Glad that I'm able to bf him till 6 mths. Although it's not tbf now, it's still the very best I can give him. Thanks all mummies for the support n help given here.

Happy 6 months to all Mar 11 cuties!!

ST, if ur friend going to London mothercare then buy from there, it's half the price here leh. my bro's gf bought one for my gal too... it's pink color de. for i think GBP26.99 only, sg sell more than 100 leh.

2ks, if kiefer like then buy lor... but hor, i think bb always like new toys de lor. jus need to see how long they'll be interested in their new toy only.

I think this is my worst month ss drop like nobody's business. menses supposed to be due on the 3rd, 2days before 3rd ss alr drop abt 20ml per pump. last time used to pump 1.3liters a day, yesterday only pump 1liter. dam sian, wonder when the stupid thing come. i wan my ss back sob sob [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

How to make bb drink more water?

I've always give Eden water... But everytime, he suckle 1-2 times, realize it's water and he will start crying and spit the teat out?

How how how?? Now start solids already i'm really worried about constipation? SHould i feed him water using spoon? Force feed him with water using syringe?

zenia: its $300 leh...but hubby think its worth spending as long as he can sit still inside..

u know last friday i alone taking care both, and i was feeding kyler, and this kiefer can cry for 30 mins leh! he cant self entertain...very sian..

this bb very hard to take care la...now then i know kyler is an angel..

fel: use the spoon to feed water...

spoon will be better than syringe..

i start feeding water after 1 month old, so didi no reject usually..he loves his water as much as his milk...

2k - Sian... I also started feeding him water around 1-1.5 months old... but this silly boy just doesn't like water...


I am no better. my AF really came.. ss continue to drop further. take fenugreek also useless - in fact, i wonder if it has caused it to drop further!

sigh... been a week since ss drop liao.. have been supplementing with febm.. fresh ss is not enough to cover her demand and i am left with a few packs of febm only. boo hoo...

mummies with bb who has eczema,

my bb seemed to have itchy scalp.. always scratching her head and pull her hair..

1. Do you give bb the anti-itch medicine on long term?

2. What shampoo do you use for your bb?

2ks u oredi go the leapfrog exersaucer...stil need another one :p

tot one exersaucer should do the trick of entertain the bb for some time oredi...coz function wise is the same..

Hi ladies,

Can you pls advise do we need to start give bb water once he/she starts cereal and FM? In the past, when my boy is on total BM, nurse told me dun need to give water, but now I'm supplementing him with FM and cereal, so will like to seek advise here. Thanks!

2k - yest we add a little gripe water in to his water bottle lo... He suckle a little, cry, suckle a little cry again... got teeny weeny bit of improvement...

But hor, will adding gripe water into plain water, cause him to further reject plain water?

Since gripe water is sweet... This morning discuss with the IFC teacher, she advise against adding gripe water...

Personally im quite ok la.. but just scare next time he totally plain water then i die...

jaime: the prob is exersaucer he cant jump....

and he was pretty amazed by the jumperoo lor..

sucks la..i like the exersaucer more than the jumperoo lor...

i dont wanna buy again lor...sickening..

airmez: i been giving my boy water even though he is on bm...

fel: u try and see got taste or not...to me i think not much difference..

u try using spoon to feed first

Last time when my grandma 1st started giving Lucien water, he likes it. But there was one period of time, he also suckle a bit and make noise like boycotting the water. Now he's okie liao.

2ks...the one i have .i see my girl "bouncing"

so i tot its the same as "jumping"

so i quite happy with my cheap buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

even though its quite space consuming..my mum like it lor...coz she "dump" her in..wont make much noise n confirm safe lor

jaime: that is the problem lor..i like the exersaucer too...but he hates it

i wanted something where i can dump him in and can do my things..

he can cry and eh for half an hour lor...CANNOT self entertain..damn sucks la...

borrow bumbo from my sis, he also hates it..


My Shay is an angel compare to my girl ..

Me took care of both also last friday and my hair all up by the time my hb back from work .. Lucky the part time maid was there till 3pm, else i go toilet also stress.

u bought exersaucer & K dun like ? I nvr buy any lor .. Shay's IFC got exersaucer so i din buy. Jumperoo, i nvr let him try also. But he confirm love to jump. My hand is a manual jumperoo for him. Whenever i carry him up straight, he will bounce like a Duracell Rabbit .. My hand is getting more muscular liao ..

sinmey: my kiefer is a devil compared to kyler lor..

she was there from 8am to 3pm???? thats very long leh...

mine is also a rabbit la...let him jump until i got to apply "counterpain" at night can...

at least yr hub around at night...that day i suay suay my hub company d & d..he came home only at 3am...

and suay suay i had fever on thur and LS on friday...

so can imagine?? almost dead...

wow 2Ks, you let Kiefer cry / eheheh for 30 mins, pei fu leh! I seriously can't stand bb crying and wringing for like 10 mins lor.

tres: power rite? i immune to his crying already...just hubby cant stand it..

i bo bian leh, me alone, then i feeding korkor eating...then if attend to him, then kor kor food will turn cold and he eat damn slow..

so disruptive..

so i let him cry then i faster feed korkor..

very cham la..

must go master one hand carry one hand feed, but he like a worm leh...he will wriggle wriggle.

Tres> RL can cry one hour ok... She will scream until I carry her... And u all heard her crying kind... Non stop one hour....

When I carry = off the crying switch....

If I'm out, she will cry till I'm home....

I'm also immune... It's hubby cannot stand....

2Ks, haha i just rented precious planet jumperoo!! hahaha...

Zenia, friend just back from UK. think no chance to buy from mothercare UK. The activity table & the push walker are selling @ $69.95 (Toys R Us)...think I will get either one for my boy ....

Sinmey: Duracell Bunny ...LoL


Yalor, i got so much for her to clean .. haha

walao, i can imagine lor, so weak liao some more take care both for such long hour ..

But but but ... u made it though ... good job

seriously, i also cannot tahan bb cry for long .. i'll go depress man. Kyler can eat himself ? I put Shay on the rocker (only 10 mins then he start to eheheh liao), then i let him flip & crawl on mat, till he cannot tahan he will crawl to me, give me the pitiful look asking me to carry. He can grab my top and try to climb/stand up now .. but of course his leg still not so strong yet ..


i'll carry my girl only she behave/no cry. So she kind of know that cry doesn't work .. Though sometime she still whine, but we will only listen to her when she stop crying and talk to me properly.

Think i'll go crazy.. dunno y, i'll feel very depress when i hear them cry for too long ..


your sunblock is here, i am weighing your stuff so that can let u know total amount.

i fly off tonight so if you want me to post them out today u must tt me asap yah

Sinmey> yup RY's temper and tantrum dun work on me too...

I always ask her to stop and talk to me...

Not whine....

I just get irritated if she continues somemore I'll whip out the cane....

But RL dunno how to talk to me leh...

If I just dun carry she will cry till hoarse, face red etc...


She knows mummy loves her most....

Can't fault them... All they want is their mummy... Nothing wrong with that... Just that mummy suffers only.... LOl..

ST: my hubby refused to rent...i said why dont rent for a month...then at least clear away from the space...

i dont want my house to be in a mess lor..after having the babies..my house is getting messier..

sinmey: kyler will eat very very slow...i feed him also need 30mins leh..if he eat himself, think 9pm also dunno can finish or not...

and the most important is, i dont wanna clear the mess create from self feeding YET, esp when i am alone...

ya lor...last thurs i still bring didi go jab alone...then climb the staircase...then carry him until aching ok...

counterpain was my best friend last week!

i told my hubby and he tell me what u know, he said "u will be awarded in due time"...pui

rach: i immuned too...they cry i can continue to do my things, then later i happy then i attend to them..LOL..

but when hubby around cannot la...he will nag and nag, he said headache...so i try to attend to them first lor..

the ifc teachers always console me, said they will outgrown this period one, ask me to ren...

St> just saw ur pix... I think leapfrog has a very nice activity table... Was tempted to buy but helper said all similar

Music to my already many existing toys at home leh...

So I dint... Haha....

The vtech walker is good... I had a pink one from subscribing to Young Parents last yr at MS fair...

2k> same... I can ignore until someone else coming or if Outside ppl can't stand it... At home, she can cry all she wants till I'm done with my things...

But hubby home diff thing... Need to run to them at first

Whine else I get it... Sigh....

Nowadays I need to nap with RL too... Once I unlatch and gets up... She wakes up.... >.<""""

