(2011/03) Mar 2011

Chen: shouldn't be right.. I fold my parklon when mopping the crease will go away by the same day.. Even I fold up and keep for 2 months bring down le the crease go away quite fast too

Don't tell me dwingular material so different? I haven't fold it yet it's still roll up and keep in box after the gathering that day..



Finally seeing more bb going to IFC .. & Shay already in IFC for 1 mth liao ..

I nvr bring bib leh, only hankies.. For bedsheet & blanket, i bring back home to wash on friday. Others like hankies, clothes, towel are daily bring back de ..

2Ks: ya hor.. but din expect have to wait so long. Somemore oredi place order, so have to stick to it. Din wan to buy too many extras, cos dun think my moo moo career is tat fantastic.

Therefore, 左等,右等,等到花儿也谢了。。


Pooh bear, ya loh, same for me. I find pumping gives me better control of my time.... N these few days he has been in fussy mode... I dare not latch during this period... I rem every mth he has a fussy period of a few days..

2ks, ur description is so funny haha "feel like boxing him"..

Aiyoh, my bb has been crying super loudly.... Wah lao damn pekchek!!!!!! Feed milk also dun want, diaper also not dirty... Pat him to sleep also dun want..... Then it doesnt help when my dad kept saying must b diaper dirty, wah lao, i just checked loh!!! Sometimes i wish my dad n mom can just keeo quiet n not add on to my pek chek ness what with a screaming bb

2ks, ya lor, tats why thinking if it's the same for the rest of the brands. The crease line doesnt go away for my mat. Many days liao. Sobs!


OK. hopefully yours arrive by Sat. If not yr finger will be v tired to keep hv to "tu" that hole. hahaha!!!

Panda: yalor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mmm... why din hear any ladies having problems with their medela soft fit breast shields huh? Mine lasted less than a month, will start to thin out and tear. Is the problem lies with me (too rough) or is the breast shield too delicate?

AirMez, my soft fit also lasted for a month before it went out of shape. Have been using personal fit for 18 mths for my #1 & 2 mths plus for my #2.

Mummies , where did u all buy the LG/parklon mat from ? My bb gg 3mth Liao I tink I shall get one...but I oso got budget leh

Mummies, wait for mi.. I might wan buy e books too.. But now gotto settle bb first then my own lunch then I on lappy surf k..


Can totally understand your frustration w ur parents. Mine's like that too. The moment when my baby cries out loud, they will always chap. Dunno if it's my son or theirs. My mom tends to take my baby away from me when he is crying. Even when I say I can handle. Maybe they still dun trust me as an adult or a mom.

Makes me feel very discouraged. Like am I doing a bad job?!

Sher, yah, the old folks cannot stand baby crying...they get super kan chiong and kept suggesting the reason to the crying....

royalchoc, hahahah yah i do that too! just now i told my dad, I already checked his diapers liao lar....grrr

Airmez, how come your shields will have a hole huh? hahah....I have been using mine for almost 3 months...ok leh... but personalfit, how to ensure you get the right size?

Airmez> the new softfit is much thicker.. i think can last longer.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chen> even LG also have crease lines that doesnt go away.. i seen it with my own eyes...

my dwin doesnt have crease lines and how u fold?? u press flat flat like fold paper ah?

if its just like a U then it should be fine... somemore urs is a new piece ma....

My mat was put below a double deck bed before.. when i took it out for the 1st outing, there was a "hole" where the ALGO 4 tier drawer's wheels rested on it.. now its popped up liaoz.. no more pit...

the weight of the bed plus my maid sleeping on it also had dented in borders all ard the mat...cuz the bed smaller than the mat...now the lines also no more le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u fold for very long ma??

my bed was on the mat for 5mos... and after removing it since the first gathering... in... April...the lines gets lighter and lighter everyday...now just very faint lines.... but was glad the pit hole caused by wheels is no longer there..that was a deep deep "hole".... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hand Blender.

I dun have 1 during my #1, coz i only start her on puree after 6 mths .. Only the beginning stage, i use my normal blender to blend the fruit after steam. after 1-2 mth i just steam the fruit & mashed it with spoon nia .. nvr blend.

Now, not sure if i should get a hand blender since my current blender if use to blend onion/ginger .. since i might use it for very short period. Also, beside blend puree, wat can i use the hand blender for ? must make sure i make full use og the blender b4 i buy, else hb will keep nag nag nag, say buy liao nvr use ...


My bb too had fever after her 5in1+pneumoccocal+rotavirus... norm if got fever then it'll happen abt 7-8hrs aft jab... first time my hb kanjiong, keep asking me to give med... so i give. aft 6hrs fever back again cos med timing over liao. this time round i decide to sponge her only. I wet a hanky and put on her forehead, then remove and re-wet the hanky again. i will put the hanky for 10mins and repeat abt 3 times, then maybe once in a while use water to wipe her whole body making sure that i wet the back of her ear, armpits and grone area. norm fever will subside liao. put ur bb in a cool ventilated place fever will subside faster also. then u observe, take temp every hour just to be sure. and temp better take on both side of their ear, see which side is higher, use the higher temp side as a reference for taking temp cos my gal one side ear temp measured is 0.5deg lower than the other (maybe becos of the construction of the ear is different) if fever still nv subside then give med. the fever will last 48hrs max... mine subsided in 24hrs.

Some old ppl say give med right after jab will help to bring down their temp. but I asked the polyclinic nurse, she say better don give med first, see how they react to the jab before doing anything.

dont be too kanjoing lar, if they happen to have fever, then it'll be a low grade fever (i.e. <37.7deg) as long as u monitor closely then wont have prob liao.

chen> ah.. do u mean u open close open close everyday for mopping or like once a week kind?? but a few days a bit long also....

ask sourduck, fel they all... they have the same mats.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

royalchoc> u can get Dwinguler from me if u want.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think SN also wanna get... if got min 3-5pcs.. i can ship in.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

check www.dwinguler.com


i have one more set of softfit at home, if u wan u can have it first. when urs arrive then send it to me lor... pm me if u need k?

Allets: the pd prescribe u motilum n Zantac is it? I had to gif my boy that too fr his reflux last time. I understand hw u feel dear.. It's very tough w a refluxy baby who screams at the sight of milk.. Remind urself tt it'll b over soon once their stomach valve is ok. Cuz now it's painful fr them when the milk flows back up.

But yeah.., I used to get so frustrated. Don't feed 3 hrly now.. try small feeds per 1-2 hrs. Dint force her to finish milk etc. At 4 mths my son was still taking only 120 every 2 hrs. Very tiring to feed so often n each time still scream. But it went away at ard 20 weeks.

Can always pm or text me if u need to vent k! Hughug!!


any of ur BB experience 'wet wet' feet and hands??? my BB's feet/hand recently very wet.. lots of sweat lei.. but cold cold de.. i give him sock to wear but still cold cold n wet wet de.. but his other parts of the body okie... onli hand and feet are like that.. i search online, it said is becoz BB lack of calcium... izzit that true??? wat should i give my BB to eat??? Can any mummies help me...

Hi Mummies!!

Got a sensitive qn to ask... how is the procedure if suffer M/C at ard 3-4 mths preggie? Need any op or just need to rest at home? Apprently heard from my MIL that my SIL had M/C yday... I'm concern and curious at the same time but dun dare to ask...

xiaofeizhu: Last time I heard from an ex colleague who had M/C also need to do 'confinement' . But I dunno to what extent la.

xiaofeizhu: i also heard that M/C need to do a minor confinment, but the confinement not like us, 30-40 days.. how many days and how to do... i not very sure wor...

limlim/Fish - ic... thanks...

Now I'm very worried, not sure if you mummies still rem previously I rant abt my SIL not happy that my bb name had the same last chinese character as her? Although I already changed my bb name back then before bb shower... now I very scare that she will blame us for this episode haiz... Thou it was nv our intention nor our fault for having the same character but I feel as her family was very upset abt the name and being very very x 1000 pantang people I seriously think they will blame us... si bei sianz at the thought of it... want to show concern also dunno people will be happy or not... and becos of the name thingy she has not attended my bb shower ( her husband came and say that their boy is sick - I give the benefit of doubt cos no one will wanna curse own children), even when we met at PIL hse, she has not even come forward to take a look at my bb nor carry her before...

Xiaofeizhu: normally 3-4 months pregnant need to go for a procedure to cleanse it.. If I m not wrong it's called d&c,

After that need to do a mini confinement..

Erm.. Its quite sensitive on your side.. How about do it this way? Buy some herbal stuff and ask Hubby to pass to his brother or pass to your pil and ask to pass to her..

Whether she appreciate or not, at least u do your part u know.. If she still take it to heart, then it's her problem not yours.. Nobody wants that to happen..

Like me I m eldest sil, my youngest sil also pregnant, i apps her congrats she no reply, apps her other thing she also no reply... Majiam I m talking to a wall.. My mil told me never mind, as long I got show my concern, it's fine.. Just do what I think it's right

SN: It's not really a hole, it's more of a tear (at the soft area). So everytime, i need to 'tu' my finger at the tear, so as to have suction for the nipple to go deep into the funnel, then nei neis will be giap tight tight to pump out milk. Haha.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for the size, i checked website loh. I use 'M' size for soft fit, and i ordered the same size for personal fit. I used up 2 sets of soft fit breast shields within 2-3 mths. Sibei jialat.

Rach: Thicker soft fit this round? Mmm, let me try out the personal fit 1st bah, since already ordered. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zenia: Thanks for your offer!! But i ordered personal fit this round, not soft fit. Anyway, thanks again!

rach, LG's one also like tat ah? I just gently fold up for mopping or not using lor, like u mentioned 'U' shape. Hmm, if it's normal then ok la, just abit heart pain, cos new mat. haha.

Fish, my bb also got sweaty palms and feet lei, always cold when I touch. Really lack of calcium? I'm taking calcium pills for my breastmilk liao lei. Or maybe genetic, cos my hub also sweaty palms.

xiaofeizhu, no la. They'll be ok once the episode is over. There's every reason to blame for if they're angry or upset. No worries!

2Ks - Yup indeed its very sensitive... my hubby ask me to go visit her on sat, then I say if MIL is gg then I go otherwise I dun want... I will get her some chix essence to bu, not sure what other herbs to get... being eldest SIL zhen ming ku, I can truly understand how you feel... alot of times the wei qu can only keep inside... lucky my PIL also understand her pattern otherwise I sure very sad...

Chen - I think very hard... cos she really like make it until bad blood kind... worst is we been very very good friends for 15 years before marrying to the twin brothers... things start to change when we had discussion of marriage... then slowly become worst see each other also nv talk much liao...

OLD NAVY 25% sales..

Ends tomorrow 12pm.. BUt i only got time to do it tonite...

so if keen, please send me by 11pm tonite.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Item Name:




Alt if OOS:


TOtal x 0.75 x 1.32


ya, 2Ks suggestion is good, buy some herbal stuffs and ask ur hubby to pass it to his brother, at least u n ur SIL no need see each other face to face but u do show some concern to them that u also feel sad for them losing their BB... they appericiate or not is up to them, but u do ur part already...


ur BB also ya? yes... i google it and it said BB lack of calcium that why they have this sweaty palms and feets and always cold cold de!! u taking wat calcium pills? izzit okie for breastfeeding de??? my mother said she wana to my boy to the garden every morning n evening to let my boy absorb some sunlight and it also helps to get more calcium, but i dono it reli helps or not lei!!!

fish, i'm taking clacium pills since preggy days, frm gynae de. Safe for lactating mums also. Thought sunlight is vitamin D lei. Jayden on partial or TBF?

Fish: Maybe you can let ur mum give it a try. I heard that though sunlight does not literally 'give' calcium. It activates Vitamin D in our body which in turn, helps in the regulation of calcium of the body (or calcium absorption). Anyway, it's always good to go out and have a stroll to 呼吸新鲜空气, instead of always cooping up at home.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chen> u want my CL??

whatsapp me if u need... not sure she booked for nov or not..cuz my fren's fren dunno call her or not.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fish - yes very drama indeed... I always tot being good friends then family will make our bond stronger... but I'm terribly wrong... this does not happen when jealousy and pettiness kick in... all that has happened makes me realise that for the 15 over years I did not understand her at all... I must have been blind all these while... you know, during my ROM 2 years back, I still rem she called me and say I nv call and invite her.. which is not true when my hubby already called the brother and invited her... then after which when I already confirmed my banquet and customary date she quickly go and booked banquet, changed her wedding date and have her wedding 3 mths before me... there is so much more things that she has said and done to hurt us but she claimed that she and her hubby always have to take the humble pie! During the chinese name issue, she made a fuss on FB and one of her close fren make so much comments when she is just an outsider and curse my bb while she nv defended anything and agree in silent on the cursing and the comments continue and continue... there are so much more stories that I can write about...

Sorry for the ranting, everything just seems to gush up at the thought of it now...

Xiaofeizhu: if Its me, I get something more ex besides chicken essence.. Cos she seems to be so sensitive, I rather buy something more ex to "bribe" abit..

After all in same family very ugly.. Hv to be fake abit also Bo bian cos dun wanna let Hubby in diff position too..

Whether she accept or not, u as da Sao do yr part le...

The petty one will be her instead..

Fish, my bb also got sweaty palms...all along I tot is becaz Hubby also sweaty palm so bb same.. Really lack of calcium? Oops.

Xiaofeizhu, think for mc, better to see gynae for a scan to make sure no remaining tissues left in the womb... If there r still remaining tissues, need to do a procedure called D&C to clean out the womb.. Not too sure... JuSt making a guess here..

Royalchoc, lets order the dwinguler together! I wanna get the dinoland mat.

2Ks - Guess get another box of birdnest from EYS also... da sao this 2 words very hard ar... like you say just have to fake myself for their sake... moreover she nv even once call me da sao (not that I mind) but even on my wedding, as junior she nv even serve me and hubby tea lor becos of something something her family says...

xiaofeizhu83, 人比人,气死人!!we cant control ppl's mind, they always have their own way of saying, she don appericiate the long years relationship with u, forget it... but in the end, she is still ur SIL, consider a family..so.. dont take her behaviour n words too seriously... 以平常心来对待她!!i think after sometime u will feel better and relief...

babybride, Chen,

my parent did search the reason for having sweaty palms n feet, the answer is due to lack of calcium, and the website suggest that we mummies to take more calcium so that our BM can provide enough BM for the BB, but chen has been taking calcium all the way, her BB still having this issue, i'm abit confuse le wor!!!

Chen, i'm on partial, day time give him BM and nite time give him FM...



my bb also got sweaty feet and palm leh... i taut is inherited fr me de... but then, last time i went to see tcm, the tcm sinseh say it's becos liver is heaty tt y got sweaty leh... if i try to eat less heaty stuff then my hands less sweaty lor. not sure if it's lack of calcium though...


my friend m/c when she's 4mths preg last time. she went to clinic for procedure and did a 30day confinement like wat we did, cannot wash hair and got eat tonic stuffs also.

